The MisAdventures of the Nell...

By kimorahsmith679

848 7 4

This is inspired by @Blueberry_Sundae2115, but my version. More

Material Girl
Mom, Am I ugly?
I lost my son
Uhh... I can explain
You're adopted
Let me in

A dead person

65 1 0
By kimorahsmith679

Flora and Allan was in the living room standing next to a dead person lying on the ground with no hands.


"Flora! There is a dead person in our house!" Allan said with a shocked face.

"Oh! Hey! How did he get there?" Flora replied.

"Flora! What did you do!" Allan asked his wife.

"Me? I didn't do this." Flora replied lying.

"Explain what happened, Flora." Allan asked.

"I've never seen him before in my life." Flora replied lying again.

"Why did you kill this person, Flora?" Allan questioned her.

"I do not kill people. That is- that is my least favorite thing to do." Flora replied lying again.

"Tell me, Flora, exactly what were you doing before I got home." Allan asked his wife.

"Alright. Well I was upstairs." Flora starts explaining.

"Ok." Allan said.

"I was sitting in our room." Flora explains.

"Yes." Allan said.

"Reading a book." Flora explains.

"Go on." Allan said.

"And uh... well this guy walked in." Flora replied.

"Ok." Allan said.

"So I went up to him." Flora replied.

"Yes." Allan said.

"And... I-- uh... I stabbed him 37 times in the chest." Flora finish saying.


Allan looked at Flora with a shocked face, eyes widened.


"Flora! That kills people!" Allan explained.

"Oh, oh, wow." Flora starts saying.

"Flora." Allan said her name.

"I didn't know that." Flora said.

"How could you not know that?" Allan asked with a confused voice.

"Yeah, I'm in the wrong ear. I sucks." Flora said.

"What happened to his hands?" Allan questioned.

"What's that?" Flora asked.

"His hands, why- why are they missing?" Allan questioned his wife again.

"Well, I- uh... I kinda uh.. cooked them up and ate them." Flora explained to her husband.

"Flora!" Allan said.

"Well, I was hungry and well, you know, when you crave hands, that's-" Flora starts saying.

"Why on earth would you do that?" Allan questioned.

"I was hungry for hands. Gimme a break." Flora replied.

"Flora!" Allan said.

"My stomach was making to rumblings." Flora replied.

"Flora!" Allan said again.

"That only hands would satisfy." Flora explained.

"What is wrong with you, Flora?" Allan asked.

"Well, I kill people and eat hands. That's- that's two things." Flora replied.

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