Welcome to Demon School Izuku...

Von Scarlemange

12K 341 132

14-year-old Izuku Yagi, a boy with no quirk who is angry at the world, has been sold to a demon by his parent... Mehr

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

2.3K 57 26
Von Scarlemange

"MY PARENTS WHAT,'' Izuku exclaimed in shock. Then after a second of silence, he whispered, ''You know what? That is actually in character." He scowled and clicked his tongue. ''Bastards.'' He collapsed and fell on his back. He then saw what appeared to be a giant castle; forcing himself up he squinted and asked. ''What the hell is that.'' ''That is my mansion,'' Sullivan responded with a small smile.

When they entered the mansion Sullivan popped the bubble and Izuku landed on a comically large ornate chair. A baby bib appeared around his neck and over his scarf. Izuku looked down and then around to see where it came from. However, he was met with a kneeling Sullivan who grabbed his hands. ''Please Young Izuku. Won't you be my grandson?" Izuku's face scrunched up in confusion and he inquired, ''What?" Sullivan hugged himself and responded, ''See I've been here alone all this time, but it's always been my dream to have a grandson to spoil.'' Sullivan continued to hug himself and fantasize about having a grandchild. Meanwhile, Izuku was left in utter disbelief. ''Grandchild,'' he muttered. Sullivan then kneeled once again and clasped his hands. ''Levi and Belly bragging about their grandchildren makes me so jealous. And so Izuku-kun! Can you become my grandson?'' This time what Sullivan asked seeped in and Izuku was shocked, unsure what to say. He may have been a bitter person, but he always did what was asked of him in hopes of making his life a bit easier as well as gain approval. Sure he had said no on multiple occasions, but saying yes became such a habit that he said, ''Yes.''

Sullivan stood up and cheered while tackling Izuku into a hug and rubbing their cheeks together. ''I will buy you anything you want and I'll spoil you rotten. Anything you wish will become true. You will not regret this.'' Sullivan stood up. ''Could I have even refused,'' Izuku asked skeptically. ''I would have respected your wishes but sadly would not have had another choice but to eat you for tonight's dinner.'' Izuku shivered and thought to himself, ''First time I'm glad I said yes.'' Izuku then contemplated as the room was silent.

Every human was horrible to him other than Bam and his meeting with Eraser-Head. Sullivan seemed nice enough, at least for a demon. He also seemed to genuinely want to take care of him. Sure he had his doubts but it really couldn't be worse than in Musutafu. A paper was then presented to him. ''Just sign this and you will officially become my grandson.''

Albeit a bit reluctantly, Izuku signed the paper. ''Now that that has been settled,'' Sullivan said; when he stopped and snap his fingers. The room was enveloped in purple smoke, which dissipated to reveal a beautiful room with a large red bed, a large wooden closet, and a large bookcase with a desk and chair nearby.

Izuku's eyes wandered in awe and he brought his hands up o his face only to feel...skin? How odd he could have sworn he had his mask on. But then he remembered he took it off to eat.

''DON'T LOOK AT ME,'' Izuku yelled as he desperately tried to hide his face in his scarf. Sullivan, worried, came up to him and asked, ''WHAT'S WRONG?" Izuku only tried even more desperately to hide his face. ''I hate showing people my face,'' he muttered just above a whisper. Sullivan felt a pang in his heart and felt bad, not knowing about Izuku's issues. Suddenly a red hannya-style mask appeared on the lower half of Izuku's face, and a black coat with a hood appeared with it. "I'M SO SORRY IZUKU-KUN! I DIDN'T KNOW! I PROMISE TO BE A BETTER GRANDPA,'' Sullivan yelled with comical tears.

A now calm Izuku hugged back hesitantly and said, ''It's not your fault.'' Sullivan sniffled and released Izuku. ''Anyways what is this,'' Izuku asked trying to move the conversation somewhere else. Cheerfully Sullivan replied, ''You are my first grandchild. Your food, clothing, shelter, and.'' Sullivan then snapped his fingers once again. This time pure black dress pants and shoes, a white dress shirt, and an Olympic blue vest with white lined pockets on each side and edges appeared on Izuku. However, it was covered up by his cloak that now sported a red demon-eye-shaped bow. Luckily, his scarf and necklace were not magically taken away and replaced like the rest of his clothing. ''What is this,'' Izuku exclaimed in surprise at the sudden change in outfits. ''Your education...I'm going to enroll you in the best demon school there is...You look so perfect and adorable." ''Yeah, a demon school. Why not,'' Izuku muttered.

Sullivan then appeared chibi and said, ''Because of your lowlife family you were forced to start working and never had a chance to excel in school. BUT FEAR NOT! All paperwork will be taken care of. I am your grandpa after all." "Grandpa huh,'' Izuku whispered in faint recognition but it still felt odd leaving his wind. There was only one person he called grandpa and he was long since dead.

Sullivan shook in happiness, ''I LOVE HOW IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU SAY IT! On your first day, we have to take a picture.'' Izuku started to feel overwhelmed and asked, ''Can I have a moment to process my situation.'' Sullivan paid him no mind and said, ''There has never been a human enrolled in this school, but you won't be eaten as long as they don't find out what you are.'' ''Oh ok...wait...THEY'LL EAT ME IF THEY FiND OUT I'M HUMAN?" Izuku was about to commence a rant, but he was doused in a purple liquid. ''This fragrance will cover up your human scent so there is no need to worry.'' Izuku sighed in relief. ''I'm glad you're so delightful Izuku-kun.''

A pang of happiness rang through Izuku. It had been years since he got a compliment and it felt nice; he forgot how nice it was. Sullivan then announced, ''Henceforth this room is yours.'' ''It is,'' Izuku asked both hopefully and confused. Sullivan nodded and continued to speak, ''You'll have to get up early for your first day so get plenty of sleep. Goodnight.'' Sullivan then exited the room while waving bye. Meanwhile, Izuku just stayed in the same spot completely and utterly confused about how his life changed in the span of about an hour.


Sullivan is walking in a long corridor with a smile on his face when he is approached by a pale androgynous demon with navy dress pants, a white dress shirt with a leather armband on his left bicep, and a red vest with a striped red and white tie. The demon had elf-like ears, red hair with a straight-cut fringe, and a short plait. A pair of red, cat-like hairs protruding from their hair and a black cat-like tail.

The demon then spoke, "You take your whims much too far." "Opera,'' Sullivan announced with a mix of surprise and delight. "You could have adopted any or all of the demons you wanted. Why would you adopt a human as a grandson? What could you possibly be up to?" "Nothing really,'' Sullivan answered as he went around Opera. "You'll understand someday Opera." Sullivan went on his merry way singing, "I simply cannot wait for tomorrow" to himself. Opera sighed and went his own way.


Izuku looked around his room, ''Wow. I finally have my own room.''He then looked around the room carefully for danger and when he was satisfied he sat down on the bed. He bounced a little. ''Comfy.'' He then saw a pair of pajamas on the bed and went to grab them. He spoke as they were in his hands, ''My whole life has been nothing but a disappointment. I can't even say hell because here I am and it's already better than Earth.'' Izuku changed into the pajamas on his bed and laid down. He wanted to get some sleep. He really did, but something was off. And it wasn't just his paranoia telling him not to go to sleep. He squirmed around in the bed unable to get comfortable. He screamed in frustration. He then clicked his tongue and sat straight up and checked under him. The bed was too comfortable, it didn't feel real. Spending all his life sleeping on the ground and in uncomfortable places you'd think he would be fine. But the bed didn't feel real. It felt like a dream. Izuku sighed and tried going back to sleep, but it didn't work. He eventually just grabbed the blanket and went to sleep on the floor, his tiredness setting in as he was embraced by sleep.

Izuku was woken up by the bright sun and the chirping of demonic birds. Izuku sighed and whispered, "It was real and not just a hallucination. Damn it.'' Sullivan then knocked on the door and entered, resulting in Izuku jumping into the bed as well as covering his face with the blanket. "He-,'' Sullivan then exited and through the door said, "Izuku-Kun put on your face mask." Izuku complied and when it was put on he said, "Come in.'' Sullivan entered again, "Good morning Izuku-Kun. Did you sleep well last night?''

Izuku lied and said," Yes,'' as he noticed and stared suspiciously at Opera. "Who is h-sh- that demon over there." Sullivan chuckled and says, "That's just Opera. Now come on Izuku change into your uniform and let's go eat.'' As Izuku and Sullivan and Opera walked to the dining room Izuku has a realization. "How am I supposed to blend in with a demon without horns, wings, or-,'' he then turns to Opera and says, "a tail.'' He then started to mutter about possible solutions. Sullivan then chuckled, "That's not necessary since many demons don't have noticeable ones, but if it makes you feel more comfortable I can use a magic spell to give you some features. However, the wings would be an issue and cause you a lot of pain. I don't recommend it.'' Izuku nodded and said, "I-I'll take the horns and tail.'' Sullivan hums and snaps his fingers. Suddenly Izuku feels a sharp pain near his backside and on his head. Then as soon as the pain appeared it left and he was left with a pair of black sleek dragon horns at different ends of the top of his head that poked out of his hood head and a classic arrow-shaped black tail that subconsciously swayed in the air.

However, an unexpected development was that he had sharper teeth and more elf-like ears. Izuku felt a little more at ease but still felt odd, to say the least, with his new features. "Thank you S-Grandpa.'' A chibi Sullivan then hugs Izuku, loving being called grandpa.

Izuku was led to the bathroom. He was given some privacy as he showered for the first time in what seemed like months. ''This feels amazing,'' he whispered with his eyes closed and facing the showerhead. When he finished he dried himself up and put on his clothes. But not before he looked at his body in the mirror. It was littered with scars of all kinds, burns, cuts, gashes, stabs, and even explosions. The new tail and horns also bothered Izuku. He scowled and whispered, ''You're hideous.'' He put on his clothes and felt better. ''At least people can't see you now.'' He then went off to the dining room.


After eating a strange but satisfying breakfast Izuku stood a good ways away from the school.

"Oh, joy, My grandson's first day of school. Picture time. Izuku stand right next to that." Sullivan then directed Iruma to sign with demon writing. "What is this thing,'' Izuku asked curiously. Sullivan then used another spell to allow Izuku to read the demon language as if it was Japanese, but also change his writing into the demon language. The sign said 'Entrance Ceremony.' Izuku read it aloud and was shocked that he could.

He figured out that it must have been another spell that Sullivan used on him. He could not say he was glad about the amount of magic being used on him, but if it was necessary he didn't mind too much.

Izuku and Sullivan then posed in front of the Entrance Ceremony sign to take a picture. His hood was down, out of respect, but the mask was still on. He was wearing his uniform, scarf, and necklace included, and had a black leather messenger bag for his school things. Sullivan was bending his knees a bit to be around the same height as Izuku. His hand was in an okay symbol but his middle, index, and pinky were a lot more curved. If looked at closely it would resemble a 666. After the picture was taken Sullivan was chibi was once again and was bouncing everywhere. "I'm so happy. My grandson's first day of school. His first little bag...'' Sullivan continued to murmur.

Opera and Izuku left Sullivan there, and Opera walked Izuku to the entrance of the school. "Pardon me Opera. About this school.'' However, Before Izuku could continue Opera pointed at the school. "Take a look.'' Izuku then saw a school that appeared more castle than a school. "Wow,'' he whispered in awe. Sullivan then appeared beside them. "The renowned demon school. This is Bablys.'' Izuku then witnessed a hoard of demons fly toward the entrance.


Izuku was standing at the entrance and was just in awe of the number of students. "I have to get ready so I'm taking off now. Tata."' Sullivan then disappeared in purple light. Izuku sighed and prepared himself to enter, but before he did he looked at Opera. "What about you?" Opera bowed and said, "Have a lovely day sir.'' Opera then walked away with a scowling Izuku. ''They leave me here all by myself and expected me to know what to do. Idiots.'' He then shook his head, ''Doesn't matter. May as well go in.'' He then glared at the front entrance and walked in. Other students walking in with him looked at seemingly mysterious students with an aura of anger surrounding them. With the shine of jewelry peaking out of their coat.

In truth, it was less anger and more heavy annoyance. Regardless, as Izuku walked through the entrance he was stopped by students wearing a purple uniform with red-lined edges and red highlights. His hair was split down the middle into black and white. "Hey you,'' the no named demon said. Izuku turned around, tripping over himself as he did, and asked nervously, "Are you talking to me?" All the while he was thinking they were going to eat him. The demon then pointed to the right and said, "To the auditorium.'' Izuku sheepishly rubbed the back of his head through his scarf and hood. "Oh yeah. Thank you.'' 

'Thank goodness they didn't figure out I was a human,'' he thought in relief as he walked toward the auditorium.

A tall female demon with hip-length reddish-orange hair and red eyes, two long orange tufts protruding from her hair resembling horns or ears, and short and red fingernails looked at Izuku's back. She was wearing a white sheer undershirt connected to a black choker on her neck, atop a black and white sleeveless vest with a sweetheart neckline and an orange collar. She also had an orange and white skirt, pale pink thigh-high socks, and orange knee-high boots.

"Is something wrong President?'' The orange-haired demon turned to a blond demon with black horns that pointed up then down, that was next to the demon that stopped Izuku. The 'President' shook her head. "No.''


On the way to the auditorium, Izuku saw a tall demon with blond hair, no shirt, a red cape held together by a string with three different metal tags, black pants, and boots attack an older man, most likely a teacher, with a battle-ax.

'Not my business. Remember, when you get involved it only ends up bad,' he thought to himself with an underlying town of anger but also sadness. He then entered the auditorium and found an empty seat, unfortunately, surrounded by intimidating demons. His new tail started to move sporadically showing his fear. Izuku almost yelped when it hit him, but instead, he grabbed it and tried to get it under control. He eventually just wrapped it around his hand. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his growing nerves. 'Come on you idiot. If you can fake being happy for a decade you can fake being calm.'

However, the demons started to sniff the air. ''What's that? Something smells delicious,'' a demon covered with brown fur with tusks, a nose ring, and horns at the side of his head that poked out said. Another demon, who looked like the classic demon then sniffed the air too. Meanwhile, Izuku was freaking out muttering, 'Don't stand out,' on repeat, freaking out the demons near him. Izuku then started to hear demons having a regular conversation. He was surprised at the normality of the conversations. 'Ok. If this is how things are, maybe I can get through the next few years. Hopefully, they aren't as bad as before.'

His thought was then interrupted by a faculty member saying, "Silence.'' The man had short, deep purple, cropped purple hair with a long fringe and side-swept wind style. He was wearing the traditional Babyls' teacher uniform, a long purple cloak under a shirt purple shoulder capulet with white trimming, and a studded purple belt. His fingernails were black.

The auditorium quieted down and everyone was staring attentively at the man. 'Is he a teacher, or the principal,' Izuku asked himself as he squinted his eyes in curiosity. Then a man with light brown hair and eyes, white horns, and the same uniform as the previous man had a mic handed to him. "Thank you all for waiting. It's 6:06 A.M let's formally commence the welcome ceremony to Babyls." Then a student with black hair, blue hair, white and small horns, and the classic Olympic blue Babyls uniform spoke, "Now all of you rise. Time for the school song.'' Everyone stood up and started singing.

Humans only exist to be our food

Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh, and all

Tremble at the sound of black wings as we take flight

For we are demons

As this song pours forth from our red lips

Scream for us, for we are demons

'Yay, this is going to be so much fun,' Izuku said sarcastically but was very worried. "Next, a greeting from our chair demon." The crowd cheered. "YEAH! OUR FUTURE DEMON KING!" 'The chair demon is the demon king. That can't be right,' Izuku thought curiously as he looked down and put his hand on his face, and started to whisper to himself.

His muttering was then interrupted by, "Izuku-kun! IT'S ME! GRANDPA!" In response, Izuku 'hid' and tried to close his hood even tighter. "Oh god, he's the chair demon,'' he said, just above a whisper.

The crowd, although, had a different response. "Izuku?'' "The chair-demon's grandkid?" These were only two of the curious murmurs of the crowd. Sullivan responded to the curious murmurs, "Yes, indeed! My grandson now goes to this school! He's just so adorable!"

'Please shut the hell up,' Izuku thought to himself while trying to hide even further. However, that did not happen. "And this is the photo I just took...,'' he was seen looking for something under the podium. He then pulled out a roll of paper with a printed version of the picture they took earlier that day. He continued, "with my grandson!"

'WHYYYY DID YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM MY PICTURE,'' Izuku thought with his head hung. "That's him?" ''That's his grandson?" "Looks just like him." "He does?"

Sullivan spoke over the crowd. "I'll make sure everyone gets a copy later." 'Please don't,' Izuku thought helplessly. "Okay, that's all I had to say, so... Bye,'' Sullivan said as he disappeared from the room. The brown-haired teacher, disregarding Sullivan said, "Next, we have a greeting from the representative of the new students.'' A tall demon with feminine features then stood up and walked to the stage. He had fair skin and medium-length light-pink hair, alongside pointed ears and magenta eyes with long eyelashes. He wore a black dress shirt under a white waistcoat and an elegant white overcoat with gold trim, complimenting the gold-trimmed boots and white trousers. "Isn't that the guy who scored the highest on the entrance exam?" "He got a perfect score!" "Seriously? Is he a genius?" The brown-haired demon continued, "The representative of the new students, Asmodeus-kun."

"He's so cool,' a random female student said. "So that's him...,'' another said. "I want him to curse me,'' yet another female student said. "Hm... I guess he passes,'' said an unusually confident, but ugly and triangle-shaped female demon said.

"Oh thank god. Everyone's focus is on him now,'' Izuku whispered to himself grateful. However, his happiness was crushed when he heard "Huh? What? Giving the greeting in his place is...The honor student Izuku-kun." 'Sullivan,' Izuku thought exasperated. The crowd then muttered in confusion. "Huh?'' "What the heck?" "Izuku?" "He's doing it?" Izuku then saw Sullivan hiding behind a curtain. Izuku just glared at him through his hood. "I knew it,'' he whispered angrily. "Izuku-kun please come to the stage,'' the same teacher as before called. Izuku let go of his hood, and tail and stood up, reluctantly he walked to the stage. If you asked him he would say he looked way too nervous and all-around wimpy, not to mention his horrible posture.

However, if you asked another student, he was the opposite. His hood and non-traditional uniform gave him a sense of mystery and because you couldn't see his expression he seemed confident. His horns and tail also helped him stand out. And as for his posture, it made him seem spindly and creepy, which most demons found attractive. Everyone started to whisper to themselves and their friends in intrigue.

Izuku was finally on the stage when he was instructed to take off his hood and make his speech. Izuku complied and, sadly he took off his hood a bit too confident looking. "Look. He's in front of a crowd this big and not even flinching. And look at his horns and tail. He must be powerful, he Sullivan's grandson after all.'' "He's got guts.''

'Damn it all the h-. Heaven, I guess,' Izuku thought just done with the whole situation. "If you could give your greeting now,'' the same teacher as all the previous times said. 'What am I even supposed to do as a greeting? I don't know anything about demon culture,' Izuku thought. However, the photo of him and Sullivan, which happened to still be there and floating fell on its backside and it had a prewritten 'speech.' It also had a message from Sullivan. "I send this message to you so that you won't trip and fall throughout your upcoming school days. Love, Grandpa." Izuku then noticed a small inscription on the paper. 'May as well read it,' he thought. "Aberuhauke...'' The crowd then looked in shock and intimidation. Izuku didn't notice and continued. "Tarutoudari...Iusabebe.'' Even the teachers and many others not in the crowd were shocked. "Risutouru...Aburuze...Sutoumanu...'' The looks of shock from those in the crowd turned into ones of fear.

"Aberuge...Uru...Mahoraba...Tsurezaza." Izuku, who still didn't notice, then suddenly glowed green. The crowd erupted into cheers. "NO WAY!" "HOLY CRAP!" "SERIOUSLY'' "HE DID IT!" "HE SAID ALL OF IT!''

Izuku was a little put off when the teacher who was doing the announcement came up to him and asked, ''What the hell, man?!" The other teachers just stared at Izuku while the brunette teacher continued, "You can't just go chanting forbidden spells like that!" Izuku, in shock, asked, "Forbidden what?"

"They're taboo. If you were to stutter or read it wrong, your body could have exploded. Everybody knows that'' the teacher continued. "WHAT THAT'S THE FIRST TIME I HEARD OF THIS,'' Izuku screamed baffled at why Sullivan would give him something so dangerous to read. Izuku then bowed to all the teachers and said, "I had no idea it was so dangerous! I'm sorry!" The brunette teacher simply brushed it off saying, "That was so dangerous and crazy...and totally awesome!"

Izuku deadpanned. The brunette demon laughed it off. "Only a complete idiot would say that spell or a demon who doesn't know better or isn't scared of dying.'' At this point Izuku was just done, he had no more energy to spend, so just wanting to go on his merry way he asked with his head hung and in a low and halfhearted voice, "What is the spell supposed to do anyway.'' The teacher responded, "If it actually works, you won't trip and fall for the whole day!" Disappointed Izuku offhandedly and sarcastically said, "I risk my life so I won't trip yeah that seems like a fair deal.''

Izuku walked off the stage, but as soon as he touched the floor the person who was supposed to give the speech, Asmodeus, confronted him. "My name is Asmodeus Alice." "Fuck off,'' Izuku said looking at the person who was an inch or so taller not really paying attention to him.


Izuku found himself outside face-to-face with Asmodeus in a courtyard. He was paying no mind and was just cursing every diving being he could think of. 'Why is this happening,' he asked himself annoyed.

Meanwhile, students were running to the courtyard they were in to see what was happening. A student eventually said, "I heard the head of the class and the honor student dueling in the courtyard!"

Izuku was now facing Asmodeus in front of a crowd of students. 'Why do I feel something bad is going to happen? Am I going to be eaten,' Izuku asked himself frustrated.

"I was supposed to give that greeting. The punishment for stealing the spotlight from me is DEATH!" Asmodeus then made a small fireball in his right hand, unluckily or luckily depending on how you look at it, Asmodeus was a master of fire spells. Something, that due to Katsuki Bakugo's explosions, Izuku was somewhat familiar with fire but it was still something completely different."And since you stole the spotlight from me, I have the right to see if you are truly worthy of it. Don't you think,'' Asmodeus stated in calm anger as the fireball grew larger. 'Shit,' Izuku thought. "NOW PROVE TO ME THAT YOU ARE SUPERIOR TO ME WITH YOUR BODY,'' Asmodeus screamed as he threw his fireball violently. Izuku dodged by doing the splits. Asmodeus was not deterred. He threw fireball after fireball only for Izuku to dodge each one. Izuku hadn't even used his scarf yet. The students were in shock. They had thought that with the firepower of Asmodeus he would surely win but Izuku, in their eyes, was elegantly dodging.

The process of Asmodeus throwing fireballs and Izuku dodging with medium difficulty continued for a bit. Asmodeus was flabbergasted but continued to attack. At least until, after 20 minutes, he was left without a drop of energy while Izuku looked like he could still go another 20 minutes. "WHY CAN'T I HIT YOU,'' Asmodeus asked angrily. ''I just wanna leave,'' Izuku exclaimed in a mix of frustration, sadness, and just not wanting to be there.

The students in the crowd were utterly amazed. "Izuku's awesome. He hasn't even attacked him once. Is he saying Asmodeus isn't worth his time,'' was the general consensus of the crowd. This angered Asmodeus even further. "Are you saying I'm not even worth attacking?" Izuku shook his head no, "Look man, I'm damn near useless.'' The crowd took that in the worse way possible and said, "THAT MEANS YOU'RE EVEN WORSE THAN USELESS" Or, "WHY DON'T YOU RUN AWAY, YOU COWARD?" Or, "YEAH YOU TELL HIM!" Izuku cried out, ''Please stop putting words in my mouth.'' Asmodeus however did not pay attention to what Izuku said and spoke. "I will not abide by such insults!" Suddenly a sword made out of fire appeared in Asmodeus's hand, who said, "If magic won't work, I'll take you down using martial arts! I'LL TEAR YOU APART!" He rushed towards Izuku, who sidestepped out of the way and kicked him forward, hoping that Asmodeus would lose balance and fall on his face. However, that did not happen and Asmodeus was sent toward a group of female demons who had no way to dodge. Izuku, who was looking, had an eerily familiar moment flash through his head. His expression went from burnout to anger. Izuku then used his scarf to grab Asmdeous's neck and pull Asmodeus away from the girls and back to him. "GET OVER HERE!" Asmodeus flew back with the amount of force that Izuku put into the pull and was about to crash into Izuku, but Izuku moved out of the way, using his scarf to launch Asmodeus in the air and bring him back down to the ground harshly.

When Asmodeus landed, Izuku stomped his foot on Asmodeus's head. This resulted in Asmodeus having multiple bruises, a broken nose, and being unconscious, but his sword also exploded and blew Izuku's hood off and knocked off his mask. Izuku's face was left out in the open, with a scowl and angry eyes instead of his usual nervous smile and eyes. However, the smoke covered him.

The students in the special purple and red student council uniform had arrived just in time to see the smoke dissipate."A duel on the first day of school?" "What's going on?"

They, along with the rest of the students saw Izuku on top of a downed Asmodeus, with his foot resting on the defeated demon's head. The scene and Izuku's scowl and angry eyes along with the swinging of his tail made him look hot. Nevertheless, those who witnessed the duel that day would later say... "It was a perfect display of power."

The crowd cheered and brought Izuku back to his senses. Izuku's nervous energy returned all at once and was practically having a panic attack at the number of people staring at his face. Embarrassed he grabbed his mask, put it and his hood on, and dragged Asmodeus to the infirmary.


Izuku's first day of school was now recorded in the school's newspaper. It read, "Chanting a forbidden speel at the entrance ceremony. Gave the head of the class a concussion. Behold, the thoroughbred honor student Izuku's amazing attack.''

Meanwhile, in the Chair-Demon's office, Sullivan was saying, "I'd expect nothing less from my grandson. You have a bright future ahead.'' Meanwhile, Izuku was looking at the photo of him in the newspaper. "What should I do? Everyone knows my face and I did something awful!" Izuku started to mutter a plan but was interrupted by Asmodeus throwing the door open and entering the room. "AH,'' Izuku exclaimed surprised. Asmodeus started to walk to Izuku and when face to face he got on a knee and in the pose of a king's servant said, "I AM AT YOUR SERVICE, IZUKU-SAMA!" "Wha,'' Izuku said in confusion. "There is nothing I can say. I completely and utterly lost our duel earlier. On top of that, I was informed that you dragged me to the infirmary. I. Asmodeus was moved beyond words." 

Izuku tried to argue, "But I,'' but before he could even start Asmodeus continued. "Demon law dictates that the loser must serve the victor. Therefore...,'' Asmodeus smiled kindly and in a sweet voice said, "I give my all to you and will aid you in ruling over this school, Izuku-sama!" "Hmm. That doesn't sound too bad. Ruling over the school,'' Izuku muttered but was still taken aback by the words of someone who tried to kill him earlier. "Wait a minute,'' Izuku said as common sense entered his brain once again but was again cut off by Asmodeus, "Perfect. First, let's make the entire student body your servants." Izuku sighed. Even more so when Asmodeus said "Izuku-sama, who shall I slay first? Please give me your orders.''

Sullivan then spoke up, "Izuku-kun, can I make this the main picture on the school's website,'' referring to Asmodeus still in a servant pose with Izuku scowling, not that one could see under the mask. "Please don't,'' Izuku said bluntly.

Nevertheless, at age 14, Izuku Yagi, a student enrolled at Babyls, gained his first subordinate.


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