My stepbrothers~ [BTS ff]

By lavender_fics__

483K 12.7K 1.6K

Y/N a cold, depressed and a savage girl who have a bitter past. She lived with her mother but what will happe... More

2: Fight and Mom's boyfriend!???
3: My stepbrothers are......BTS!!????
4: HE IS BACK!!!!
6: Roasted the teacher
7: Dtention with BTS
8: Marriage shopping
9: OMG!! My soulmate is back
10: Wedding day
11: House tour
12: House tour (2)
13: What is my secret??
14: Nightmare
15: Mafia
16: Mafia information
17: Y/n's past
18: Last goodbye to Soobin.
19: found him
20: Mastermind
21: An ordinary day
22: Bonding
23: Bonding with parents
24: Prank + Family movie night
26: kidnap
27: End?
Book 2
Season 2 out now

25: dad

12.6K 388 48
By lavender_fics__

It's been 1 and half month since we all bond and now it's only only 1 days left for Y/n b'day.

Y/n- unnie, oppa, we only have 1 days. Tomorrow is my birthday.

Jisoo- Don't worry Y/n if something happen then we all are ready, hm.

Yeonjun- Yes Y/n we already ordered all the best guns and kept out bases safe don't worry.

Y/n- But my family.

Jennie- You accept them, didn't you?

Y/n- I did.

Jennie- Why don't you tell your past to them and also about your work?

Lisa- I agree they have rights to know.

Rosé- And it will be better if they will know everything because they can be alert right.

Yeonjun- I agree.

Y/n- I will.

Jisoo- you will and today itself okay.

Y/n- fine but only my kidnapping part and bambam oppa death part and what threat I got one month before only that not my friend betraying me.

Jisoo- ok.


I parked my bike and went inside the mansion.

Y/n- I am home.

Jungkook- oh y/n-iee you are here..

Y/n- where are the others.

Jungkook- they are in there room, why?

Y/n- I just want to tell something.

Jungkook- Wait I will call them.

He said and went upstairs.

God how will they react?? Please help me.

Namjoon- So what do you want to tell us?

Y/n- Umm it's

Hoseok- it's??

Y/n- I want to tell you something about me..

I said in one breath.

Jin- ok and what it is?

Y/n- I am a... Mafia.

I took a deep breath and continued.

Y/n- But I have a reason.

I glanced at them and found them shock but suddenly they start laughing.

Taehyung- Nice joke..

Y/n- No oppa its-

Jin- Yes y/n nice joke try something else next time.

Y/n- wait its true.

Jimin- oh come on Y/n stop it now.

That's it I am telling them truth but they are laughing.

I lost my control and took out my gun and shoot it in air.

Y/n- That's it.

I glance at them and they were shock seeing the gun.

Yoongi- how the hell did you get that gun.

Y/n- didn't I said that I am a mafia and mafia keep gun with themselves for their safety.

Jungkook- You are a real mafia??

Y/n- do I have to repeat it.

??- Y/n you are what?

Suddenly we heard a familiar voice we turned our head toward that direction and saw Mom and Dad standing there with a shock face.

Y/n- Mom dad.

They come toward us and sit in front of me.

Mom- Mind explaining Kim y/n.

Y/n- Mom I have a reason.

Dad- And we want to listen that reason Y/n. Why are you a mafia??

Y/n- I will explain everything so what happen that mom you remember that on my 14th birthday bambam oppa, yeonjun oppa and blackpink unnies decided to celebrate my birthday out, right?

Mom- Yes.. So??

Jimin- wait who is bambam??

Namjoon- Yes who is he??

Y/n- he was my, yeonjun oppa and blackpink unnie friend but he is no more... And that's the reason why I am a mafia.

Jin- wait it's getting difficult to understand Y/n.

Y/n- fine I will just start from the starting. So what happen that.........

Y/n- and that's why I become a mafia.

I said while controlling my tears.

Mom- I am sorry I never know you went through this.

Y/n- its okay mom you didn't know cause I never told you.

Jimin oppa come and engulfed me in a hug.

Jimin- You are really strong my sis.

Jin- yep you are.

He said and joined the hug followed by others.

Jungkook- its a family hug.

They released me from the hug and sat down.

Y/n- Yes. Btw you all are not angry right?

Hoseok- Why would we instead we are happy that you share this important thing with us.

Dad- Y/n its okay that was you past ok we are not angry not at all.

Y/n- That's good but..

Mom- but??

Y/n- I am hungry.

Mom- aww my baby let's go and eat okay and it's also dinner time. Everyone let's go.

BTS- Yes mom.

We went to dinning table and the maids served the food.

Y/n- it's tasty..

Yoongi- That's because you are hungry and in hunger everything taste good.

Jin- What do you mean to say I don't cook good.

Yoongi- oh hyung you made this food that's why I thought why it is so tasty.

Jin- Ya ya.

He said in sarcasm.

Jungkook took a piece sausage from my plate and put in his mouth.

Y/n- Ya you how dare you to take my sausage.

Jungkook- By my hand.

I lost my control and start pulling his hair.

Jungkook- Ahhh leave me.

Y/n- No I won't.

Jungkook- then see what I am going to do.

He said and start pulling my hair as well.

Y/n- ahh.

Mom- kids leave each other.

Jungkook- No.

Jin- Jungkook leave her.

Jungkook- No first tell her to leave me.

Y/n- No first tell him to leave me.

Dad- You both leave each other.

We released each other from the grip and glared at each other.

Mom- stop glaring and eat.

Jimin- Y/n here take my sausage I have two.

He said and put a sausage on my plate.

Y/n- Thank you oppa you are the best. I love you.

I said and showed him finder heart. Everyone chuckled at my cuteness.

We were talking when we heard dad coughing.

Mom- honey, here water.

Dad drank the water but still he was coughing when he start coughing blood and then he faint.

BTS/Y/n- DAD!!

Mom- HONEY!!

Everyone start to panick but Y/n didn't panick.

Y/n- let's take him to hospital.

Taehyung- let me call ambulance.

Y/n- we don't have that much time let's go with car.

Jin- Y/n is right. Let's go.

Namjoon oppa picked dad and start running outside.

Y/n- Oppa here.

I said while opening the car backseat door. He settled dad there and mom come to sit.

Mom- Y/n let's go fast.

She said while putting dad head on her lap.

Y/n- Yes. Jin oppa you come with us and others please come fast from other car.

Yoongi- yes. Let's go.

Jin oppa sat in driving seat and I sat on passenger seat.

Jin- Doctor, doctor.

Jin oppa yelled and doctor come running toward us.

Doctor- What happen to him?

Mom- He start coughing blood while having dinner.

Doctor- ok. Nurse!

They went inside the operation room and closed the door. Mom was crying in mess when others also entered.

Jimin- What happen where is dad?

Jin- They took him in operation room.

The operation room door open revealing the doctor. We went toward him and I spoked.

Y/n- What happen to him?

Doctor- Someone had give him a poison,the deadliest poison in the world which is Botulinum toxin.

Jin- But how?

Doctor- We are assuming that someone add the poison in his food.

Mom- Please do something but please save him.

Doctor- We will try our best.

He said and went inside.

Namjoon- Who can give him poison? We don't have any enemy.

Jin- god knows. Let's pray for dad.

After 3 hours later:

We were waiting for 3 hours but there is no sign of any news. The maknaes except Y/n are crying in mess while the hyungs are controlling themselves for their younger brothers and sister.

The operation room door opened and the doctor come outside. We went to him expecting a good news but..

Doctor- I am sorry but we couldn't save him.


Jin- Yoongi calm down.

Yoongi- How can I??

Mom- You are lying right. He is not dead.

Doctor- I am sorry mam. You can see his body if you want to.

He said and left.

No no dad can't die right?

Mom- let's go.

We all went inside and saw dad laying. Everyone went toward his dead body while Y/n couldn't even move a inch.

Mom- he is not dead, right kids?

Jungkook- of course he is not mom the doctor is talking rubbish.

Mom- Honey please wake up see you kids and me are waiting for you. Open you eyes.

Jin- mom dad is no more let's accept the fact.


Everyone was crying no one was able to accept the fact that their dad/husband is no more.

Suddenly Y/n got a call from unknown number. She picked up.

Y/n- Hello who is this??

??- You again forgot me??

Y/n- lee hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk- Yes I am happy that you didn't forgot me.

Y/n- What do you want? Just come to the point.

Hyunsuk- ok then I will come to the point should I book a place for you dad funeral.

Y/n- H-how do you know?

Hyunsuk- it is like you are asking a fisherman about the best place to caught fish.

Y/n- Don't tell me you are the one.

Hyunsuk- Yes I am the one who killed him.

Y/n- WHY?

Hyunsuk- Because I love killing peoples specially when they are my enemy's family member.

Y/n- You wanted to kill me right then why? Didn't I told you to leave my family out of this.

Hyunsuk- well you know I never listen to anyone.

He said hang up the call. The turned toward my family who was staring at me.

Mom- Who was that??

Y/n- I am sorry.

Namjoon- why are you sorry?

Y/n- The one who put poison in dad food is non other than lee Hyunsuk. The one who wanted to kill me.

When I complete my sentence everyone was seeing me with wide eyes.

Jimin- Why, why because of you we have to suffer Y/n. We didn't have problem with you being mafia but this really because of you our dad is no more.

Y/n- I never-

I was cut by a hard slap which landed on my face. I turned my head to see the one who slapped me is my mom.

Y/n- Mom-

Mom- No, because of you Woo-young is no more. Just leave Y/n I don't want to see your face right now.

Y/n- But mom-

Yoongi- Didn't you heard what mom just said. Leave.

I know they are hurt and after knowing that i am the reason of it that are angry. It's better if I leave them alone for now.

I went outside the hospital when the rain start.

Y/n- Why. First appa left me and now you also.

I was standing without caring that I am getting wet. Suddenly the water stopped coming on me. I shot up my head up and found him. The person I trust the most.........

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