Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
A New Life

New Lease II (18+ Explicit)

624 9 3
By TMWolf


Cassandra smiled up at the golden-crowned Pokémon before her, its light-colored muzzle curving upwards as she grinned down at the redhead, yellow eyes lit with a cheerful glow. A chuff-life sound rumbled from her blue-furred throat but was heard as a chuckle in the Trainer's mind. The redhead chuckled just the same and stepped forward to embrace the large Pokémon warrior, who returned the gesture by nuzzling against her chest and even licked the side of her face.

It is good to see you again, Chosen. You are weary, but stronger. I can sense it. This is good. I only wish I could have fought beside you.

"We were a little far away, but don't worry."

Zacian smirked, I didn't.

"Right, you knew I'd come back, huh?"

The path you walk is a long and arduous one... but I know the strength in your heart well, Chosen. As my Brother knows his, she mused, glancing over at her darker-colored kin, who licked Leon as she had Cassandra. The young man laughed, whipping his face, and rubbed the Pokémon's face affectionately.

"Indeed. So, you two had fun here while we were gone?" the Trainer inquired, scratching along the chin to back towards the Pokémon's ears, earning a pleased growl.

Well enough. The Trainers here are a mixture of strong and weak, but full of fire, nonetheless. They do not last long, but they are entertaining. The Gloria girl is the best of them. She can best us both at times, but not always. She is strong, though, and for this she has my respect.

"Uh-oh, not gonna switch teams on me, are you?" Cassandra smirked, and the warrior chuffed.

You are my Chosen. This will not change. So, Zacian hummed, tilting her head. Will you be staying long? I would not mind fighting at your side here in this place.

"Not tooo long... not yet," the redhead grinned. "I need to go home for a bit, and Leon wants to do the Gym Challenge there and also IN Hoenn... but I'll be moving here after–to stay."

Zacian perked up, tail flicking, Good. Good. I will enjoy fighting beside you often. I have missed doing so.

"I could use the challenge again–maybe even work here. I do need a job once I move, and 'Leon's girlfriend' doesn't count."

"I mean, it could! I'd be happy to pay you!" the man in question laughed from his spot beside Zamazenta, who had flopped down so Leon could stroke his neck easier. Zacian snorted, as if half-amused, half insulted at the display.

"That just sounds like I'm a ho then," the redhead frowned, nose scrunched.

Leon copied the gesture, "Oh, yeah, you're right. Huh. Well, how about as my sexy secretary then?"

She laughed, "What are we? A porno? Shall I wear the short skirt or a maid outfit? I never knew you were so so kinky, Leon."

"There's still a lot to learn about me, love," he cooed, throwing a wink and a kiss. The redhead caught it, laughing, and shaking her head.

"Seriously, though; I do need to see about some kind of work. I guess I can always work with Team Rescue since I am the sister of the CEO... or become a Battle Tower official Trainer or... I dunno. I have a lot of time to think about it, and plenty of money. I guess I could be a housewife but that sounds boring."

"Hey now! My mom liked it!"

"Your mom also hosts an online cooking show now, right?" the redhead quipped back.

"Okay, yes, she does. And did before I was born and even a bit after," Leon replied, gesturing with a hand. "But she stopped after Hop came around and went full time housewife and mom."

"Also living off a pension and insurance, and then you became Champ and sent lots of money home."

"I–hmm... okay true. But still, you don't have to get a job."

You would do well to not stop a human female from her goals, my Chosen. You are keen to lose such a battle of wills. My Sister shares such characteristics, and she is quite indomitable and infuriating in such moments, Zamazenta mused, sitting back up and yawning.

Because you are wrong, Zacian snorted, shooting a glare.

"Yeah, you two are related for sure," Cassandra snickered, earning a smack from the Legendary Pokémon's paw. "Hey! I was kidding! I mean, you are siblings, but still–."

"Well, if you want work, I'm sure I can help you find something, but definitely think about it! We got time. Or, well, actually we can't stay too-too long. We'll need to head out to dinner with the other Gym Leaders soon. But I'm so glad I finally got to come by and see you, Zama. I missed you, even when I was working at the League," Leon smiled, hugging the large Pokémon once more.

And I you, my Chosen. I hope to see you here more, although it seems you still have much journeying to do. I am keen on demanding you allow me to come with you, but our place is still here.

"Trust me, I'd love to bring you, too, but if I want to gain a Hall of Fame title in any region, I have to use their 'legal roster' of Pokémon, which means no foreign ones like you. But, I promise, after Hoenn and then Johto I'll be good. I'm using them to study new types of battling to use, too, so it's not all fun and ego boosting," he snickered.

Ah, good, good. This land could use more fun. We could never say no to enhancing the versatility of the people here. We yearn for more challenges, the shield-based Pokémon nodded.

Indeed. It will get droll if you do not bring more excitement... speaking of–I hoped you would not mind showing me the power within this band of yours. I could sense it the moment you arrived, Zacian mused, nosing her keystone bracelet. Cassandra grinned as she held it up, the sunlight reflecting off the green surface.

"Oh, this little thing? Hmm I suppose Leon and I could show you the new moves we picked up in Kalos. I think our Pokémon could match you even more than they did before."

Leon chuckled, "I think we might have time for another go... and to be honest I was hoping to see what your new Mega Stones could do. You got one for Tyranitar, right?"

"Yep. And Gardevoir, Gallade, Aggron, Garchomp, Pidgeot, and Sceptile," she replied, numbering them off on her hands.

The young man frowned, "...How come you have so many and all I have is Charizard?"

"Catch more Pokémon with Mega Stones then," she winked back with a laugh. "If we go to Hoenn, there's a lot of stones that match. So, keep an eye out and maybe you can catch up to me."

"I'll consider that a challenge," Leon smirked, clenching his fist, and then was promptly bumped by Zamazenta who stood up, stretched, and shook its body.

If you are quite done with your little bravado, my Chosen, perhaps you would allow us the chance to measure your power once more? The Pokémon smirked; eyes gleaming with eagerness.

"Ha! And here I thought you were the easier going of the two."

Zacian snorted as she, too, stood and shook herself, Ha! He pretends to be a gentle oaf, but he is just as ravenous for battle as I am. Now, come! Show us your worth, my Chosen. Prove you are still worthy of my blade.

"This again? Alright then, Zacian. I hope you don't come to regret your words. Let's see how you handle Gallade. A knight against a Knight. Sounds poetic, doesn't it?" the redhead mused, bringing up her phone to remote access her storage box and bring out the Pokémon in question. Leon came to her side, tossing his own Pokéball, containing Charizard, in his hand.

A true battle of warriors then, the sword-wielded Pokémon howled with delight and moved to stand beside her brother, who's body glowed bright and became adorned in golden armor.

A fine battle to welcome you back. Now, call forth your companions! It is time to fight! Zamazenta howled, and the two Trainers complied.


Shopping District



"Now this will look stunning on you, girl. Don't you think so, babe?" Nessa hummed, holding the white, form-fitting dress against Cassandra's front. She even rubbed her chin thoughtfully as she eyed her over. Behind her, Sonia leaned back, her own turquoise dress in hand, and hummed as well.

"I dunno–isn't it a little short for your taste, 'Cas?" she inquired, brow raised. "I mean, you got the bod for it, for sure."

"A bit small in the chest, but the booty makes up for it."

"I feel like I should be insulted, but–truth. These tiddies are small," Cassandra sighed, taking the dress herself and holding it out. "It's... not bad. But Sonia's right–not exactly my style. I prefer more of a knee-length dress, but I don't mind tight. Can't I just wear a pant-dress thing?"

Both spoke in deadpan at the same time, "No."

"Wow, okay, I have no choice, huh?" she snorted with a wry grin.

"Absolutely not. I am the fashion model here, I am making the attire choices for this party–and the after party," Nessa smiled, taking the dress back to put it away.

Sonia giggled, "Just let her, 'Cas. She won't back down from it. She's incorrigible."

"And yet you're still with her," the redhead quipped back, earning a grin.

"What can I say? I like incorrigible and pushy."

"And sexy," Nessa added, lifting her nose high.

"Oh, right, how could I forget sexy?"

"Don't worry, I'll remind you later, baby," the Gym Leader cooed, blowing a kiss to her partner.

"Is it weird that I can't help feeling like you and Raihan are like related?" Cassandra mused, folding her arms and leaning against a sturdy clothes rack. The sheer look of horror and disgust on Nessa's face made her laugh–loudly. "C'mon! You both flirt the same!"

"Uuuugh, is he flirting with you?" she mock gagged.

Sonia rolled her eyes, "Nessa, c'mon; you know he just play-flirts."

"Oh, I know; it's why I haven't had my babies hydro pump him into oblivion when he does it with you. Don't fall for his tricks, 'Cas. He's a troublemaker."

"Well, I know that already. It's why we're bffs now."

The woman's head turned sharp, eyes wide in an accusing stare, "No–."

"Yes!" the redhead smirked. "Look, he comes with the Leon package, alright? Besides, the flirting is cute and funny. Geez, what's with you and hating on Raihan?"

"Tsk, he just gets on my nerves," Nessa grumbled, turning away in a pout.

Sonia spoke up, "They used to sleep together—waaay back when."

"SONIA!" her girlfriend shrieked, turning a few heads.

"I mean, Raihan was gonna tell her at some point if we didn't; might as well own up to it before he embellishes the details. Besides, you're the only one who gets all riled up over it. It's not like you didn't like it. You told me it was fun."

"Doesn't mean I have to act like it was," she huffed, arms folded.

"I mean, you have good taste, if that helps? He is hot."

Sonia nodded, "Yeah, I agree. Even when I only pined for Lee, I always thought he was stupid hot. Oh, hush, babe, you're obviously hotter. C'mere, c'mere."

Cassandra just laughed as the ginger-haired Professor pulled her pouting girlfriend to her arms and peppered her with kisses until the Gym Leader was returning them in earnest and even hoisting the lighter-skinned woman into her arms.

"You two are sickeningly sweet," she snickered, and Nessa stuck out her tongue.

"Please, you and Lee are just as bad."

"Oh, I know. But really, you're holding onto bad feelings for this long?"

"Well," Sonia mused, grinning, and giving her partner a look. Nessa groaned and sigh, turning so she could meet the redhead's gaze.

"We're... kind of... pranking each other. And it's been going on for years and he... got me good. Not long ago. And I haven't gotten him back yet," the woman huffed, and Cassandra burst out laughing.

"Oh my Arceus, that's fantastic! I love it. Remind me to help you out somehow," she giggled.

Nessa jabbed a finger at her, "You can't take that back. You have to help me now and you'll get Leon in on it, too."

"Oh, he'd do that any day."

Sonia nodded, "Yep. He would. He'd helped before, too."

"Oh ho ho–seems I need to hear more about this history of prank wars."

"It'll take longer than we have to prep for tonight's party, but we can get you started when we go to the cafe for lunch," Sonia smiled with a wink before shifting through the dresses to pull out a navy blue one, laced with intricate embroidery and a few gemstones. "How about this? Good length and a nice V-cut to show off that collar of yours."

"Hmm... it's not bad, but... I dunno. I like more of the 'simple but elegant' y'know? Leon is probably planning to wear a nice button down and pants and all, maybe a suit. Raihan swore he wouldn't let him leave the apartment until he could make anyone's jaw drop besides his own. Since, y'know–he's 'hotter'."

"Tsk. Arrogant," Nessa hisses, but still hummed thoughtfully. "He'll probably give Leon a nice vest and keep it simple, too. Alright then... but hey, see if you can find that in a size smaller; that shade of blue is gorgeous."

"True, you'd look dazzling in it, love... let's see if I can find a turquoise match."

"You know you can wear something besides turquoise. Why not a red so we're opposite but matching?"

"Nooo turquoise is my favorite," Sonia replied pitifully, flashing her best Pikachu eyes. Her lover could only sigh, shoulders slumping.

"Okay, okay. We'll be the hottest couple regardless."

"I dunno–depending on how hot you two make me look, Leon and I might ruin you both. His new look is sexy."

"Oh yeah, he cut his hair. Gotta admit, it weirds me out, but... he does look good with it," Nessa hummed with a nod.

The Professor nodded too, making a face, "Seriously; he's had long hair even when he was ten. He's had it long all his life–to see him without is...weird. I can respect his reasons, though; a new haircut is a major new lease on life."

"Oh, absolutely! I feel like an entirely different person sometimes! But, hey, good for him. He's earned that position and he's waaaaaaaaay better than Rose was! Or, well, his business sense isn't as good, I give that bastard that, but he's made things soooooo much better and more fun! Really, tonight is gonna be more about celebrating his hard work than just all of us having a fun time before we get serious. It's too bad Bea and Allister can't make it, but they're still attending school right now."

"They're too young to be out that late still, anyways–or, well, Allister is. He's probably happier spending time with Bea, anyways," Sonia added.

"Yeah, and I dunno if she's okay being around me, still. She doesn't hate me or anything, from what I can tell," Cassandra sighed.

"Nah she wouldn't hate you. She's probably okay with you, truth be told. She's always been a bit awkward thanks to her upbringing, but she's a good kid. Really, though; if you wanna get on your good side, just slip her some sweets. She loooooooves them and tries to hide it because her parents are a little strict on her diet," the Gym Leader winked playfully.

The redhead laughed as she turned back to the dresses, "Duly noted! But okay for real, we need to find me a dress. It's already noon and the party is at seven."

"Right, right, okay, on the hunt! Sunny baby, you try over there."

"On it!"

"Hmm what about this one?" Cassandra inquired, pulling out a white-colored one. Both women turned to look, and, after a moment, the Gym Leader smirked while the Professor made an "ok" sign.


"That's the one. Lee's gonna go crazy."

"Good, that's the idea."

"And once we glam you up all the other dudes looking will, too–perfect for riling your man up–and others to make him jealous, of course," Nessa snickered.

"Arceus, you're terrible!"

"Why do you think I love her? Jokes aside, yes, yes, and more yes. We found your dress, and, babe, we got ours. Let's buy them and get some food to celebrate!" Sonia beamed as she came up and embraced her girlfriend. "Then off to Raihan's to get dolled up!"

"Does he know we're gonna take over his place to dress up?" Cassandra smirked, and the grins on both women's' faces was all the answer she needed.

She just laughed.




"Y'know, I agreed for y'all to meet up here to go to the party. Not have y'all spend ten hours in my bathroom dolling up!" Raihan shouted from his spot on the couch, arms folded over his chest, partly exposed in a "v" thanks to a few loose buttons on his formal shirt. An exasperated sound was the response given as Nessa emerged from his room, sauntering through the doorway in a brilliant blue dress, slit on the leg, and one arm sleeveless while the other reached to her shoulder. She wore matching accessories, of course, and heels to boot, making her practically his height.

"Shut it, will ya? You should have expected this would happen. Aren't you the 'woman expert'?" she snapped back haughtily, hand on her hip and clutch purse in the other. Her brow raised in challenge.

"Aren't you that expert now?" he snorted, pouting profusely. He perked up, though, as Sonia appeared around her girlfriend, clad in a turquoise dress with more lace-like frills and layers that reminded him of a princess dress that was cut off at the chest, exposing her collar and giving a clear view of the shining jewels on her neck. Her hair was down, unlike usual, and he couldn't help an appreciative whistle. "Dang, Sonia–you sure you don't want a boyfriend?"

He laughed when Nessa glared daggers and wrapped a protective arm around the Professor, who just giggled.

"Sorry I'm very happy with Nessa... and I don't want to see you get murdered."

"See, this is why I love you, Sunny," he smirked. "Now where's our final femme fatale?"

Cassandra laughed, "Right here, lover boy. Feast your eyes because I feel weird being so dressed up."

Raihan's whistle was drawn out longer this time and he made an exaggerated look up and down of her pristine white gown that had a halter up to a gold ring around her neck and slit on both legs with a translucent gown coming out from just below the chest. Like Sonia, her hair was down, and he recognized some of the jewelry from Nessa's line–no doubt a gift to borrow for the night. She sported a low, strapped heel which worked quite well for her.

"Damn, I might just have to steal you from Leon after all. I really shouldn't have let y'all dress up here," Raihan sighed dramatically.

"Hey now, it was worth it. You dress up nice, too–those rolled up sleeves really work it," the redhead laughed, waltzing over to lean against the kitchen counter. Nessa and Sonia soon followed, the Gym Leader adjusting her lover's attire and hair slightly.

The Hammerlock Gym Leader smirked as he spread his arms, "What can I say? I wasn't voted sexiest man in Galar for two years straight for nothing."

"You only won that 'cause Leon isn't single anymore," Nessa mused, and again the pout was back.

"Why you gotta be so mean, jeez... Speaking of him–can he hurry up? We're gonna be late at this point, and I don't want Opal nagging us. It'll kill the mood once we go out to party."

"Actually, I hope he gets here soon; I'm hungry already," Sonia sighed, patting her belly.

Cassandra checked her phone, "He said he was on the way. He probably changed before he left. Charizard shouldn't be much longer."

"Hmm, well, alright let's start heading out then–tell him to meet us downstairs outside the apartments. We can call the cab; should take the same time," Raihan nodded, pushing up and ushering them to the doorway. They did as he bid, Nessa linking her arm with Sonia's as they headed to the elevator. Once Raihan locked his door he held his arm for the redhead. "Shall we, love? Can't let a beautiful lady go without an escort, even if she is spoken for."

"I'm starting to think you have a crush on me, Raihan," she snickered with a wink. "I'm flattered, of course."

"Hey now, I got self-control, love. I'm just that good of a gentleman–not that you don't look stunning, of course. Leon's gonna be jaw-dropped, I guarantee it."

"That's the idea. Nessa is secretly hoping to make him jealous tonight at the clubs when other men give me attention. I doubt that'll happen, though," she mused, glancing at the Hulbury Gym Leader.

Raihan snorted, "Of course she would. She's terrible, that one... but c'mon, girl. You're gonna turn heads, I promise. Hell, I'll even help. You ever been grinded on? Lap dance but standing?"

Her cheeks flared red as she laughed, "No, I haven't! But don't even! He won't get jealous, anyways. He never has with your jokes after all!"

"What jokes?" Sonia piped up, the four of them having shuffled into the elevator.

"Oh, he likes to tease us about having a threesome," she laughed, waving her hand, but then quickly added as their expressions changed, "HE'S KIDDING. WE'RE ALL KIDDING. WE'RE NOT BEING SERIOUS."

"RAIHAN! YOU WEIRDO!" Nessa howled, smacking him. "Pretending to flirt with my girlfriend to make me mad isn't bad enough you—."

"It's to make them laugh, Arceus!" the man in question wailed, holding up his arms. "It's a mutual joke!"

"Nessa, for real, it's all just for fun!" the redhead added, hands up to defend her friend.

"I'm just a troublemaker at heart, I can't help it! It's ingrained in my bones!" the man mock-sobbed with his hands held in prayer as he shied away from the Gym Leader, who fumed.

"You better just be messing around. If you fuck up their happiness I'mma fuck you up," she hissed.

Sonia sighed, kissing her lover's cheeks, "Babe, chill. You let him rile you up too easily. You know Raihan is always messing around. He's a troublemaker, like he said."

"See? Sonia gets me," the taller man huffed, leaning into Cassandra who embraced him gently, patting his head.

"And like I said–me and Leon find it hilarious, and we're vanilla enough it's a valid tease. Leon never gets upset, either so it's not a big deal. And I was just saying how because he doesn't get jealous of that, he won't be over other guys checking me out. He's got nothing to be jealous of."

"Well, I guess that makes more sense," Nessa snorted, relenting finally. "Well, I still think he will, and we should help to make it happen. I don't get to mess with Leon enough anymore."

"See, that's why I was saying I'd help. I'll do some sexy dancing with 'Cas and bring out his inner alpha Pokémon, and he'll do that silent 'you're my woman' vibe and show her how hot and alpha he can be. It's a massive turn on for women."

"I appreciate your expertise on women, Raihan," Sonia mused, the silent "we're all women here" hanging in the air.

He smirked, gesturing, "Am I wrong, though? Don't you–and you, too, Cas–love when Nessa or Leon goes all dom on you?"

The Professor clicked her tongue, "Damn, it's true. I love when you get like that. It's sexy."

"Leon, too. It's just–you get the shivers."

"Horny shivers," Raihan smirked, snapping his fingers with a wink. "So, let's have some fun tonight, alright? Nessa, you should try it, too–and no, not to get you jealous, Sonia. Let's see if Leon gets jealous over women."

"Oooh... you know, sometimes you have good ideas," the Gym Leader smirked, and it was returned by her counterpart, the two chuckling mischievously.

"I like how I haven't agreed to any of this, but they're going along with it anyways," the redhead mused to the Professor, who just shrugged.

"They're best friends even if they act like the worst enemies. Anyways, just have fun with it–we're here to relax and enjoy our free time left before the League and my new research projects start up. You gotta start on the work to build your new ranch, too, don't you? You'll have to head back home again."

"True. You're right, okay, okay. I'll consider it a special occasion where I get to dance with both the Great Raihan and the sexiest woman in Galar."

"We can dance together, too, if you need a break from them!" Sonia laughed.

"I'm down for it!" Cassandra laughed in kind, shaking her head. The elevator came to a stop then, and they filtered out into the main lobby. Naturally, quite a few heads turned at the sight of them, and watched all the way to the exit, where, to the redhead's delight, a familiar face was waiting for them. She let out a happy cry as she raced over and leaped into Leon's arms, which caught and swung her around. He had forgone his formal work attire for a shirt not unlike Raihan's, but a bit more decorated and with a form-fitting vest. He had his sleeves rolled up, too, and his short hair, while still unusual to see, looked good. "Hey, you."

"Hello, love. You look beautiful. I owe Nessa a lot, don't I?" he chuckled, kissing her brow.

"Yes! You do! Especially making us wait!" the Gym Leader huff, getting a laugh from him.

"Thank-you!" he called out before releasing the redhead to take her hand and then gesturing to the two taxis behind him. "If it helps, I went ahead and asked for our taxis. I figured y'all didn't want to walk to the Hall."

"Atta, boy! Alright, Nessa, Sonia, you wanna ride with me or...?" Raihan grinned, coming over to clap his friend's shoulder.

"Nah, we'll go solo. We've earned it," Nessa grinned, taking Sonia's hand to quickly race over to their taxi and lock the door behind them. The taxi driver was moving his Corviknight in mere moments, leaving the three to themselves.

"Squeezed between my two favorite men in Galar? They're too kind," Cassandra snort-laughed as she linked both arms with theirs. "C'mon, you two. Thankfully, it's not a long ride."

"Remind us to get Nessa back somehow—she's really out to get us right now," Leon laughed and Raihan could only chuckle.

"You have no idea, mate."


The dinner party/get together was fun. A lot of fun, actually. Cassandra hadn't expected it to be as fun as it was but seeing all the Gym Leaders–minus a few–there, all dressed up and drinking champagne or whatever their pleasure was and going over their adventures during the break or any news in general was enjoyable. It was a kind of enjoyment she didn't really recall beyond something vague when she was Grand Champ and even then, that was a decade ago and she didn't have the attention span or maturity for the conversations they were having now.

Truthfully, most were about the new challenges they wanted to do for the Gyms this year–the little "mini games", so to speak, for Trainers to try out and prove their worth before they showed off the strength of their teams. Then things would press into their training regimens or any new Pokémon they were considering trying out, and sometimes they spoke of Leaders in the Minors potentially going to come in and vie for a spot in the Majors. It was absolutely exciting and so different from any other Challenges she'd been a part of. It made her delighted to think how she was going to be living here from now–and also reminded her of the weight of reality. She had really just entertained the thought, but now she had a spot in mind she could start to check out the paperwork, which meant it was really happening. For the first time ever, she was moving and going to make a new home–with the man she loved of course.

And people she loved, too.

Oh, she wasn't best friends with all of them like she was Raihan or Nessa and Sonia, of course, but they had been warm in their welcomes as they had been in the video chats. It helped reassure her they did want to get to know her more, so she engaged with them as much as possible, talking of her and Leon's adventures–keeping some things secret, of course, her own exploits, and even how she liked to train and choose the Pokémon she wanted. Some questions of Mega Evolution came up, naturally, and she would be happy to show them in person later and even battle them. Otherwise, most everything else came down to gossip, really, and despite some tension between Gordie and his mother, Melony–the two still hadn't entirely made up yet, but apparently things were getting better–the party and dinner was all anyone could ask for.

She even managed to snag a few numbers for when Dittor was down or if she wanted to just text over regular phone. Either way, she was glad to have that closeness already, and especially appreciated their tips on moving–Kabu was most helpful here, although he did have to admit immigration had changed quite a bit since he came around fifty years ago. Still, he was willing and happy to help if she needed it, for which she was grateful.

Best of all, though, was watching Leon smiling and shining brightly among them. She'd had him all to herself for a while now and last saw him over a year ago here, so to see it again–to see him so loved and beloved and himself? It warmed her heart, and she was glad she'd get to see more of it. He deserved this kind of happiness, and she just hoped she could help keep it that way. They still had a lot to work on themselves–both as a couple and individuals, but she was more than willing. It was time to be more outgoing in life, tool; it was too short, and they needed to enjoy every second like it was the last. Because it almost had been.

As such, although she was a bit nervous for the after-party part as the hour grew late, she did her best to embrace it once everyone said their goodbyes and her little posse of four made their way out into the night. The champagne had already made them all a little tipsy and giggly and bubbly, which honestly made it that much easier to follow along with them, laughing at the stupidest things or old and inside jokes all the way to the "best place to party in town", as Raihan put it, and considering Hammerlocke was his town, they could only trust him.

It was not misplaced.

The "Dragon's Den", as it was called, was a brilliant spot with a large, circular set up with multiple levels–there was a private section way up top according to the Gym Leader, but they'd be staying down low–with plenty of bars to give drinks and a DJ that knew just what the crowd wanted. A massive dance floor was in the center and already swarming with bodies moving with the beat or to their own rhythm, while others loitered around the exterior walkways or in booths strewn here and there. The revelry was thicker in the air than the music, and Sonia and Nessa were the first to rush into the fray, immediately moving their hips and waving their arms. Raihan wasn't far behind, urging the two remaining lovers to hurry up as he joined the two women in a provocative, but humorous dance.

She could barely hear Leon chuckle, who held out his hand to her, "Well? Up for trying something very different and new? I never actually came to these things much."

"Well, I haven't. At all. So, take care of me, alright? Because I'm about to be very embarrassing," Cassandra giggled, taking his hand.

"Don't worry; I'll be worse. Promise," he snickered, kissing her hand and pulling her to the dance floor.

She laughed all the way, glad to have him there, arms wrapped around her from behind as they moved with the beat as best they could. It was not easy in her "naivety", but she supposed that wasn't the point–it was to have fun and be foolish and enjoy life, so she did that, too. Leon spun her this way and that, and she did the same to him for the hell of it, and after long enough Nessa and Sonia suddenly converged on them, nudging Leon away to start dancing around the redhead. The Hulbury Gym Leader even twerked in front of her, smirking over at the new Chairman-to-be who burst out in laughter at the sight, Cassandra just doing her best not to fall apart from both giggling in enjoyment and embarrassment. Sonia was kind enough to spin her, though she was the one to flip the script and do the dip before returning the Professor to Nessa.

Their plan was a ridiculous one, and not working. Leon was enjoying it all too much as he twirled an invisible lasso over his head and threw it at her. Cassandra snort-laughed, but still let him tug her back and into his arms, which held her close. He opened his mouth to shout something, only for Raihan to suddenly appear and pumped his fists while he hip-thrust behind her, intentionally bumping her into Leon, who had to brace to keep from going back.

"RAIHAN!" she shrieked in the midst of the laughter, and he just flashed a toothy grin.

"Lemme show you how to really dance with your girl!" he winked, and, before Leon could protest, he stole the redhead away, continuing his sensual dance, though unlike with Nessa, he made a point to brush her arm or hips, helping her sway to the beat and his movement, too. He brought his lips to her ear to not raise his voice, "So–is he jealous yet?"

Cassandra looked over at Leon, who had decided to lean against a booth's wall, tugging at his collar, which no doubt felt tight in such a hot place. He was watching her–intensely, in fact–though she knew, instinctively, not out of jealousy. Rather, something else; something that excited her. Just a little.

"I think he's ready to steal me away from you."

"Well, that's close enough, I guess. And what about you? Falling for me, yet?" he snickered, spinning her around, hand on her lower back so she arched just slightly, pressing their hips together. He winked, "Just don't fall too hard, love."

"You're terrible. I'm happily spoken for, and you know how loyal I am," she mused, smacking his chest lightly. Still, she had to admit she could see why people did fall for him. He was a troublemaker, but a charming one at that, and even knowing it was jests, there was always some enjoyment being teased like this. Did it instill feelings of affection? Truthfully–yes, but not like the affections she had for Leon. She knew she adored and loved Raihan in a way, but it was platonic. It wasn't the same intensity she felt for her lover, but she did find the Gym Leader attractive, that was for certain. He was tall, dark, and handsome personified, and one had to be a stump to not find him alluring in the way he acted.

Still, attraction was just attraction. In the end, her gaze always strayed back to Leon, whose intense, golden eyes held her fast. Theirs was a bond that couldn't be broken so easily. And so, despite any attraction, she would never stray from him. She would just enjoy the fun of teasing with Raihan, and these wild, strange moments like these.

"True. Well, I guess that's enough of keeping you to myself; let's see how your man acts now that I've tried to 'seduce' you," Raihan snickered, turning her and both of them at the same time so they faced Leon, who had finally pushed off the wall. He sauntered towards them, almost like a predator, and it stirred her belly in a way the champagne hadn't. Behind her, her friend purred, "Oh yeah; he's got the vibe."

"I think it's time I won my girl back, mate," Leon purred, but there was no malice behind it; if anything, he was having fun. So why shouldn't she?

"Now, now, boys. No need to fight. I'm an accommodating woman. There's enough of me to go around," she winked, and Raihan laughed aloud.

"Damn, 'Cas. You drink too much or what?" he snickered as her boyfriend pulled her to him, arms snaking around her waist as he kissed her neck.

She smirked back, "Nope. Just–enjoying life. It's too short, remember? Leon, how about you?"

"Why not? I can show him how I'm still the best there is while we're at it," he purred, eyes gleaming in challenge. Raihan paused, taken aback at first, and then chuckled, swiping at his nose.

"Just don't blame me if you regret your decision, mate," he purred, turquoise eyes flashing in acceptance of the call to arms. Between them, Cassandra briefly wondered if she'd unleashed an inferno of trouble she couldn't handle, but as the song changed and their bodies moved, Leon pressing against her back, Raihan at her front. Any such worries were lost in the haze of the rhythm and flesh moving together. There was no time to think about such things or even of the "challenge" made; there was just the ecstasy of joy in life, mixed with sweat and endorphins and sensual touches and thick revelry. Their touches were fire on her skin, just like their breath on her neck. Their presence filled her senses and the world felt far away.

It made time unknowable, the minutes felt like hours and hours longer still. It was a bliss she'd never known but welcomed and by the way Leon's eyes devoured her with every glance. She knew he felt it and reveled in it, too. Raihan was no better; even if he was still apart, he felt the joy still, and by the time it was done–by the time the songs finally paused to allow for an announcement, they were panting and sweating and laughing endlessly.

Leon sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, "Fuck, I'm tired now. And thirsty."

"Same–that was some of the best fun dancing I've had in a while," Raihan chuckled, popping his own collar slightly to cool off. "Where are the other ladies?"

"Right there," Cassandra answered, lifting her hair with one hand to air out her neck while the other gestured to the approaching figures of Nessa and Sonia, who looked just as tired and worn from dancing.

"We're ready to head out–we both gotta get up in like four hours. We're gonna hold up in a nearby hotel, though. We'll text you once we're there, and you guys do the same wherever you're off to," the Professor spoke first.

The Hammerlocke Gym Leader waved his hand, "Y'all can sleep at my place again. Besides, you owe me breakfast."

"Ah, true, we do. We lost last game night," Leon mused, shrugging. "I'm fine with it. You girls take care now, alright?"

"You kids don't get too crazy yourself now," Nessa grinned. "And no hard feelings, guys. You know I love you both very much for all the shit I give you."

"Yes, yes, we know," the former Champion laughed, and exchanged a cheek-kiss with her. Raihan did the same but added in a wink.

"I could never hate my favorite modeling Gym Leader. But maybe turn down the trying to fuck me over a little, would ya? My last prank wasn't even that bad."

She smirked, "Never."

"I'll wear her down, don't worry boys. Have a good night! Look after them, 'Cas! They're trouble!" Sonia beamed, waving before taking her girlfriend's hand and sauntering out the door.

The redhead glanced at the two men, "Don't I know it. Alright, you two, let's get going. I'm ready to sit down after moving around in these heels for so long."

"No worries; we'll get a cab, and you can take those heels off," the Gym Leader hummed, already on the job while Leon wrapped his arm around her waist and they headed out into the much cooler air, which felt good with the sweat on their brow. "I could use a drink once we get back. Gotta come down from this high."

"Tell me about it–I do feel tired, but not sleepy, y'know? Like we could still go," Leon chuckled, kissing the redhead's brow. "Guess I'm just still excited after dancing with you."

"It was a lot of fun–never danced like that, let alone with two people at once!" she purred, slipping her arm back around her lover's.

"Gotta admit, I definitely had more fun than I have in a long ass time. I wouldn't mind doing this again with y'all," Raihan chuckled, hand on his hip. "Plenty of clubs, too, but for now we can have some drinks to chill out, shower if you want, then sleep 'til fuckin noooooon. Lunch for breakfast or dinner is the best. Then we can do fuck all if we want."

"Nah I still got some work, but I pushed it to the afternoon just in case," Leon waved.

Cassandra nodded, "And I need to make some calls about paperwork and all. Boring, but I gotta get it done to make the move smoother. Granted, I still need to build the new Ranch first, so I probably won't be here for... well, probably not until your Gym Challenge is done."

"That's cool, though, ain't it? We can do a proper housewarming party if we're not all busy with the Challenge and Cup. And then you two wanna do another region's Challenge, right?"

Leon nodded with a hum, "Yeah–I won't have time for many more after that. Maybe one more, then I'll be initiated formally as Chairman and things will get busier."

"Oof. Sucks, man, but you're the best for the job," his long-time friend shrugged.

"Now I really feel like I need a job now," Cassandra mused dryly as their taxi came into view.

Raihan snickered, "You could always go for Champ?"

"Nah, y'all are too crazy about it. Maybe I'll do foreign stuff or the Battle Tower. My best asset is battling and all."

"Well, it's not your best asset," Leon purred, reaching down to squeeze her rump, making her squeak and smack his arm.


"Nice," Raihan laughed and headed to the cab, where the pilot had opened the door for them. Once more, they piled in, Cassandra nestled between. Their conversation continued on, speaking of other work she might do, pausing only as they reached the Hammerlocke Tower apartments. From there things went any way that felt right, from the lobby to the elevator, and even to his apartment where the lovers settled onto the couch, the redhead snuggled against Leon with drinks in hand, while Raihan leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping on his drink.

"Okay, so options so far: Champion, Battle Tower Expert, Breeder somehow, and-or Foreign Relations," Cassandra mused, swirling her glass before downing a bit more of her sake. The sting was good and made the pleasant feeling still going strong from the club keep that way.

"Hmm I wouldn't mind seeing you in Champion attire–you worked my shorts amazingly. Still... Battle Tower is probs your best bet, although you do have a lot of foreign Champion and former Champion friends," Leon added, setting his drink down now that it was finished. "What do you think, 'Rai?"

"Hmm probs Battle Tower, unless she changed her mind about all the 'fun' of being Champ. Although, I don't mind having less competition–" he mused, grinning impishly as he finished his drink.

"Careful, maybe I'll come back and reclaim my title," Leon smirked, a challenging glimmer in his eyes.

"Please, you prefer the Chairman work over Champ. You've never been this relaxed since you were like ten."

"Alright, alright; but you need to hurry up and become Champ already."

Raihan sighed, "I know, I know; I'm working on it, alright. I'm still dealing with this dumb funk I got. Still figuring out what I'm missing, but that's not what we're talking about right. So. Anyways, back to her job prospects. What were the options again?"

Cassandra laughed, counting on her fingers as she spoke, "Champ, Battle Tower, Breeder, Foreign Person Thing."

"You know," the Gym Leader mused. "You could be a good breeder. You know a lot about the process already now."

"Ah–RAIHAN!" the redhead laughed, throwing a couch cushion at him.

Leon laughed, too, "Right, so is this the part where you offer your help with the job?"

"I mean, it's always on the table, right?" he snickered in kind. "Lemme get a refill and I can discuss my resume of skills."

"Oh my Arceus," Cassandra giggled, leaning back, and as she did so, a thought crossed her mind.

What if, though?

Maybe it was the high of the dance still, the increased intensity of physical attraction, and the sake talking just a little, but she couldn't help wondering what it would be like. Their clothes gone, bodies pressed together, her tongue tasting them both–

Then she thought better of it and looked to Leon, only to pause again. He had a strange look about him; similar to the one from the club. He met her gaze, and she raised a brow, with a soft "what"?

"What if... we did it?" he asked softly.

She paused again, "Did what?"

"Y'know–the thing. The joke. What if?"

She paused a third time. Blinked once, "Wait–really?"

"Yeah, I mean... it's... kinda... enticing, isn't it?"

"I mean... I admit... I um... did consider it. Just now... But... are you sure? It's kinda... a big jump?" she inquired back, and his eyes didn't waver. He took her hand, too, squeezing with a gentle smile.

"It is, but... we said we wanted to try new things, right? Enjoy life to the fullest? Well... I... really enjoyed tonight–the dance. And... watching. It was... I was maybe, um... excited. Really excited. Like... crazy, weirdly excited. From, um, watching you two. So... y'know... maybe... This can be something new? And exciting and fun to try? And we both trust Raihan. I trust you with him and him with you, so..."

"True... I'm definitely not opposed, so..." she began, growing quiet for a moment before smiling, nodding, and squeezing his hand. "Okay, let's ask."

"Okay," Leon breathed, and for all their talk, she could tell he was nervous about it, too, but he was right; life was too short not to try anything that excited them or peaked their interest, and if Raihan was okay enough to joke about it–maybe he'd be enough to try it, too? That or not be weird about it if they asked.

"So, about my resume and what I can bring to the bedroo–I mean table. I'd be more than happy to demonstrate–" Raihan chimed, having finished mixing his drink and strolled back over.

Leon replied, gaze firm, "Let's do it."

"Yeah, yeah, I was just–," the Gym Leader began, then paused, brows scrunching. He didn't answer for at least a few seconds, the confusion all-too clear on his face. Enough so the redhead had to stifle a giggle and Leon chuckled. Raihan tilted his head as he finally managed to sputter out, "Y-you... uh...what?"

"A threesome. Let's do it. Tonight," the former Champion grinned.

"I mean, you always brag about it–you should put up or shut up," Cassandra snickered, then rubbed the back of her neck, "That is–I mean–if you want to. Like we don't mean anything weird by it, we just–we considered it. After the club and everything and we just... it's something new and exciting to try, y'know?"

"Okay, uh, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hoooooooooold up," Raihan spoke quickly, speed-walking over and plopped himself down on his coffee table so he could stare at them both properly. He gestured as he spoke, "Look, I get it. Y'all had a fan-fucking-tastic time tonight. Things got a little funny and hot from all the dancing, and we had some fun with us both grinding on you, and it was all good and fun and we were messing around. You're also kinda buzzed right now, so you're probs not thinking straight–."

"Raihan," his friend spoke–firmly. The Gym Leader met Leon's golden gaze. "We're not drunk. And we know what we said. We're willing to try. If you're okay with it. If not, this conversation didn't happen, and we can either just keep joking about it or stop."

"So... you guys... actually want a threesome? With me? And you know what that all entails and everything, right?" he replied, brow raised.

"I mean... sharing... me, right? Since you two are definitely not into each other or men," the redhead chuckled, motioning to them both.

Raihan chuckled, "Yes, it means we share only you in this case... but... 'Lee... you'll be okay with that?"

"I think so. I... liked watching you two dance together–and when we both did at the same time with her," the purple-haired man replied, cheeks reddening some. His friend leaned back, elbows on his knees as he entwined his fingers and pushed them to his mouth. He regarded both of them firmly, watching for any signs of insincerity.

There were none.

They were serious.

Raihan inhaled slowly, then exhaled.

"Okay. If you're serious–then I am absolutely okay with it, too."

"Really?" Cassandra inquired. "I mean–I know you joked, but... you really wanna do it with me? Er–us?"

"'Cas, you realize you're fucking hot, right? Like Leon has some top tier taste, and if he hadn't gotten to you first, I'd have slid into your DM's so fast right? Redheads and gingers are my vice."

"You never flirted with Sonia, though?" Leon inquired.

"Yeah–because she was in love with you for friggin' forever, dumb ass. You just couldn't see the babe right in front of you, and I respected her too much as my friend to make a move, and now she's with Nessa, so," he snorted in kind, making the former Champ shrink back. He turned his turquoise eyes back to the redhead, "So–yes. I would gladly fuck you senseless anytime, anywhere, for the asking, and I assure you, you would enjoy it."

"Oh my," she chuckled, cheeks warming.

"But first, I need to make sure you two know what you're getting into," he went on and held up his hand before they could speak. "I mean what you're really getting into... first and foremost: it's just sex. I don't want there to be any weirdness or confusion about that. There's no romantic anything going on, we're just having a good time, doing a fun little sexy hot thing with three people involved. No strings attached. So, you don't need to worry about me catching any feels for Cassandra, and I got a feeling 'Cas here won't catch them for me, but I'mma tell you this now so you know there's nothing personal or romantic behind it. Sex is just pleasure here. Okay?

When they nodded, he continued, holding up two fingers, "Two. The second one of you doesn't like what's going on, say so immediately. Don't just sit there and take it. If you don't like even one thing or you get uncomfortable, you just say the word and I could be about to go balls deep and I will still stop it. I don't care if it's just Leon wanting to stop it or just 'Cas, it ends as soon as one says so. This has to be something we're all okay with and it has to be at all times."

"Then the same applies to you–if you get uncomfy at all, say so and we'll back off, too; no hard feelings," the redhead added, and Raihan smiled.

"Thanks, love. I appreciate that, although I assure you, I am not gonna wanna stop if you're involved."

"I see you're trying to get me wet already."

"Damn you caught me," he snickered, then held up another finger, "Third: what happens in here, stays in here. I won't say a single word about tonight, and I expect you two to do the same–if only for yourselves. I think we know damn well what would happen if this got out, and I don't want you to go through that. I can handle that kinda backlash, but it's the last thing you both need. So, whether we like it or not, it won't leave that bedroom, alright?

He held up a fourth finger, "Lastly, remember: it's all just for fun. So have fun, let loose, but be comfortable."

"I... admit, I didn't expect you to be so... thorough, but... thank-you, mate. It means a lot," Leon smiled, then rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "So, um... where do we... start? We've never done this and all..."

"Well, I've only done a few myself. It's always been with two girls, though, but... well, we can either take turns working 'Cas here up with foreplay or at the same time. What would tickle your titties most, love?"

She laughed, "'Tickle my titties', huh? Well... I guess... why don't you uh... why don't we start first, while you watch, 'Lee... that way we can see how we both like having me kiss someone else."

"I'm okay with it, and she's right–it's a good way to tell, so... have at it, mate. See if you can make her cum as good as I do."

"'Lee!" the redhead huffed, smacking his thigh.

Raihan chuckled, "Well, now, that's a challenge I can let lie down... so... you ready, love? You're about to get The Great Raihan Experience."

"I–uh... yes. Although, I admit, I'm... a little nervous now," Cassandra chuckled, glancing away. She looked back when his hand found hers, squeezing. She met his gaze, which was soft and reassuring, making her heart thump a little and cheeks warm.

"Hey, it's okay. You can trust me. I won't do anything you won't like–promise."

She took a moment, then nodded, "Okay."


"Alright then. Enjoy the show, mate," the Gym Leader purred as he leaned forward, reaching up with his hand to cup the redhead's cheek. He brushed lightly with his thumb, bringing his lips just a ghost's touch away. He radiated an energy that filled her senses, or perhaps it was his musk, but already she felt consumed by him. It made the fire in her spread, and when his lips pressed against hers it was both the strangest, yet most enticing thing. Her body had anticipated Leon's kiss–the tender, loving touch and his taste; this, though, was fierce, yet playful, and, to her greatest surprise but also delight, she was not put off by it. Rather, she was aroused.

"How was that?" he purred softly.

"I–good," she breathed, wishing he'd kiss her again. Instead, he glanced at Leon.

"And you, mate?" he asked, and when she looked, he had that glow in his eyes again. Hungry. Like a predator. It made the pressure in her lower belly increase to a throb.

"All good," he replied, and that was all Raihan needed. He kissed Cassandra again and then once more, tongue asking for entrance which she gave, and he danced with her tongue. His hands, meanwhile, lowered to her side, coasting along the outside of her thighs sensually, nudging the fabric out of the way so skin pressed feather-light against skin. It made her shudder and moan softly just so. It became worse as he moved his mouth downward, nipping and mouthing along her neck as he massaged the inside of her thighs. They slipped further upwards, playfully dancing along her lower abdomen, but not quite going lower. She shivered, ever-so-slightly, making him pause and lean back up so their eyes met. "You okay?"

"Oh yeah," she breathed, panting lightly.

He gave a toothy smirk as his hand slid lower, between her legs, "So... you eager for this huh?"

"Mmhmm," she barely managed, eyes closing slightly as he applied a bit of pressure; rubbing just slightly–just enough to make her squirm a little.

"Damn you're a sensitive one. 'Lee you never said," he purred, brushing his lips along her collar and back to her jaw and lips.

Leon's voice was husky as he replied, "Never kiss and tell."

"Fair," Raihan chuckled, stealing a kiss as he slipped beneath the white fabric of her dress to rub against her panties instead. He purred, "You're already wet."

"I'm horny," she pouted in kind, arms coming up to wrap around his neck, deepening his next kiss. She arched a little as he rubbed a little firmer, pulling out a small sound from her.

"As you should be... oh shit, you are soaked," he laughed as his hand slipped underneath, drawing along her wet center.

She pouted again, face even more red, "I'm very horny."

"Yes, yes you are... but first, hmm..., he rumbled, bringing a hand up to tug along one of the straps of her dress. "Think this needs to come off... what say you, love?"

"I... okay," she replied, again glancing at Leon, who she noticed clutched the couch tightly; as if holding himself back. Again, it only made her arousal worse, and Raihan didn't help as he unclasped her necklace which the dress was held up by, causing the straps to fall. He hummed pleasurably at the sight of her chest and chuckled when she glanced away shyly. He kissed between her breasts and stroked her sensitive bud in response, pulling a moan from her lips.

"No need to be shy, love; you're fuckin' gorgeous," he purred as he nipped one breast playfully and flicked the nipple of the other and promptly returned to stroke her clit, enjoying the way she wriggled. He couldn't suppress his own groan of arousal, her sounds driving him wild already. He couldn't resist pausing in his ministries, either, to glance at his long-time friend, "Damn, 'Lee. You are a lucky, lucky man."

"I know," was his only response, and Raihan continued his work, fingers stroking faster and a bit harder while his lips moved from sucking on her breast to her lips, though his free hand kept massaging one or the other. It was driving her wild regardless, and she was only a little embarrassed to admit it didn't take long for him to make her cum with his hands, arching hard, legs twitching, as the fire he'd built burst and sent tingles throughout her body. She panted lightly when she dropped back down and Raihan relieved her of his hands, giving her a gentler, but playful kiss followed by a nip.

"Now, how about we get this off, mm?" he mused, tugging on her dress. She only nodded, and he was kind enough to help her slip the white fabric up and over, tossing it to the side of the couch and leaving her bare save for her navy panties, which were, as he said, rather soaked. He sat back to admire her, "Damn... I should have suggested this for real sooner."

"You really should have," Leon responded, ogling her well-toned frame.

"Pervs, the both of you," she huffed, but didn't shy away as Raihan suddenly lifted her leg to kiss her foot, then her calf and up to her knee, then her thigh on the top and inside, and then over her heat, making her squirm a little. As he moved upwards, she tugged on his collar, bringing his attention to her. "Hey, wait! You're both still dressed... That's not fair."

Raihan let out a loud laugh, leaning back and smirked at his friend, "You heard your lady, mate. Time to give her a little show, too. It's only fair I suppose."

"I suppose so," Leon rumbled, voice still low and husky; golden eyes devouring her where he sat. Like the Gym Leader, he stood up to undo the buttons of his vest and shirt and whipped them off, muscles flexing with each moment. Now, she knew Raihan was well built by his pictures, but to see it in person? To have him there with Leon, too? It made the throbbing worse, especially as they stripped to just their briefs, and she could see very clearly how they were just as excited about all this as she was. Even Leon, who couldn't seem to stop staring.

She liked that.

"Think it's about time we moved to the bedroom–as kinky as couch fucking is, a bed will give more room for fun," the Gym Leader hummed, taking Cassandra's hand to hoisted her up and then suddenly bent down to throw her over his shoulder and grasp her ass cheek, bringing out a surprised squeak. "C'mon then; time to get to the main course."

"Leon control him!" she huffed, pout-glaring at her boyfriend, who just grinned.

"Nah," he laughed, and followed them to the bedroom where Raihan deposited the redhead onto the bed. She pouted again, but still welcomed his approach, wrapping her arms around his neck again as he came in for a kiss, which she eagerly claimed for herself. He paused to look over at the former Champion, who had placed himself in a chair, watching intently.

"You wanna have a go or...?"

"I'll wait–to see how badly you do."

"Ouch. You gonna take that, Mr. The Great Raihan?" the redhead purred, fingers drawing lightly along his back. He growled softly in kind, kissing her roughly and biting her lip.

"No, I'm not. Alright, time to show you vanilla scoops how it's really done," he rumbled, and his mouth began its sojourn. From her lips to her collar and breast, he left nips and kisses and bites; a happy trail down to her silk-covered core, which begged to be exposed. Who was he to deny it? So, he didn't, latching his hands onto the material and removing it in a deft, alluring motion. At last, exposed fully before him he took in the sight of her, and let out a low, almost painful groan from having to hold back. He wasn't a jealous man, but by Arceus was she a sight worth envying to have privy, too, and now he had a chance. An unusual one at that, but the ecstasy of the moment was too good to give up–as was the chance to savor her taste.

"Ah!" she cried out as he brought his mouth to her sweet center, sucking and lightly biting to send shocks through her system. He kept a firm grip on her thighs as he ate her out, her body arching and fingers tightening on the sheets and on his dreads. Her eyes closed as her mouth opened, his tongue working her quick and fast, building the pressure rapidly in her belly. Yet, just as she thought she might burst, he pulled back and instead teased her thighs or core; left playful kisses or nips, and then just as she thought she might relax he came for her again, stimulating her clit and core once more, and it was a terrible bliss than made the fire burn so hot she felt she wasn't sure she could keep going. Yet, she did, and so did he.

In his chair, Leon watched it all; his eyes savoring each movement she made–every quirk and twitch and arch and flex of her body. He heard every sound; let it fill him to his core and add to the growing, pulsating heat in his groin. He held back his own moans, keeping them to light panting as his arousal grew unbearable. Cassandra came for Raihan a second time then, a cry he knew all too well escaping her lips as she collapsed down, panting hard. His long-time friend licked his lips, looking all too pleased as he stood up to remove his briefs, exposing himself fully. He couldn't stop a small twinge of jealousy at his size, but even then, he found the sight of the two coupling together–of his woman being ravaged and moaning as he entered into her and turned those sounds into pleasured cries–enticing. It aroused a sense of joy he didn't know was possible, and in the end, he couldn't resist it. He shifted his own briefs down to let his cock spring free, throbbing with need, and he relented with his hand. Stroking it softly but in rhythm with Raihan's own thrusts, which grew faster and deeper with each passing moment.

Cassandra found it hard to think as Raihan thrust into her, his cock filling her completely and hitting every sensitive inch. It had been a little uncomfortable at first with how he situated her legs against his shoulders and also his size, but he let her adjust and then discomfort became pleasure and the fire was like an inferno inside her that had finally culminated into an apex and sent her over the edge. He took far longer than she expected, thrusting in her as she arched and tightened around him. He was quick and fast, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing just beneath her cries and his own groans and grunts. Just as she thought she might reach another orgasm, he finally hit his final thrust, jerking and twitching as he spilled into the condom and slipped out. He left more tender kisses along her body and her lips as if to thank her. His touch was gentle too as he hovered over her.

"You okay? How was it?" he asked just as softly, which nearly made her arousal spike again.

She nodded, half-moaning, "Y-yeah."

"Good. I always deliver... now, as for lover boy," he smirked, leaving a kiss on her cheek before looking at the former Champion. She followed his gaze, and had to hold her breath a little, seeing Leon stroking himself and the white cum that had spilled onto his hand. It left no question now–he had enjoyed it.

And that was kind of hot.

"You ought to help him finish that, love–while I clean up and get you a towel," Raihan purred, nipping her ear before slipping away. He threw a wink at his friend. "Good luck outdoing me, mate. I fucked her world."

"We'll see about that," Leon growled softly, promptly removing his briefs fully and heading over to the bed. Cassandra's heart pounded, watching her alpha Pokémon approach; golden eyes alight with a glow that made her throb again. She welcomed him even more than she had Raihan, happy to taste his lips, which crashed against hers while his arms wrapped around her tight, pulling her back to his chest. He was hungry; more so than he ever had been before, and it made her want him that much more, too.

"Jealous?" she purred, teasingly.

"Never. Just eager to show you the real Champion Time because fuck I'm hot for you right now," he rasped, voice low and husky as he kissed her rougher and thrust his hips just slightly–just enough so his cock could press along the outside of her rump.

"Then show me," she gasped, instinctively lifting her leg. He responded quickly, letting his shaft stroke along her entrance, coupled with his hand sliding down to her clit. He rubbed gently at first, pulling out a deep moan from her. He listened carefully to her sounds, using it to judge when he should go harder, steadily increasing the pace and making her press back ever-so slightly a few times before the pressure built too much and burst. She arched hard with a soft moan. He wasn't done there, though; no, he slipped a finger inside, curling and pumping it. Her hand reached back to clutch the back of his head as she panted between kissing and moans, which only grew worse as he moved his free hand to her breast, playing with her nipple and slipping another finger inside. He pumped her hard and fast, sending her to another edge quickly. "Fuck–Lee–."

"I'm not done yet," he growled softly and shifted so he was behind her better and set her leg over his hip.

"Hey," Raihan's voice broke through the stupor, and the former Champ glanced up just as the man tossed a square packet to him. "Don't forget this, ya horny bastard."

"Thanks," Leon chuckled, quickly slipping the condom on before returning to his machinations.

His friend leaned against the doorway as he watched him adjust the redhead's leg, align himself properly, and then slip inside her. She twitched and moaned, his cock no doubt hitting all the right places. Admittedly, he was a bit annoyed that his long-time friend could work her just as well as he could, but he also had to admit there was something hot about it all. He'd seen two women go at it, too, and likened it to the same thing, and just like then, he stroked himself as he took it all in. There was always a weirdness to it; getting off on watching others fuck, but he embraced it all the same and enjoyed the sounds she made as he thrust into her, though slower than he had–more languidly and with more kisses and touches. More sensuality–a testament to their feelings for one another, he knew.

"Fuck–!" she cried out as she hit her peak, already so sensitive after so many orgasms, and he was right behind her, thrusting a final time as he came and spilled his seed into the condom. He milked it, holding her tight against his chest as he kissed her again and again, his adoration only growing in the moment. Once he slipped free, he laid back, panting lightly with her against him. Raihan finished where he stood as well and wiped himself off again before waltzing over and sitting down on the other side with another towel in hand.

"Here–to clean up you dirty fuckers," he snickered, and Leon was the one to take it, gingerly wiping the redhead down, who then returned the favor and shared a rather tender kiss. He grinned, "What? No kiss for me?"

"Oh you big baby," the redhead chuckled and leaned up to give him a chaste one, "There, happy?"

"A little... ask me after a quick power nap cuz I am wiped after that and the dancing beforehand," he sighed, flopping down onto his pillows. "Five-minute break–then we can talk about round two."

"Round two?" the two lovers chimed.

His smirk returned quickly, "What? You didn't like round one?"

"I think you know the answer," Leon hummed, shifting to wrap his arm back around his girlfriend.

"Exactly," he laughed, and closed his eyes to signal for them to do the same, which they did.

Only, a five-minute nap became an hour, and when Leon woke Cassandra was still snoozing soundly, face nestled into the pillows. Raihan was gone, however, but a sound from the kitchen told him where his long-time friend might be. He was reluctant to leave his lover's side, but seeing her naked and remembering what happened, a burning question nagged him, and he had a feeling Raihan would have the answer. So, he shifted slowly so as not to disturb her and slipped on his discarded briefs before venturing out. There, he found Raihan leaning against the kitchen counter, his own briefs on, and looking quite relaxed. The man grinned as he approached and raised a glass–of water–in a toast.

"So. How'd you enjoy your first threesome, mate? I admit, I did not expect it to be with me or sharing your 'not-wife', but... I'm honored," he snickered, and Leon joined him as he, too, leaned against the counter.

"It's... weird, but... I enjoyed it. A lot. I wasn't sure I would, but... and... I guess... it's weird, but... watching you with her–screwing her... it... fuck... it turned me on. I liked it. A lot," he laughed, running a hand through his hair. "Is... is that... wrong? Should I like it? Should I not? I mean–in the heat of the moment I didn't question it, but now... I dunno, I feel like it should be, but..."

Raihan clapped his shoulder and held it there, "'Lee, don't think so hard about it. If you liked it, you liked it. And there's nothing wrong with it. People like what they like, and so long as it's legal and consensual, it's okay. And if you enjoyed it? Then all the better. Hell, I felt the same way watching you bang her, too. So don't feel ashamed for a second and just embrace it. And remember: what happens here–."

"--stays here," Leon grinned and clapped his shoulder back. "Thanks–I mean it... just... for everything, I guess. For being a damned good friend. For entertaining this and just... yeah. Everything."

"Dude, don't sweat it. It was my pleasure–literally this time," he laughed and sipped his drink. "FYI I'm down for this again if y'all are. I gotta admit, this was one of the better sexual escapades I've done, and there's plenty more we can do–."

"Sounds like you need it more than we do," the former Champ snickered. "I mean–I'm good to do it again. I dunno about like every night or anything crazy like that, and I need to ask 'Cas first, but... I'd definitely do this again... Wait... Geez, is this what they call being kinky?"

"Yes. Yes, it is!" the Gym Leader snickered, shaking his head.

"Awfully rude, leaving a girl all lonesome like that. Bed gets cold," a familiar voice called out, and the two looked over to find Cassandra, sporting nothing on, and standing in the hallway. Needless to say, they savored the sight as she waltzed over, hips and hair swaying and breasts jiggling ever-so-slight with every step. She settled decidedly between them, a mischievous grin on. "So... had a fun talk? Not thinking of having fun without me, are you?"

"NO!" they both barked in unison, making her giggle.

"I kid, I kid... so... I missed some of the conversation, but sounds like this is a do-again?"

Leon nodded, "I'm fine with it, if you are.... I mean, it seemed like you enjoyed it."

"Oh, I did. It was... Hmm... very... hot. Is that–."

"Weird? As I told Leon–no. It's not. You like having two top tier men pleasuring you, and we enjoy watching the show. It's a win-win in my book, and no strings attached? Even better. I'm just glad you didn't get jealous, mate. I know that's hard considering," the taller man purred, glancing downwards.

"Nothing to be jealous of," Leon purred back, earning a pout. Cassandra laughed, patting their rumps playfully.

"No fighting... also, Raihan... thank-you–tonight was... exactly what we needed, and I'm so grateful to have you as a friend–especially one we can trust like this," she smiled softly at the man, reaching over to squeeze his hand. He squeezed back, bringing her knuckles up to kiss.

"For you, love? Any time. Just hit me up, and I will gladly remind Leon who's the better at fucking."

"Now hold on–who was the better one, 'Cas?" Leon interjected.

"Weeeeeeeeeell," the redhead hummed, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Truth be told... I don't think one round is gunna do it. I need more data to... compare."

"Oh?" Raihan mused wickedly, only to groan when her hand found his cock, gently squeezing against his briefs. She did the same to Leon, who inhaled sharply.

"I think–we can be... obliged," he rasped when she slipped the material over, unleashing their aroused cocks once more, which she stroked slowly.

"Round two it is then," she giggled and lowered down to her knees.

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