The Guardian(Male Reader X DC)

By XxRedxX999

37K 678 181

The story of journey, love, justice, and choice. More

Chapter One:Resurrection
Chapter Two:Training Day
Chapter Three:We need a hero
Chapter Four:Guardian Angel
Chapter Five: Helping Hand
Chapter Six:Reunited
Chapter Seven: Restraint
Chapter Eight:Responsibility
Chapter Nine:Outcast
Chapter Eleven:An Ally
Chapter Twelve: Anarchy

Chapter 10:New In Town

1.4K 43 11
By XxRedxX999

The lady arrived at a small motel Y/N stepped out of the car "Thank you, here this should be enough for the trip" Y/N said giving her some cash but she simply shook her head "It's fine, don't worry about it my name's Catalina" Catalina said "Y/N" He said smirking "Well I'll know where to find you if you ever need a ride again" Catalina stated Y/N smiled "I hope so" Y/N said entering the motel "Welcome, how's your night?" A front desk lady asked "It's...going, any rooms available?" Y/N asked "Yes a couple actually, how long will you be staying with us sir?" She asked "I'm new to the city so I'll say for the time being until I find a more permanent residence" Y/N answered he pulled a large amount of cash placing it on the desk.

"Will that be enough?" Y/N asked the lady was quite shocked at the amount of money in front of her "Um...yes here's your key sir, enjoy your stay" She said giving Y/N the key to his room he simply smiled walking out to his room.

Y/N stood over a rooftop in a more alternative version of his Armor due to the cold weather.

Watching over the city admiring the view from above he pressed the side if his helmet activating a new hud system into it turning off all his visuals only seeing darkness until a car horn honks creating a 3D image of where the sound is coming from Y/N designed the system to replicate echo location used by bats. Fifteen blocks from here an emergency alarm went off from a bank Y/N turned off the system leaping off the building to the next treating the city as his own playground. Landing Y/N crouched down at the edge of  building across the bank watching as the robbers held up the bank teller at gun point along with other employees "I better hurry before one of them gets trigger happy" He said to himself teleporting inside Y/N drew small amount of kunai's throwing them at every light in the bank turning the room pitch black.

"What the hell, who's there!?" A robber yelled turning his attention away from the hostage worrying only for himself Guardian landed behind him choking him from behind before slamming him onto the ground "What was that!" Another yelled he drew a lighter from his pocket making a small light to illuminate the room finding his other accomplice "Steve, What the fucks going on?" He whispered slowly approaching each other "I don't know just be careful, Tom is almost done cracking the safe" Steve answered "Okay I-AHHHH!" The robber screamed as he was dragged into the darkness dropping his lighter firing off his gun into the shadows panicking until Steve heard nothing but a Crack.

"Jerry! Come out you bastard!" Steve yelled nervously aiming his gun into the shadows of the dark, Jerry picked up the lighter for light flicking it showing the small flame he turned around to face Guardian before he could even make a noise he was knocked unconscious. "Guys let's go I got everything we needed" Tom said walking out of the room taking his headphones off and noticing the darkness "The hell did power go out? Jerry" He said but no one answered "Steve?" No one answered "What the hell?" Tom whispered before suddenly was kicked in his back falling to the ground Tom turned over looking up to see Guardian standing over him "What the hell are you?!" He yelled frightened by his appearance "I'm the thing you fear, I'm what you criminals hope not to face every night and day, I'm Justice" Guardian answered knocking him out cold.

He looked at the bag of items they we're after picking it up he opened it to see was simply files with only one name "Tony Zucco"

Y/N sat at his table his hands folded reading everything in the file turns out Tony Zucco is a mob boss in Blüdhaven known for many homicides of not just criminals but store owners that took loans from him this was his personal checking book showing every person that owes him money in the city also police officers under his payroll.

"He sent those thugs to break into the bank for his own safety deposit box or someone else did" Y/N said to himself before a knock was at his door, he quickly hid the file under the bed and approached the door looking into the peep hole to see a familiar face "Hey it's me your last minute uber driver, I thought your new here maybe we could go out and I could show you around?" She asked Y/N thought for a minute not thinking it was a good idea but he has to blend in.

He unlocked and opened the door she was slightly surprised that he answered but quickly regained her composure "Come in I'm sure it was freezing outside" Y/N said widening the door "Thanks, not so cold to you I bet" She replied smiling he simply smirked "Yeah well the cold never bothered me anyway, so where are we going to this evening if I may ask?"

A bowling ball rolled down the lane knocking all the pins down "Strike, that's two matches I've beaten you in" She said smirking at Y/N who rolled his eyes "Don't forget I won the first one" Y/N replied "By one point, face it you can't win"

"You'd be surprised how stubborn I am to win but you've won fair and square" Y/N said giving her the money they betted on "Why thank you" She said bowing like she was a princess then sat down next to him "So, you're plan was to drag me out of my room tonight to take my money?" He asked smiling she gave him an offended expression "Of course not...well maybe" She answered smiling Y/N chuckled "I just realized something" Y/N said raising his eyebrow "What's that?" She asked

"You never told me your name"

"Well, you never asked" She replied sipping her slushy nonchalantly "So are you going to tell me?" Y/N asked laughing a little She looked at him finishing her drink "Well, since you asked. It's Catalina" Catalina said "Catalina, I like it" Y/N said "Thanks, I aim to please that should be the title of my memoir" She said "Why's that?"

"Being a police officer is that type job, please everyone in the precinct and you'll get by even the dirty ones"

Y/N interest peaked "I thought the whole point of having a badge was to up hokd the law"

"Pretty hard to that when the law is on the side of crime in this city, I've seen everything since I was a kid. The good,the bad, and the ugly" Catalina said her tone switching from happy to sad "Sometimes I wish that there'd be someone to just take a stand you know? Every person is scared of what will happen if they do"

"Why can't you be that person, take your stand and who knows maybe someone will follow behind you" Y/N said "That'll be the day wouldn't it" Catalina said with a small smile her phone rang she answered "Yes sir, I'm on my way" Catalina said hanging up "Sorry guess it's time to call it a night" She said getting up Y/N did the same "Everything's okay?" He asked "Yeah, just work. I'll see you tomorrow maybe we can have another match or actually go somewhere to eat" Catalina said "You know where to find me" Y/N said smiling she did as well.

They shared a hug and went there separate ways both going out to work.
Catalina arrived to the scene in her uniform.

A/N:Imagine it says BHPD

Catalina got out of her car walking towards the bank seeing multiple police cars and reporters on the scene, she ducked under the yellow tape seeing her partner "Glad to see you've finally arrived" He said sternly "Sorry sir, I was held up with something else tonight" Catalina said "Hope it was important we have a case on our hands" He said looking up she followed his view and was surprised to see three masked thugs hanging upside down from the rooftop of the bank.

"We have a vigilante on our hands"

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