By imma_simposter

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"𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍" _______________________... More



15.6K 244 173
By imma_simposter


"Morning in Paris, the city awakes, to the bells of Notre Dame. The fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakes, to the bells of Notre Dame.

To the big bells as loud as the thunder, to the little bells soft as a psalm, and some say the soul of the city's the toll of the bells, the bells of Notre Dame!"

A man sung in a booth as children began to stand in front of the colorfully dressed man.

"Listen, they're beautiful no?" He spoke to the children, "So many colors of sound, so many changing moods, Because you know, they do not ring all by the themselves"

"They don't?" A puppet dressed the same way as the man asked.

"No silly boy" He said and moved to the other side of his booth to reveal a large building, "Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower, lives a mysterious bell ringer. Who is this strange creature?" The man asked

"Who?" the puppet asked as well.

"What is he?"


"How did he come to be there?"


"Hush" The man said hitting the puppet making the children laugh, "And Clopin will tell you it is a tale, a tale of a two and a monster"


"Dark was the night when our tale was begun, on the docks near Notre Dame"

"Shut it up will you!" to a woman holding a baby in her arms as it cried out. "We'll be spotted!"

"Hush little one" She cooed. As a child went next to the woman and held her arm.

"Five frightened gypsies, slid silently under the docks near Notre Dame"

"Five guilders for safe passage into Paris" A man said extending his hand out for his reward....

"But a trap had been laid for the gypsies, and they gazed up in fear and alarm. At figure whose clutches, were iron as much as the bells"

"Judge Claude Frollo!" A man said afraid as a figure on a horse appears from the shadows.

"The bells of Notre Dame"

"Judge Claude Frollo longed, to purge the world, of vice and sin.
And he saw corruption everywhere, except within"

"Bring these gypsy vermin to the palace of justice" Frollo commanded to the guards around the gypsies. The guards proceed to handcuff all of the male gypsies first but leaving the woman and child alone.

"You there, what are you hiding?" A guard asked attempting to take away the fabric away from her, the child tried to push him back but there was no use.

"Stolen goods, no doubt, take them from her, and the child" The man spoke.

"They ran"

Frollo chased the woman and child,on horse back they ran until they were at a large building.

"Sanctuary, please give us sanctuary!" The woman begged as her and the child banged on the door of a cathedral. Frollo managed to catch up to the gypsy woman, she grabbed the child's wrist pulling them up, as she carried them and tried to run once again.

Since Frollo was on a horse he was able to catch her quickly, by grabbing the child in her arms and pushing her back with his foot, knocking her out cold and never to wake up again.

"Mother!" The child cried out while holding the fabric their mother held onto so tightly, Frollo looked towards the child that was now sitting on his horse.

"Give me that you disgusting vermin" He snered, the child shook its head now holding onto the fabric, a cry came out making Frollo's eyes go wide, "A baby??!" he thought.

The same as the mother Frollo hardly pushed the kid onto the ground now holding the fabric, he took a peek and, "A monster!"

He gasped as he then covered up the baby and searched around the area. His eyes landed on a well, he was going to commit a sin in front of god but Frollo only saw himself doing gods work.

He held the child high above the well preparing to drop it until...

"Stop!" Cried the Archdeacon.

"This is an unholy demon. I'm sending to hell where it belongs" Claude Frollo announced.

"See there the inncoent blood you have spilt, On the steps of Notre Dame" the Archdeacon sung holding the woman.

"I am guiltless, those gypsies ran, I pursued" Frollo protested.

"Now you would add these children's blood to your guilt, On the steps of Notre Dame"

"My conscience is clear" The child the laid on the snow eventually got up to see a man in white holding their mother and walked up to him. "Mother, mother wake up.." the child softly spoke, shaking and tapping her.

"You can lie to yourself and your minions, you can claim that you haven't a qualm"

"But you never can, run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes, The very eyes of Notre Dame"

Frollo look up to the statues each of them staring at him

"And for one time in his life, of power and control.
Frollo felt a twinge of fear, for his immortal soul"

"What must I do?" Frollo asked the Archdeacon.

"Care for the child and gypsy, and raise them as your own" he replied.

"What? I'm to be settled with this beings... Very well, let them live with you and your church" Frollo said.

"Live here? Where?"

"Anywhere" Frollo replied looking up at the cathedral, "Just so he's kept locked away where no one else can see"

"And for this mere child not never use their witch craft" he said looking towards the child behind the Archdeacon.

"The bell tower perhaps" He suggested to the Archdeacon," And who knows, our Lord works in mysterious ways"

"Even these foul creatures may, yet prove one day to be... of use to me" He smiled wickedly to the baby and child who was hiding behind the Archdeacon.


"And Frollo gave the baby a cruel name, a name that means half-formed, Quasimodo" Clopin said, "And as for the gypsy well... her name is (Your Name)"

"Now here is a riddle to guess if you can, Sing the bells of Notre Dame. Who is the monster and who is the man?"

"Sing the bells bells bells bells bells bells bells bells
Bells of Notre Dame!"


At the time it was winter when they were first introduced to the cathedral, but now after twenty year it was early spring, and as the usual routine goes Quasimodo rings the bells while his sister studies the Holy text.

The way Quasimodo was raised was equally cruel as the way (Y/n) was.

Judge Claude Frollo "raised" Quasimodo to know that he was ugly and a monster for all of his life.

As to were with (Y/n) he made her confess the sins of her and her brothers birth as well as her parents, saying everything that she has been told or done was the devil's work. This included dancing, palm reading and so on and forth.

Quasimodo and (Y/n) grew up with one more thing. Gargoyles, three of them. That could talk and move. Their names are Victor, Hugo, and Laverne...

From the highest point of the bell tower (Y/n) stood tall admiring the view. Bells began to play out throughout the cathedral. After a few moments of watching the people below with their lives white birds flew by and a single little bird squeaked out to her as if it was saying goodbye.

While with Quasi...

"I thought he'd never leave." Hugo said spitting out feathers, "I'll be spittin' feathers for a week"

"Well that's what you get for sleeping with your mouth open" Victor said crossing his arms.

Hugo chuckled before mumbling, "Go scare a nun"

"Hey Quasi what's goin' on out there? A fight? A flogging?"

Victor smiles, "A festival"

"You mean a feast of fools?" Hugo smiled.

"Uh-huh" Quasimodo said sadly.

"All right all right! Pour the wine and cut the cheese" Hugo then did armpit farts.

"It is a treat to watch the colorful pageantry of the simple peasant folk" Victor commented before getting pushed off.

"Boy nothin' like balcony seats for watching the ol' FO.F"

"Yeah watching" Quasi said sadly before walking away.

"Oh, look. A mime" Hugo smirked. He began to snort some spit in his mouth ready to fire but if it weren't for Victor covering Hugo's mouth the poor mime would have gargoyle spit all over them.

(Y/n) headed inside the bell tower to see her younger brother slouching on the table which had most of Paris well at least the cathedral and a few houses and wooden people. The other gargoyles stood behind a large green fabric looking towards him.

"What's with Quasi?" She asked in a whisper.

"We think he's sick" Hugo said to her.

(Y/n) nodded and walked towards her brother, Laverne followed.

"Quasi, what's wrong?" his sister asked putting a hand on his back.

"You want to tell ol' laverne all about it?"

"I- I just don't feel like watching the festival that's all" Quasimodo said sadly.

"Well did ya ever think of going there instead?" The gargoyle asked.

"Laverne.." His sister warned, but the gargoyle waved her off.

"Sure. But I'd never fit in out there... I'm not.. normal" Quasimodo sadly said just as his sister was gonna comfort him birds got in the way.

"Do ya mind? I would like to have a moment with the boy if it's right with you!" Laverne shouted moving around her arms to shoo the birds, before slamming her fist onto the table.

"Hey quit beating around the Bell Tower what do we got to do paint you up for fresco?" Hugo asked hopping onto the table and grabbing a wooden figure of (Y/n) and Quasimodo.

"As your friends and guardians, we insist you two attend the festival" Victor said holding his arm and (Y/n)'s hand.

"Us?" Quasimodo asked.

"Nope, the pope. Of course you two!" Hugo said holding a carving of the pope.

"It will be a veritable potpourri of educational experience" Victor spoke.

"Wine, women song." Hugo listed holding other wooden figures.

"You can learn to identify various regional cheeses"

"Bobbin for snails"

"Study indigenous folk music"

"Playing dunk the Monk" Hugo had a bucket of water in his hands and plunged it onto Victors head.

"Quasi and (Nickname) take it from an old spectator." Laverne said, "Life's not a spectator sport"

"If watching is all you're gonna do your gonna then you're gonna watch your life go by without ya." Laverne said waving her stone hand off.

"Yeah, you're human, with the flesh and the hair, and the navel lint" Hugo said scuffing Quasimodo's red hair, "We're just part of the architecture. Right Victor?"

"Yet, if you kick is will we not flake?"
"If you moisten us, do we not grow moss?" Victor asked and took of the bucket on his head placing it onto Hugo's.

"Quasi, (Nickname) just grab a fresh tunic, your tambourine and a fresh pair of hose and-"

"Lav, I think your forgetting one thing." (Y/n) said with a weak smile.

"What?" They asked with a smile.

"Our master, Frollo" Quasimodo said holding a wooden figure of Claude Frollo. There faced all dropped.

"Oh, dear.."
Victor then asked, "W-well when he says, "You're both forbidden from ever leaving the bell tower", does he mean 'ever' ever?"

"Never ever, he said he hates the feast of fools, come on you all know this" (Y/n) said looking towards all of them before setting up the wooden Frollo, to get hanged.

"He'd be furious if we asked to go"

"Who says ya gotta ask?" Hugo said concocting a plan,"Ya sneak out"

"Its just one afternoon" Laverne said.

"We couldn't" Quasimodo said.

"And ya sneak back in" Hugo finished.

"He'll never know you were gone."

"What if we got caught then what?" (Y/n) asked.

"Better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission" Victor said.

"He might see me and (Y/n). I rather not get us in trouble" Quasi said holding his head.

"You could wear a disguise. And Frollo wouldn't notice (Nickname) since you know.." Hugo holding a cloak.

"Wow thanks Hugo" (Y/n) smiled sarcastically.

"No problem" Hugo laughed, "And what Frollo doesn't know can't hurt ya" Hugo said hoping behind Victor.

Victor stated "Ignorance is bliss."

"Look who's talking" Hugo said as he jumped onto Victor putting him in a head lock scratching his head.

"Nobody want to stay cooped up here forever" Laverne. Quasimodo tought about it before getting up from his seat with a smile.

"You're right. I'll go, come on (Y/n)" Quasi said grabbing her hand as the gargoyles cheered.

"I'll clean up, (Y/n) will grab her tambourine, we'll walk down those stairs, we'll go through those doors and-"

"Good morning Quasimodo and (Y/n)" Frollo said holding a basket and looking down on Quasi and his sister, a slight smile then rested on Frollo's lips as he looked at (Y/n).

"Oh good m-morning Master" Quasimodo stuttered.

"Moring Minister Frollo" (Y/n) said with the same stare as Frollo gave to her brother.

"Dear boy, whomever are you talking to? I know it wasn't (Y/n) since you were dragging her" Frollo integrated Quasimodo. He always seemed to enjoy it, it may never show on his face but deep down (Y/n) could tell he loved to torture her brother.

"My.. Friends" Quasi responded.

"I see. And what are your friends made of Quasimodo?" Frollo said knocking on the now stone gargoyles.

"Stone" Quasimodo said looking down, Frollo put his hand under the mishaped boy raising his head.

"Can stone talk?"

"No, it can't"

"That's right, you're a smart lad, its nice to know that your sister hasn't bewitched you with her spell" Frollo smirked to (Y/n) whom was trying her hardest not to roll her eyes.

"Now lunch" Frollo said sitting himself down on a stoll. Quasimodo sat in front of him with his hands on the table. (Y/n) had to be the lady and get the silverware for the men and herself to eat.

"Shall we review your alphabet today?" Frollo asked getting a large book.

"Oh yes master. I would like that very much" Quasimodo said eagerly.

"(Y/n)?" Frollo asked


"Yes what (Y/n)?" Frollo asked wanting to hear that one word come from her lips.

"Yes m-master.." She said with her head hanging.

"Raise your head child" Frollo said placing his finger under her chin lifting it up.

"Now lets begin, 'A?'" Frollo said pouring some liquid into Quasimodo and (Y/n) cup.

"Abomination" (Y/n) said first.


"Blasphemy" Quasimodo said.






"Eternal damnation"

"Good. F?"


"Festival" Quasimodo said in unison with his sister, making Frollo spat out his drink he dabbed his mouth with a napkin. "Excuse me?"

"F-forgiveness!" Quasimodo said.

"You said, festival. I think you're sister had something to do with that" Frollo said eyeing (Y/n).

"No! She had nothing to do with it"

"Well then why are you thinking about going to the festival?" Frollo asked getting up from his seat, and going to the stairs.

"I-Its just that you go every year" Quasi said as he and (Y/n) followed Frollo.

"I am a public official, I must go. But I don't enjoy a moment." He ranted going down stairs of the bell tower, "Thieves and cutpurses, the dregs of humankind, all mixed together in a shallow drunken stupor"

"I didn't mean to upset you master" Quasimodo spoke.

"Quasimodo, (Y/n) can't you understand?" Frollo said looking at the sight of Paris.

"When your heartless mother abandoned you two as children, anyone else would have drowned you two" Frollo lied to the two since (Y/n) was their that day to witness the truth.

"And this is my thanks for taking you in and raising you as my son and daughter."

"We're sorry sir" Quasimodo spoke for him and (Y/n) since she refused to say anything, he held her and and clasped it in a fist shutting his eyes.

"Oh my dear (Y/n) and Quasimodo you both don't know what it's like out there.

"I do. I do" Frollo said.


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