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By starrysnite

245K 11.4K 9.8K

โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โ ๐™’๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š.. ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™๐™š๐™ก๐™ก ๐™–๐™ข ๐™„? โž โˆ˜โ‚Šโœงโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โœงโ‚Šโˆ˜ You lived a normal and casual life in the twenty-f... More

Intro !! Woohoo !!
Your Bitchass Woke Up Late
I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore..
WHAT THE HEL- Wait Nvm It's Only A Chipmunk
Exercising - Your Worst Enemy.
As Dumb As A Roc- Boulder.
Worst Cooks In Ameri- Japan
Mr. Fox Beats Your Ass
Cancelled Sabito On Twitter
Surprise Party
R.I.P., Tanjirou's Long Hair
Old Friend
How To Kick Balls: 101
Haganezuka With The 'Tude
Kazumi Worries For Your Bowels
In The Depths
a/n (not rly tho, just me complaining)
Fedora Fucker
That's A Lot Of Damage!
Disney Princess
Enter: Boar Bitch
Eeny Meeny Miney Moe...
Sherlock Holmes
Knee Murderer
WikiHow: To Flip Off A Lower Moon
Hang In There! (Literally!)
The Hashira's Reenactment Of Judge Judy
You Threatened.. Muzan Kibutsuji?
Get That Away From Me!
Pathetic Attempt At Charades
Mission Impossible!
Girls Don't Fart
Six In The Morning
Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!
Truths Revealed
You Screw Yourself Over
Haganezuka Throws A Tantrum
Au Revoir!
All Aboard!
Don't Let The Bedbugs Bite!
Trouble In Paradise
Eyes Opened
Let's Make A Deal
Reunited At Last
Bitter Goodbyes
A Father's Love
You Turn Into An Old Man
Zenitsu's Stomach Goes Through World War III
Awkward Conversations 101
Shenanigans But Make It Fancy
Getting Blackmailed By A Toddler! Whoopee!
Who Doesn't Love Getting Slammed Into Fourteen Walls?
Second Guessing
The Hardest Thing
Eli Having No Sense Of Direction
The Return of The Psychopathic Swordsmith
Revealing The Truth
Life Without You
Enter: Flamboyant Bitch
Flashy Lights
Inosuke Goes Through Puberty
Another Day, Another Blackmail
Eli Gets Extremely Humbled
Dรฉjร  Vu๏ฟผ
Slandering Eli, Pt. 2719
im alive !! woo!! (a/n)
The Emergence
That One Britney Spears Song
Broken Record
Enter: The First Wife
Lucky Is She
Karma, Bitch!
At Long Last
His Perspective
After The Storm
Heart to Heart
Slipped Out
Room Arrest
The Great Ice Cream War - Chocolate Vs. Vanilla
Training Dummy
Not-So Sleeping Beauty
No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts
Into The Village
Mohawk Boy
Read The Room
You're Not Schizophrenic, Are You?
The Key
A Puny Crow Kicks Your Ass
Fucked Up Version Of Excalibur
Oh No, He's Hot!
Somebody, Fix The Wifi..
You're Single, Aren't You?
Hips Don't Lie!
In Which: You Drown Like The Titanic

Mission Impossible-er

1.3K 72 45
By starrysnite


haven't had one in a while, so i wanted to surprise u guys :)!!

WARNING : Swearing , Blood


You sat on your bed in.. denial? Was that it? You weren't too sure.

All you were sure about was that you were inevitably left behind, which was not good whatsoever. Hoshi remained next to you, tilting her head at your sudden drop of mood.

You began to slightly tear up, but wiped your eyes before the tears could fall, muttering under your breath, "Fuck.. Fuck..!!"

You glanced at the empty and neat beds in the room, before letting out a deep breath. You zoned out for god knows how long, until you heard a knock on your door, which snapped you out of your little trance.

You turned your head to the door, "Come in..!" Soon enough, the door slowly creaked open, before Kanao stepped into the room. You perked up, "Hey, Kanao!"

Kanao sent you a small smile in response, "Hello, (Y/N)!" She shut the door behind her, before you patted down a spot next to you on your bed. She looked at you with slightly widened eyes, before you let out a chuckle, "What, you think I'm just gonna let you stand? Come sit down!"

Kanao slightly bit her lip, before reluctantly making her way towards you, sitting down criss crossed on your bed. You sent her a smile, "I'm glad you helped rescue Aoi and Naho from Uzui!! It made me happy to see you help!"

Kanao's face lit up in a bright pink hue in embarrassment, before she managed to squeak out, "I-It was nothing.." You nudged her playfully, "No, you helped out a ton!"

Kanao gaped at you, the still bright pink hue plastered onto her face. She then slowly but surely sent you a wide, genuine smile, "Thank you.. You also helped too.. so thank you for that as well.."

You chirped at her happily, "Thank you!!" You two fell into a comfortable silence, before Kanao piped up, "(Y/N).." You looked at Kanao expectantly, "What's up?"

She nervously fidgeted with her fingers, before squeezing her eyes shut and raising her voice, "I-I'm glad we're friends!!" After a few seconds of silence, she cracked open one of her eyes.

You began to laugh, before enveloping your hands in Kanao's, "I'm even more than glad that we're friends!" You chuckled, lowering your voice, "It gets old being surrounded by boys 90% of the time.."

Kanao softly smiled, "Thank you, for everything." You waved her off, "No, thank YOU!" After a moment, you spoke up once more, "Hey Kanao, can I have your help?"

Kanao raised her brows, "..Yeah, what do you need?" Your expression became determined, "I'm planning on 'escaping' here to go to the Red Light District, and I need your help."

Uzui pointed at the five, "Got it?! I am God! You are trash! First, get that drilled right into your skulls!! If I tell you to become a dog, you become a dog!! You will always humor me by stooping down and imploring me for favors, and do your best to flatter me!!"

He took a deep breath, "I'll say this one more time.. I AM GOD!!" He then finished his mini speech with a pose.

Eli stared at him in disgust, while muttering under his breath, "Yeah uhh.. no thanks. Hard pass." Uzui robotically snapped his head towards Eli, before kicking him in the crotch, "SAY I'M GOD, YOU WEAKLING!"

Sōta held back laughter as Eli let out a yell and fell to his knees, wheezing out, "N-NEVEERRR!!" Uzui grumbled under his breath, "Why you.." Tanjirou abruptly raised his hand, attempting to break the conflict up, "What exactly do you rule over as a god?"

Zenitsu flashed Tanjirou a look of disappointment, This guy's unbelievable.. I cant believe I'm saying this.. but for once I agree with Inosuke 2.0..

Uzui chuckled triumphantly, "Nice question, I have high hopes for you!"

Zenitsu looked back at Eli, who was looking at Zenitsu with a disgusted face, It's a dumb question. Don't have high hopes. At least Inosuke 2.0 gets it.

Uzui looked at the five with a serious expression, "I'm the God who rules over flamboyance. The God of festivals." Eli piped up, "You're a moron. You rule over morons."

Uzui slapped him on the cheek, making Eli skid across the ground. Zenitsu stared at Eli mortified, I WAS JUST THINKING THAT!! IF I SAID IT, I'D BE IN HIS POSITION!! He then deadpanned, Whatever. Better him than me.

Inosuke placed his hands on his hips, "I am the King of the Mountains. Nice to meet you, God of Festivities!!" Everyone turned their attention to Inosuke, looking disappointed. Uzui then spoke up, "What're talking about..? You're just disgusting."

Eli burst into laughter, "PFFT- YOU'RE THE SAME AS HI-" Uzui sent him a glare, making Eli shut up immediately. He stood up slowly, dusting his legs off.

Inosuke stared at Uzui, which made Uzui step backwards, "Ew." He then turned to the rest, "The Wisteria House is on the way to the Red Light District. We'll get prepared there."

He turned around, "Follow me." With that, he disappeared, leaving a dust cloud in his stead. They all flinched, before Sōta spoke up, "Eh? Where the hell did he go?!" Zenitsu let out a yelp, "HUHH?! HE'S GONE!!"

The five of them averted their vision, squinting their eyes while looking in the distance. Zenitsu abruptly shouted, "WHOAA!! HE'S SO FAR AWAY THAT HE LOOKS LIKE A SESAME SEED!!"

Eli twitched his eye, "W-WHA?! I CAN DO IT BETTER THOUGH, OBVIOUSLY!!" With that, he began to sprint after Uzui, "GET BACK HERE YOU BITCHHH!!"

Inosuke sweatdropped, "So THIS is the power of the festivities god..!!" Tanjirou waved him off, "No that guy is the sound pillar!" Zenitsu and Sōta deadpanned at the two, "AFTER HIM!!"

As Eli, Tanjirou, Inosuke, Zenitsu and Sōta ran after Uzui, Eli couldn't help but let his mind wander. To be frank, he was a little pissed at the rest of the crew. I mean, yes, he DID want you to rest, but flat out leaving you behind like that.. he didn't like it one bit.

It didn't really feel the same without you on the mission with the rest of them. Besides, you even told him that this upcoming mission was the start of a new arc.

A new arc means more powerful demons.
And without you there, it'll be much harder to defeat it.

Tanjirou piped up, "Hey Hugh, you smell.. angry. Is everything okay..?" Eli decided to be blunt, "I'm mad at each and every one of you. Plus, Flamboyant Bitch is annoying as fuck."

Zenitsu nodded in agreement, "The only thing I'll agree with you about. He's such a moron!" Tanjirou chimed in, "Why are you mad at us..?" Sōta added on, "Yeah, you didn't really seem angry.."

Eli rolled his eyes, "You guys are messed up, leaving (Y/N) behind like that. Not even giving a good explanation other than, 'You need to rest.' We didn't even get to give a proper goodbye. Believe me, I want her to rest and take it easy but man.. that was not how you do it."

With that, he accelerated his speed, managing to run in front and away from the rest of the crew.

Soon enough, the sun had begun to set over the horizon. Kanao had left shortly after you told her about the plan.

"Kanao, I just need you to make sure that nobody comes in this room at least until tomorrow morning, okay? Once the sun sets, I'm gonna be changing into my uniform, and by the time the moon is out, I'll be gone."

"..Are you sure..? Surely they can handle the mission by themselves. But.. I trust you. Just.. please, stay safe.."

Kanao had managed to smuggle you your uniform, your haori, your sword and your sheath. Once you were done getting dressed, you attached your sheath to your belt, before securing it.

You picked up your hairpin, before placing it in your hair. You then sat down on the floor to put your zori sandals on. Once you were done, you stood up, dusting yourself off.

You slipped your haori around your shoulders, before pulling it down to make sure it was comfortable. You then glanced at Hoshi, who looked at you expectantly.

You scooped her up, before petting her on her head. You softly smiled while you whispered to her, "Alrighty.. we're doing this.. huh."

You glanced out the window to see the pale moon illuminate the night sky. You gently opened the window, before you attempted to slide through it.

Only, there was one problem.
There was a thorn bush under the window, and you fell right on top of it.

You whisper yelled, "FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" You then desperately tried to wriggle out of the bush. You felt the thorns scrape your skin, drawing a little bit of blood.

Once you were out of the bush, you slowly stood up. You glanced at Hoshi, who rested on your shoulder, to make sure she was okay and uninjured. Because you were petty, you turned around to face the bush and flipped it off, before running into the night.

When you made sure you were far away from the Butterfly Estate, you whistled for Yue. She immediately swooped down from the sky, flying next to you, "CAW!! REST!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING!!"

You chuckled, "Well, not anymore! Yue, take me to the Red Light District!" Yue reluctantly flew ahead, "CAAWW!! FOLLOW YOURS TRULY!! CAAAWW!!"

Ever since Eli told the crew off, they were quiet for the most part. As the five of them ate, Uzui began to speak, "Once we infiltrate the Red Light District, we have to look for my wife. I'll be looking around for information on the demon as well."

Zenitsu began to yell, "THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!!" Uzui robotically turned his head to Zenitsu, "HUUH?" Zenitsu flipped out, "PLEASE, JUST STOP JOKING AROUND ALREADY!! DON'T USE YOUR SUBORDINATES TO LOOK FOR A WIFE!!"


Eli snorted, "GO GET 'EM, YOU YELLOW BABY!!"


Zenitsu deadpanned, "That's all in your head, right?" Eli nodded along, "Its gotta be."

"YOU SHITTY BRATS!! HERE ARE THE LETTERS SHE SENT ME VIA CROW!!" Uzui chucked the letters at Zenitsu and Eli, hitting them directly in the face, "GWAAAAHH!!"

Tanjirou gently picked them up, "These sure are a lot, has your wife been here for a long time?" Sōta added on, "She must like to write a lot.." Eli butt in, "LISTEN TO THIS BULLSHIT!! HE APPARENTLY HAS THREE WIVES!! THIS NOBODY HAS THREE WIVES!!"

Uzui triumphantly boasted, "HELL YEAH I DO!! WAIT- YOU DAMN BITCH!! I'M NOT A NOBODY!!"

Zenitsus eye twitched, and he finally lost it, "THREE WIVES!! TH..THREE!! YOU.. YOU BASTARD!! WHY DO YOU HAVE THREE WIVES?! CUT THE SHIT!!"

Uzui socked both Zenitsu and Eli in the stomach, which sent them each flying. Uzui glared at the rest, "Any other complaints..?" Everyone else fell silent.

That is, until Tanjirou spoke up, "Uhm.. in the letters.. you remind them multiple times to do their best and not to stand out. But.. how exactly are we gonna do that..?"

"You guys are gonna be in disguise, of course. And as much as I hate the idea, be plain. You guys just have to do a certain something, then infiltrate. My three wives are top of the line female ninja, Kunoichi. We believe the Red Light District is an ideal place for demons to lurk."

Uzui continued, "When I infiltrated as a customer, I couldn't find any traces of demons. So for that reason, we went a bit deeper than being mere customers. We've narrowed the numbers of suspicious houses down to three,"

He stuck up three of his fingers, "Suma is in the Toikito House, Makio is in the Ogimoto House, and Hinatsuru is in the Kyougoku House."

The room engulfed into silence, until Inosuke spoke up while picking his ear, "Aren't your wives all dead by this point?" Tanjirou let out a gasp, "Inosuke! Don't say tha- AHH!"

Uzui socked Inosuke in the stomach, sending him into the pile with Eli and Zenitsu. Not too long after, the door to the room slid open, revealing two owners of the Wisteria House, "We brought the necessary items over."

Uzui crossed his arms, "Thanks." He then turned back to the five, "You guys ready to play some dress-up?"


Word Count: 2185


they're so fine omg

see ya in the next update !!

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