The Zodiacs

Por urdreamyeyes

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The Zodiacs are an extraordinary group of people who live hidden in the mountains of New Oregon in a charmed... Más

A trigger to the past
Saving a miracle?
So we meet again

All of you

32 0 0
Por urdreamyeyes

"How?!" Bill's vision moves, showing Dipper and a glowing figure. Who is it? As Dipper wills himself to bring the figure into focus, we see the shape of a woman.

"There's someone with you! And you- you fight her!" Dipper's eyes widen, "What?!" Bill squints trying to interpret what he's seeing. "Wait no, no, no, no- is that a hug?!"

"Am I fighting or hugging?!" Dipper asks, glancing at the oddly handsome man.  "An embrace.. An embrace!! To make the candle bright, you have to embrace her!!" Dipper stares at the vision, "Embrace who?!"

The images grow more and more volatile. "Almost tell there..." Dipper grabs Bill's arm, kinda clinging on. "Who is it?!"

"Almost there... I, I- I got it!" As Dipper steps forward... it's Pacifica? "Pacifica?!" A flash of light, ends the vision, leaving them with glittering sand.

Which falls onto the chiguiro. Bill looks at the new yellow vision "plate" and smiles. "Oh, Pacifica, that's great!"

Dipper stares at it in disbelief. Bill realizes he hates his vision. He chucks it like it's garbage. "Every time."
Bill and Dipper stare at Pacifica's door from behind a plant. "Why would "embracing Pacifica" do anything?" Bill shrugs.

"I don't know, the zodiacs got a miracle, how do you help the miracle? You kiss a guy and hug your sister's wife." Dipper looks at Bill like he's stupid. A noise below draws them to Soos, who walks across the courtyard. The two duck.

"Dipper?! Dipper?!" Soos's powers fritz and he gets a baby head.

Bill looks from Soos to the candle, which flickers. Dipper is too busy worrying. "Oh, I think we're running outta time here." Bill whispers.

"It's not gonna work. She won't hug me, ever, okay? She hates me. Also, I don't know if you remember, but she always hated me." Dipper rambles, "Pinetree-"

"-it is just annoying- of course it's Pacifica-" Dipper rolls his eyes, "Pinetree." Dipper ignores him. "and what's her problem with me anyway, she's the one with roses coming out her-"

"Mason!" Bill snaps causing Dipper to flinch. "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, you see you're missing the point. The fate of the town is not up to her, it's up to you. You're exactly what this place needs. You just have to see it. By yourself, after I leave."

"What? You're not coming?" Bill moves a tall potted plant, hiding him from view as he waddles toward the portrait leading to his secret passageway. "It was your vision, Pinetree... not mine."

"You're afraid Ford will see you." Dipper deadpans, "Yep, I mean yes... that too. Hey, after you save the miracle... come visit." Bill smiles at him, Dipper smiles back.

"After I save the miracle, I'm bringing you home."
Bill gives Dipper a nod then knocks on wood, crosses his fingers, holds his breath and tips backwards into the wall.

After he leaves, Dipper notices candle and magic's glow becoming more and more erratic. He looks toward Pacifica's glowing door, psyching himself up. "You got this. Just gonna save the miracle... with a hug."

With that, Dipper heads to Pacifica's door. Dipper enters Pacifica's amazing flower room. It's a lush, flower garden, tropical and very, very pink. Pacifica is nowhere to be found. Dipper looks around, cautiously.

"Pacifica? Hey!" Dipper continues through the room. "I know we've... had our issues... but I'm... ready to be a better person... to you... So we should just... hug... Let's hug it out. Eh?"

Dipper looks up to find Pacifica on a crazy flower bed, which looks more over-the-top than usual. "Hug it out...?" Pacifica says slowly, not looking at Dipper.

"Wendy can't even lift a piano. Melody's nose looks like a smashed watermelon. Have you lost your mind?!" She yells at him, now finally looking up.

"Pacifica, I feel like you're upset... and you know what cures being upset? A warm embrace." Dipper forces himself to smile. "Get out."

As Dipper starts to protest, a flower pops out of the vine, covering his mouth.

"Everything was perfect! Ford was happy, the town was happy, you wanna be a better person? Apologize for ruining my life! Go on... apologize." She walks up to him, smirking.

The room shakes catching Dipper's attention. "I... am... sorry...That your life is so great!" Pacifica's smirk drops and she turns away from him. "Out."

With a wave of her hand, Pacifica's vines drag Dipper toward the door. Worried he'll miss this important opportunity, Dipper tries to grab onto furniture to stop him momentum.

"Wait, fine, "I apologize" I wasn't trying to ruin your life. Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish, entitled princess!" Pacifica gasps, turning towards him.

"Selfish?! I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life and literally the only thing you have ever done for me is mess things up!"

Dipper tries to extricate himself from Pacifica's vines as he keeps getting dragged backwards. "Nothing is messed up! You can still be that perfect little princess-" Dipper yells back.

"I never wanted to be perfect, I was doing it for everyone!!" Whoa... That was a big bomb that was dropped. A tiny cactus pops up between them. Dipper, oblivious to the cactus, stares at Pacifica seemingly stunned.

"Oh my gosh... Pacifica... that is a very serious confession..." He then, stands, deep breath, not slick,
extends arms. "Okay, get over here, bring it in."

But Pacifica doesn't respond, she isn't looking at Dipper , she's looking at the ground, at the cactus standing on the ground. Pacifica is transfixed. The house shudders. "Pacifica?" She picks up the cactus, mesmerized.

"I just made something unexpected
Something sharp, something new"

Let the music hold a beat. Dipper doesn't get it, "Pacifica, this is the part where we-" Pacifica, excited, ignores Dipper and turns away holding her cactus.

"It's not symmetrical or perfect
But it's beautiful and it's mine
What else can I do?"

Dipper tries to keep up.

"Bring it in, bring it in
Good talk, bring it in, bring it in (what else can I do?)
Let's walk, bring it in, bring it in
Free hugs, bring it in, bring it in"

Gorgeous flowers begin to sprout all around Pacifica.

"I grow rows and rows of roses
Cardinal Flower, by the mile
I make perfect, practiced poses
So much hides behind my smile"

Pacifica eviscerates them with her new edgy plants.

"What could I do if I just grew what I was feelin' in the moment?
(Do you know where you're going? Whoa)"

Pacifica's plants get crazier.

"What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect?
It just needed to be? And they'd let me be?"

Now Pacifica is really leaning into it and her plants are going nuts, creating obstacles for Dipper.

"A hurricane of the Wild Columbine
Swamp milkweeds (big), hanging vines (this is fine)"

Pacifica creates huge, crazy palm trees!

"The buttonbush fills the air as I climb
And I push through
What else can I do?"

Dipper climbs to the top of the palm tree to join Pacifica as the tree extends toward the roof.

"Can I deliver us a river of sundew?
Careful, it's carnivorous, a little just won't do
I wanna feel the shiver of something new
I'm so sick of pretty, I want something true, don't you?"

Dipper looks at Pacifica, starting to really understand her for the first time.

"You just seem like your life's been a dream (whoa)
Since the moment you opened your eyes
(How far do these roots go down?)
All I know are the blossoms you grow (whoa)
But it's awesome to see how you rise
How far can I rise?
Through the roof, to the skies
Let's go"

They smash the roof and go above the house. With Dipper's encouragement, Pacifica goes off, creating the most amazing combination of wonderful plants anyone ever seen.

"A hurricane of the Wild Columbine (woo)
Swamp Milkweeds (go), hanging vines (grow)"

They celebrate across the rooftop.

"The buttonbush fills the air as I climb
And I push through
What else, what else?

What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?
(Seize the moment, keep goin')"

As Dipper encourages Pacifica to express herself with her unique foliage, the plants start emerging in town, smacking Melody in the face again and rebreaking her nose.

Ford looks at the house horrified, and sees Pacifica transformed and dancing with Dipper, who eggs her on. Ford's eyes go wide.

"What can you do when you know who you wanna be is imperfect?
But I'll still be okay
Hey, everybody clear the way, woo!

I'm comin' through with Black Eyed Susan (she's comin' through with Black Eyed Susan)"

The race across the roof, spiraling on Pacifica's wild new plants, a real bond forming between them for the first time.

"Making waves (making waves), changing minds (you've changed mine)"

They spin on a ramp of vines, twirling in front of the magic candle, but locked onto each other. Pacifica pulls Dipper in for a hug, one Dipper forgot he was trying to get in the first place.

"The way is clearer 'cause you're here, and well
I owe this all to you
What else can I do?"

As they hug, Dipper realizes the candle has begun to glow brightly, the cracks receding. Pacifica whisks him off!

"(Show 'em what you can do)
What else can I do?
(There's nothing you can't do)
What else can I do?"

Pacifica grabs onto Dipper, they dive through a kaleidoscope of plants and flowers, crashing down to the courtyard, like kids jumping into a leaf pile.

Dipper and Pacifica lie in the pile of flowers, giddy and exhausted. "You're a bad influence." Dipper grins, enjoying the evolution of their friendship.

"What is going on?!" Dipper and Pacifica sit up to find Ford entering the courtyard, which looks crazy and dangerous with all of Pacifica's out-of-control plants.

"Grunkle Ford! It's okay, everything's- we're gonna save the miracle- the magic-" Dipper sits up, excited. "What are you talking about? Look at our home. Look at Pacifica!"

"Please, just- Pacifica wasn't happy and-" Ford interrupts him, "Of course she isn't happy, you mess with her all the time-"

"No, no she- we fixed all that and then we did all of this and the candle burned brighter and the cracks-"
"Dipper-" He keeps going, "That's why I'm in the vision, I'm saving the miracle!"

"You have to stop, Mason!" A tremor shakes the entire house. Wendy enters the courtyard, concerned, and stands with Pacifica.

"The cracks started with you. Bill left because of you. Wendy's losing her powers, Pacifica's out of control, because of you. I don't know why you were given the gift of the monster whisper and meant to be Bill's lover, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!"

As Ford says that cracks emerge all around him. Dipper's heart nearly breaks as he looks at Ford. Mable and McGucket enter, having heard the argument.

"I will never be good enough for you. Will I? No matter how hard I try." Then, a quiet realization as he looks at the others. "No matter how hard any of us tries."

"Wendy will never be strong enough. Pacifica won't be perfect enough. Bill left because you only saw the worst in him." Dipper's eyes water and his voices cracks.

"Bill didn't care about us!" Ford yells, but Dipper stops him real quick.

"He loves this family, I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one that doesn't care! You're the one breaking our home!" Cracks begins to spread into the town.

"Don't you ever-!" Dipper looks at Ford, "The miracle is dying, because of you!" In this awful moment, a huge cracks rips open between them. As they both stare at each other, stunned, horrified.

A huge crack nearly rips the House in half, snaking all the way up to the candle, which begins to melt at a rapid pace, teetering and in danger of falling into the dark chasm created by the cracks.

As everyone tries to get their bearings, Dipper snaps out of it, and races to save the candle. He calls to the House, "Home, get me up there!" The house pulls a railing from the balcony for Dipper to use as a ladder to climb to the roof.

Pacifica tries to use her vines to reach the candle, but her door fades and her vines dissipate like they were Thanos- snapped. The house catches Pacifica and breaks her fall.

Soos tries to change his shape to reach the candle, but his door fades and his powers go out. The house catches Soos and sets him down to safety, but he can't reach the candle.

Dipper reaches the top of the roof, and looks back to see the mountains of the town crack open, just like in Bill's vision.

Nearby, Angelica watches as her animals smash out of his door, which dies and the animals streak off. A chunk of the House falls toward her and Robbie narrowly saves him. "Careful! Angelica! We gotta get out of here!"

"Bro Bro?! Dipper!" But the House sees the danger too, and starts pushing people out of the House to save them. Desperately using its last bit of power to keep them safe. "Dipper! You have to get out! Dipper!"

Bill runs through space in the walls as the walls close in on him. He saves a rat, puts a bucket on his head and rams through the wall, landing on the grass outside, still unseen by the everyone else.

Dipper looks over the side of the House and sees Bill is safe and races to the candle. Ford, gets pushed out the front door, and looks up to see Dipper clambering across the roof to the candle.

"Dipper?! Dipper leave it!" Dipper reaches for the candle, but falters. The House supports him in the nick of time, propping him back up. "Dipper! The House is gonna fall! Dipper! Get out!" Robbie yells to him.

Dipper strains to reach the sputtering candle. Just as Dipper finally grabs the candle, Bill's tower collapses on the roof. The house slides Dipper out the way and off the balcony as debris falls down.

He lands, but has no time to escape. In an instant, the House shields Dipper, saving his life. In the aftermath, Dipper looks down to see the candle go out. "No..."

Then a tiny squeak, as the House shutters that just saved his life, wave an injured goodbye and as Dipper looks up, devastated, the house dies.

As Dipper sits in the rubble, family members race in, but Dipper is in a fog. Mable runs towards Dipper in the rubble. She comes to check on Dipper.

"Dipper! Are you hurt? Dipper?" Dipper shakes his head, but he is in shock and reeling. "Mable! Come quick! Mable!" Mable sighs, a little irritated that someone is calling her now. "Don't move. I'll be right back."

Mable leaves to go check on the rest of the zodiacs, Dipper can only hear everyone continuing to panic.

Dipper looks over to see Gideon helping Ford, who is despondent and in shock. As Dipper watches Ford, how lost and broken he looks, Dipper's lower lip starts to quiver as the weight of his failure becomes overwhelming. This is his failure and he knows it.

Mable grabs medicine bottles, then turns to find Dipper, but Dipper is gone. "Dipper? Dipper!? Where's Dipper? Where is he? Dipper?!"
Dipper reaches the crack that opened up in the mountain. As the town glows in the background, Dipper steps into the darkness of the outside world... leaving his home behind.
A small, shape, crouched on a rock by the water, Dipper. Lost. At rockbottom. He cries, ashamed of himself and what he believes he's done to the family and his home.

"Dipper..." The shadow in the woods was Ford.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt us.. I just wanted to.. to be something I'm not..." As Dipper starts to cry. Ford begins to speak, he's never heard his voice like this he's broken, exhausted, old. Ford looks to the water.

"I've never been able to... come back here..." Ford sits by Dipper, they look out at the river. "This river... is where we were given our miracle..."

"Where Grunkle Stan..." Dipper looks at Ford, trying to understand where he's coming from. Ford looks so lost and frail. He looks back to the water.

"I thought we would have a different life... I thought I would be a different person..."

The group of displaced people ford a river... the river Dipper and Ford are sitting. As they cross it... Ford and Stan look at each other, we can see Stan is encouraging Ford, his eyes saying they will be okay.

Dipper watches them, but as he does the candle in Stan's hand flickers unnaturally and he looks back to see evil men on horseback approaching far in the distance.

The whole group runs, desperate, through the river. Fleeing. But the terrain makes it hard to run away. Ford looks to Stan, panicking. He holds the baby twins tight.

As chaos swirls around them, Stan makes a choice, he looks back to where the horsemen are coming from, then looks back into Ford's eyes. He knows exactly what he's about to do and Dipper can see his emotions building, his fear growing.

Stan his her eyes, "everything will be okay" is what his eyes are saying. He looks down to his great niece and nephew, pats their heads, and hugs Ford, full of love.

He looks into his eyes, telling him he will survive, he will thrive, their great niece and nephew will find a new home and have a better life.

Stan races back to beg the men on horseback to let them live. They listen to his plea and ignore it. And just like that Stan is lost.

As people around Ford panic, he looks to the river where Stan was lost then looks to his niece and nephew, his family... the lives he is now responsible for. Dipper watches, stunned, horrified, scared.

As the horses approach, Ford sinks to his knees, tears in his eyes, begging the earth to spare the lives of his niece and nephew. Praying for salvation. He puts his hand into the soil.

And suddenly the ground around him begins to glow, the candle fills with magic, and the villains are blown back. Dipper sees Ford crying, heartbroken, but saved.

But as the people around him look around in awe and appreciation. Ford isn't celebrating, he's staring out at the river where Stan died as the mountains rise up and occlude it from his view.

He looks to the babies in his arms, he cannot be weak for them, he must be strong. Their home must never break the way his old home did. Dipper sees him steel himself.

Wiping away his tears. This is where he began to change, where he armored up and became the Ford they've come to know. He picks up the candle and shawl and heads out.

"I was given a miracle... a second chance and I was so afraid to lose it, that I lost sight of who our miracle was for."

As he passes each new child's door, years pass and he becomes harder and harder on the zodiacs, more rigid, more limiting. His expectations growing more unhealthy. We move from child to child until he reaches Dipper, whose door glows and shows what his gift is.

Dipper looks to Ford for compassion. And this time, Ford sees his mistake, but it's too late... "And... I am so sorry.."

Ford turns and finds himself in the rubble of the house. The candle gone. Everything he had hoped for destroyed. Ford falls to his knees.

You never hurt our family, Dipper. We are broken... Because of me." Ashamed, Ford stops speaking. Dipper takes in what he seen. All of Ford's pain and good intentions gone wrong...

But as Dipper looks to Ford, he sees something behind him in the distance, a butterfly which flits onto a reed in the middle of the water. Just like in the vision.

Dipper stares at the butterfly, transfixed. He then looks at Ford, understanding what this moment is... that the person Dipper has always needed to embrace is Ford.

"Grunkle Ford... I can finally see. You lost your home, lost everything. You suffered so much, all alone... so it would never happen again."

"We were saved because of you. We were given a miracle because of you. We are a family because of you. And nothing could ever be broken, that we can't fix... together."

As this lands on Ford, his heart seems to crack open. He feels a great weight lift from his shoulders. It is a quiet moment of release years in the making. And suddenly the sun peeks through the clouds, illuminating the river, beautiful, pink hues, wondrous and spectacular.

Ford looks at Dipper in awe and hugs him tightly, tears in his eyes. "I asked my brother for help. Mason... he sent me you." As they embrace in the middle of the river, the butterfly flaps into the wind and soon... thousands of butterflies begin to fill the air, swirling around them.

Dipper tears up, filled with emotion. Ford looks at the butterflies, this beautiful moment, this place redefined.

Even more butterflies begin to swarm around them and in this moment, they begin to migrate, back in the direction of the town, like a aerial superhighway of butterflies. Dipper looks up, feeling the pull, excited for what the future holds.

As Dipper and Ford return to the riverbank, something dark and large crashes through the wilderness in front of them, it's Bill on a horse. Awkward and ridiculous.

"He didn't do this! He didn't do this! I him her a vision! It was me! I was like go! And he was like fttt! He only wanted to help. I... don't care what you think of me, but if you're too stubborn to, to-" Dipper embraces and kisses him on the cheek.

Bill is confused. He looks to Dipper."I feel like I missed something important."

Ford gives Bill an a small smile before taking Dipper's hand and walking after him. Ford climbs up on the horse. He helps Dipper who helps Bill."What- what's happening, where are we going?" Bill asks Dipper, who smiles at him. "Home."

They gallop away, back towards the town. Ford racing on the horse, like a bonafide hero. Dipper and Bill cling to him, a heroic trio returning.

The kids and townspeople watch, awestruck and the three races through the streets. The kids see Dipper and freak out. "It's him, I found him!" A kid shoves him a bit, "I found him!"

"He's back, he's back, he's back!" Ford skids to a stop on the side of the ruined house. For a moment Dipper's taken aback by the severity of the damage, but Dipper doesn't let it shake his confidence.

As he hurries around to the front, Mable comes running from the other side. "Dipper?!" Mable runs to Dipper, relieved that her twin has returned and is okay. "Dipper!" She grasps him in a hug.

"Look at this home, we need a new foundation
It may seem hopeless but we'll get by just fine"

The zodiacs begins to assemble in front of him.

"Look at this family, a group of special people
So full of stars and everybody wants to shine

But the stars don't shine, they burn
And there's no such thing as special
I think it's time you learn
You're more than just your gift"

Ford walks up and through the archway.

"And I'm sorry I held on too tight
Just so afraid I'd lose you too
The miracle is not some magic that you've got
The miracle is you, not some gift, just you
The miracle is you
All of you, all of you"

Soos stares at Bill, who just entered.

"Okay, so we gonna talk about Cipher? (That's Cipher)"

Bill nods, awkward.

"Yeah, there's a lot to say about Cipher
I'll start, okay

Robbie, I'm sorry 'bout your wedding, didn't mean to be upsetting
That wasn't a prophecy, I could just see you were sweating
And I wanted you to know how sorry I am
Let it in, let it out, let it rain, let it snow, let it go"

Robbie gives him a half smile. Wendy lifts her arms in triumph and hugs Robbie.

"That's what I'm always saying, bro!"

Bill turns back to the center, regards the zodiacs.

"Got a lotta 'pologies I got to say
(Hey, we're just happy that you're here, okay?) Uh, But
Come into the light, the tension all washes away
And no matter what happens we're gonna find our way
Yo, I knew he never left, I heard him every day"

They hear a cavalcade of noise and drums.

"What's that sound? (Oh, oh)
I think it's everyone in town"

The townspeople appear over the crest of the mountain. They see the town children, Melody and her mom, everyone they know.

Lay down your load (lay down your load)
We are only down the road (we are only down the road)
We have no gifts, but we are many
And we'll do anything for you"

The Zodiacs and the town begin to rebuild the home. Over the next rebuilding montage, Bill helps map out the layout of the house with his sand, A kid chugs a bunch of coffee and nails like a fiend.

Dipper, Pacifica, and Wendy, the three have never been this closer.

"It's a dream when we work as a team (all of you, all of you)
You're so strong
Yeah, but sometimes I cry (all of you, all of you)
So do I

I may not be as strong but I'm getting wiser
Yeah, I need sunlight and fertilizer
Come on, let's plant something new and watch it fly
Straight up to the sky, let's go"

Mable and McGucket watch Dipper leading the house building effort with pride.

"The stars don't shine, they burn
There's no such thing as special
The seasons change in turn

Would you watch my twin brother go?
He takes after you"

The rebuilding effort continues. Dipper sees Melody sigh, sitting on broken stairs. He approaches.

Hey Melody, why so blue?
I just have so much love inside

You know, I've got this friend too
Have you met really Soos?"

Soos appears out of nowhere.

"Okay, I'll take it from here, goodbye
You talk so low
You take care of your mother and you make her proud
And your the only person I know who still watches cartoons
And I'm seizing the moment, so would you wake up and notice me?
Soos, I finally see you (and I do to)
Yes (all of you, all of you)"

Ford and Dipper, now standing outside the nearly completed new Zodiac Home. It's not the same as before and that's okay.

"Home sweet home
I like the new foundation
It isn't perfect
Neither are we (that's true)

Just one more thing
Before the celebration (what?)
We need a doorknob
We made this one for you"

Angelica hands Dipper a new doorknob an "D" on it. Dipper looks up to see the zodiacs gathering around him. Angelica takes his hand and walks him toward the front door. People in town begin to join as well.

"We see how bright you burn
We see how brave you've been
Now, see yourself in turn
You're the real gift, kid, let us in"

Ford touches Dipper's face, proud, emotional.

"Open your eyes
Aberi oculos tuos
What do you see?"

Dipper looks at his reflection in his doorknob... and smiles.

"I see me
All of me"

Dipper looks to the zodiacs, who all smile back. He turns, then places his doorknob into the front door of the House and an explosion of light races over the entire house, restoring its magic and redefining the cracks that spread to the entire town.

A new miracle. As the House comes back to life once more, the House "waves" at Dipper and he waves back. "Hello."

As Dipper waves, the house zips him through the front doors into the home. He looks back to the zodiacs and the gathering crowd from town. "C'mon, get in here!"

The House yanks everyone else into the House too and they cheer and celebrate.

Dipper enters the courtyard to see everyone's doors glowing with a new kind of magic. The doors are unformed, gifts no longer set in stone.

Angelica rides past on her jaguar. Pacifica creates new, bizarre plants, transforming herself away from expected "perfection." Wendy regains her strength, but the donkeys, under Angelica's supervision, carry her to a hammock to relax with a beverage.

Snow begins to falls overhead and Robbie who is dancing under his snow cloud with McGucket.

Watching all of this is Dipper and Bill laugh, still unsure of the kiss part.

"Everyone, together." The Casita squeezes this whole, imperfectly perfect family together. Dipper then sighs and looks to Bill, "May I?" Bill looks confused before he realizes, a blush forming as he nods.

The two kiss as everyone cheers, a picture snapping is heard.

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