I Love You (Your Boyfriend Ga...

By Peterlocket

27.2K 679 561

This story is going to be a AU off the original. !!If your relationship is looking like the original PLEASE g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

1.3K 45 38
By Peterlocket

~Narrator's view~

From the comfort of your own bed the next morning you decide that you should get up and get to work. You don't like work but you need the money to have a life. After all no money no air.

You get up and brush your teeth. While you brush your teeth you think about Peter again. AH why can't you get him out of your head! Were you even technically dating him? Actually- you should ask him if you were in that kind of relationship, maybe you'll see him at work.

As you get ready to go out to leave you spot Lucy at the sofa.

"Hey we have a party tonight and this lines up with your schedule since this rarely does, can you come please~!"

Maybe you should consider this, after all you never know.

"Can we talk about this when I get back?" Your hesitant about this and Lucy picked up your tone.

"Yeah sure I can wait." Your thankful to have such a kind roommate but not that thankful since she pours her rent on you.

You walk to work, your ten minutes late but you don't feel the need to run. Then out of no where you feel a hand grasp your shoulder. You put your hand over the hand that just touched you and pulled it hard till the guy was on your back. You quickly roll over and the guy was on the floor, oh it's Peter. Lucky the streets were empty.

"Peter? Oml- you scared me"

He's blushing red with a cut on his cheek, his heart must be moving a lot of blood to the brain from the sudden attack you just did.

"That was hot-"

Did he seriously say that when he's hurt?

"Okay? Maybe you should get up"

That position you were in on the floor with him was not pretty but it did the job when an unknown attacker came, it's the only move you know.(in this story) As you help him up you feel his hand slither to your back.

"What's with the touching today?" Now, your just curious.

"I had a rough night that's all." Peter's eye bags did increase.

"Oh- I thought we had a fun time yesterday, was it really bad for you?"Maybe he's out of your league-

"No, no nothing like that. It's just I had a question that I couldn't get out of my head," A question?

"Are we dating?"Peter was asking the same question you were wondering, now it's your choice if this was real or not.

"Well, Yeah? Isn't that why I gave you my phone number?" Peter gave out a sigh of relief and noticed what time it is.

"Aren't you late for work?"You've completely forgot that you had work.

"OH LORD, sorry Peter gotta run see you later!" Your going to get fired-

"See you later darling~!" He was to quite to hear. As you enter the building you noticed that TK clocked you in already. TK comes out the back with crossed arms.

"So did he text you?"TK sounded concerned for you.

"Yup! He's not only cute but smart too!"You smile wider then when TK brings you out to hang. TK doesn't reply and instead looks at you, eyes wide and glossy. He/They pause/s and clears his/their throat before speaking.

"Sounds great, actually I need to go to the bathroom real quick."You can hear a hint in his/their voice that he's/they're trying to hold back tears.

"Wait TK before you go to the bathroom,"You walk over to TK before he/they run/s to the bathroom to cry and hug him. The commotion makes customers and workers look at your way. Including Peter, who is biting his bleeding bottom lip in anger. TK starts to cry as you hug him/them, he/they pull/s you off of him/them.

"Why are you trapping me in this cage?!"TK is crying and yelling all because of you apparently.

"You-" TK notices the crowd around him and rushes to the bathroom. Everyone stares at you in disbelief, disappointment, and hatred at you. You didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to help. Were you? Maybe you weren't, maybe that wasn't a good time to hug your best friend. Why don't you ever look around and see if it's a good time to do something- someone pulls you into a tight hug.

"Shhh, shh it's okay don't cry darling."Peter? Crying? Oh, you were crying.

"Stop looking weirdos and get a fucking life!" Peter started yelling at everyone else to mind their own business while hugging you tightly. Everyone turns there heads around, you can hear pictures being taken. Peter covers you with his jacket and brings you outside to a now drizzling morning.

"Everything will be fine after this blows over. It's okay darling I'll be here for you." Peter's voice sounded so convincing.

"I- what did I d-do? D-did I really t-trap him like-e that?" You looked like a mess in his arms.

"Shh it's okay your out of the situa-" Peter got interrupted by your boss

"Sorry for the intrusion but I need ^Your name^ to come into my office, N O W." You could hear Peter doing a low growl in his throat. Reluctantly Peter let's you go and you follow your boss to her office. Once you enter the office he turns to you almost immediately and ask;

"Are you okay?" What? Weren't you going to get fired?

"I saw what happened do you need a break? You can take a week off." Why is your boss acting so kind?

"Wasn't I going to get fired?" You don't understand, at all.

"Fire you? My best worker? Why would I? Listen you take a break and come back next week, you seem like you need it." He pushes you out of the building while people looked at you being pushed out by your boss, some people smirking. Peter looks at you with a gleaming smile, why does he always look happy even in disarrayed times? He carry's you bridal style and walks you home. As Peter walks you hug him tightly not wanting to let go. You feel so winded from crying, you don't even want to open your eyes. You shouldn't even have gotten out of bed today.

"We're here." Peter's voice is so soothing. You look up to your apartment complex.

"Level 4, number 43-" You didn't want to say much so you just told him your room and he brought you to the door with moaning coming from behind. He puts you down and you unlock the door, the moaning stops. You walk through and see Lucy with a knife.

"Omg ^Your nick/name you scared me!"(Incase you didn't know nick/name is: nickname/name but shorter version) Scary and mean? WoW your on a roll today.

"Oooh~ did you bring a guy- are you okay!? Did that man hurt you!?" You shake your head no as you do Peter bends down and nuzzles into the curve of your neck.

"Rough day at work?" Lucy really didn't know what was going on.

"She/They/He is taking the week off since someone liked her/them/him and embarrassed her/them/him in front of a lot of people." Your so lucky to be dating a guy that was with you for a few days and is already being a good boyfriend to you. Peter realizes that he is wet from the soft rain outside and asks what towel he could use to dry off on.

"The blue and black towel over there." That was the longest sentences you've said since you walked out of your bosses office.

"Oh, then maybe we should put off that party idea ^Your nick/name^." Lucy said out of the blue. You didn't want to make another person sad so you shake your head no. While you do Peter drys himself off with a cloth you said was okay to use.

"Oh? So it's still on?" Lucy being Lucy does a small victory dance and tells you that you should relax before going to the party. You gladly comply and drag Peter along with you. You close the door behind you once you enter your room and push Peter onto the bed.

"Lay down, straight." You just want to lay down on Peter, after all, your dating him right?

"O-oh-!" Peter puts himself in an up right position against the wall. His face flushed out in red. You get on the bed and lay down on his chest. You can hear his heart beating at a steady paste. It makes you, tired, it's okay to take a nap before going to a party right?

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