Two Families- Captain Scarlet...

By Xenatracyisgo

456 37 5

when Alix was young she moved to an island with her family so they could set up their secret organisation whi... More

separate ways
cloud base
remembering Alix
becoming a captain
finding family
she's a mysteron!!!
her powers
helping family
goodbye colonel white

new recruits

20 2 2
By Xenatracyisgo

Alix: playing around with a new invention she's been working on

Colonel: over private comms Alix can you come here asap

Alix: S.I.G colonel she drops the tools she was using and runs to the colonel's office

Colonel: that was quick Captain

Alix: I wasn't doing much

Colonel: oh. I'm sure you remember what today is

Alix: the new recruits are coming today or is that tomorrow??

Colonel: that's today

Alix: did you want me to pick the up from the airport

Colonel: if you could I know you are working on that secret project, by the way how's that going

Alix: I would love to pick them up, also its going really well speaking of which I need to find a way to connect the brain to a power source like a microchip that sends and receives the brain waves and turn it into code to move a large portion of the project

Colonel: hmm have you asked doctor gold or even what's his name the engineer that works at international rescue if you ask him he might know

Alix: good idea I will do that now unless you want to pick up the recruits now

Colonel: they will be at the airport and 1300 hours

Alix: S.I.G colonel I will leave cloud base at 1200 hours

Colonel: alright Alix

Alix: walks back to her room and finishes what she was walking on before calling doctor gold

Gold: hey Alix what can I do for you today?

Alix: I was wondering if it is possible to make a microchip that can turn brain waves into electric pulses?

Gold: that is an interesting question Alix I don't know. Did you want me to research it?

Alix: I'll get back to on it thank you Doctor

Gold: glad to be of service Alix

Alix: see ya gold she hangs up than she calls brains hey brains I've got a question for you

Brains: fire away

Alix: is it possible to make I microchip that turn brain waves into electric pulses to control a machine

Brains: quite possibly why did you want to know

Alix: I'm trying to make wings that connect to my brain so that I can fly without the use of a plane

Brains: for that use than yeah there is a high chance that it would work. Would you like me to make it or to help you make it

Alix: if you could make it I have no idea on how to start something like it

Brain: FAB

Alix: FAB??

Brains: it just means ok

Alix: oh like S.I.G

Brains: sure yeah

Alix: thanks talk soon

Brains: ok bye Alix

They hang up

Alix: picks up a light weight wing desgin and starts to fiddle around with it

Time passes

Alix: runs out of her room to the waiting hummingbird helicopter

Alix: this is captain turquoise calling colonel white I'm on my way to pick up the new recruits

Colonel: S.I.G captain turquoise good luck

Alix: she hugs up so she can focus on flying she gets to the airport London airport this is captain turquoise of spectrum permission to land on runway A3

Air traffic controller: permission granted spectrum

Alix: S.I.G enjoy your day sir she lands immediately getting out and walking into the airport and seeing the two new liuetants, hi I'm captain turquoise or Alix if you prefer to call by my real name

Anna: hi I'm Anna and this is matthew I'm assuming your here to take us to cloudbase

Alix: you are correct if you would like to follow me and I will take you to the hummingbird

Matthew: what sort of vehicle is the hummingbird? I'm sorry I have always loved vehicles and mechanics I'm one of the best pilots that my trainer had ever seen its what I want to focus on while I'm on cloudbase

Alix: that's good we can use more pilots unfortunately you probably won't fly the angel aircraft as there are already 5 pilots plus my own interceptor but you will get to fly this gestures to the hummingbird

Matthew: nice I also don't mind repairing and building the craft aswell

Alix: yeah we can always have spare hands in engineering and Anna what interests you to join spectrum

Anna: well I want to do medical on the field so helping out with missions if something happens on mission then I can give emergency medical asstance if need be

Alix: interesting that could be useful, shall we get going and I can introduce you to the guys back on cloudbase

Mattew: sure but is it true that there is a certain someone in spectrum that is industructable

Alix: when we are on cloudbase I will tell you just in case there are any mysterons around or just people who want to steal spectrum info sorry just a saftey thing

Matthew: oh ok thats fine just it was a rumor at the academy

Anna: as your mum said you shouldn't listen to rumours

Alix: your mum is a wise woman

Matthew: was, shes gone

Ailx: im sorry I didn't know my mums gone too

Matthew: its alright.

time passes

Alix: here is cloudbase my home

Anna: amazing

Matthew: so cool the engineering on that is impressive

Alix: wait till you get inside calls base colonel white I'm back

Colonel: S.I.G

Alix Matthew and Anna walk to the colonel's office and sit down and Alix stays standing behind the two recruits

Colonel: so you are Anna and Matthew right

Anna: correct

Colonel: we are going to assign your colour codes

Matthew: oh YAY

Anna: soo what colours are we

Colonel: Anna seeing as you want to become a field doctor you're going to be liuetant doctor peach and you will be with doctor gold in medical bay on level 4 this level and Matthew you will be liuetant engineer carmine

Alix: congratulations guys welcome to the team

Anna: this is so cool

Matthew: I know right we're on cloudbase talking to colonel white

Alix: want to meet the rest of the gang

Anna: sure

Alix: follow me

Matthew: pinch me

Alix: why your awake they walk to the main lounge

Scarlet: hey Alix whatcha doin...? Are they the new recruits

Alix: uh yeah this is Anna and Matthew I was sowing them around and thought you might want to meet them

Scarlet: nice to meet you Anna Matthew I'm captain scarlet and my friend and partner captain blue but please while up here call me Paul and him Adam

Anna: nice to meet you Scarlet, blue

Matthew: hi how are you

Scarlet: please call me Paul I just said

Anna: I'm sorry I grew up with strict parents and they always told me to be polite

Scarlet: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know quote a few of us have similar tragic back stories

Anna: I never said that I had a tragic back story

Gemma: oh here we can just tell

Alix: correct me for example I was in an avalanche in a house with my mum and grandpa and they died the rest of my family were out skiing I was three they then lost me but my family friend found me and look after me until cloudbase took me in

Anna: really that's so bad

Matthew: not as bad as yours Anna or as just as bad

Anna: yeah but they don't need my trauma

Blue: looking up from his book hey we deal with alix and Gemma's trauma all the time what's one more

Anna: no it's alright I won't dump it on you

Scarlet: you might eventually

Matthew: probably not

Alix: why if I'm allowed to ask

Anna: well I just keep to my self

Blue: oh well if ever want to talk about we are all here for you

Anna: Thankyou

Gemma: all good

Alix: oh I forgot to introduce you to Gemma or trinity angel and the rest of the angel our specialist pilots hey gem where is the rest of them

Gemma: out on patrol I said I would stay behind incase I'm needed

Alix: oh, sorry guys you'll meet them later especially you Matthew

Scarlet: what colours were you assigned?

Anna: well I'm peach and Matthew is carmine

Blue: welcome to the team the family and the chaos.

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