You Are My Spring

By E__lizz_a

283 68 23

"You are my spring",she whispered against my lips, forcing me to smile as I leaned in again for a passionate... More

Author's Note


13 4 4
By E__lizz_a

Plug in your earphones and play Ed Sheeran's Shivers guys :)
(Earphones are not necessary though,lol)

"What the heck is this?" Those were the first words that left my mouth when I spotted Rita sitting on the bar counter with an almost empty glass in her hand when it was half past midnight. I could hardly see or hear anything going around me because of the loud chattering and smoke inside the bar.
"What happened?" I demanded, grabbing the glass off of her hands.
She looked completely wasted. She wouldn't talk. I had wondered why she was calling me into a bar at 12 in the night. I didn't expect to see her in this condition.
Something is wrong.
I saw a tear running down her red cheeks which were pressed against the counter.
" Rita, tell me what's wrong. Let me take you home. You are completely wasted. I ran all the way here in nothing but my night pants and a stupid shirt. We are teachers for god's sake."
I whisper-yelled at her.
" I hate him." She grumbled.
"What ? Whom?" I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her and that was enough for her to break down completely.
"Samuel, He cheated on me " She cried on my shoulders.
" Who? Mr. Jones?" I was astonished.
" Fuck yes" She cried out loud."I will hate him to death."
" How? What's the proof?"
" My eyes"
" You saw?"
She shook her head and continued to cry. I felt confused because the Samuel I knew wasn't someone who would do things like that.
How could he?
" You sure?" I asked again.
" I fucking saw him with another woman who had a child in her arms. And she kissed him."
" Where?"
" Cheeks"
"What the-? Did you ask him about her?"
" Nop, I couldn't. I ra-an away when he saw me. He looked frea-aking suprised. He is an asshole. I never thought he would do this." She whimpered.
" We need to confirm first"
" Nothing is there to confirm. I planned to surprise him. So I went to his house and there was this woman at his doorsteps and he was leading her in. And she ki-ss-ed him. They were looking at each other lovingly." She sobbed.
" What if it was his cousin or sister or something? Why didn't you call me earlier.?"
" If it was the case,he would have called me by this time. But he hasn't." She sobbed.
"Where's your phone?" I asked, searching around for it.
" Po-cket" She said in between her sobs. I took it out and tried to switch it on.
"It's dead. You are worse than a donkey. I'm going to call Samuel"
" No,no I don't want to see him".Ignoring her ,I took out my phone and dialled him.
" Hello? "
" It was my sister, Rita. The USA one. The one I hardly talk about. She came back after 5 years to meet me. That's when you saw us" For the 100th time, Samuel informed Rita. But she kept on saying that she hates him and doesn't want to see him.
" She is drunk, Samuel. So no use.She will sober up tomorrow morning" I informed him and sighed . People were staring at our direction and laughing.
He is one patient guy.
I would have gone mad by this time if I were him.
"I am taking you home,Rita." He finally stood up,scooping her in his arms,resisting all those kicks she was throwing at him.
You can't do this in front of a single woman.
I cried internally.
"We are leaving,Do you want a lift?"
"Nao, I will be okay on my own and one more thing, I want her back in full piece." I mocked him.
" Don't worry at all. She will be safe with me." He informed me before making way through the tables carrying my very drunk best friend.
That's solved then.
"Want some company, hottie?" Suddenly,a chill went down my spine, feeling somebody's hot breath on my neck. I turned around and took some steps backward.
An ugly faced ,alcohol reeking guy was standing right in front of me with a dangerous smirk on his face.
Oh God,I should get out.
" No thanks" I said before hurrying to get out of there. When I was about to reach the door, I felt somebody tugging at my sleeves and yanking me backwards.
I raised my hand to slap him/her but stopped midway when he grabbed my hand and I saw his face in the yellowish glow of the pub.
" You would have ran into the service guy and had your entire wallet emptied." He spoke with his face inches away from mine and hands around my waist.
I couldn't talk.
" Elaina?"
Suddenly I snapped out of the trance and pushed myself away from him.
"EDWARD! I thought you were some pervert," I sighed, glancing at the crowd.
"Who knows if I am ?" He laughed.His blue eyes twinkling under the glow.
"What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes and asked.
"Was just hanging out with Jason. Oh yeah,my friend from the other day. Yeah, you crashed into me and twisted your ankle."
"This late? It's past midnight?"
"Yeah, we just arrived now. That's when I saw you there. And what are you doing here this late? No school tomorrow?"
"School is of course there. It won't disappear overnight. Had to solve one issue for my friend. I was going to leave." I informed him.
"Mind joining us for a drink then?" He asked, his eyes penetrating into mine.
Concentrate, Elaina! You are in nothing but your night pants.
Just one round.
We found an empty seat and sat down. Ed Sheeran's Shivers was playing in the background.
"Hey, I am Jason,his best buddy" A blonde guy who appeared out of thin air introduced himself, hitting Edward in his arms.
"Yeah, I have seen you before, I am Elaina"
" I know, he has spoken about you many times"
I blushed and laughed but was too shy to glance at Edward.
We chatted while waiting for the drinks. Jason was a talkative guy but was pretty funny. Soon the drinks arrived.
" What was that ruckus over there?" Edward asked, sipping his vodka.
" Just someone annoying," I sighed.
A creepy guy.
" Well,ok?"
"Hey, I will be back in a sec." Suddenly, Jason stood up."That guy over there is from my workplace. Let me go and say a hi and come back"
I nodded and watched him disappear into the crowd.
Suddenly it became just two us and all awkward.I glanced at Edward and caught him staring at me.
My heart skipped many beats.
"So when's the next date?" I asked, playfully. He smirked and threw his head back.
"Maybe now?"
I chuckled.
"Unplanned ones are better than planned ones. Elaina."
There was always something special about the way he called my name.Something soft and warm but still they gave me chills. Maybe because it's cold here.
"You cold? Was it urgent enough for you to run in your pyjamas?" His concerned eyes scanned me.
"Yeah,It was," I chuckled, sipping my drink.
" You know Rita from the other day? The one who was with me at the hospital? She is my best friend. Had to solve one issue for her."
"I see.."
"Did Jason evaporate?" I laughed, scanning the crowd.
"Must be condensed by now" He joked and we both laughed.
" That was funny," I said.
" What else is there? Nothing to talk about?"
He asked in a funny way which I rather found charming.
" Nothing much going on in my life to talk about." I sighed.
" Boring? Want some free therapy sessions?"
" Really?"
" Maybe some physical sessions too," He said before smirking.
I groaned and rolled my head.
" You are annoying"
" Nice compliment"
I again rolled my eyes.
" They are going to come out. If you roll them like this. Zombie teacher" He grinned.
" Tell me honestly. You were thrown out of your house because you were annoying them the whole time right?"
" Who knows? But that hurts"
I stared at him in wonder only to find him giggling.
" Want one more?" He asked, pointing at my empty glass.
" No thank-"
Suddenly, I jerked towards Edward when a strong arm smashed loudly on our table.
" What the" I heard Edward curse. I was terrified that I couldn't even look up.
My heart.
" What do you think YOU ARE DOING,YOU ASSHOLE?" Edward stood up and asked the person standing at our table while his one arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I could hardly see or hear anything because of the commotion.
" Hey sweety, I thought I asked you if you want company?" An alcohol reeking voice reached my ears and I recognised it immediately.
I stood up but close to Edward.
" Let's get out of here," I said.
" As if you would, " A bearded man standing behind the creepy guy sneered. I assumed him to be one of his minions.
"I am Jeremy, in case you want to know" He introduced coming closer to me and showing off his yellow teeth.
What the-
I was scared and angry at the same time.
"Keep that to yourself you moron"I shouted.
" Elaina.."
" Let's get out of here," I told Edward.
He pressed his hand against the small of my back as if to assure me.
" Sure,but before that I should talk to that officer," Edward stated loudly enough for the whole gang to hear.
The drunk idiots looked where Edward was pointing at and we took that opportunity to jump over the table and run for the door.
"HEY! YOU FUCKERS" I heard yelling behind me but Edward grabbed my hand before pushing a table to block their way.
We dashed out of the bar and ran the way we saw. I was freaking glad that I was in my usual shoes rather than my heels.
" Elaina this way" Edward urged us towards a corner and we hid in the space between two walls.
"Shh" He placed a finger on my lips before leaning forward to make space.
I bet my heart was beating like anything out of the fear of being found. If they were some mafia guys then we would have no choice but to run.
"They are coming," I whispered and unknowingly hugged Edward and buried my face into his neck. I was seriously scared.
" It's ok, don't worry, they won't find us" He placed his head on top of my head and rubbed his palm against my back.It was dark everywhere except for the lights coming out of the pub and the flickering Street light.
I heard curses and yelling in the background which I was sure was directed towards us.
Edward shifted his legs to make space and suddenly I became aware of how close we were standing next to each other. I was hearing a heart beating,nah two hearts beating louder than a Royal Enfield Bullet.
I pulled back and leaned against the wall. Seconds later I peeped at him and caught him looking down at me.
"They might come off, " He whispered suddenly.
"What?" I asked surprised
"My shirt, you are gripping it" He said and I realised I was pretty much grabbing his chest.
"Oh sorry," I apologised, trying to take a step back.
Damn the wall.
There was no space to move.
His breath was on my face and my heart was racing. I couldn't even feel the cold let alone the shouting on the streets anymore. His warm body was pressed against mine.
Unable to resist, I glanced at him again and our eyes locked.
They were holding my gaze so hard that I couldn't look away. His hair was sprawled on his forehead but the blue oceans of his eyes were boring right into me. I was drowning in them.
He looked very much like the person I met during our high school trip.I felt that familiar warm vibe coming off from him.
Bellezza selvaggia
Warm and cozy.
He lowered his gaze and hesitantly brought a hand forward and tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ears. I could look nowhere but at him and hear nothing but our breaths and heartbeats.
" Do I still remind you of spring?" He asked softly, breaking the awkward silence. The light was flickering and I could only see half of his face clearly.
" Very much" I said,not looking away. His lips were slightly parted and I couldn't take it anymore.
I saw a drop of sweat trailing down his face and fall on his shirt.
"They are gon-"
"Can I kiss you?" He asked and my eyes sprang open.
So tonight I am officially dying out of a heart attack.
My heart nearly exploded. I was pretty sure if somebody saw me right now, they would have had difficulty in differentiating me from a tomato.
"Huh?" I glanced again at his lips.
"I want to kiss you so badly right now" He whispered and I realised that he was pretty much restraining himself.
My mind went blank for a second and I couldn't figure out what to do.
All of a sudden,surprising myself I stood on my tiptoes and crashed my lips against his.
That's what I want after all.
He must have been caught by surprise that it took him some seconds to realise what was going on and to wrap his arms around my waist.
The air was hot and so was us.
His lips slowly moved against mine but soon they were kissing hungrily. The warmth of his mouth began to blind my senses.
"Edward..." I gasped feeling my legs go weak.
Without parting away,he leaned down allowing me to stand on my feet.
I don't know how long we kissed because there were many long speeches and air-intake breaks in between.
" Edward!" I gasped, if we made out any longer I was going to lose every bit of self control I had.
" Sorry, I lost it!" Edward moved back. I was too embarrassed to look at him again.
Does he regret it?
We stared at each other again and I saw a small smile forming on his lips.
He is blushing.
"I like you " I said finally,not even giving it a second thought. I stood on my tip toe and kissed his left cheek.
He laughed before leaning down and kissing my nose.
"Elaina..." He trailed. I don't know if this is weird but I can't think about anything but you nowadays. In my sleep,work, thoughts. You are everywhere."
He sighed, bringing his head down to rest against mine.
"And my heart beats like hell when you are around. It's like you are a magnet and I am a helpless piece of iron. Remember when we first met?10 years ago? When I spotted you near the maple I felt like there were no other women in this world. Only you." He paused.
"I don't know what this feeling is or what that feeling was. All I know is that I need you. I want you. I don't wanna lose you. Forever."
Our noses were touching and our hearts were beating in rhythm.
"If you say things like this my heart might explode.Then you can't have me" I blushed, grinning from one ear to the other.
"Mine already did, when you kissed me" He laughed.
"After that earthquake I realised that I had lost everyone important to me. But each time I thought about you,I felt like I was missing something,like I was empty.A giant one. But the moment I saw you again here,half of my despair vanished into thin air." I said.
"Hug me" He pulled me closer and I embraced him fully.He smelled like coffee and autumn.
"You are really giant " I sighed into his neck.
" lI will take that as a compliment" He chuckled,patting my head.

So guys,it is finally here! The kiss!!🤫
This is my fav chap😂.
What about you?
Comment your opinions:)
With love,

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