Je'daii Deku: Rise of the Rev...

De The_Nocturnal_Raven

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Young Izuku Midoriya is constantly punished by the world he was... Mais

A Wake Up Call
The True Nature of Earth
A Mother's Concern
Understanding What Threatens You
Inko's Recovery
A Mother's Promise
Izuku's Lightsaber
First Step into the Dark
UA Exams
A Day of Choices
Izuku's Observations
Inko's "Observations"
The Road to Hell...
Cynical Intervention
A Tour for the Fair Lady
Gears Begin to Turn
Moving Forward
Trust Excercises
The UA Sports Festival
Shinsou's Capstone
Heroes Properly Ressurected
Machinations in Motion
Light the Tinderbox
Struggles on the Home Front
Dawn of War
The Faction in the Shadows
The Shadows Come To Light
Week-Long War: Japan
The Week Long War: America
The Week Long War: Resolution
A Mercy Mission
The Second Attempt
Underhanded Tactics
Flight & Fight
Negotiations Pt. 2
Aggressive Negotiations
Race to the Finish
The Truce

Allmight Vs. Stars & Stripes

1.8K 58 3
De The_Nocturnal_Raven

Izuku's ship, named the Starrunner by Hizoshi, swiftly flew over towards the middle of the US desert. This was absolutely unprecedented, that Allmight, despite what he believed in, was attacking Area 51, and making sure that the base couldn't be used as a staging area. He'd never seen any hero go to war, and absolutely overlooked the sheer destruction that could be caused by Allmight himself. He shuddered to imagine if this kind of strength was used by a villain... which made him resent his father even more. Refocusing on the task at hand, Izuku noted that a substantial part of the facility was destroyed, and he could see Stars & Stripes fighting Allmight, routing him and forcing them into the desert. There were news helicopters already. People notice when Allmight is on the move, and a battle like this was unprecedented.

He tapped a button on his vambrace, calling Revan, and the AI's elegant voice responded immediately, "Yes?"

"Can you get me in contact with Dutch's crew?"

Revan was quick to reply and fulfill that request. "As you wish."

A moment passed before he could hear the gruff man's voice. "Whatta ya need?"
Izuku explained what he needed. "This is a perfect opportunity to infiltrate a US facility to gain more information. I want you to assemble a force to infiltrate the rubble of Area 51 and copy all relevant data. You'll have to take down some news helicopters as well, as we need secrecy. I'll need Sierra to watch over the fight between Allmight and Stars & Stripes."

Dutch was alert, and quick to respond after that. He was now on the clock, after all. "Right. I'll get her to set up a link to you."
"That would be appreciated. You know your objective." He continued to watch the fight, analysing everything he could. They're holding back their punches, speaking to each other... They have a personal history. I know Stars & Stripes says she was inspired and trained, but this seems more like a bond between best friends... The next hour, he witnessed his fighters swoop in and shoot down the new choppers, making sure to stay hidden in their blindspots. It's unfortunate... but I can't have them see what's happening now. Transport starships landed outside the ruined facility, engaged the remaining forces, and brute force their way into the facility. His crew was the best for this. He finally heard back from Sierra, who patched into his frequency. "I've made my position on the nearby mountain. What do you want me to do?"

He thought for a moment, before giving her directive. "Just observe. When the fight dies down, I'll assess the condition of both of them. If Stars kills Allmight, kill her. If Allmight kills her, kill him. If both are alive... hold your fire."

"Roger that."

Allmight continued to punch at Stars & Stripes, and she returned the favor. "Please, just surrender peacefully, Toshi!"

Stubborn as he knew Stars & Stripes was, Allmight answered back, giving her the same option. "I have to ask the same, Cathleen!"

The blond heroes, both number ones of their respective nations were at an impasse. It was the painful truth of war, that all bonds break once you are on two sides of the conflict. Stars & Stripes in particular was in deep pain about this. "We both know I can't!"

"Then you know I can't either!" Even with that proclamation, he felt steam start to rise from his body, with Toshinori panicking. Oh no... My limit! His adversary, however, took advantage of his momentary pause and socked him in the jaw, forcing him to go flying.

When she launched herself after him, she could tell something was wrong with him. There was no sign of the man she looked up to. There was no retaliation, which concerned her even more. Where he landed, there was a skeletal figure, wearing a really baggy hero uniform. He was far more injured than Allmight was.

Pointing at him, she demanded to know: "You! Where is Toshi? You have to have seen him."

Instead, the man coughed blood, with a grimace on his face. "Congratulations, Cathleen. You won."

She was confused and frustrated by his enigmatic and, frankly, impossible answer: "What... where is he?"
The blond man gestured to himself, finally revealing the whole truth. "I've done a good job hiding this form from the world, but now I can't anymore. Cathleen, it's me, Toshinori."

She couldn't believe it. Denial is the first stage of grief, and she only just found out that she'd killed her hero. Not literally, but in a metaphorical sense. "But..."
And he interrupted her attempts at denial. "I was greatly wounded 5 years ago. I'm already running on borrowed time for my quirk."

She knelt in front of him, tears welling up. This was too much, and this accursed war was the reason. "You were suffering all this time?"

"I had to remain strong." He coughed up more blood. The fact he was, was already disturbing, but it was even more so that he didn't seem bothered by that. "This was my last fight. You did amazingly well."

"No... I... I didn't want it to be like this."

"Neither did I..."

They heard a slow clap. It was something that was designed to break the tension, and both heroes became annoyed by the interruption. Turning to the source, they saw a hooded, masked individual, silhouetted against the flaming wreckage of the news helicopters. They didn't even know they'd been shot down, that's how involved in their fight they were. His robes were black, and he had black metal gauntlets on his arm and the back of his hands. His mask was made from the same black steel, with a slit visor, and his armor had green and purple accents.

His voice was modified by the mask, "Well done you two."

Stars & Stripes asked first, cautiously, "Is he with you?"
Yagi whispered back, just as cautious as she was. "No..." However, after a moment of thought, Allmight then remembered a report he'd heard ages ago, from Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Kaminari. The USJ incident. Jirou's voice was first in his mind, "There was a villain who cornered us. Lifted us off the ground... could have killed us. He chose not to."

Kaminari's worry was next, "He was so scary! His presence alone snapped me out of my dummy mode, when I go all out with my quirk..."

Momo's analysis followed, "He was analyzing us. Observing us. He could've intervened at any time, but chose not to."

Bakugo's statement rounded off the interviews. "He threw me out of the fucking window, halfway across the fucking USJ. He's a fucking mask wearing coward."

Toshinori then heard Aizawa mention him during the meeting that followed right after:

"Three students mention a villain... one who could've killed them instantly, but chose not to. He's calculating. A bigger threat, arguably, than the man-child. I don't think he's working with them because he believes in their leader. But for himself."

His eyes widened for a second, before turning to anger. This villain had to be responsible for the conflict, in one way or another. Yagi's voice reflected his mood. "You were at the USJ."

That statement alone caught Star's attention. After all, she knew what an event that was, even from the reports... and the US embassy in Japan. Being the number one in a different country had its advantages.

However, the man was amused by that response. "I was. That seems so long ago now. I'm glad you heard about me."

Toshinori glared at him, his voice dark with anger. "You left a bigger impact on my students than the Nomu... or the ones that interacted with you."

Recieving the anger of the number one hero would normally cause villains to quake, but this one didn't. He even brushed it off, "Ah... yes, I forgot I had acted that way in front of them. Well, no harm done, I suppose." Despite his relaxed nature, it was clear that damage had been done. Especially with the anger Toshinori displayed. Instead of focusing on their emotions, the villain asked them a simple, yet profound question. "The question is, what will you two do now?"

Catherine reacted quickly, asking her inspiration, "Is he a threat?"

However, Allmight didn't look away from him. "I don't know. This is my first encounter."
Again, his nonchalance shone through. He shrugged. At both number one heroes. When they were in a battlefield. How cocky is this guy?! But, his response was the first time that showed that he was, yet again, just a normal man, with all the emotions that came with, as he showed a bit of irritation. "Oh, that isn't true. But, if you want to keep it that way, fine."

Meanwhile, Cathleen headed off that potential rabbit hole with a question of her own. "What do you want?"
He sighed, not showing himself in a threatening manner. All his actions seem to be just observation based. Again, like what Allmight said about the USJ. "I just want to know what you will do after this battle. It's clear Allmight cannot fight anymore... and will you let yourself be used as a weapon any longer, Stars & Stripes?"

She grit her teeth. Adrenaline was starting to wear off, and she could feel her injuries. "You don't get to say his name."
"I respect the man for his service to Japan. He used to be my favorite hero. But, it's usually a bad idea to meet your heroes... and here I am. Thank you for gifting me the determination to continue, at least."
Stars still wanted to know his motivations, and he just wouldn't monologue. Most villains had gotten into the habit of doing so. Even the boogeyman. That's how her mentor had defeated him before. "Why are you here?"
Instead, he answered her question with one of his own. "Are you going to fight Japan's forces?"
"I can't..."

He turned to leave, "That is all then."

"You think we'll let you leave?" Stars & Stripes growled, standing up, finally towering over her adversary... and leaving Toshinori's weakened side.

Glancing back, the man stated clearly, "I do not wish to fight. Not because of fear, but because you're better off alive in the long run."

Toshinori shivered. Needing heroes alive? Why would a villain need heroes alive? "Why do you need..." he was about to ask, but then coughed blood. That forced the American hero to rush back to his side, and pick him up. "We need to get you to a hospital..."

"But..." He looked back, and the villain was gone. "There's something not right about the war..."
At this point, that much was clear. The villain's timing was too good. "I know. Which is why I am resigning from my post until we can figure this out."

Izuku smiled. He hadn't left yet, just used the force to hide his presence. They're out for the count. But... I will have to keep tabs on them. I don't want them destroying cities in this war. Megatron really showed me the cost of my strategies... I don't need to manipulate Allmight like him.

He used his helmet communicator, so that they didn't hear him as Stars & Stripes fled the area with Allmight's crippled form. "Sierra. I have a new task for you."
She asked, ever watchful. "That is?"
"Keep an eye on Toshinori Yagi and Catherine Bates. They're starting to investigate us, and go incognito. I'll give you my personal info files on them for your convenience. Only eliminate them if they find out about our involvement. Understood?"

Her response, of course, was full compliance with that directive. "Roger."
"Thank you."

He then issued some orders to Dutch to get the survivors of the helicopters... and silence them. Frankly, Izuku didn't like this, but... sometimes collateral damage is collateral damage. Especially between two walking nukes. I am so glad that the nations of the world have formally promised to never use nuclear weapons on Earth. That makes this so much easier to navigate.

The Starrunner landed nearby, and he stepped onto the ramp, and headed back to home. Another day, another step closer to unification.

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