Do You Believe in Ghosts? (Tr...

By T-Night

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The monsters are real. They roam this land. They terrorize the citizens. No one knows where they came from or... More

Missing Heroes
The Immune
Sonic the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
The Brotherhood


3.7K 199 151
By T-Night

Screaming. A heatwave. She couldn't breathe.

For me to live, you must die.

Die. Die! DIE!


(Y/n) startled awake, sweating despite the cold air from Omega's fans. She scooted closer to the former Badnik, bracing her hands behind her. Rouge grunted and stretched her arms up.

"What time is it?" she mumbled groggily.

"Six thirty-seven a.m," Omega responded instantly. Rouge groaned loudly and turned onto her stomach to bury her face in the pillow.

"How are you feeling, hon?"

"I'm fine." It came out strangled. Rouge pushed herself up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"What?" the bat asked, moving to sit against the headboard. "(Y/n), if you're planning on seeing Shadow today, maybe you shouldn't."

"I have to." She didn't want to. But she didn't have time to waste on herself. She had to connect with Shadow. But she didn't know if she could with the tangle of emotions building inside her.

"You'll be no help to anyone if you can't figure yourself out, first." (Y/n) groaned and pressed her hands to her face, raking them through her messy hair.

"I led him on. I must have," she said. "I-I still need to connect with him, somehow, and-"

"Slow down," Rouge said. "It's too early to be panicking. Let's think rationally. Shadow: possessed. You: logical. Or you should be, but you're, well, panicking." (Y/n) dropped her hands only to glare at the spy. "There we go. Alright. To connect with Shadow, you need to...?"

"Connect on a spiritual level. I think." She shrugged helplessly. "I need Tikal. She'd know."

"Let's not wish for things we don't have. What resources do we have? Think critically, (Y/n)."

"I've never been kissed, Rouge."

"Is that really important right now?"

"It's important to me!" The bat lifted a brow, then started laughing. "It's not really funny!"

"Think about it, hon. It is. If we survive this, imagine you look back on your life and remember your first kiss was with an overheated, possessed, very dead hedgehog."

"Rouge..." The bat sighed, throwing an arm over the (a/t)'s shoulders and drawing her into her side.

"I know. You don't need this right now." A pause. "You need it after you save the world." (Y/n) groaned, elbowing Rouge, though the spy merely laughed. "Alright, alright. Back to the important matters. How do you remember connecting to Sonic?"

"Well, it was when he met with Tails...we were all hugging?"

"You don't sound entirely certain. Is that all that happened?"

"Um...our faces were close? Touching, I guess. It was a tender moment for everyone."

"Sounds lovely. I feel convinced all over again that you're in love with Sonic, and he's in love with you." (Y/n) blew out a breath, rubbing her hand over her muzzle. "Perhaps I'm no expert, but it would seem you need to be emotionally and perhaps physically connected. Comfortable with each other. Trusting."

"I thought I was," the (a/t) whispered. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Expecting too much of you both. You want to force yourself to feel the same for Shadow, but that's not how those emotions work. And he's...well, he's never had a relationship, nevermind trying to untangle his emotions while fighting a ghost." Rouge pushed (Y/n) back and gripped the (a/t)'s shoulders. "How about we take a breather today. I'll take Omega and tell Shadow you got a little heat stroke and are taking the day off. Then you, Blaze, and I can all have a girls' day while Omega keeps us cool."

A girls' day. "I haven't had one of those in a long time." (Y/n) smiled softly. "(F/n) and I used to save up for one day each year and then go out and spend it all on whatever we wanted."


"A good friend of mine. I sent her and her brother to the Assassination Zone before I even knew I was immune. I wish I could see her now, know that she's okay."

"Perhaps the blessings of your gift followed them there," Rouge mused. "Maybe you'll see her when you go." (Y/n) sighed, hugging herself and lowering her head.

"I sure hope so."


"Alright, Blaze. It's break time. We're all taking the day off," Rouge announced, an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders as she marched into the kitchen where Blaze was putting together their breakfast.

"I figured," the princess said, smiling gently at the (a/t). "What did you have in mind?"

"Pretend like the apocalypse isn't happening," the bat said, squeezing (Y/n)'s shoulders, "that Shadow is off being the 'Ultimate Lifeform' on some mission, and we're all just hanging out and deciding we want to take an ice bath."

"Let's eat first," (Y/n) said, pulling away from Rouge. "I'm starving. My appetite's coming back."

"Excellent," the spy said, grabbing a bowl for herself and the immune. She plopped down next to the (a/t), nudging the bowl her direction. "Eat, make sure Shadow's handled, then forget about all this for a day." She turned to (Y/n). "So. Tell us more about (F/n)."


They finished breakfast, talk of the (a/t)'s best friend momentarily taking her mind off her predicament.

However, she apparently couldn't help herself when Rouge and Blaze stood up, muttering something to each other, and Omega stomped in, saying Shadow was still contained, but had taken a bullet when the door opened.

What if he's not holding onto that hope because you just ran away like a coward? What if you've lost all your progress? What if he hates you now? You'll have to start over, time's ticking-

"Oh, no you don't," Rouge said, grabbing (Y/n) by the shoulders and shaking her. "I can tell you're spiraling. The day's hardly begun!"

"I have to check on him," she blurted. "I promise I'll be quick, and I won't do anything stupid, but I've been so consistent, and I don't want him to think I'm avoiding him, well, not really-"

"Relax, hon," Rouge said, giving (Y/n)'s shoulders a squeeze. "I understand. If it makes you feel better, go ahead and take a look. Me and Blaze will brainstorm some things to take your mind off your troubles."

The (a/t) released a breath. "Thank you," she whispered, looking between the two. Blaze nodded and Rouge nudged her.

"Go on, now. Don't want to waste too much of today."


Remembering Omega's statement about Shadow having to be forced into the cell, she took the former Badnik up with her, guilt tailing her the whole way. She entered the code and pushed the door open, scanning the cell for Shadow.

I meant it.

I'm sorry.

"Shadow?" she called softly. She stepped into the cell, glancing behind at Omega. That was her mistake. She yelped as scorching hands suddenly grabbed her shoulder and neck, shoving her against the door. Omega jammed his servo into the gap, though Shadow momentarily released her to kick the robot's servo out, dragging the door shut.

"Pure spirit," the dark hedgehog spat, pacing in front of the (a/t). "You will know darkness. You will know fear. You will know death at my hand!"

"Shadow, please! I wasn't thinking, and I know I must have hurt you!" she cried, lifting her hands. He snarled and she flinched. She covered her head, trying to breathe.

Do not let this fear overwhelm you. Fear is what it wants, and you are not afraid. She released a breath, slowly lowering her hands and meeting Shadow's gaze.

"I'm sorry," she said, forcing her voice to be steady. She extended one hand towards him. "I knew what you were doing. I could have pulled away sooner, but I really do trust you, Shadow. And I'm not afraid of you." She took a step towards him and his ears flattened. "I meant it, too."

Shadow opened his mouth, then groaned and dropped to his knees, clawing at his neck. Taking the opportunity, (Y/n) dropped down in front of him and grabbed one of his hands, coaxing it away from his neck. She stared at him, though his eyes were squeezed shut, then brought his hand up to her own neck. His eyes snapped open as she guided his hand to the side of her throat, to her pulse point.

"I trust you," she whispered firmly. His lips parted and his hand went slack in her grip. He lowered his head, his fingers trembling slightly against her neck.

"(Y/n)," he finally breathed. "I'm so sorry. I lost control...I-"

"I already told you," she said, shifting her grip on his wrist, "I knew what you were doing. Though, to be completely honest, that's not exactly how I imagined my first kiss going. I panicked, yes, which was unprofessional of me, but I'm not mad, and it doesn't change anything I told you." She rubbed his arm before dropping her hand. "We're friends, at least, Shadow, and with a clear head and some time to talk..."

"Maybe there's more," he finished quietly. "If you don't feel the same, I...I understand. I'm..."

"Possessed? Dead? Doesn't matter to me. As long as you're still in there, that's what really matters." She pressed her hand to his chest, his hand shifting on her neck. "While your heart may not beat right now, I believe the pieces of you that belonged there are in your soul. Trust me, and trust yourself. Can you do that?"

"I don't believe I've ever been able to truly trust myself."

"I suppose now's the time to learn." She dropped her hand, Shadow's sliding down her shoulder before falling. "Also...I told Rouge I'd be fast today, but I just wanted to clear that up with you..." She gave him a sheepish grin, to which he hesitated, then returned it with half lidded eyes. "We're going to have a girls' day? However you do that during the apocalypse."

Shadow chuckled softly, sitting back. "Then by all means," he said, "go enjoy your girls' day."

"You sure you'll be okay without me?" He nodded and she shuffled forward, touching her hand to his chest once more. "Okay. Remember. The pieces are still there. We can put you back together."

"I know," he murmured, brushing his fingers across her knuckles and closing his eyes. "I believe you." She smiled and pulled away after a moment, standing and turning to the door. As she entered the code and the door ground open, she turned back one last time.

"Thank you, Shadow," she said, lifting her hand in a farewell. He returned the gesture, his lips lifting. She then turned and let the door close, setting her hands on her hips and looking up at Omega.

"Well then," she said, "should we go see what Rouge and Blaze have come up with?"


The Assassination Zone...

Espio looked out over the lights flickering dimly below him, exhaustion weighing on his shoulders. And yet, even as his feet dragged on the way back inside, he couldn't find the will to try and sleep.

"Espio," Vector said as the chameleon entered the makeshift living room. "Our sensors just went off. A group is entering the Zone from the south."

Espio's eyes widened. "Now? Everyone will be locked down; the assassins will go straight for them!"

"We can't blame them for not knowing curfew," Vector said, tossing Espio a transparent blue shield. He caught it, strapping it across his back. The crocodile moved to grab his own, but Espio pressed his hand to Vector's chest.

"Stay here with Charmy," he said. "I'll make sure they get past the checkpoint."

"By yourself? The kill zone will be crawling with assassins."

"I'll try for stealth and handle the ones that see through me," Espio said, willing strength into his tired limbs. "We can't leave Charmy by himself, and he doesn't get much sleep anymore. We shouldn't interrupt him now."

"Es, we need you."

"And I'll be back before dawn." Espio started for the door, adrenaline starting to flow through him. He glanced back as he tugged the door open. "I promise."

Once outside and out of view, Espio broke into a sprint towards the border, the streets quiet and dim. He could hear distant, unnatural cries, far enough away they wouldn't be a concern to the refugees in the city.

But for the group coming in...

It took far too long for him to reach the edge of the city, the plain beyond dubbed the kill zone stretching all the way to the Burning Zone border. Black figures slithered across the grass, only shrieking occasionally.

Espio unsheathed two blades and quickly deduced the safest route across the kill zone, staying low while traveling as fast as he could. If the assassins were making noise, they hadn't spotted their victims. They were dead silent when they were hunting.

He managed to avoid drawing their attention, listening carefully for any telltale signs of the crossing group. He slowed when he heard panicked whispering, and beyond that, nothing.

The assassins knew they were here.

Espio sprinted towards the whispers, pulling the shield over his shoulder. The group came into view, crouched in the overgrown grasses of the plain.

"There's someone over there," one of them whispered, pointing frantically towards Espio. He pushed through the grass, lifting the hand with the knife and spreading his fingers as much as he could.

"I'm a part of the Chaotix," he whispered, hoping that meant at least something to them. "Stay very quiet and stay together. Everyone grab someone's hand and follow me as close as you can." Making sure they understood his instructions, Espio nodded and turned, leveling the shield in front of him and starting off at a brisk pace. No doubt they were exhausted from the crossing, but they didn't have any time to waste.

The kill zone was silent as they moved through it, dread settling in the pit of the chameleon's stomach. He held up a hand, signaling for the group to stop. He turned to the nearest Mobian, what looked like a young lynx with wide green eyes.

"How many are in this group, roughly?" he asked quietly.

"Um...maybe thirty to forty?" Not the largest group that had come through. Espio looked out over the heads of the crossing group, then over the remainder of the plain. The checkpoint blinked a steady red light in the distance - their destination.

"Alright, you see that red light?" he asked, placing a hand on the lynx's shoulder and gesturing with his shield to the checkpoint. The lynx nodded. Espio pressed a kunai into her hand. "Take the lead of this group. If you see anything that has red eyes or no distinctive shape, go for the neck or face and don't stop moving."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To get flanks for the group and then take up the rear. Get going." The lynx seemed to gather her bearings before shifting the kunai in her grip, her friend's hand in the other, and beginning to walk again. Espio rounded the edge of the group, singling out a wary looking bulldog and approaching him.

"Keep an eye out for the left flank. Anything with red eyes or no definitive shape, hit the face or neck." Then he moved to the right flank and gave the same instructions to a scruffy hawk before positioning himself in the rear. They could make it.

He cursed himself for jinxing it when a flash of red eyes appeared to his right. A shuriken was in his hand in a split second, but the assassin had ducked into the grass, Espio's visual lost. The group began murmuring to each other nervously, some pointing at the space on their flanks.

"Quiet," Espio whispered to the nearest Mobian, nodding at the rest of the group. He got the message and passed it on in a ripple all the way to the front. The chameleon looked back to where the assassin had been, a chill running up his spine as his gaze met the empty red stare of one of their stalkers.

Espio threw the shuriken in one smooth movement, but the assassin knocked it aside and, with a screech, leaped for the chameleon. The plain exploded in action, dark ghost assassins bursting out of their cover and lunging for the group.

"Stay together!" Espio shouted, cutting through three assassins and glancing at the three others with his weapons. They were holding their ground, several ghost assassins falling in their wake. Good.

A scream, Mobian, from the pitch of it, drew Espio's attention away from the black blobs collapsing in front of him. The lynx in the front was on her knees, covering her head, her gloves stained red. Espio leaped over several Mobians' heads, tackling the assassin reaching for the lynx. He yelled in pain as it jabbed it's weapon into his leg, but he slashed its neck and it dissolved. Espio pressed a hand to his leg, turning around and throwing a shuriken into another approaching assassin. They were outnumbered and there was hardly any way this ragtag group could fight their way out.

A gunshot startled him out of his deprecating thoughts, several more following. His head whipped around, white lights bobbing towards them. The checkpoint squadron. They must have heard the commotion.

"Alright, everyone huddle together! Keep moving!" Espio shouted over the shrieks and the gunshots. A few Mobians from the front passed the message back and the group clustered together, rushing towards the checkpoint squadron.

Before he knew it, they'd passed the gate and the squadron was finishing off the last of the assassins.

"Follow me! Follow me!" one of the squadron leaders called, waving the group through to the tunnel entrance. Espio brought up the rear, nodding in gratitude to the soldiers. They merely clapped their fists to their chests and dipped their heads.

Once safely in the tunnel, Espio broke away from the group, his adrenaline already wearing off. He limped back the way he'd come, dragging himself up the flight of stairs until he reached the door. He reached for the doorknob, but Vector flung open the door, hauling the chameleon inside.

"You made it," was all the crocodile said, fetching the medical kit. Espio didn't respond, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes.

Yes, they'd made it.

It was only a matter of time before they didn't.

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