BTS Eighth Member | The Life:...

By Canadia1001

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This is year 2014 of my slow-burn, detailed story of Y/N as the eighth member of BTS. The story is as realis... More

Chapter 1- Thank You 2013
Chapter 2- No Time for Goodbyes
Chapter 3- ISAC 2014 Part 1
Chapter 4- ISAC 2014 Part 2
Chapter 5- Act Like It
Chapter 6- Boy In Luv MV Recording
Chapter 7- Beatle's Code Recording
Chapter 8- After School Club (Boy In Luv)
Chapter 9- 1st Fanmeeting Muster
Chapter 10- Weekly Idol (Just One Day)
Chapter 11- American Hustle Life: Departure
Chapter 12- American Hustle Life: The First Day
Chapter 13- American Hustle Life: Coolio
Chapter 14- Deepening Friendship
Chapter 15- American Hustle Life: Respect
Chapter 16- Be Crazy
Chapter 17- American Hustle Life: Unapologetic
Chapter 18- American Hustle Life: Not Alone
Chapter 20- American Hustle Life: Warren G
Chapter 21- American Hustle Life: Iris Stevenson
Chapter 22- American Hustle Life: Self Evaluation
Chapter 23: American Hustle Life: The Hangar Part 1
Chapter 24- American Hustle Life: The Hangar Part 2
Chapter 25- American Hustle Life: Flyers
Chapter 26- American Hustle Life: The Finale
Chapter 26- Blushing
Chapter 28- Berlin
Chapter 29- Emotionally Drained
Chapter 30- I Love You?
Chapter 31- G-Dragon
Chapter 32- Am I Worth It?
Chapter 33- Dark and Wild Showcase
Chapter 34- Text Back
Chapter 35- B-Free
Chapter 36- The First Night
Chapter 37- Please
Chapter 38- Is This It Then?
Chapter 39- Hello Counselor
Chapter 40- Catching Up
Chapter 41- Hello Darkness
Chapter 42- So Damn Tired
Chapter 43- Taking A Break
Chapter 44- Wipe That Smirk Off
Chapter 45- Stitches
Chapter 46- Remember That
Chapter 47- Family Dinner
Chapter 48- Red Bullet Tour Begins
Chapter 49- Family Reunion
Chapter 50- Raincheck
Chapter 51- Runs In The Family
Chapter 52- Guilt
Chapter 53- Found Out
Chapter 54- It's For The Best
Chapter 55- Don't Want To Move On
Chapter 56- MAMA 2014
Chapter 57- Shine On Your Own
Chapter 58- Supported
Chapter 59- Males Only
Chapter 60- Deal With It on My Own
Chapter 61- Dealing
Chapter 62- Jolly Christmas?
Chapter 63- Don't Regret It
Chapter 64- KBS Gayo Daechukje
Chapter 65- Meeting Audrey
Chapter 66- Not Even In The Friendzone
Chapter 67- B.S.
Chapter 68- Deep Talks
Year 2015 Is Published

Chapter 19- American Hustle Life: Laundry

249 12 1
By Canadia1001

Underlined = English

May 6th, 2014:

I was up earlier than everyone else as usual, but I had gotten a bit more sleep. My nightmares deciding to allow me to sleep an extra hour.

As usual, I see Tony getting his breakfast once I get out of the bathroom.

"Hey," I nod towards him.

"Morning," he responds, "you guys are cleaning today, right? This place is a dumpster".

I look around at the garbage, pizza boxes, clothes, and so much more laying around.

"Yeah, it is bad isn't it," I agree, "I don't usually have to deal with their messes," I chuckle.

"You don't live with them in their dorm?" Tony asks.

"God, no," I answer, "that would be such a big scandal. No, I live with other girl trainees".

"Oh, ok. So, you live with other girl idols?" he asks, verifying he understood.

"Uh... no, they're trainees, so they're training to be idols. I just never moved out when I debuted like most group members do," I explain.

"Ah, ok. That kinda sucks," he says taking a spoonful of cereal.

"Yeah..." I mutter, "but hey, at least I don't have to deal with the boys' mess this way".

"That is most definitely a plus," Tony laughs.

The boys slowly got up one by one, and at 9:30am since we had been allowed to sleep in, I went to wake up the stragglers that consisted of the rest of the maknae line.

"So!" shouts Nate as he walks down the stairs, "this morning we are cleaning this pigsty. We need a group to clean this place, a group to go wash clothes and sheets, and a group to go grocery shopping".

Namjoon translates quickly and the boys just look at each other.

"I'll go shopping," Seokjin finally speaks up.

"I'll go with you," Jimin jumps at the chance of not having to clean anything.

"I'll go too!" shouts Taehyung.

"Wait, we can't all go shopping," Yoongi laughs, "let's do rock, paper, scissors to split up the groups".

"Good idea. Let's have a group of 3 for cleaning the residence and another group of 3 for washing clothes. The shopping team can just be 2, it's not that hard," Namjoon suggests.

"But I'm the cook here," Seokjin interjects, "I should go shopping for the food".

"Fine, Jin-hyung can be on the shopping team," Yoongi gives in for the group.

We play rock, paper, scissors until everyone is placed in groups. Seokjin and Hoseok would go shopping. Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoon would clean the residence. And Yoongi, Jungkook, and I would do the laundry.

We finished getting ready and organized the laundry and grocery list.

"Okie, let's go!" I shout, picking up one of our laundry-filled bags.

"Does anyone know where we're going," laughs Yoongi.

"The managers do," Jungkook says, "that's why we have them," he smiles at Hobeom who rolled his eyes.


Hobeom drove us, and our laundry, to a nearby laundromat. Yoongi bought the detergent and dry sheets while I bought the coins for the machines.

"Have you chosen machines?" I ask Jungkook who had been walking around looking at all the machines.

"The ones at the back are all empty," he says.

I nod and grab a couple of bags. The three of us get to the machines and just stand there.

"Do you guys know how to do this?" Yoongi laughs.

"Nope," I laugh with him.

"No clue," Jungkook chuckles.

After looking at all the buttons on the machine we figure out how to use them and Jungkook starts putting clothes in our first machine.

"Wait, wait!" I shout, "shouldn't we split the colours from the whites?"

"Should we?" Jungkook questions.

"Don't you normally?" I ask astonished, "do you know how to do laundry?"

"Uh... well usually the hyungs do laundry," Jungkook says embarrassed.

"Oh my gosh, give me this," I say exasperated, taking the bag from him.

I spend the next 10 minutes showing him how to split colours and which clothing had to be turned inside out or zipped up properly. Yoongi quietly worked his way through the other bags.

We finally got through our bags of laundry and stand proudly in front of our 4 machines.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

"Wait," Yoongi states, "I do have all these coins though. We could play the game machines, but that's only if you guys wanted," Yoongi plays hard to get.

"Yes! I haven't played with a claw machine in forever," I beam, stealing a few coins before he could remove his hand from my reach.

I rush over to the machines. We win a few cuddly toys and a couple of balls. I went out with Jungkook to play with one of the balls. We pass it a few times until Jungkook kicked it high and wide, and it rolls into the street. He starts running after it.

"Don't it's dangerous!" I shout.

He runs on the street despite my warning. I run after him with the camera behind me. Thankfully, he gets the ball safe and sound since a car stopped for him.

"Thank you!" I shout to the driver who nods back.

"You'll get hurt one day if you're not careful," I say, shoving his shoulder playfully.

"But I am careful," he says smirking making me roll my eyes.

We go back into the laundromat to see how much time we had left to wait.

"Hyung, do you have more coins?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, here," Yoongi says, handing us the last coins.

We go over to the gumball dispensers.

"Jungkook put your hand underneath," I instruct him as he turns the knob to get a gumball. He doesn't listen and the ball drops on the ground. He picks it up and looks up at me mischievously.

"Don't," I beg. He picks up the ball and blows on it as if that would remove the thousands of germs that were on it from the floor.

"Don't do it Jungkook," I say, "it's gross".

He smiles and pops it into his mouth anyway.

"Ewww! Your disgusting!" I shout.

"You can eat something if it's only been on the ground for 3 seconds," he defends himself.

"That's a myth, and who knows what's been on this floor," I retort, "you're just gross".

"But you still love me, right?" He says swinging his arm around me as I walk over to join Yoongi.

"Unfortunately," I smile.


We finish the laundry and head back to the dorm. We walk in with our fresh laundry to the smell of cooking. We put down our bags on the couch and head to the kitchen.

"What's cooking?" I ask Hoseok who was fiddling with something that looked like bread.

"Oh, you want to try some!" Hoseok asks excitedly.

"You don't Y/N," Taehyung shouts from the kitchen table.

I look at Hoseok to Namjoon to Taehyung.

"I don't know what to do," I laugh.

"Try it, it's really not that bad," Hosoek urges.

I sigh, "ok, I'll try a bite. What is it?"

"You've made a mistake Y/N," Taehyung shakes his head, "don't say I didn't warn you..."

Hoseok laughs embarrassed, "it's bread and cheese".

"Mmk..." I say unsure of how bread and cheese could be bad. I take a bite from the piece Hoseok offered me. Taehyung was right, it was bad. Hoseok had obviously heated it up or something because the bread was all mushy and the cheese wasn't melted at all. Despite it being horrible, I swallow my bite for Hoseok's sake.

"Taehyung-oppa's right... it is bad," I frown, "sorry oppa".

Seokjin turns to Hoseok and me with a plate.

"You want to try this Y/N?" Seokjin asks smiling expectantly.

"What is it?" I ask, unsure after my experience with Hoseok.

"It's bread, ham, onion, an egg, and ketchup," he says pointing to each ingredient.

"Ok sure," I reply.

He breaks off a piece with a fork and feeds it to me. It wasn't bad, not amazing, but edible, nonetheless.

"I want to try!" Jimin shouts walking over with the rest of the group.

Each member takes a piece and only Jungkook, Jimin, and I like it.

"You guys are just snobs," Jimin says, eating the last piece.

"Y/N!" Namjoon shouts.

"Rap-Monster oppa!" I shout back.

"Did you watch your clothes with ours?" he questions as I walk over to him.

He was separating the laundry by member with Yoongi.

"Yeah, why?" I answer, "it was cheaper and easier that way".

"Yeah, but now I keep finding your bras and underwear randomly," he says, holding up a bra like it was a dead rat.

"But I thought you were a master with my bra?" I laugh, quoting Expensive Girl.

Yoongi laughs with me, stopping his folding to laugh. Namjoon throws down my bra and huffs.

"I swear to god," he mutters, "will you ever stop it with that song".

"No... no, I don't think so," I answer, still laughing at my joke, "and I'll make sure ARMY don't either".

"How did you listen to it, you're too young to understand it," he replies upset.

"Yeah, it's not like she's 18, older than you were when you recorded it, or anything," Yoongi snickers.

"Really Yoongi-hyung, how are you not on my side," Namjoon turns to Yoongi upset.

"Because it's f*cking hilarious every time she brings it up," Yoongi smirks, starting to fold the laundry again.

"Look man, you recorded it, you released it... now you suffer the consequences," I chuckle, picking through the pile for my clothing.

"I should never have released it," Namjoon whispers under his breath, "I swear I am never going to live this down".

"Oh, come on," I say punching his shoulder lightly, "don't beat yourself up, it's a gem of a song. I mean 'take it off now girl, just take it off', what a lyric," I make the chef's kiss gesture.

Yoongi cracks up again, dropping the t-shirt he was holding.

"Ok, but that's not mine! It's from the original song," Namjoon defends himself.

I laugh, starting to take my clothes from the pile again.

"Aww, 'don't put your title of 'hard to get' down'," I chuckle, once again quoting the song, "be proud and give in to the fact I will never let you forget that you recorded it, cover, or not".

"I swear to god, have you memorised it?" Namjoon yells at me as I skip to my cubicle with my clothes.

"Don't worry, wherever I go, I'll have it under my thoughts'," I shout back, quoting the song and replacing the last word.

"She has... she really has," I hear him sigh.

"That was amazing," Yoongi chuckles, "can't wait for the next time".

"Oww," Yoongi exclaims. Namjoon had obviously hit him with something. I'm about to yell another line that worked with someone beating someone else, but stop myself just in time, remembering the cameras were rolling. It was too bad, it was such a great opportunity, next time I smirk.

~1828 words~

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