Wanting What I Shouldn't

By Book_obsessed_weirdo

1.2M 18.9K 13.3K

Amara Brady, the schools nerd, her name unknown to any normal persons ears. Straight A's and perfect homework... More

The Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Wedding Theme
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 57 (Bonus Chapter)


15.4K 223 185
By Book_obsessed_weirdo

   The sun shines down on the tile of the crystal clear pool, Zayden and Maddox rough housing it in the pool, splashing water all over the place. Carter actually decided to join in on the boys playing today, so now they're all tackling each other and wrestling in the water. Taelynn's been playing with Blake, pretending to be mermaids.

   Roxy and Rogue are laying by the pools edge, ears perked and eyes on guard duty. They're like lifeguards, but with for legs, a tail, and a snout. They're always on the watch for danger but are the most soft and kind dogs in the entire world.

Little softies.

   The sun beats down onto my skin, the tile cool under me as my feet sway in the water softly, smiling as I watch our kids playing in the pool.

   It's a hot summer day, Kingston had to run into work to fix an important issue that came up so he's not home right now.

   So me and the kids decided to go swimming. The black bikini I have on soaks in the warmth from the sun, my round gold sunglasses still perched on my head as I watch over the boys to make sure they're doing okay and checking on the girls.

   My fingers wrap around the cold glass of my pink lemonade, the ice curling around in the glass before I bring it to my lips and gulp down some of the lemonade.

   "Mom! Look at my back flip!" Zayden calls for me. Immediately my eyes snap over to our eldest son, standing on the side of the pool dripping wet in his swim trunks. He's waiting for me to watch.

   "Go ahead Zay! I'm watching!" I call to him and he grins at me before spinning around and leaping off the side of the pool.

   Have you ever felt a rush of adrenaline because you know something could go wrong?

   Yeah. That's how I feel watching my kids do a backflip off a concrete slab. Zayden flips and then lands back into the water with a large splash.

   That was impressive for as nerve wracking as it was.

   I set my drink down and clap my hands, a proud smile on my face as he surfaced from the water. Zayden looks over at me and beams, doing a little bow as he treads water softly.

   Roxy and Rogue jump up from their positions at the side of the pool, barking at the sound of the slide door being pushed open.

   My eyes snap away from the pool to be met with the beautiful pieces of gray art. "Sugar!" I call and smile as a blush rises up Kingston's neck, his black hair tussled.

   There's splashing all around me as our kids leap out of the pool "Dad!" They all yell, running over to hug my husband.

   My eyes meet his gray ones again and I can't help the smile on my face. He looks at me with such a soft smile I could melt as he wraps his arms around the five soaking bodies that just crashed into him. He doesn't care at all that they're getting his suit wet.

   "Go get some swim trunks on Dada!" Blake tells Kingston, tugging at his dress pants with large green eyes.

   "Yeah Dad!" Maddox yells and Kingston chuckles, letting our cluster of kids go. "Let me go say hi to Mommy first," he states, bopping Blake's nose first before stepping around our dripping wet kids and walking over to me.

   His big large veiny hands reach up to his tie, grabbing the knot and pulling it loose, smirking at me the closer he gets. My teeth sink into my bottom lip, staring up at my handsome husband.

   His white button up shirt is molded to his arms and chest. Showing every bit of detail I've kissed and memorized. He's still wearing his dress shoes, the slight heels clicking against the concrete as he strides his way over to me.

The kids jump back into the pool with large splashes. The water sprays all over, some of the water soaking into Kingston's clothes. He laughs, his chest shaking with the noise and eyes sparkling brightly. The water sticks to his skin, his white button up shirt becoming transparent. A laugh leaves me and he grins at me, closing the distance between us and squatting down in front of me, locking me in a trance within his beautiful gray storm clouds.

"Hey bookworm," he speaks huskily, my cheeks immediately darkening at his gravelly voice. His soft lips pull up in a cocky smirk at my reaction.

I reach out and slide my hand along his neck, tangling my fingers in his soft black hair. His eyes flutter, a groan leaving him as he leans forward and kisses me softly.

   He hums against my lips, the sound radiating through his throat. When I pull back I smile up at Kingston "Welcome home baby," I speak softly, my voice smooth and happy as my skin soaks in the suns rays.

   He smiles back at me, the sight of his crooked smile enough to make my heart jump. A gust of wind blows, the trees rustling and the bushes shaking as birds flap around chirping happily.

   It pulls my hair softly in front of my face and Kingston reaches out, tucking it behind my ear gentlemanly like. My heart swells with love for him, the gentle gesture making it thump a little faster in my chest.

   "Dad! Go get some swim trunks on!" Zayden yells at my husband making him laugh, turning to look over at our kids sitting in the swaying crystal blue water, the sun reflecting gentle rays of light off the cooling water.

   "Yeah Dada! Come join us!" Blake pleads, giving Kingston one of my famous little pouts. Kingston immediately recognizes it and looks over at me with an accusing glare "I blame you. Now I'll never be able to say no to my daughters."

A laugh leaves me and he rises up to his full height, but before he turns around to go change he bends down and kisses my lips softly, a little smile curved on his lips.

   Once he stands back up he turns towards the kids, running a hand through his hair to push it back from his face. "I'll be right back okay? Be good for Mommy while I'm getting changed." He states, sending me a wink before turning and walking off, Rogue trotting lazily after him.

Roxy walks over to me, flopping down onto the tile to the left of me and laying her head in my lap. Her soft brown eyes look up at me and I smile down at my dog, taking my left hand and scratching her behind the ear. Her little tails wiggles against the wind, her pink tongue hanging out as she pants a little in the heat of the sun. My fingers wrap around the cold glass of pink lemonade again and take a long swig, watching my husband step into the air conditioned house and pull his tie off.

He glances over his shoulder at me, slowly slipping his button up shirt off. My eyes feast on him as the fabric slowly lowers down his back, tattoos scattered along his back of all kind, the muscles coiling with each small teasing movement.

Oh he's so getting some tonight.

The smirk on his face tells me that it's exactly what he wants. Shooting me a wink after kicking his shoes off and walking away from the sliding door. My eyes trail after him willingly, the sight of him mouthwatering.


Roxy perks up at the sound of the sliding door and all the kids pause when they see Kingston stepping through the doorway.

Ohhh fuck me.

He's wearing the exact pair of swim trunks he wore on our honeymoon, his tan muscular chest exposed to the hot sun. Tattoos of made of only black scattered along his chest and arms, the biceps flexing to taunt me. Every step he takes his muscles flex and taunt me, showing off just for my eyes. Our families handprints is what makes me smile, my handprint the largest surrounded by little hands with messy handwriting underneath each little hand. Kingston wasn't kidding when he told me that one day in the hospital that he would get their hands and names tattooed on his chest. There they all sit, dark against his tan skin.

   Roxy takes one glance at Kingston before Rogue comes sprinting through the doorway. She jumps up from my lap and takes off into the yard, Rogue chasing after her.

   A laugh leaves me and Kingston walks around to the steps of our pool. "Dada!" Blake yells excitedly, swimming her way over to him and latching onto his arm as he slowly steps into the perfect temperature pool. My husband smiles down at our youngest daughter, grabbing her by the waist and hoisting her up onto his shoulders. Blake squeals and giggles as Kingston's lower half gets swallowed by water.

   Maddox, Zayden, and Carter all swim over towards Kingston. He grins at the boys and Taelynn swims over, tugging at his hand carefully. "Dad," Taelynn speaks softly and he looks over at her, his eyes focused on her as she speaks. Giving her his full attention. "Everyone was complimenting my braids yesterday! Thanks so much for doing my hair." He grins, leaning down and kissing her hair softly while keeping Blake steady on his shoulders.

   His eyes find mine in a quick glance. A proud look shimmers in his eyes. He said, years ago, that he'd learn to braid so when we had daughters in the future he could braid their hair for them.

   And he does.

   He loves doing it.

   It makes my heart warm when I see him sit down on the couch with Blake or Taelynn standing between his legs as he braids their hair, or does it up in a nice ponytail.

   When we had Taelynn, Kingston made it a mission to learn as many hair styles as he could so he could wake the kids up in the morning and do the girls hair while I slept in.

   The water sways back and forth against my feet, Kingston walking closer to me with Blake on his shoulders in her little Disney princess bathing suit. Taelynn just got her first bikini.

   Kingston was not happy about it.

   His oldest daughter got a bikini.

   He still doesn't like it when I wear my bikinis to the beach.

   He'll get over it...eventually.

   I hope.

   Zayden, Carter, and Maddox go back to attacking each other in the water, flashes of black and brown hair and different colored swim trunks popping up from the water once and awhile besides them coming up for air.

   Taelynn swims over me, planting her hands on the side of the pool and leaping up onto the tile beside me. Water drips from my daughter, a bright smile on her face as her brown hair sticks to her back. "Mom, I got a 96 on my test today in Math!" She tells me, excitement in her gray eyes.

   A proud feeling sits in my chest as I lean over and give her a high five "That's my Tater Tot! Wasn't so scary as you thought?"

   She shakes her head at me with a smile, "No, it wasn't that bad after I started it."

   "Good. I'm always here if you need more help on work."

   Taelynn smiles over at me. She such a beautiful girl. The stunning eyes of her fathers and my brown hair, a few freckles scattered across her face. "I know," she answers softly, "Thanks Mom."

   I give her wet back a pat and she leaps back into the water as I take another sip of pink lemonade.

   Kingston reaches me, his hips bumping my feet as Blake giggles and wiggles her toes at me. "Look Mama! I'm so tall now!" She exclaims excitedly.

   A rough laugh drifts to my ears, my heart skipping at the noise before muscles flex in front of me, slowly lowering our youngest to water again. Blake giggles and swims off towards Taelynn and Kingston's hands grab my thighs, spreading them apart and stepping in between them. My cheeks flush.

  I blame it on the sun.

   "How was work?" I ask, reaching out and cupping his cheek in my hand. He lets out a loud sigh, leaning into my touch as his eyes fall closed. The gentle brush of his fingertips makes goose bumps rise up on my skin as they trail up to my hips. "Long without you," he murmurs, leaning his head forward onto my shoulder.

   His skin is hot, black hair tickling me along with his scruffy beard against my neck. My hands wrap around him, rubbing his back with my left and playing with his hair with my right. His soft lips touch my neck, kissing me lovingly as I show him some affection.

   "Dad come wrestle with us!" Maddox calls to Kingston. He groans into my neck before pulling his face from my neck and looking back at our boys "Hang on a few minutes. Dad's getting his well deserved dose of Mom." He speaks before turning back to me and burring his head in my neck again.

   Maddox sighs loudly and Carter laughs. Zayden laughs with Carter. "But you sleep with her every night!" Maddox complains.

   "I'm a selfish man Max. I want Mom time. You got her all day." His response muffled by the skin of my neck. His scruffy beard scratches my neck softly making me giggle when he talks.

   "Daddddd," Maddox whines, groaning and throwing himself back into the water with a splash.

   Kingston's back rises with a heavy breath as Kingston kisses my neck again, "I missed you babe, and I missed the kids, but mainly you," he murmurs to me softly, lifting his head and kissing me behind my left ear.

   My heart warms as he gently circles his hands along my hips, sighing when he pulls his head away from my neck and stares into my eyes with a content smile.

   "Go play with the boys. They missed their Dad," I whisper, leaning forward and pecking his lips. When I go to pull back Kingston latches onto me and yanks me back, deepening the kiss.

   A soft sigh leaves me, our tongues brushing together. My hands find his broad muscular shoulders and give them a squeeze, the suns rays beating down onto my back harshly.

Our lips part, my heart thrumming with warmth.

Kingston's chest heaves with a breath before he squeezes my ass and then pecks my lips once more. And then again. And then again.

Just to be sure.

"I love you," he whispers against my lips, his thumb brushing along my cheek. "I love you," I answer sincerely. He grins and then lets me go, patting my thigh before he pushes off the side of the pool and shoots towards the boys.

Kingston sneaks up behind Zayden, grabbing him and throwing him away into the pool. "Dad!" Zayden yells before he hits the water with a large splash and goes under.

"Who's next!?" Kingston asks, holding his hands up. Carter and Maddox leap onto Kingston, grins on all their faces.

He's such an amazing father.


  The soft fabric of a towel makes me smile as I wrap Blake in a small towel. She smiles up at me "Thanks Mama!" She states and then runs off into the house after drying her feet off.

   Zayden and Maddox are drying themselves off by the door, wiping their feet and shaking their hair out until it's dry. 

  Carter already dried off and went inside. Taelynn's ringing her hair out, an annoyed look on her face as Zayden calls dibs on the shower first.

   "Ah ah, let your sister go first," my husband's deep voice speaks, tattoos and muscles slipping into my vision. Dripping wet, slowly trailing droplets.

   Zayden groans, "But Dad she always goes first." He complains and Kingston chuckles "But you don't use the hot water as much as your sister. Besides, she needs to wash her hair like Blake does," he reasons with the boys.

   With a dramatic sigh they both trudge off into the house followed by a smiling Taelynn. She wraps her arms around Kingston's torso for a few seconds "Thanks Dad," she whispers before running off into the house and up the stairs.

   I turn to Kingston and smile at him. His black hair is drenched, dripping water that slides down his muscles. Tracing the lines of his biceps and down to his abs. His chest rises and falls at a steady pace. The piercing gray staring into me with such love I seriously think I'm melting. The tattoos scattered along the beautiful tan skin makes me want to kiss every one again and again.

   "Hey," he murmurs, stepping forward. A black towel sits draped over his shoulders, the fabric falling in front of his torso.

   "Hey," I purr back and his cold wet hands slide around my waist, pulling me into his soaking bare chest.

   Warm breaths fall across my lips. My eyes fall closed the second his lips touch mine. I melt like butter in Kingston's hold and beneath his lips. Every part of me is in love with Kingston and he knows it.

   I promised myself to show him how much I love him everyday.

   Our lips part on a soft breath and Kingston rests his forehead against mine, a content look settled on his beautifully handsome face.

   "I love you," I whisper to him, trailing my hands up his chest to wrap around his neck loosely.

   "I love you, so fucking much," he murmurs. His arms wrap around my thighs and he hoists me up into his arms, holding my warm body against his wet one. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, tightening my hold on him as he makes his way to our bedroom.

   This reminds me of the time I thought I was overweight after giving birth to Taelynn.

   Kingston had to go fix an emergency at work and then came home at night. While he was gone I ate dinner with Taelynn and then felt guilty so I went upstairs and weighed myself. After putting Taelynn to bed I started crying because of the weight I had gained. Kingston came home and pleaded me to tell him what was wrong. When I told him he marched into the bathroom, grabbed the scale, threw the patio door open and chucked the scale into the pool.

   He still, to this day, won't buy another scale.

   And then he wrapped himself around me and kissed my tears away.

   I'm the most lucky woman alive.

   The door to our room clicks, Kingston's large hand on the silver handle. He pushes the door open, revealing our clean, sun-lit room. Kingston slowly lowers me to the ground, my bare feet touching the cold wood before Kingston wraps me in his arms and kisses me deeply.

   My tongue longs to meet his, prying his lips apart and slipping into my husbands mouth. "Mmm," Kingston groans against my lips, the vibration radiating through me. Our tongues meet and part, then meet again. Each soft stroke sending waves of pleasure down through my body.

A little knock on the door makes us yank away, panting slightly before the door opens to reveal Blake. Kingston instantly smiles, tightening his grip on me as a promise to continue this later. "Hey babygirl, what's wrong?" He asks, leaning forward and kisses my cheek softly before pulling away softly and walking over to Blake.

"Can you come braid me and Tae's hair please Daddy?" She asks, playing with the fabric of her leggings slightly. Kingston nods and bends down, picking her up in his arms. Blake giggles and wraps her arms around his neck, snuggling her face into his shoulder. Her cheek pressed against the broad muscular right shoulder of my handsome husband.

A smile covers my face. As they walk away Kingston glances back at me with those soft gray eyes and smiles at me, patting Blake's back softly. 'I love you' I mouth to him slowly so he sees and understands.

'I love you more' he mouthes back before carefully walking out our door and gently closing it behind him.

He'll get changed later.


Rain drops pitter on the glass windows, the sky dark with rain clouds. The sound of glass clinking and silverware being used filling the house around me. Kingston's large warm hand on my bare thigh, squeezing it when he wants to. I have his t-shirt on and a pair of tight small shorts. The fabric of his shirt covers my shorts, but he snuck his hand up the shirt and for the past 45 minutes has been caressing my thigh lovingly.

"We're doing a project in school about our parents," Maddox cuts in and Taelynn shoots Maddox a glare. She was just talking about her most recent math test. Maddox sticks his tongue out at her before looking back at me and Kingston "Can you tell us the story about how you guys became a thing again?"

Zayden grins and Taelynn nods her head "Yeah!" She interjects. Blake claps her hands together and Carter grins "Please!"

"Tell us again!"

A laugh leaves me and Kingston. I place my hand over his on my thigh, lacing our fingers. "After dinner, alright? Then we can sit in the living room and we'll tell you the story again." My voice is soft, gentle. Kingston smiles over at me and takes a sip of the milk from his glass.

A cheeky grin sits on his face, his gray eyes glancing over at me. His eyes twinkle in the light of the dining room. The rain pours down on the ground outside, cold and chilly.

But inside, it's warm and calming.


"Tell us!"

"Yeah you promised!"

Kingston chuckles, his arm wrapped around my waist as we walk into the living room. The kids and dogs follow behind, wagging their tails excitedly.

Taelynn grabs a blanket off the back of the couch, wrapping it around her arms. Her hairs now neatly braided, Blake has a matching braid. Taelynn's sweatpants crease as she sits on one of the couches, followed by Zayden who's in some sweats pants and a sweatshirt. Blake's in Kingston's other arm, soft pajama pants on with a cute white and black stripped matching shirt. Carter and Maddox are both in soft sleeping shorts and a sweatshirt.

Kingston and me round the couch, softly sitting down. He adjusts Blake on his lap and she grins. Kingston motions Taelynn over and she quickly gets up and walks over, sitting on Kingston's other leg. He holds both of them up by the waist, leaning back. Our legs brush up together and a smile spreads across my face as the boys sit down in front of us, looking at me and Kingston with expecting eyes.

Kingston clears his throat, the rain still pouring down outside the house. Blake and Taelynn look up at their father as the boys make themselves comfortable.

His features are sharp with the gentle shadows, his hair messy after pulling on a soft shirt and sweatpants for bed. His muscles flex and curl, beautiful eyes bright and shining.

His head turned and looked over at me. The crooked smile on his face has my heart racing in my chest. My eyes meet his, a slight blush covered my cheeks at his soft expression.

The boys lean forward, eager to hear the story again.

Kingston's lips curl slightly. Staring at me so deeply and lovingly I feel it in my heart. He knows how much he means to me and I know how much I mean to him.

I love him.

So much.

His lips parted softly, our eyes never leaving.

"It all started when I began Wanting What I Shouldn't."

Thank you guys so fucking much! For all the love and comments! It means SO much to me!

I love you guys! 🥰😘❤️
The Grey Family:

Kingston and Amara's song:
Power Over Me by Dermot Kennedy
If you guys are interested in my next book Wanting My Assistant (Dawson's story) please check it out! I would really, truly, greatly appreciate it. :)

This is the end of my first ever book 😭

I can't thank y'all enough!! 🥰🫶

Hugs and kisses for you all! 💋💋

Thank you! So much!

See you next book!

Hopefully? Maybe?

Good bye! 👋

(You're all my favorites, don't tell the people who read the second book first)

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