A Hundred and One (The 100 Fa...

Por harrietmjones

21.4K 249 45

It's been several months since 'The 100' landed on Earth and things have just gotten complicated. Clarke's ex... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

1.2K 15 9
Por harrietmjones

'...I imagine I'm floating. Floating on the surface of a cool lake, a warm, bright sun shining down on me, it's rays comforting against my bare skin. I feel free, alive; like nothing on Earth or in Space could ever harm me. I am happy, as I cradle my growing bump in my hands, feeling life stur under my palms, my baby eager to see the world outside.'

Clarke opened her eyes to be greeted by the familiar dirty roof of her tent, the morning's sun shining lazily down on camp, seeping through the fabric of the tent and into her bright blue eyes. The haze of her long awaited dream was now becoming just a memory.

She slowly got herself out of bed, shifting her body to certain positions to get herself up; her now bulging bump was taking away Clarke's ability to move freely. She had now reached the point in her pregnancy when she just wanted it to be over.

"I'm sorry kiddo but you'll have to come out into this cold world soon, Mommy's getting uncomfortable." Clarke caressed her bump as she walked around the room, collecting her baggy maternity clothes for the day. She smiled to herself at talking to her bump and to call herself 'Mommy', she still felt strange thinking she was going to be one. She didn't feel ready, though soon, she would have to be.

After simply changing into her clothes, Clarke felt utterly exhausted. She felt like she wanted to sleep again but she couldn't, even if Bellamy had told her to relax. That just made her want to keep going all the more, being told she couldn't. Though maybe just a little cat nap would do the world of good, 'baby' seemed up for that idea anyway, as Clarke's tummy filled with gentle prods and kicks. "Okay, if you insist."

Clarke had been finding she was talking that bit more each day to her bump, just talking, talking about absolutely anything and everything. Clarke had been talking about how trees and plants drink up water from the earth one day, down by the eastern corner of camp, when someone walked past, catching the tail end of her mad conversation. They didn't say anything but their facial expression said it all. 'You have cracked.' Maybe she had but it didn't bother her, there was far more important things to think of than people thinking she was mad for talking to her baby.

She slowly sat herself down on the bed before shifting to lay herself down on her side. Her eyes closed as she let the world around her disappear. Her mind couldn't help but wonder, reeling through life so far on Earth. Her thoughts drifted to a time a few months ago, when Clarke had to let the camp know of her now happy predicament, a time when she had to tell Finn, tell him the truth, that she wasn't having his baby. A sharp kick in the ribs helped the thought along nicely.

After giving Bellamy the news, Clarke decided to wait a few days until telling the rest of the camp everything. Anyway, most people here knew, through the grapevine that Clarke was pregnant, it was just that they thought Finn was the father, not Bellamy. Well, there was nothing wrong with clearing all the rumours up but still, she wasn't looking forward to Finn finding out he wasn't going to be a father after all...even if it would seem he wasn't wanting to be one in the first place. She just hoped he wasn't growing on the idea.

Two days felt long enough. It gave Bellamy a bit of time to let the news sink in and Clarke to work out what to say to everyone. To Finn especially. She wasn't feeling too worried about what the rest of camp thought, people could have their thoughts and opinions but as long as it didn't affect the working rhythm of camp, Clarke could live with it. Besides, with the lingering feeling that any second now an attack by the Grounders was going to happen, for just stepping out of the moderate safety of camp, would squash any unsavoury train of thought in its tracks. Priorities and all that.

Clarke calmly paced around her tent, thinking of the words to say, building up the rhythm of it's delivery. In a few minutes, she'd have either broken Finn's heart with her news or released him from some form of metaphorical shackles he had put upon himself, all thanks to the little miracle so happily growing inside her. Clarke smiled to herself as she stroked her tiny bump through the fabric of her clothes. "Wish I could be safe and sound like you." She immediately laughed to herself at the fact she was now starting to talk to her baby. It felt weird doing so.

"Who are you talking to?" Came a voice suddenly, from the outside of the tent. Clarke jumped out of her skin, pressing a palm to her beating heart before whipping around towards the direction of that familiar voice.

Bellamy walked inside, a friendly smile playing on his lips. He laughed at seeing Clarke jump, that bit of lightness in such a dark world. "Bellamy! You scared me." Clarke's expression slowly drew warmer, as she slid her hand down to her side, a small smile fluttering on her lips. "Do you need to ask me something?" She ignored his question to her, as her smile grew bigger before she made her way over to him, his arms ready to take hold of her.

Bellamy wrapped his arms around Clarke before planting a gentle kiss on her lips. "Morning. Yeah, urmm..." His face showed a flicker of something, worry it appeared to be. "...Thalia's hoping to talk to you Clarke."

Clarke's eyes burned. She pulled herself away from Bellamy's arms, words bubbling up behind her lips. "Why are you telling me this? Can't she come over and tell me herself?" Questions started forming in her mind, all ready to be used at any time. How did she manage to get Bellamy to be her messenger?

Bellamy put his hands up in some form of mock surrender before placing one hand on her cheek. She attempted to move away from Bellamy's touch, out of anger for Thalia spilling the beans like she did but decided against it. "I'm telling you this because you have a right to know that she's wanting to talk to you. She didn't think you'd want to talk to her and...well, I told her she was right." He smiled softly before thinking against it.

Clarke shifted her gaze to look into Bellamy's eyes, a subtle smile fluttered onto her lips before it was gone. Though she didn't doubt that Bellamy and herself were on the same side when it came to certain issues, it still felt like a form of relief to hear Bellamy say what he had said. Her blood was still boiling however but she had calmed a little, enough to let another small and brief smile appear on her lips. "Thank you for telling me. Sorry about snapping at you."

Bellamy simply shrugged before wrapping his arms, once more around Clarke, pulling her body close to his. "Forgotten. Didn't mean to upset you."

Clarke simply laughed happily at his comment before closing her eyes for the briefest of moments. She listened to Bellamy's beating heart, it's sound calming to hear. Clarke took a deep breath before exhaling. Then another. Before long she had calmed down. She pushed herself slowly away from Bellamy's body before giving him a gentle peck on his lips. "I'll talk to her okay?" she smiled exhaustingly before feeling Bellamy's lips on hers again.

"Okay." he smiled back as he placed his palm once more on Clarke's cheek, stroking her skin delicately. "If you have any trouble with her, you know where I am."

They both laughed at Bellamy's comment before Clarke nodded knowingly. "I do, thanks for the offer." One more kiss before they started to go their separate ways.

Just before Bellamy disappeared, Clarke suddenly remembered to ask him something before he was gone. "Bellamy, wait!" Clarke sprinted over to the exit of the tent, where Bellamy had stopped for her. "I'm thinking that we should tell everyone tonight, just get it over with." Clarke paused as she looked over at Bellamy, who was nodding lightly at her suggestion. She carried on after a brief pause. "Including Finn. I'm actually going to go over the now and see him before I talk to Thalia, to tell him personally."

"I'll be there. Will you be okay though?" Bellamy asked, his concern only annoying Clarke.

"I'll be fine!" She snapped playfully before feeling a little bit guilty by her tone. She cooled it down. "Thank you. You don't need to worry about me." A cheerful smile appeared on her lips before she stroked the top of Bellamy's bicep.

Bellamy did actually smile back, surprisingly, seemingly unfazed by another of Clarke's outburst, however playful it was intended to be. He placed his hand on top of Clarke's. "Well, I'm here if you need me." He started to lean in to kiss Clarke once again but she beat him to it. With an eager shift towards his lips, they kissed once more in the confines of the tent. They pulled back after a few seconds before starting to make their separate ways once again. "You know where I am." With yet another small smile, Bellamy was gone.

Clarke knew she had been unnecessarily snappy towards Bellamy, though she wasn't exactly sure where it was all coming from. Hormones, a buildup of tension maybe? Whatever the reason, the guilt she was feeling was growing. There would be another 'sorry' from Clarke coming Bellamy's way.

The hubbub of camp, as Clarke made her way over confidently to see Finn, was always a comfort to her. It made her feel not so alone in such an alien world, the fact that everyone else here were all in the same boat helped immensely too. Even if a significant amount of camp were starting to give her stray glances, whispering most likely about the juiciest gossip on the grapevine; the juicy gossip lately being Clarke. She shrugged it all off and carried on towards Finn's tent.

Once she was outside his tent, she took a deep breath in and out before entering; pushing the fabric away before making her way inside without waiting to be told she could go in. She wasn't sure what she was going to see when she was inside; maybe Finn and Raven had sorted things out and they were there together or maybe Finn wasn't even there. Thankfully, when she took a quick scan on the interior, Clarke could see that yes, Finn was there, still asleep in his bed.

His sleep must have been shallow because, as soon as Clarke started to walk that bit closer towards him, he quickly opened his eyes and turned himself to face her. His expression was anything but happy. "You come for another shouting match, Princess?" Finn questioned figuratively with a quick yawn before shifting himself out of bed, his bare chest confidently on show.

Clarke decided, that the best thing to do was not to bite. She'd already let her emotions out twice today. Twice directed towards the wrong person. Her emotions were building once more but keeping as calm as possible, this time, was surely the best option. "No. I've come to tell you some news." Clarke started, as she now wondered if she should even tell him. It had been a little seed of a thought that had stayed in her head for the last two days but it had only just now started to grow.

When the whole fiasco went down in the drop ship, everyone's manners went out the window. They weren't thoughtful of her, so why should she be with them? Because, it was the right thing to do, Clarke knew that but she simply felt fed up with doing the right thing, when others purely didn't bother in doing so. She very nearly walked out of the tent with a simple 'Never mind' but Finn's voice broke that thought completely. "I'm listening." He walked over to his pile of clothes as he spoke, before pulling it all on, causing his raven black hair to spike up in a bedraggled mess.

Clarke sighed gently before ripping off that band aid. She stared at the yellowing bruise on Finn's eye before starting. "I'm not having your baby Finn, I'm having Bellamy's." There, it was done. It wasn't the perfect declaration of news but it was done regardless. She waited for Finn to react, expecting him to simply blow up.

"You slept with him? Oh, I knew it!" Finn exclaimed, putting emphasis on the word 'him'. He shook his head, most likely to clear it before speaking again, his words peppered with confusion. "I mean, are you sure?"

Clarke felt a little confused. He definitely wasn't reacting how she imagined he would be and what did he mean by his question? Was he asking her if she slept with Bellamy? Anyway, she had assumed he knew with how he had acted towards her recently. She let a little laugh escape before talking. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I slept with Bellamy." She frowned slightly as she looked over at Finn. He seemed to have sat himself down on his bed in the mean time.

Finn shook his head again before quickly replying. "No...what I mean is, are you sure the baby isn't mine? I mean, you slept with both of us Clarke!" He tilted his head slightly as he awaited an answer.

Finn made her sound like some sort of slut, just sleeping around...so freely. Clarke immediately squatted that train of thought from continuing. "The baby isn't yours!" Those words from her may have sounded harsh but they were the truth. A niggling feeling crept up from her stomach, all the way up to her chest. Even though she had no doubt now, who the father of her baby was, there was a small, thought in her mind that just wouldn't go. What if the baby was Finn's? Would she ever have felt this bright glow of pure joy, somewhere down the line, with having his baby, like she felt with having Bellamy's? Well, whatever would have happened, at least with how things have finally turned out, Finn would be free to be with anyone he wanted, maybe even with Raven once more, rather than stuck with a child he was not in the near future planning on having.

Clarke had always wished to have her own children, in a perfect world, in a happy relationship and with her parents around to see their grandchildren grow up but she knew that all it could ever be was a fantasy. She never thought in a million years that anyone, let alone Clarke would be one of the first of the Ark to set foot, once more on Earth, to be with someone that made her feel safe and to have a little bit of happiness in such a dark world that everyone lived in.

Clarke's argument with Finn was making her feel tense, along with other things, she felt strong with what she was telling him. Bellamy's the father and that was that.

A flicker of something, some emotion Clarke couldn't quite pinpoint, appeared on Finn's face but was gone within a second. "Are you sure?" Was all Finn said. No raised voice, not much sign of emotions, just an almost monotone sound.

Clarke took a deep sigh before speaking again, her thoughts just spilled out from her mouth. "For goodness sake Finn, why do you want to have a baby so much? I thought you'd be happy that you were free from 'fatherly duties'." She waited a moment, as she looked directly into Finn's eyes, seeing once more a stir of emotions sweeping thickly over his face. Their eyes fixed to one another in a silent dual before Clarke decided to turn away and made her way over towards the exit of his tent, pushing the fabric away as she made her way out. As soon as she had one foot outside, Finn's voice came bellowing towards her, like some bomb had exploded within him. "I wanted a baby with you Clarke!" His words caused her to quickly turn back around, her eyes wide with shock.

"What did you say?" Clarke studied Finn's face as she waited, finally seeing his emotions on show. She couldn't believe he had said that. To her, not Raven.

Finn sighed softly to himself as he broke their looks to one another for the briefest of moments before he was back and talking again, his words quite loud in the compact tent. "I said I wanted a baby with you Clarke. I told you I loved you and I meant it. We could have been a great family."

Clarke laughed confused, her words fired back after a beat. "No we wouldn't Finn! Anyway, you don't mean it. Not really. It's a clean slate this way, which is the best for everyone all around."

Finn retorted back quickly before Clarke could say or do anything else. His eyes flared from her statement. "I do! Can't you see?" He made his way closer to Clarke but she moved back as he moved forwards. Eventually he stopped, so she did too.

Clarke ignored his statement, his question. This argument was going nowhere but to make the other angry. Instead Clarke tried to cut this argument short, now regretting heading over here. "Finn. Having your baby would not have brought us together. You love Raven too, be with her." She paused while she kept her firm gaze on him. "I've got to go but I thought you should hear the news from me and not from someone who heard it through Camp 'Chinese Whispers'. See you Finn." Before he could say another word, she turned quickly towards the exit before making her way outside and over, taking the long way towards Thalia's tent, taking a deep breath before exhaling loudly.

Clarke coughed to clear her throat before making her way inside, where she saw Thalia sitting on her bed, legs crossed. "You wanted to see me." Clarke kept herself near to the boundaries of the tent but her eyes were directed towards Thalia.

Hearing Clarke's voice awoke the waterworks in Thalia's eyes. Her head quickly whipped around to look at her old friend, revealing to Clarke the rivers of tears rolling down Thalia's cheeks. Without thinking, she lunged from the bed before finding herself hugging Clarke so tightly, it seemed she was never going to let go. "I'm so sorry Clarke. For everything. I wasn't thinking in the dropship, I'm sorry...so stupid. Can you forgive me?" Thalia's words blurred together in one long, slightly incoherent stream of hiccups and tears.

Clarke stood there, being squeezed by Thalia for what was only a brief few seconds. She closed her eyes and sighed, while Thalia's words flew around Clarke's head. With a sudden wriggle out of the grips of her now old friend, Clarke pushed herself away from Thalia, while words spilled from behind her lips in reaction. "I don't think so Thalia." At least not for a long while. She added that last part to herself. "Now, what was it you wanted to tell me, I haven't got long?" She shuffled impatiently in her place as she looked at every conceivable place around Thalia, waiting for her to say her bit.

Thalia's face drew that little bit gloomier, there seemed to be questions, something that she wanted to say but she stopped herself; probably another 'sorry', as her hands tried to stop the rivers from flowing. "Yes...I've, uhh...got something to give you. It's just over there." She pointed towards the general area behind her, where a pile of cloth and a couple of boxes were sitting before heading on over, her movements seeming almost awkward and embarrassed. Within half a minute, Thalia was back and was now standing in front of Clarke, holding out a neatly folded square of graying white fabric for Clarke to take. "Here, this is for you."

Clarke hesitated before she took the cool, smooth fabric from Thalia. She peeled back a corner to reveal what had been given to her. "I...uh, thought you'd need something like it when your baby arrives. I made it myself." Thalia explained with a shy smile on her face, eyes red and puffy from crying. A few stray tears rolled down her cheeks. Inside, Clarke could see the seam of something, what looked like two smaller square pieces of cloth sewn together. She removed the outer cloth completely off before gripping the sewn bit of fabric together between her fingers. Clarke didn't have to study it long to see what Thalia had made. She had made a 'baby cosy'. Something warm for the baby to wear like it's own portable, wearable comforter.

Though Clarke was still incredibly angry at Thalia, she couldn't help but be touched by this present. Thalia had taken her time to make this for Clarke, so at least a small acknowledgement should be made. "Thanks." she muttered while she raised the gift in gratitude for a fleeting moment. "This doesn't mean I forgive you but it's a start." Clarke couldn't help but at least give Thalia the smallest of smiles before shifting herself nearer to the exit. "Is that all 'cause I've got to give an announcement?" Clarke shifted her gaze between Thalia and the exit, almost like she was deciding if the upcoming announcement she was going to do or being here with Thalia in the current state of things, was worse than the other. Both had equal reasons to be the chosen one.

Thalia seemed quite hurt by Clarke's blunt question but she didn't mention her feelings. She nodded her head before speaking. "Yes, that's everything. I'll...urmm, see you at your announcement." With that, she turned her back to face Clarke, a signal for Clarke to start to go and walked over towards her pile of boxes and pretended she was sorting their contents' out. Clarke stood, looking over towards Thalia for the briefest of moments before she was gone where she made her way to the makeshift stage in the middle of camp.

While standing to one side of the stage, where she tried to calm herself down with a few relaxing breaths, Clarke felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. She quickly turned around to see Bellamy standing there, a light, comforting smile on his lips. "Everything go okay, Clarke?" he asked while he slowly removed his hand from her shoulder.Clarke closed her eyes briefly before nodding softly, happy to see Bellamy finally after the latest part of the day. "As good as it'll ever be." She took a deep sigh before smiling lightly at Bellamy. "I'll tell you everything later but right now, we've got an announcement to make." Clarke turned around before making her way onstage, with Bellamy following close behind her.

Time ticked on while Clarke and Bellamy waited for the camp to make their way towards them, to congregate around the stage. They both scanned the crowd, looking at each face, seeing the pain, fight and a hardened confidence on some that only such a thing as war could give. With one last steadying sigh, Clarke scanned everyone's faces once more, seeing that a few of camp were missing. Finn was nowhere to be seen, thank goodness; a couple of the youngest of camp weren't in attendance, though Clarke guessed they were probably on lookout at the gates of camp for trouble. The last face she saw before she spoke was Thalia, her eyes still watery and puffy but no tears were falling. She stood at the edge of the sea of faces, almost hiding, peeping from behind a tent nearest but one from Bellamy and Clarke. Her gaze stayed on Thalia for a second before shifting back to the crowd spreading through this part of camp, ready to speak.

"Everyone! I've got an announcement to make." Clarke started, trying to gage the feeling of camp to know what next to say. A fluttering of 'No shit' and various sarcastic exclamations fell from a few of the crowds lips. The rest looked up at her with eager ears to hear what one of their leaders had to say.

"A lot of you may be aware that there's been a rumor going around camp involving myself...and a baby." Clarke purposefully didn't mention any names just yet. The crowd started to buzz with quiet whispering and tittering. Clarke took the buzz to signal that everyone had heard said rumor or at least had a strong opinion on such news.

A brief glance over towards Bellamy, who was standing to her side, ready to take over when needed before Clarke continued. "Right, well...I want to clear the rumors up before they go any further." She took a dramatised pause to sort her words together before continuing. "I have the great news in saying that yes, I am going to have a baby." The tittering grew louder and coherent words started to be heard. Someone even shouted out "Where's Finn?" but Clarke just took that as a cue to squash that part of things down, once and for all.

"You may have also heard that the father is...Finn Collins but I'm hear to tell you all, that he is indeed NOT the father." Everyone went quiet, confusion setting in. Faces showed the thoughts that ran through people's minds. "Who's the father?" "It's not Finn?" "Who then?" Everyone seemed to be gripped to know more, even shouting 'Who?' every so often.

Clarke took another deep breath before looking over towards Bellamy. He smiled softly over towards her, before guestering if Clarke wanted him to take over. She smiled back before shaking her head 'no' and mouthing 'not yet'. She then turned back to the crowd before delivering the final part of the news. A few suddenly seemed to have worked it out and were now whispering to each other their theories but Clarke spoke quickly so as to beat the whispering once more."I'd like to inform you all that Bellamy and I are having a baby." Clarke tensed up at finally saying the news, while loud gasps and a roar of voices rumbled through camp. Bellamy shifted himself closer to Clarke, his hand grazing against hers before squeezing it in reassurance. Clarke turned to face Bellamy before smiling and squeezing his hand back. No one seemed to have taken notice to the hand holding, they were busy shouting out their very strong opinions. With a nod, Clarke signalled to Bellamy to take over which he was very happy to do.

"Quiet!" His voice echoed through the crowd, silencing everyone to listen. The front of the crowd slowly crept backwards, intimidated by Bellamy's demanding manner. There was only a spattering of people who didn't move back and one of them was Thalia who had now made her way over towards the stage as was one of few who was right in front of Bellamy and Clarke, she looked in utter shock. "I know it might be difficult to...digest but nothing will change with how things are run around here. We all still gotta keep this camp running, whatever happens. You understand...?"

Bellamy tapers off his speech as he is the first to notice the figure running towards the crowd, the young boy's legs thin and spindly like he was being carried on two pale sticks. The words that were being shouted were intangible from the distance the boy was to the crowd. it was only when he was actually stepping into the sea of people that both Bellamy and Clarke heard exactly what was being said but then, it was too late.

"The Grounders! The Grounders! They're attacking!"

Before anyone could do a thing, the spears came flying over the wall from all angles, a few piercing through the air into their designated targets. People started to drop like flies, wriling on the floor from the poison tipping each spear or, for the lucky ones who had been hit, they died instantly, free from the pain the rest were enduring. For everyone else who had not been hit, it would soon be their time. Clarke was sure it would. The Grounders would most likely have used a similar poison that they had previously on camp. It'll spread, to whittle down the 'weaklings' from battle or whatever it was that Lincoln had told Octavia they did.

Both Bellamy and Clarke had been saved from being speared, as Bellamy had pushed Clarke to the floor but angled so she landed on him, a softer landing than hard ground. Both had their eyes closed for a while, their hearts racing so fast, they weren't sure what was going on for the briefest of moments. As they started to open their eyes, the damage was all too obvious but her gaze instantly shifted towards one particular slumped body, their limbs angled awkwardly and blood was pooling around them, soaking into their clothes.

Thalia had been hit.

In a blink of an eye, Clarke got herself up, not even thinking about anything but getting to her. "Thalia!" she cried, tears falling from her eyes. She knelt herself down beside Thalia while holding up the dying girls head in her hands before resting it on her knees. Blood smeared over Clarke's hands but she did not care, she wasn't going to leave her friend for one whole minute, not while these coming minutes were indeed her last.

"I'm so sorry Clarke. For everything. Please forgive me." Thalia gasped while tears rolled down her ashen cheeks. She jerked her hand to Clarke's before gripping on with all the strength she had left. "I'm so happy for you Clarke, to see you happy. And smiling!" Thalia smiled the best she could, it looked an effort to do.

Clarke laughed sadly at her words while grasping with both bloody hands to Thalia's, having the urge to never let go. She bowed their foreheads so they were touching while closing her eyes in the process. "I forgive you Thalia. I forgive you."

"Thank you." Thalia whispered so lightly, it was almost impossible to hear. Neither spoke again as Clarke kept her eyes closed, tears seeping from under her lids while Thalia kept the last of her strength to just look at Clarke one last time, scanning every little bit of her before placing a hand on her friend's stomach. "Goodbye." With that, Thalia was gone.

Clarke opened her eyes before shifting herself away to look at the body of Thalia, her expression looking like she was asleep. That's what Clarke hoped but knew otherwise. A comforting pair of arms wrapped around her at just the right time which she snuggled into, her tears soaking the fabric of Bellamy's arm. He crouched down beside her while they let the world for now go on around them, their minds trying to come to terms with what had just happened. They would soon be needed.

A single tear rolled down Clarke's cheek at remembering that day all over again. She wiped away the tear with the back of her hand before slowly getting herself up, finally ready for the day ahead.

Bellamy had left for the day with a handful of the stronger of camp to search for some much needed supplies, so Clarke was leading the camp on her own for the time being. Thankfully, everyone knew what was needed doing and there had been no new major attacks to survive from. He thought it would be the perfect time at present to go out of the safety of camp, if the Grounders seemed to be done with them. It was a risk but it was a needed one.

Clarke pushed her way outside into the warm air, her eyes scanning the remaining damage that that attack all those months ago had caused. Camp still hadn't fully recovered. Many had died, most from the poison spreading through close contact once more, leaving only the strong behind. There had been a mass burial a few days later, with a large, makeshift cross staked into the ground in memory. A few of the camp tents had been all but destroyed with arrow holes dotting the fabric and others had been completely burned down by the later fire arrows whistling through the air. The flames had engulfed parts of the camp with hungary appetite. The camp were slowly getting back to working order. Time was a great healer and keeping busy was an excellent remedy to awful memories.

Clarke walked over, as fast as she could towards the makeshift washing room where one of the younger of camp was cleaning their homemade bowls and such. She let the girl have a rest so she could take over, just to do something that she could actually do. The girl objected for a brief moment, unsure of letting a heavily pregnant Clarke do the job but a look on Clarke's face perhaps caused the young girl to change her mind. With several quick steps, the girl was gone, leaving Clarke to carry on with where the girl left off, only until she was needed.

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