Snowed in

noname-XD द्वारा

742 21 2

When ten friends are snowed in during a ski trip, what will they do? What will happen? Also the aftermath of... अधिक

Character Info
The beginning
Snowed in?!
Lights out
Wakey Wakey!
Disney Reference
Truth or Dare Pt 1
Character description
Other characters
This is home (Damien and Jhales)
You're welcome (Jeremy and Trixia)
Family drama (Terrence, Tyron)
Family drama pt 2 (Terrence, Zachary, Tyron)
After the drama (Terrence, Zachary, Tyron)
Happiness (Trixia, Diana, Jeremy)
Father (Jhales, Damien)
Family meeting (Axel, Vanessa)
Sleepover! Pt 1
Sleepover! Pt 2
A Prank (Not really a part of the story)

Truth or Dare Pt 2

23 1 0
noname-XD द्वारा

"Awwwww! That's adorable!" The girls squeal as they focus their attention on the couple, having the time of their life despite the relationship not being theirs. Damien just smiles at everyone as he hugs Jhales on his side, who is hiding his face on the other's side and dying inside.

In BSL "They broke Jhales." Terrence signs to the older boy as he snickers in slight amusement, had gotten permission to keep the other's hoodie as he rolls up the long sleeves.

In BSL "Bless his poor poor soul." Zachary signs back with a small chuckle as he looks down at Terrence, leaning back against the seat. Feels bad for the oldest boy in the group despite his amusement at the situation.

"Bleh, emotions," Tyron sticks a tongue out as Jeremy laughs happily, having stalked the two to make sure that Damien had actually done it. Though he is getting scolded by Trixia later about why he shouldn't have done that.

"Alright, next! Umm... Zachary, truth or dare?" Damien asks with an innocent smile, the blond boy pausing and thinking either is a good option before answering hesitantly, "Dare?"

"Hug Tyron!" Damien says as he lets out a mischievous smirk, with the said Parasite froze in place for a bit, "Wait why?! Zach is going to kill me!"

Zachary signs before reluctantly standing up, wanting to get this over with as he gives the parasite a quick hug before pushing them away, a strained smile on his face as he goes back to sitting down, "There, done. Jhales truth or dare?"

Diana looks over at Tyron in slight worry as the parasite smiles and insists that they're fine, the older twin biting down an amused laugh and way too used to his best friend and twin fighting each other.

"Umm... truth?" Jhales is now a bit scared to take the dare despite knowing that Zachary is one of the more mature ones, hesitantly speaking up as he finally recovers from the embarrassment earlier.

"How do you really feel about being the group's mother figure?" Zachary asks with his usual casual smile spread across his face, most of the others looking over at Jhales expectedly.

"I... don't really mind it? I mean, I'm going to be worried about you guys either way, so it doesn't really make a difference..." Jhales admits with a small blush in embarrassment, signing before looking away from the 'kids' staring at him with big smiles, "It's just a bit embarrassing I guess... especially when you call me 'mom' in public..."

"Yay! Our group's official mother figure!" Vanessa, Tyron and Jeremy cheer happily as Jhales looks away and wants to hide again. Trixia shakes his head before pulling Jeremy back onto his seat, "Calm down, Prince Charming. Don't get too excited now."

"L-let just continues..." Jhales says with another sign as he looks around for who he should ask, eyes landing on Trixia, "Trixie, truth or dare?" Trixia blinks in slight surprise at being picked before giving the mother figure a smile, "Truth!"

"Do you play any musical instruments? If yes, then which?" Jhales asks curiously as he eyes the girl with a gentle smile.

"I play violin!" Trixia says happily as she loves her violin very much, had played a lot of Disney songs with it before and is pretty proud of herself. "Umm... Sunshine, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Axel answers happily despite still not knowing why everyone calls him that, giving the girl a bright smile.

"Can I try putting makeup on you?" Trixia asks politely and wouldn't do it if the boy doesn't want her to, smiling happily as Axel gives her his response, "Sure, I don't mind!"

Trixia gets her makeup box out of her bag as she walks over to Axel, applying the makeup onto his face carefully and wanting to do a good job on it, being very focused as Axel closes his eyes, fully trusting the girl with it like the sunshine he is.

"Done!" Trixia says as she gives Axel a mirror, having applied some eyeshadow and some blush. Axel gives the girl a smile as he looks into the mirror happily, "I look great! Thank you, Trixie!"

"Aww! You look adorable!" Vanessa squeals happily as she looks at Axel, who gives her a shy smile back in return, glad that the other thinks so.

"Your turn, Sunshine!" Vanessa says happily as Trixia goes back to her spot, putting her stuff away.

"Oh, okay! Umm... Diane! Truth or dare?" Axel asks with a head tilt as the girl smiles back gently, "Truth."

"Can you tell us what your favourite hobby is?" Axel asks curiously as he smiles at the girl, not going to push if the girl doesn't feel like sharing.

"Oh, sure! I like knitting." Diana says as she gently claps her hands together, not minding sharing it at all and smiles at how polite the boy is being before moving on with the game, "Vanny, truth or dare?"

"Dare all the way!" Vanessa says with a small snicker as she smiles at Diana.

"May I braid your hair, please?" Diana asks with a small head-tilt, just like Trixia and Axel, she won't push anything.

"Sure!" Vanessa gives Diana a big smile as the girl walks over, turning her head and making it easier for her.

"You guys can continue as I braid," Diana informs gently as she gets started on braiding Vanessa's hair.

"Oh, then... Rence, truth or dare?" Vanessa asks happily as the boy blinks in surprise at getting picked, eyeing the girl wearily. Not liking both options equally, especially since it comes from Vanessa, having picked dare because he likes to keep his secrets.

"Umm... I dare you to eat a spoonful of ghost pepper hot sauce!" Vanessa says as she takes a bottle of it out of her bag, causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"Why did you even bring that with you?" Jhales asks with a sign, though not sure why he is even surprised at this point.

"Because I thought that we might play this!" Vanessa says proudly as Terrence just shrugs, taking the bottle and eating a spoonful of it casually.

"Wha- HOW?!" Vanessa, Jeremy and Damien yell out as they stare at Terrence in disbelief, with the boy only shrugging and giving Vanessa the bottle back.

"Terry can handle a lot of spice!" Tyron informs the rest with a small giggle, can handle quite a bit themself, with Vanessa just pouting in disappointment, "Well that was boring..."

"Your lost then," Terrence bites down a small smirk at the reaction before he turns towards Jeremy, "Jeremy, T or D?"

"T?" Jeremy would usually pick dare, but not feeling like it after the dares that had been given out.

"What is one thing you do that most people find odd?" The boy asks as he leans back against his chair.

"Oh, well... I order my tacos without the tomatoes; people had called me weird for that!" Jeremy informs with a small shrug as Trixia eyes him with disappointment, "Off with your head!"

"Why?" Jeremy asks with confusion as Trixia only signs, "Why would you order it without the tomatoes?"

"Because I don't like tomatoes...?" Jeremy signs as Trixia just rolls her eyes playfully, "Picky eater I see, fine then... I'll let you past this time."

"Thank you, Princess." Jeremy lets out a small snicker before looking around, eyes landing on the only person that hadn't been asked yet, "Ty, T or D?"

"Hmm? Dare!" Tyron answers happily as Terrence eyes the two in slight concern, knowing his brother would literally do any dare without a second thought.

"I dare you to try and fit your fist into your mouth!" Jeremy says with a small laugh as Tyron gets to trying and somehow manages to actually do it much to everyone's surprise.

By everyone, it excludes his twin of course. With Terrence only biting down an amused snicker at everyone's reaction as he shakes his head, "This is one of his many useless talents that doesn't have a meaning."

"Moving on! Sunshine, Truth or dare?" Tyron asks as everyone suddenly tenses, eyeing Tyron wearily as if warning the boy to not say anything bad.

"Dare!" Axel answers obliviously, not seeing why he should be worried as he smiles at Tyron.

"I dare you to fit as many Oreos into your mouth as possible!" Tyron says happily as Axel nods, trying it with the box of Oreos he has in his hands. Somehow manages to fit six into his mouth before eating them because his cheek hurts. The rest of them eye the boy worriedly, who just smiles before continuing on with the game, "Terry, truth or dare?"

"Again? Truth..." Terrence answers with his lips zipped up in a line, trusting Axel to not ask anything too personal despite still being a bit wary of his choice.

"Umm... what are all the nicknames people have called you before? At least the ones you remember!" Axel asks happily, thinking this is not too personal and because nicknames can be cute sometimes.

"..." Terrence eyes Axel for a bit before signing, guessing he would have to answer it because... who can say no to this ball of sunshine? Zachary glances down at the boy as he smiles in amusement, remembering a few himself.

"'Rence', 'Terry', those two you already know..." Terrence starts as he puts his index finger on his cheek, thinking. Axel nods as he waits for the boy to continue.

Terrence continues, "Asides from just being called 'brother'... ah, my elementary school and kindergarten classmates used to call me 'Ted' or 'Ters'."

"Aren't you forgetting one, Rence?" Zachary reminds with an amused snicker as Terrence throws back a glare, signing as he meets eye with a curious Sunshine, "Also some people have called my 'Teddy' or "Terry bear'... because it sounds like my name."

"Aww! Cute!" Axel says with a smile as Terrence signs, absolutely despises that nickname and wants to just move on from it, looking up at Zachary, "Truth or dare, you oversized giant?"

"Dare, Terry Bear." Zachary answers back in a playful voice as he snickers at getting lightly hit on the shoulder, Terrence throwing him another glare as the others hide a laugh to the side.

Terrence thinks for a second before giving the older a small smirk, "I dare you to lay off of caffeine. No more than 24l per day."

Zachary blinks at the dare as his smile falls back to being strained, signing slightly and guessing he should've seen that one coming since he does drink too much, being a bit of a coffee addict. "Fine... and umm, Dami, T or D?"

"Hmm? Oh, dare!" Damien says with a smile as Zachary bites down a smirk, wanting to get payback for being dared to hug Tyron earlier, "I dare you to let Jhales tickle you, also, try not to laugh."

Damien, being known to be very ticklish in the group just gulped before Jhales turns over and tickles the boy without much mercy. Damien is barely able to not laugh for one minute, as he breaks into laughter and tries to get his boyfriend off.

Jhales finally stops after another minute as Damien hugs his sides in pain, Jeremy, Zachary and Tyron laugh slightly to the side. Diana walking over to check on the tickled boy with Jhales apologizes with a small snicker.

"I- I'm good..." Damien says as he recovers from the tickling earlier, Zachary rolling his eyes playfully, "Too bad."

"Real mature, Zach." Terrence and Vanessa say in unison as Damien continues the game, "Trix, T or D?"

"Dare?" Trixia answers as she smiles at Damien, the boy radiates excited energy as he smiles at Trixia, "Do you have a video of yourself playing the violin? If you have one, can we see?"

Trixia blinks in slight surprise before nodding, getting out her phone, "I do have one actually! Here!"

Damien plays the video as the sound of a violin fills the air, playing "I see the light" by tangled. Disney song, no surprise there. But it is incredibly well played as everyone enjoys the music, giving Trixia her phone back as Damien smiles happily, "That's amazing!"

"Agreed, you are very talented, Trixie." Jhales says with a gentle smile as the rest agrees. Trixia blushed slightly as she thanked everyone for liking it, moving on to not cast more attention onto herself, "Tyron, truth or dare?"

"Truth?" Tyron wanted to choose dare but decided otherwise, a bit tired at the moment from all the laughing.

"Do you and Zachary ever get along? Like at all?" Trixia asks curiously, it's an honest question since the two just never seem to get along at all.

"Nope! He hates me!" Tyron says happily despite their words sounding sad if read in text, not minding the fact that the other hates him at all, it only makes annoying the taller boy more the fun.

"Self-aware." Zachary signs as he wraps an arm around Terrence, who is far too used to the bickering to care about if the two are fighting again. Will ever only step in if things seem to be taken too far, which rarely happens since the two do have some sort of self-restraint.

"Vanny! Vanny! T or D?" Tyron asks happily as the girl looks over, "Truth!"

"Why do you like Oreo?" Tyron asks as Vanessa pauses in place, "I mean, we all know he is a sweetheart, but I want to know why you like him so much!"

"Tyron!" Terrence, Jhales, and Trixia yell out. Felt the Parasite had crossed a line and stuck their nose into other people's business. The said Parasite only shrugged while Axel, the 'Oreo' due to both his love for the snack and his hair colour, blushes at the question.

"I- umm... I guess it's because he is cute, sweet, understanding and caring... just a literal Sunshine! I mean, what's not to love about him?" Vanessa answers truthfully since Tyron had already outed her, Axel only blushing even more as he hides his face in the girl's shoulder, "I- I love you too..."

"Aww!" Trixia and Diana said happily as Vanessa asks Axel to be her boyfriend, who accepts it happily, "Now we have another couple!"

"Now the better question, Sunshine, why do you live Vanny?" Terrence asks as he bites down a playful smirk, keeping a straight face as Jeremy and Damien laughs out of control.

Vanessa puts a hand to her chest as she pretends to be greatly harmed by his words as she snickers, showing that she isn't really insulted. Zachary laughs into his hand as he looks down at Terrence, amused, "You really are evil, Rence."

"Hmm? I have no idea what you are talking about, Zach." Terrence answers with an innocent tone before sweat dropping at Axel really going on to list why he likes Vanessa, shaking his head, guessing the Sunshine really is too pure for this world while Vanessa hides a blush behind her hand, smiling like the simp she is.

"Okay, can we move on please?" Jeremy says despite his earlier amusement, already third-wheels Damien and Jhales on a daily basis and doesn't need to add to that list anytime soon.

"Sorry, Jeremy." Vanessa laughs slightly before continuing on the game, hugging Axel close to her happily, "Jhales, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Jhales answers, not trusting Vanessa with giving dares at all. Which seems to be a good decision since the girl pouted slightly before giving the truth, "What do you like about Damien, exactly?"

"I mean... he is nice when he wants to be, somewhat brave, he cares a lot about his friends, he's confident, comforting..." Jhales says as he looks off to the side, Damien smiling widely at his boyfriend before hugging the boy and cutting him off, "I love you too, Mi Amor!"

"And~ I'm back to third-wheeling," Jeremy signs as he lays his head on Trixia's shoulder, the girl snickering slightly as she runs a hand through his hair, "Well, at least you are not the only one this time!"

"N- next! Diana, truth or dare?" Jhales asks as he tries to calm down his blush from embarrassment, eyeing the girl who smiles back in return, "Dare, Mama Cat."

"Please stop calling me that..." Jhales signs as he never understood where this nickname came from except that Tyron made it, thinking of a dare for the polite girl, "Umm... can you show us something that you made yourself?"

"Oh, I actually made this bag myself!" Diana says with a gentle smile as she holds up her seemingly bought from store handbag, surprising everyone that this is handmade by their own friend.

"You are amazing, Diane!" Trixia says despite being the only one that already knows this, Diana is her best friend after all. Everyone else also compliments the girl for this piece of artwork as their train comes to an end

"Thank you, everyone, and it had been fun! But I believe we should get off now." Diana says as she stands up. The rest follows as they grab their stuff, walk out of the train, saying farewell as they walk home in their respective groups.

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