Come And See Me

By nickinacpattywack

48.9K 2.5K 1.6K

"Why're you so nice to people?" "You treat people how you want to be treated." More

run in .
be my girlfriend .
first day out .
over and done.
open up.
back together again.
what happened?
momma role.
day out
my love.

new friendship.

2.9K 131 161
By nickinacpattywack

𝟼:𝟹𝟶𝚙𝚖- 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍....

"Hello?" I answered my phone. Beyoncé was calling...but i'm not sure why. I'm in the middle of taking a nap, and she's interrupting that. "Are you sleep?" She sounded surprised.

I looked around to make sure I wasn't out of my mind. Nyla and Mani were on the floor playing their iPads. "Uhhh yea." I answered. She groaned and hung up, so I laid back down. What's her problem? My stomach hurts from eating so much pasta. That's my fault though.

There was a knock at my door, and I did a tantrum. My gosh! I opened the door with a frown, and Beyoncé stood there with Rihanna and Megan. What do they want!? I did a face, so they can tell me what it is that brought them to my dorm. Instead they barged in and flopped on my bed.

"Hey! Don't flop on my bed like that! You could break it!" I pointed at them. Nyla ran to Rihanna and she picked her up. Mani ran to Beyoncé....he doesn't even know her. "What happened to your jersey?" He looked sad. He's putting on a show for sure.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down...I can be a complete, excuse my language, bitch when i'm tired. It's not purposely.

"Naw boo, get up. I know you didn't forget about the party at 7. We told you about it, but I guess you zoned out. And then Bey told us she invited you. So get up....and let's go." Megan pulled my arms. I pulled away from her and went to my bathroom.

After a shower, I walked out of the room wrapped in a towel. They were staring at me for whatever reason. I went into my closet and grabbed my Burberry outfit and shoes. As I was waking back to the bathroom, Nyla said something.

"I want to stay skinny like sissy. She's pretty." That kind of made me feel bad because of they way I got skinny. I mean i've always been small, but I was a bit bigger than this. It would crush me if she was to go through what I put myself through.

I looked back to Megan and Rih looking at me. Beyoncé was talking with Mari about his iPad. Instead of saying something, I went into the bathroom to change. The whole time, I was thinking about what Nyla said. Does she think this size is better? I's what I wanted. But I didn't do it the right way.

Every moment of it, I regret it because it really messed with my mental. It felt like depression, but I don't like to call it that. Rihanna came into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I'm okay with her seeing me because...well she was there.

"Hey...don't feel a way about what she said. I know it's getting to you. She's young and doesn't know the importance of size and body appreciation." She said lowly. I nodded my head and wiped my face. Tears were coming and I don't want to cry because she didn't mean anything in a bad way. She basically complimented me.

Rihanna got up and hugged me, rubbing my back. "I hope you're not going down that road again baby. If you are, you know i'm here for you through it all. Just don't hide the way you're feeling....Now get dressed. Got this thick ass out." She tapped my butt before walking out.

I put my clothes and shoes on after lotioning my body. The shirt has a collar, so I left the buttons undone. Trying to look my age for a party that'll probably be full of people half dressed. When I walked out, they were laid around on their phones. But i'm being rushed?

"Um, Nyny and Mari, put y'all's shoes and clothes on please." I bent down to pick up the mess they made. Snacks were everywhere, and their school clothes. When they come in, they snatch their clothes off and walk around in their underwear like they own the place. I don't trip because I do the same thing.

They're reflections of me... literally. We look alike so much, others think they're my children. Lance has a different dad than us, so he looks like him. "Why? I thought we were staying here?" Imarian stood in front of me. I slumped on my knees and looked at his face.

They hate leaving because my grandparents don't do the things we do here. I'll play with them and watch movies. Grandma and Grandpa aren't able to do all of that because they go over there at night time. And everyone knows that old people go to sleep early. They'll let them stay up in their rooms, but they don't want to do that.

I try my best to let them stay the night here, but I forgot about this party. Now I feel bad because they thought they were gonna stay with me. "I'm sorry Mari...I promise you can stay the night the rest of the week...i'm sorry." I pouted.

His eyes watered and he flopped on the floor.

Ughhh. Nyla came and stood in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Nika please. I don't want to go." She whined.

"We have to Nyla. Nika has to have fun too." Mari stood up and grabbed his clothes. The sadness was in his face, but he was still trying to act tough. I love that about him, he can be sad for a minute and then changes it for us. Only us girls though. He swear he's the man. "Thank you." I roughed his hair and continued to pick up the mess.

Imarian was dressed and started to help Nyla put her clothes on. "Here let me do it." I fixed the shirt. They put their shoes on and I grabbed my keys. "I'll be right back." I walked out with them in front of me.

While in the car, I called Grandma and told her I was on the way. I pulled up and Grandpa was standing on the porch. "Hey babygirl. Have fun at your party." He kissed my head.

"Ok. I'll be back to get them after. So if you could keep them up? If that's okay." He nodded his head and I left. They have stuff at my dorm so I don't have to worry about clothes and shoes.

Knowing me, I won't be at the party long.

My whole ride back, I thought about them. I feel really bad about making them go home when they didn't want to. I'm the sister, i'm supposed to be able to take them when they want me. Instead I made them leave for a party...that I couldn't even remember. That's so messed up.

I made it back to the dorm and went inside. They were laughing about something, but stopped when I came in. Okkkk. I grabbed my purse and waited for them to come.

"I guess i'll just follow one of you." I said lowly. Megan was looking at me with worry, and I smiled small. Talking isn't what I want to do right now. Honestly I want to lay back down. "Or you could ride with me." Beyoncé smiled. I shrugged and walked out of the room. She opened my door and I buckled my seat belt.

We rode for awhile of silence, until she decided to speak up. "First college party?" I nodded my head and agreed. I didn't think they had many. It's just the beginning...

"Well i'm honored and will make it your best." She smiled. I chuckled and checked my phone. Jamie texted me...he's really sweet. But that could just be a front.

After some time, we pulled into this huge arcade. I wanted to bring Mani and Nyla here one day, but they haven't had a day from school yet.

" here is gonna be a lot of people. No offense...but don't be weird. Like..don't be...your normal self if that makes sense..." I looked at her confusingly. What does she mean don't be my normal self?

Does she think i'm weird? Well I think i'm weird, but I don't want to hear it from someone who calls themself...I can't keep saying she's my friend. I don't know that yet.

"What do you mean by that?" I chuckled. She looked at me for a while before scratching her neck. Why invite me somewhere-

"Don't embarrass you basically? Got it." I got out of the car. I'm not about to deal, I didn't even want to come. But I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of it because of Megan and Rihanna. "Wait!" She yelled.

I went to Rihanna's car and got in the back seat. They were smoking, as always. This is the smell of weed that I like. Sweet and doesn't burn your eyes. "What's wrong?" Megan looked back. I hurriedly reached over and locked the door before Beyoncé could get in. I'm not happy with her right now.

"Come on Nicki I didn't mean it like that!" She knocked on the window. I pulled out my phone and ignored her. If this is how it was going to go, I could've stayed home. My siblings could've stayed with me instead of going where they didn't want to.

I just want to go home now. My stomach hurts and this isn't making things any better. This is why I stay at home. Partying isn't for me and I don't know how many times I have to tell people that. No one knows me for a reason. I like it that way. "What's wrong Nic? What she do?" Rihanna looked back at me.

"I want to go home. I'm about to get an Uber back." I did as I was saying. They didn't push the issue and just continued what they were doing. Good. "Well we're gonna stay out here until you leave. Call us when you make it inside safely alright? If you don't call in 10 minutes we're calling you." Megan spoke.

I said okay and got out when I saw the car. Beyoncé walked towards me but I got in the backseat. "No! Why you getting in an Uber?" She stopped the door from closing.

"I just want to go home Beyoncé. Can you move please?" I gave pleading eyes. She looked at me and shut the door. Now I can go get my siblings and entertain them with no problem.

I'm not even mad at anyone, just myself. I don't know why I thought this would go well. It never does. Every time they make me go somewhere, I leave early. Maybe it's me...has to be.

As soon as I got to my dorm, I called Grandma and told her I was coming back. She started to ask what happened but I gave the same answer. "I'm just tired and want to lay down."

They were happy to come back, I was happy to be back at home. "Nika do we have to go to bed early because of school?" Mari asked. I nodded my head and he slumped into the couch. He tries it every time, but they don't like to get up in the morning and I have class.

"But I want to watch a movie." Nyla pouted. I rolled my eyes and clicked through different stuff. Trying to find something I know they'll sit and watch. "Bruno! Nika there's Bruno!" Nyla shouted. I looked at Mari and he facepalmed. We're so tired of this movie. I pressed play and the intro played.

There was a knock at the door, so I answered. I'm not even dressed, just my bra and some shorts...I slid on a shirt from when I was bigger and frowned at how loose it was. I answered the door.....It was Beyoncé. What could she possibly want? "Aren't you supposed to be at a party?" I stepped aside. She didn't say anything and pulled me in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like that." She whispered. I guess she's trying to be quiet because of the kids. "I'm not mad at you. I just didn't want to go in the first place and that was a perfect reason to leave." I shrugged.

"Ok...can I have a hug to prove you're not mad?" She held her arms out. I gave her a hug, and she held me.

"Thanks for checking on me." I smiled pulling away. She nodded and smiled widely. Always smiling. I would be surprised if she said her face didn't hurt. "What you finna do?" She asked.

I shrugged and walked out the bathroom. Nyla and Mari were knocked out sleep. They always complain, but really be tired.

Kind of wanted them to watch the movie with me, but hey.

Beyoncé sat on the chair and just looked at me. "You want to watch this movie with me?" I smiled. She raised an eyebrow and leaned all the way back in the chair. Why is she looking at me like that?

I walked to her and put my hands in her face, waving them side ways. The staring was making me feel weird. She grabbed my arms and pulled me closer. "You so beautiful." She whispered. Well... "Really?" I frowned.

Her face fell and she nodded her head. She let my face go and pulled me into her lap. Well this is new. "You don't think you're beautiful?" She whispered. I looked away because that's really embarrassing to talk about.

"Well it's not's just....I don't think i'm AS beautiful you know? I'm not ugly though..." I said lowly. She shook her head and adjusted me differently. I'm straddling her lap now. This is very.....unfriendly. She's so touchy... "You're beautiful. You're body is beautiful. Everything about you is. Don't think differently." She rubbed my thighs.

I nodded my head and she smiled. It feels good to hear someone say it besides myself. Every morning I try to tell myself that, but it doesn't really work as much. "Can I kiss you?" She smiled. Why does she think she can kiss me and we don't even know each other? That's disgusting.

"Ew no. Beyoncé you're not kissing me so let it go." I looked in her face. She just gave me an oh really face. The way i'm in her lap isn't I got up. "What do you really want from me? Because i've had too many people say they want to be my friend and then just...want my body." I said lowly.

It would crush me if she was one of those because I really like her.

"I just want to be your friend mama." She smiled. I rolled my eyes and sat at the end of my bed.

We sat and talked for a few hours, getting to know each other. She seems really interesting. I even told her about my parents and how they're here, but aren't. She said hers a similar except they actually come around and things. You know, be parents. They just leave a lot. Well, mines don't even be parents.

I started to get sleepy, so I laid in the bed while we talked. "You want to lay down? You can lay with me...since you're my friend." I smiled. The fact that I made another friend makes me happy. She seems like a good one. I'm sure anyone would've let the fact that i'm awkward get in the way, but it's like she doesn't care.

This girl left her party and came all the way to my dorm to apologize...I'd forgotten all about it until she came to my door.

She nodded her head and came to my bed, taking her shirt off. Her boobies are small. Mines are too, but they're bigger than hers. Little bitty sports bra she has on.

"Are you staying here? Or are you leaving?" I asked lowly. She just got comfortable, so I clicked the lamp off. There's no way that she plans on getting up.

We laid there for a while before I felt her arm around my waist. She pulled me closer and I snuggled under her. Again....she's very touchy. The movie was still on, so we watched that and a few more after.

It was 4am when we'd finally went to sleep. Big mistake.

"Nyla come on. Imarian just put your shoes on please. Y'all please don't be difficult right now. I am very tired and just want to lay back down." I begged.

This morning isn't the best and Nyla wants to pout because she's tired. I want to get them out of here because i'm tired. And Imarian wants to go slow because....he's tired. They just want to stay home, but that's not gonna happen.

If they aren't out, they won't be staying because i'm not the parent and if a kid missed a day, the school wants a whole meeting on why. I messed up doing that once and almost got CPS called on us. Can't risk it.

My tiredness is really taking over and i'm about to start acting like, excuse my language, a bitch. They're dragging around and whining about everything.

"Stop! Put the damn shoe on and let's go! Nyla get up and grab the backpack! Now!" I yelled. They jumped and did as I said quickly. Yelling at them is my least favorite because they get sad and distant afterwards. Beyoncé sat up from the bed and laid back down. I really forgot she was here. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell." I said softly.

They nodded their heads and we headed out the door. Watching them drag around with sad frowns make me feel bad. This isn't the first time i've had to yell at them, but it's been a while. More like a week, but I always apologize after. "Im sorry guys..I promise I didn't want to yell, or curse at you guys." I said lowly. We're in the car now, in front of Nylas school.

"It's okay Nika." Mari whispered. We all got out to take Nyla in. Lance would kill me if I ran out of gas again.

They rarely talked to me the whole time, and Mari didn't even make me do extra to drop him off. I really wanted him to. But I guess they're mad at i'm sad. Like really sad. I want to cry. They're the only ones I have and I don't want them to be upset with me.

When I got back to my dorm, Beyoncé was laying down on her phone. I broke down....I didn't want to, but I did. Bey sat up quickly and jumped out of the bed like it was a fire.  "S-sorry. They're mad at me." I sniffled.

She wiped my face and hugged my head. "They'll get over it. They're's normal for them to do that. It okay.." She rocked us.

I nodded my head and went into the bathroom. My feelings are hurt and I just cried in front of someone that's basically a stranger...well she slept in my bed so crying shouldn't matter. Either way...I hate crying in front of people.

This bathroom is my safe place. I always cry in here, or my closet. Those places are my favorite ever. "Nika....are you okay?" Beyoncé knocked on the door. I'm not crying anymore, just sitting on the floor thinking.

I reached my hand up and opened the door. She walked in, and grabbed my arms to pull me up. "You alright?" She asked softly. I smiled and nodded my head. Don't show sadness Nicki.

"I'm fine. What're you doing today?" I walked out. She looked at me weirdly and sat on my bed. Yea yea I know....why switch up so fast. Well it gets addicting when you've been doing it forever. "Uh- I have to go to my dorm and shower and stuff. After that, get ready for our class at 12. That's really it. What about you?" She grabbed my wrist.

Really touchy.

"Class and then i'll be chilling around for the rest of the day. My life is very boring once you get to know me.." I chuckled.

She sat on the bed and stood me between her legs. I swear she likes touching me. It's doing something to my tummy and it makes me smile a lot. My cheeks blushed and she pinched them. That hurt. "Look at you blushing." She laughed.

I swat her hands away and she grabbed my waist tightly wrapping around me. My first move was to rub her hair. It's so big a fluffy. "Beyoncé!" She laid us down. I'm sure it looks weird because i'm on top of her. Anyone would think we're doing somethi-

"What the fuck!?" I heard Rihanna yell, making me jump up. How did she even get in here? Every time I take her key she finds a way to get it back. She always acts like my mother. "The day that I decide to use the key I stole, is the day that you want to be grown." She said in disbelief.

How old does she think I am? Well she's older than me by a year, but that's nothing. "Rihanna..I am grown." I folded my arms. She looked at me funny and I realized what I was doing. Looking down, I unfolded my arms and stood up straight. Awkward.

"Beyon- Oh my gosh. You turning my baby out! Ain't this some sh- oh my god." She rubbed her forehead pacing back and forth. As if she was in distress.

I'm just standing here watching her because I don't know what to do. We weren't doing anything for real. It really looked like it so it'll be hard to even convince her that we weren't. "Calm down Fenty. We wasn't even doing nothin'" Beyoncé laughed.

Rihanna was still pacing back and forth, but stopped and looked at us dumb. Beyoncé pulled me close to her and I just let her. "So I walk in to my baby on top of you with your hands around her, and y'all not doing nothing?" She asked in a duh tone. I nodded my head and she scoffed.

Why is she acting like this? They always tell me to 'live a little'. So why is it an issue now? Even though i'm still not doing anything. "Rih I promise we weren't doing anything...don't be mad." I said lowly. She softened up and sat the key card down.

"I'm not mad just caught me by surprise because I didn't expect it. I know we always tell you to do something and be...yaknow. But it's gonna hit really hard when you actually start doing what we tell you. Because we don't expect you to do it. It's really just us talkin..."

I nodded my head and felt Beyoncé rubbing my sides. Very touchy.

"Well...if it makes you happy, i'm still not doing anything...Beyoncé is my friend...right?" I looked back at her. She nodded her head with a blank expression and went back to rubbing my sides.

My tummy tingles from her finger tips. "Whatever. Y'all gon be together before the month over wit. Watch." Rih grabbed the key card back. "Leave it!" I gritted. She shook her head and ran out, closing the door. Annoying.

All she's about to do is run her mouth to Megan and she'll call me later doing the same thing. Just might come over here. Their dorm is all the way in the other side and they still come over here to bother me everyday. It's early in the morning and they don't care.

We all have the same class at 12, so they should be doing the same thing we're doing; chilling. It's nothing but 8am, and i'm definitely about to lay back down.

"You know you still don't call me the nickname you gave me...." Beyoncé whispered. I removed her arms and went to lay in the bed. She followed me, but put her body on top of mine. This is a very heavy human and i'm being crushed. I didn't mind though, it felt comfortable.

We eventually drifted off into sleep. It felt like the best sleep ever even though it wasn't that long. I checked the time and it was...2pm. "Holy crap!" I flew from the bed. Beyoncé sat up and looked around.

"We missed class Beyoncé! Get up!" I threw on some sweats. She groaned and laid back down pulling the cover over her head. Did she not just hear what I said? "I emailed him. They haven't been doing nothing but the work online. We good." She grumbled.

I slumped my shoulders and took the sweats back off, getting back in the bed. Embarrassing. "Please stop calling me my whole name. I like hearing BB come from you." She smiled. I nodded my head and moved closer to her. "Ok BB." I giggled.

"You so cute." There goes that tummy feeling again. She's my friend....

"What y'all doing!? Y'all missing class and shit. Bey you already got her acting out...This the second day in a row that she haven't showed up." I heard Megan's voice. It was only a matter of time. This was expected, but why do they have keys to my room? When I don't have one for theirs. They share a dorm so i'll only need one... But then again, I wouldn't want one.

They like to be nasty with each other.

"We fell asleep Pete moveee." Beyoncé chuckled. Megan was all over the bed peeking under the covers. I pulled them back to show that we were dressed, but we didn't have shirts on. What I had on didn't make it any better...Curse these little shorts. "So y'all sucking each other titties? Cause y'all both don't have no shirt on..." Megan rolled her neck.

Oh my gosh. She says anything. I don't even seem like the type to do that. Beyoncé looks like she'll do anything...but that's neither here nor there for me. "No Megan. Her boobies are very small." I giggled grabbing one of Beyonce's boobs through the tiny sports bra. She bit her lip at me and I laughed. She's funny.

"You acting like yours are any bigger." Megan laughed. I stopped and glared at her. She only says that because she has the biggest ones. "Don't come for hers. I like any size boo." Beyoncé wrapped her arm around me. Touchy.

I smiled and Megan mugged. "Y'all together?" Here we go....I shook my head no and she rolled her eyes. "I barely know her. I told you that already." She wants me to be with her so bad! There's messages in my phone from yesterday about her telling me what Beyoncé likes. For the party she told me to show booty and cleavage. That was kind of too much....

"So what's y'all excuse for not coming to class?" She flopped on my bed. I stretched my leg and kicked her. People always flop on my bed and I hate that. What if it breaks? Then what? I have to pay for a whole new bed. "We were asleep." I mumbled. She pursed her lips and stood up.

"Well i'll let you titty suckers go back to sleep. If that's even what y'all were doing." She walked out.

Beyoncé stood from the bed and grabbed her shoes. I don't want her to leave yet.... She looked at my face and chuckled. "I'll be right back. I want to shower and shit." She grabbed her jacket.

"You can shower here...I have sweats that stretch and a big shirt that I stole from Robyn.. There isn't much that you can fit because after the eating dis- never mind. I'll see you later." I stopped myself.

If I wouldn't have stopped I would've talked myself into sadness. We don't need that right now. Today is gonna be a good day and I promise that to myself. Nothing will bother me. I won't get sensitive over things and i'll toughen up. "Can I have a kiss?" She leaned over me. I scrunched my face.

"Ew no." I moved back some. "Friends don't kiss." I pointed in her face. She chuckled and grabbed my finger, slowly bringing it down. This stare is gonna kill me. "Stop looking at me like that..." I blushed.

She laughed and grabbed my jaw, squeezing my lips together so they poked out. "Don't...kiss me." I murmured. She pecked them quickly and ran out. Why do they do that? The three of them are right to be friends.

"What? Stop." I mumbled and opened my eyes to see Beyoncé standing over me. "How did you- how are y'all getting in my room?" I sat up. She was smiling all wide like she was so happy.

I'm not happy, i'm tired. But that doesn't mean I should be rude to anyone. As soon as I arched my butt up to stretch, my phone went off. It was time to pick up Mari and Nyla from aftercare. They have an after school program that they go to. It has lots of activities and shows that they perform in. I pick them up everyday at 6pm.

Beyoncé touched my back and I pushed her hand away. "Move." I'm always a, excuse my language, bitch when I wake up. I can't help it. There was shopping bags on the floor and I tripped over one, almost falling. "What the fuck?" I whispered harshly. Beyoncé gasped loudly and I glared at her. Trying to be funny.

That hurt really bad and I feel like I had a reason to curse. "You cursed!" She laughed. I slid on my shoes and grabbed my keys going out the door. I don't know what she's about to do but I really don't care. I'm tired.

"Beyoncé stop!" I whined. She keeps poking my sides as I walk. It tickles and i'm not in the mood. I'm very upset. "Why you so cranky? And stop calling me Beyoncé." She laughed. I slammed my car door and locked them on her.

She smacked and pulled the door handle really hard, so I unlocked them. That's so childish of her. When she got in, I ignored her. "Why you ignoring me?" She rubbed my hair. I groaned and pouted because I just want her to be quiet.

"Please...." I sighed. She pouted and sat back. Good. As I glanced at her, I noticed what she had on. She's really boyish, even wear boys underwear. They were peaking through her jeans. I think she could pass as a really fine boy. With her edge up and small boobies.

Pulling into the long line to pick up children, the lady opened the back door and buckled Nyla in. She pat the car and I drove off. "How was school Nyny?" I asked. She looked up at me and pulled something out of her backpack. I'm not even in the mood, but I can't just take it out on them. They don't deserve that.

"Here! I drew a picture of you and mommy and daddy and Mari and Lanny!" She cheered. I looked back quickly at the scribbles. Okkkkk. "It's beautiful baby I love it. I'll put it on my fridge." I grabbed it. I'll really put it on there. It's really already full, but i'll make room.

I pulled into Maris school and he ran to the car, jumping in the backseat. "Go Nika go!" He hit the seat. Beyoncé looked back at him and so did I. Why's he in a rush? "Go please Nika." He pouted. I turned around and drove out of the school.

"How was school Mari?" I asked. He smiled and pulled something out of his backpack. They do so many projects it's killing me. And i'm always getting them, never our parents nor grandparents. It's an honor, but sometimes it's too much. "I won a bet Gigi! Look at all the bracelets I got!" He pulled out a bunch of wristbands. Gigi? Who's that?

Beyoncé dapped him up and they cheered. What? They talked about whatever and I zoned them out.....

Why am I the way I am? Is it annoying or embarrassing to others? I know i'm kind of .... off. But I don't think it's an issue. Maybe to others....but not me.

Sometimes I feel like some people don't want to be around me but that's why I don't mess with many people. Megan and Rihanna made me be their friend and it was really sweet....I always get happy when thinking about it.

But why does Beyoncé want to be my friend? Does she not think i'm weird? Does she like me? She seems like someone who would be a good person to chill with. But I think she wants to be more than friends...

I've never dated before so I wouldn't know what to do. She would really be over me... i'm not all that right in the head. I mean, I don't have any mental issues, I just use my mental TOO much. If that makes sense.

"Nika! Can we get ice cream?" Nyla asked. They're used to me zoning out so they'll just yell to get my attention. I'm glad they don't ask questions.

It would be hard to explain my zoning out to some little kids. "Uh- not today alright? Momma and Daddy are coming to get you guys from grandmas house." I pulled into their driveway. They seemed excited, and luckily Momma was already there. She came up to my car and got them out.

I watched as she interacted with them and buckled them into her car before coming to my window. "Hey baby." She kissed my head. I smiled at her and sat back in the seat. There isn't really much to say to her. We don't talk much....

"Thank you so much. You know for taking care of them. I promise we'll try to get them more and get them out of your hair." She touched my face.

Momma always does that, and I hate it. She's just really touchy and I don't really like being touched. Part of why we fall out sometimes. "Ok. And please keep that promise, i'm in college and can get busy at times. Grandma and grandpa are getting older and doesn't want to chase little kids around all day. But I love you guys and i'll see you later Momma." I smiled.

She nodded her head and I pulled out, resting my head in my left palm as I drove with my right.

We made it back to the dorm and I crawled back into my bed. Beyoncé followed and we got back into the same position as earlier. Face to face and her arm wrapped around me. Very touchy.

"I don't want to seem weird or anything, but I want to get to know you more. We covered a lot yesterday and it feels like i've known you forever instead of only two days. But....have you ever dated anyone before? It's just that you seem really innocent to a lot of things." Beyoncé spoke.

I chuckled some and shifted to my back. Wonder how she would feel if I told her i've never dated before. Only denying dudes all my life. I never really had time to date.

" I've never been able to because of the way I grew up. All my life I was taking care of children. Whether it was myself or my siblings so I couldn't pay attention to that. I've had dudes come to me and stuff, but I always denied them or look at them as a friend. Down the road they've always showed me that they didn't want to be friends. I'm answer your question.... no." I played with my fingers.

Her fingers traced my belly and I looked down. My stomach is really small...I like it, but not how I got it. "I like your rambling. It's cute." She tapped my nose. I chuckled.

For some reason she feels like a safe space. Like I can talk to her about anything and be myself. Even though she made me really mad last night. I don't even know her...but it feels like I do. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

"I tend to ramble a lot. I don't try to, but I guess that comes with thinking so much." I shrugged. She held on tighter to my waist and snuggled into my chest.

"I don't think friends should lay like this." I chucked. She shrugged and I felt her tongue on my skin. Ew! "Beyoncé! Don't do that, that's gross." I mushed her head. She laughed and laid back down on me.

I guess this is only the beginning of a new friendship.

PSA! If the words are slanted, that's Onikas thoughts when she zones out.

any mistakes ...excuse them please 🥹

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