The Spark

By ChristianCrouchley

14.3K 386 50

Harry finds himself as the only seventh year in potions with Snape. what happens when a rare magical event bi... More

The Spark
The Ministry of Magic
A Plan Gone Wrong
The Unbreakable Link
Antidotes and Curses

Grief in love

1.9K 57 8
By ChristianCrouchley

Lucius had never seen a more beautiful funeral. Everyone had gathered together, leaving little space as everyone shared stories and memories with one another. He ducked out just as the ceremony was starting, preferring not to be a part of something so permanent. He sat on a nearby bench and let go of his emotions, freely crying into his hands.

Life felt so precious in that moment. Every relationship, friendship, family, all suddenly felt so temporary. Lucious felt terrified in that moment, imagining what he would do if anyone in his own life suddenly fell away. Silently, he felt tears fall from his eyes, falling onto his dress robes, blending amongst the rain drops falling around him.

He felt someone sit beside him, but couldn't be bothered to find out who, even though he knew who it would be. An arm rested over his shoulders, pulling him over into a hug. "It's not fair Severus. He sacrificed everything to save Harry due to our own mistake." Lucius let out a sigh as he recalled those last moments.

The kidnapper had grabbed Lucius' wand out of his hand as he was distracted by Harry and Severus' reunion. Lucius had watched Severus and Harry fall after Severus had been hit with the killing curse. After that, it seemed like everything went in slow motion. Before the two even hit the ground, Kingsley had flown at the kidnapper, leaping towards him. The kidnapper threw a killing curse at him when he was just mere inches away. Kingsley fell with a thud beside the bodies of Severus and Harry.

In rage, Lucius threw his own killing curse directly at the kidnapper, causing him to become yet a fourth body to pile onto the ground. Lucius felt his heart shatter in that moment. Watching his friends fall around him made him sick to his stomach. As he emptied his stomach of its contents, he heard moaning coming from the pile of bodies. Lucius quickly wiped his mouth and crawled his way over to the pile, checking each body.

"Lucius...Lucius, help Harry!" Lucius glanced over at Severus as he moved himself to try and reach for Harry's body. Lucius pulled himself over to Harry, checking for a pulse. He pulled back in shock as he felt the thud of his heart against his neck. Looking down, he noticed the blood seeping freely from the wound in his shoulder. Without thinking, Lucius ripped a piece of his shirt, pushing it against the wound, applying pressure.

"Harry! God not you too!" Lucius used his free hand to grab his wand, pointing it at his wound. "Cautorizo!" Lucius knew the wound had stopped bleeding, but continued to hold pressure, unable to remove his hand for fear the spell had failed. Albus reached over, pulling Lucius off Harry and guiding him to the hands of some of the other aurors nearby. In shock, he allowed himself to be lead, his heart cracking with each step he took away from the extended family he loved as his own.

"Lucius." Severus put his arm around his oldest friend, pulling him closer, enveloping him in his arms.

"This is my fault. I made this too personal and should have let someone else lead." Severus pulled himself into Severus' black robes, breathing in the comforting scent he's began to accept as a home away from home with his friend.

"You saved our lives. You saved Harry. I couldn't imagine a better person to follow into battle with. Hey," Severus pulled back, lifting his friend's chin with his hand. "Thank you. Seriously. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for risking your life for one of the people that means the world to me. Lucius, you have been the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for." Lucius' mouth twitched in a brief smile, hugging his friend yet again.

"You know, I do believe I owe you a thank you as well, friend." Lucius looked up behind Severus and found Harry standing there, smiling at the pair of them. "I know what you did for me, and Severus. We owe you our lives, Lucius. What happened to Kingsley isn't your fault, and he'd hate to know it was eating you alive like this. Accept what you couldn't control and embrace what you did with courage and love."

Lucius felt fresh tears stinging his eyes, threatening to fall as he thought about the happiness he felt when he knew the pair he grew to love was still there with him.

"You're right. I don't know what I would do if I lost all of you, but I'm going to miss him. We had planned to tell everyone once this had blown over, but I guess that will never happen."

Severus had a confused look on his face as he studied his friend's face. "What do you mean?"

"You loved him, didn't you." Harry placed it in the air as a fact, not a question.

"Why didn't you tell us? Out of everyone, I would think you would've known we would be the last to judge you." Severus looked in his friend's eyes, hating the pain buried behind them.

"I didn't tell you because he asked me not to. His family was ashamed. To tell the truth would mean leaving his family behind. I refused to be the reason his family left his life."

Harry stepped forward, kneeling before him, placing his hand on his own. "He deserved love as much as anyone. If his family was willing to leave him behind for finding love of his own, then they didn't deserve to know him to begin with. Family is not about the blood in your veins, but those that come into your life and love you unconditionally."

"How did I get such amazing friends? I love you both. Thank you for listening to the rants of a grieving man. I guess it's time to tell Cissy. It's the worst feeling in the world, but I want to do right by her. I can't force myself to be what my parents forced me to be; a shadow of my true self."

The trio enveloped each other into a hug, holding on as if gravity itself would give away and pull them apart to distant corners of the universe.


Three years later

"Harry, please, is there anything I can help with? I feel so helpless!" Lucius stood in the doorway to the kitchen at their home on Spinner's End.

Harry expertly handled the various dished boiling on the stove, briefly opening the oven to check its contents. Satisfied, he closed it and walked over to Lucius. Placing his hand behind his head, he pulled him down into a kiss. Feeling he had sufficiently halted any thoughts Lucius may have been plagued with, he pulled away, "Everything is perfect. It's almost done. If you truly want to make yourself useful, perhaps you and Severus could set the table." Harry smiled at Lucius' hungry eyes.

It took some time for everyone to even discuss the feelings between them, but Harry could feel the chemistry between Lucius and Severus. One long and enlightening discussion later, Severus began to see Lucius, taking him on breath taking dates Harry himself had helped plan. Over the past 6 months, Harry and Lucius had began to develop their own feelings. Severus was overjoyed to see them steal quiet moments together, even if the didn't want each other to know at first. While Harry never thought he would see himself happy with Severus, he surely didn't see having a breath-taking relationship with both men.

Severus came into the kitchen, informing Harry that the table was set and asked if any of the food was ready. The three of them began sending the various dishes to the table, expertly navigating each other on their way to the table. Once the last dish was placed, the three men all sat together at the table, holding hands and bowing their heads together.

Lucius cleared his throat, offering his own gratitude for life along with the meal before him. "Um, I don't really do this, but on this Thanksgiving I must take a moment to thank Kingsley. My love, you taught me what it meant to be loved and to have a loving family. You told me once that if anything ever happened to you that I should find a way to move on. I'd like to think you'd be happy for me now. As much as I'd love for you to be here with us, I know that would never happen. So instead I'm going to say thank you for allowing me to find my true self and helping me take the first steps to falling into my own perfect life. Thank you as well to Severus for taking me in and loving me more than life itself and Harry for doing the same. Lastly, thank you for the delicious food before us, painstakingly and lovingly prepared with love. May it help us to remember why we are where we are today and hold us together for as long as we all live." Lucius pulled his hand from Severus and looked up to find both Harry and Severus wiped away tears from their eyes. They all laughed as Lucius did the same, taking that opportunity to dig into the food in from of them.

Lucius brought the last of the dirty dishes into the kitchen, stepping close to Severus to wash the dish as he did the same with one of the pots. He faltered as he felt Severus step closer to him and felt the hard bit of desire brush against his thigh. Severus leant down, his lips briefly brushing against his ear as he whispered "Let's ambush Harry. I think tonight I'm ready for both of you."

Lucius dropped the pot, allowing himself to be pulled along by Severus as they caught an unsuspecting Harry off guard. He began to half-heartedly protest as the two men picked him up and carried him through the house into the bedroom, dumping him upon the bed as the two fed him looks of a starving desire.

"Whatever you are about to do, I wholeheartedly consent to it. I don't even know what you're doing, and I fucking want it." Harry felt his cock twitch as his mind began to swirl with images and possibilities about the take fruition.

Lucius moved first, pulling Harry's head up to meet his lips, smashing them together with his own as his desire took over the scene playing out before him. He could feel Severus push his hands up his shirt, caressing his back, abdomen, chest, playing briefly with his nipples, which caused a moan to escape from his lips as he continued his onslaught with his lips.

Harry moaned himself as Lucius broke away from his lips and began to travel down Harry's neck, briefly stopping to pull Harry's Gryffindor sweater over his head, tossing it aside to the floor before yanking off his own to join Harry's on the floor. As his lips made their way down his neck to his chest and nipples, he felt Severus tug at the band of his pants. He turned to the man, staring into his deep onyx eyes before pulling his shirt off staring at his muscled chest. Severus had made a decision after the night of hell to become an auror himself beside Harry. Together they had become one of the most powerful couples in the world, and he felt such pride that they were there for him to call his own. The rest of their clothing was quickly shed as they all began to feel the deep urges pulling them to each other. Harry shoved Lucius down onto his back as he kissed and licked his way down his torso to take his cock into his mouth as Severus did the same along his back to his ass.

Harry and Severus' connection made it that much easier find love and pleasure with their boyfriend, Lucius. It was impossible for them to hide much from each other, which brought about a strong sense of trust. They both knew how much they truly loved each other, but they both also felt love for Lucius and knew they could only strengthen each other by allowing themselves to explore their feelings with him and inviting him into their family for good.

Harry continued to work Lucius's cock as Severus began to push a finger into his entrance, utilizing a fair amount of lube from his own bottle by the bed. A moan escaped his lips wrapped around the hard cock, causing Lucius to shudder. "Oh god Harry. I'm not going to last long if you keep that up!" Lucius softly chuckled, his voice catching at the end as Harry took the man's full shaft into his throat. Severus was now working him over with 3 fingers, feeling the ache of his own cock. Harry popped his mouth off Lucius just as Severus removed the fingers from his ass, quickly applying a condom, before feeling his hard head begin to softly push against his ass. Harry pulled his mouth off Lucius as he gasped, relaxing into the pain of being stretched as it shifted into pleasure.

Lucius pulled his way up from under Harry and came around to Severus, briefly pulling him into a kiss, sucking on his tongue, causing Severus to falter as he pumped into Harry. Lucius caused Severus to stop altogether as he felt Lucius tease his own entrance with a good amount of lube from his bottle by the bed. He started to finger the man's ass, finding him more than ready for his cock. Severus reached around, pulling his head to his ass, desperately wanting to feel the man's cock fill him up. As Lucius pushed in, he could feel Severus begin to thrust, causing all three men to gasp, the feeling overwhelming, more so for Harry and Severus as they could both feel the overwhelming pleasure of the other.

Severus began to feel overwhelmed as he neared his orgasm. "Please tell me you truly love me. God please!" All three men began shaking as they reached orgasm, breathing heavily, barely able to hold themselves up. Severus removed himself from Harry and Lucius, gently laying the gorgeous man on the bed with a soft kiss on his neck. He then removed Lucius from him with a groan, something he heard Harry mutually agree with. He then turned himself to Lucius, shocked when he found the man in tears.

"Lucius, what's the matter love?" Severus took the man's face in his hands, wiping away the tears with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry Severus. My mind is just being stupid with me."

"Nothing is stupid if it affects you like this. Tell me, what is on your mind?" Severus had a worried look for his lover.

Lucius took a deep breath in, faltering as he noticed Harry turning himself over with his own obvious look of concern. "I just...I'm terrified, Sev. I never thought it would be possible to have such strong feelings for more than one person, but I can't imagine my life without either of you in it. I guess I'm just scared that one day I'm going to be nothing more than a third wheel." Lucius put his hand up and cut off Severus before he could protest. "I know you may say you won't, but you both share a level of intimacy I will never be able to share, and I just feel like I get in the way. I don't want to feel that way, but it's hard to ignore your mind when it decides something is important to analyze, you know?" Lucius cocked a half-hearted smile as the two men, feeling the tension and anxiety begin to take over his body.

"Lucius, first I want you to stop and breathe with me. Just breathe. I can assure you that regardless of what we may or may not share, Harry and I are going nowhere. I love you, Harry loves me, and we both know what we want, what makes us happy, and it's you. Stop thinking for a bit and let us in. Let us show heal that shattered heart of yours and allow you to find happiness again yourself."

Harry reached out, taking Lucius' hand into his. "I was so happy when you and Severus found each other. You both make each other very happy and that by itself makes all this worth it, but I have to say that the last few months have been amazing alongside you. I know what Severus sees in you and I love it. Trust us both when we say that we love you and have no intentions of going anywhere without you. You are a permanent part of our family now and I wouldn't have it any other way. Let us in, Lucius."

Lucius began to sob, pulling both men to himself as he allowed himself to be pulled to his back onto the bed, the three becoming nothing but a tangle of limbs upon the bed. The three pulled together, smiling to themselves as they took in the strong bond of love surrounding them in the bed.

Harry said a thank you to the sprite that inhabited his magic, for without the spark between himself and Severus, he would never have found himself living in pure bliss with not one, but two of the greatest men he ever came to know in his life. His family.

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