
By AngelicaGomez-02

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This is about a woman who seeks for truth. More



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By AngelicaGomez-02

Mr. David Andrews graduated in Harvard University with a degree in Business Administration. Three years after, He was elected as the new Mayor in New York City. He worked in the municipality hall where he and his team were negotiating the city’s budget to align with projects and improvements for the city.
“Congratulations, Mr. David!”, said Adam, a newly elected Vice Mayor in town.
“Congratulations Mr. Andrews! I know the town is rooting for you.”, said Kelvin a City Councilor.
“Well, thank you everyone for the unending support. I am truly honored to be elected as your new Mayor in the City. I will assure you that everything will run smoothly as it is. It is my responsibility to oversee the operations as promised and find ways to continuously improve the city. I love New York and my fellowmen! See you at the conference room.”, said David as he speaks proudly.
“Congratulations dear, I really admired you for pursuing your passion. I am very lucky to have you in my life. I love you.”, Emma whispered as she kissed David’s lips.
“I love you too, Emma. Thank you for cheering me up whenever there are times that I am down. But there you are, always encouraging me. No doubt, from all the girls I encountered, I chose and have always chosen you to be part of my life. I am also very lucky to have you. Thank you for everything. By the way love, can you wait for a while? I have to go back to the office to arrange some important meeting schedules with the City Councilor then after we will have our dinner date at the resto, is it okay with you? ”, he said as he gently kissed Emma on the forehead.
“Yes of course, love.. Actually it’s my leave today to witness your honorary campaign and recognition”, said Emma as she sat down on a bench and beside it are small, pretty Dahlia flowers.
“You know what love, I really love Dahlias. One day, when we already have a little baby, I want a baby girl and named her “Dahlia. Isn’t it lovely?”, said Emma as she is very delighted to see Dahlia flowers for the second time.
“Yes, of course, any name you like.”, said David, a very supportive fiancé.
Aside from being a Mayor, David was also an entrepreneur and owned a luxury hotel & resort, as well as a private school in the city. His wife named Emma Williams who graduated at Harvard University with a degree in Journalism. She was one of the most outstanding journalists in her time. She worked in CBS Company in New York as a full time reporter and journalist. They had a sweet relationship together since college. It was David who fell in love first. Aside from Emma’s good looks and poise, David admired her intelligence, kindness and courage. As time goes by, their love as a couple is going stronger each day. David have decided to prepare a proposal for her lovely fiancée this time.
“Mr. David!”, shouted Margaret, her secretary.
“Yes, Margaret, is everyone now in the conference room?”, asked David.
“Yeah, they are already there. We are all waiting for you. Why are you so late by the way?”, asked Margaret.
“Well, I have with me my wife. I asked her to accompany me this time because she’s on leave. I don’t want her to be alone in the house. I told her that we will have a dinner afterwards.”, explained David.
“Oh, really? As the newly elected Mayor in town, can you list down all of your priorities first, rather than romancing?”, sarcastically explained Margaret.
“Watch your mouth, Margaret. I can replace you anytime. Maybe, you don’t have any love affair before that’s why you are acting like that, Am I right? Stop being bitter.”, said David irritably.
“Well, you don’t know me”, said Margaret.
“You don’t know me either and my life. Can you mind your own business?”, said David as he walked towards the room.
Margaret remained silent and shy after arguing with her boss and headed towards the conference room. She doubted why she talked like that to him.
“Ok fine, I am sorry. You don’t know how I feel..”, murmured Margaret in sigh.
Margaret is the secretary of David. After she graduated with a degree of Secretarial Science, she eventually worked in municipality hall for eleven years. She was already thirty-three years old. But her life is miserable. Her parents both separated while she was young. She was raised by her aunt. After her aunt passed away after her graduation, she took responsibility to raise herself. That’s the time he met John. At first, they are a very lovely couple until one day…                                                                                                                         
‘Knock-knock-knock!’, Margaret knocked the door.
“Hello John? Are you already here?”, asked Margaret.
“I have a surprise for you. I know you’ll be very proud of me.”, added Margaret.
But there is silence. No one answered.
She tried to open the door but it wasn’t locked. It was opened. As she entered the living room, she noticed a fragrant bouquet of flowers placed on the dining table.
“Oh, I really love John, how does he know I love white roses? He’s incredible. Maybe he’s making some plans to arrange our marriage without me knowing, I’m surprised by the way, I am so excited to meet him but.. where is he?”, whispered Margaret.
As Margaret went upstairs, she heard whispering of voices in John’s bedroom. Something kept running through her mind.
“Oh, what am I thinking? Please stop being negative Margaret. John is loyal to you. Please calm down..”, as she tried to relax herself.
She stood at the front door of John’s bedroom until she heard voices again and again.
“Oh John… please stop… No... Get off with me.. You and Emma will be married soon. Please let me go.”, whispered Sandra as she was crying.
“I can’t! I love you…”, said John.
Margaret was shivered and her heart shattered into pieces from what she heard. She slammed the door and was surprised about what she saw.
“What’s this all about?! You fool! How can you do this to me?! For four years of being together? You lied to me!”, shouted Margaret.
Sandra and John were frozen. They are ashamed of themselves.
“Margaret?!!”, asked John anxiously.
“What are you doing here?!”, John added.
“Oh, wow! Why are you both surprised?! Aren’t you gonna greet me?! Why are you questioning me like that? Isn’t me who should ask what that freaking secretary girl of yours doing here?!”, screamed Margaret.
“John, I have to go.”, said Sandra.
“No! You bastard! You can’t go!”, shouted Margaret.
Margaret pulled Sandra and torn her shirt in front of the mirror while John was trying to stop Sandra.
“Stop it Sandra!”, shouted John.
“Get off with me you, idiot!!”, screamed Margaret as she pushed John at the backside of the cabinet.
“Where are you going uh?!, said Margaret to Sandra angrily as she pulled Sandra’s hair over and over again.
She can’t control her temper until she choked Sandra’s neck.
“Do you want me to kill you uh?”, explained Margaret.
“Ple-a-se Mar-ga-ret… li-st-en to me.. I didn’t done any-thing…”, Sandra asked pleadingly while she can’t utter words continuously.
Oh well, look at you, poor girl. I should not ask ‘bout this, because it is quite obvious, but, can you please look yourself in a mirror? Look now!”, screamed Margaret.
Sandra was slowly looking in the mirror nervously, crying and pleading.
“What do we call a woman who is trying to seduce my man uh? Oh right! A mistress! Yes, you are a mistress!”, mockingly explained Margaret with a grief on her face.
“How many years did you betray me uh?!”, shouted Margaret.
“From all of the guys out there Sandra oh please, my partner was trapped by you?! No way!”, explained Margaret. Sandra pushed Margaret. And in turn, Margaret gave a big slap on her face!
“Ah!! I did not seduce him Margaret! Please believe me!”, cried Sandra.
“For all over the years Sandra, I respected you as my fiancé’s secretary, I tried to believe that you’re not like the other women out there, but I was totally wrong. You and my soon to be husband betrayed me! What did I do Sandra? What?!”, cried Margaret aggressively.
John slowly turned to Margaret and hold her arms.
“Marga..”, said John. But as he was about to eagerly explain to Margaret, she slapped him both sides of his cheeks.
Margaret was really felt bad, disappointed and betrayed. He pushed John back.
“Does it hurt huh? After all we’ve been through John? Is this what you will repay me? What did I lack John that Sandra has?.. I have loved you all my life you know that, but guess what? I think our marriage will be cancelled because of you.. Look, I thought you’re the perfect man I dreamed of. You should be the one who will put respect to our marriage. You should be the one who will avoid temptation. But what did you do? You brought a mess to our vows!..”, cried Margaret.
“Look, I’m sorry Marga for all the things I have done.. Yes, I have loved you all my life. But I am just a man, I’m all fed-up! I’m sorry messing things up, but every time we’re together Marga I am not happy, and that’s real I am very sorry”, explained John.
Margaret slapped John again from what she heard.
“What do you mean?”, asked Margaret.
“I quit!”, said John.
“What?! So you prefer Sandra than me?”, asked Margaret.
“Is it because that pathetic woman is quite younger than me?”, added Margaret.
“No Margaret. Sandra is one of a kind. She is the girl I dreamed of. I can’t control my feelings for her, I want to spend the rest of my life not to be controlled by anyone, by you, stop being selfish Marga”, said John.
“Selfish? What about me? What about our promises?.. Am I not worthy?”, asked Sandra hopelessly.
“Look.. I know you can find another man Marga who is better than me.. But goodbye for now.”, said John as he went downstairs with Sandra.
“Let’s go Sandra!”, said John aggressively.
“But..”, whispered Sandra.
“No John! Please John! Don’t leave me! Please… let’s talk. Wait..”, cried and pleaded Margaret on John’s knees.
“Get off with me Marga. We’re done!”, said John.
John took Sandra into the car until they were gone. It’s only Margaret who left alone crying in grief at John’s apartment.
That was already eight years ago but still, Margaret felt that it happened just yesterday. She couldn’t forget how John broke her heart that time. Until now, she still felt heartbroken but little by little in spur of moment each day, she slowly accepted the fact that they already separated ways.
“I hope you’re happy now John. I already forgave you, my love. I hope you already forgave me too if there are times you feel weary because of me. Hay, so much hurt Marga.. Enough”, she sighed.
“Hey Marga, why are you standing still right over there? Come here.”, said David her boss.
“Oh, sorry Mr. David, I am just wondering where should I sit.”, explained Margaret.
“Sit right next to me. Keep your mind and ears attentively for some important matters so that you can take down notes if ever I’ll ask you by today or tomorrow. Thanks!”, said David.
“Alright Sir, by the way, I am asking for an apology for what I have said to you earlier.”, said Margaret.
“It’s okay. Not a big deal Marga, I was just joking that time.”, said David.
“Ok Sir.”, said Margaret.
“I’ll just prepare a cup of coffee for our other visitors.”, said Margaret.
“Alright.”, said John.
“So, David, here are our projects. Our top priority is the reconstruction of the old bridge near the highway.”, said the Vice Mayor.
“okay, but did we contact already the project engineers for this Mr. Adam?”, asked David.
“Yes David, we already contacted them and plan to reconstruct the bridge after 3 months.”, explained Adam.
“Just make it sure that the budget for this has the best quality cost for reconstructing the bridge. We can’t waste money for some other additional costs.”, explained David.
“Okay Mayor.”, said Adam.
“David, how about the planning for market surveys in public places to oversee the actual situation of the place? As we have heard, a lot of consumers in the market are asking to lower down higher prices of sugar, rice and other goods. There are a lot of complaints on social media sites. We must take an action for this.”, said Kelvin, the City Councilor.
“Yes, but first we must check the current condition of the average prices this year with the support of the United States Department of Agriculture Government.”, explained David.
“So, I think the next schedule will be the meeting of the project engineers for the final project cost and how many months or years it will be reconstructed.”, said Margaret.
“By the way, here’s your coffee.”, added Margaret.
“Thank you Margaret.”, said the Vice Mayor.
“Thank you.”, said the Councilor.
“Right. By the way Marga, kindly finalize the schedule meeting by tomorrow for my reference. Kindly inform me ahead of time. Thanks!”, said David.
“As always Sir David.”, replied Margaret.
“So I guess the meeting is now adjourned. Thank you everyone for coming.”, said David.
“It’s that it?”, said Margaret.
“That’s it for now. We must take one step at a time. Thank you once again”, replied David.
“You’re welcome Mayor.” replied the committee team members.
They shook their hands to each other and ready to go.
David called Marga.
“Marga, please come over here. I want to contact you the resto and start to reserve a room for me and Emma. We will have a dinner tonight.
“Alright fine. I booked it now”, replied Marga.
“Thank you Marga.”, said David.
“My pleasure Mr. David. Send my regards to Ma’am Emma as well. I always watched her reporting on tv. If it’s her time I leave all my laundry just to watch her. She’s so beautiful and intelligent! No wonder you both matched Mr. Mayor.”, said Margaret.
“Alright. Wow! Really? Emma will be very happy to hear that”, replied David.
“I want to meet her in person Mr. Mayor.”, added Margaret.
“Well, sure, I asked my fiancée about that. I have to go now, I think Emma is waiting for me two hours already. I hope she didn’t leave me there.”, replied David.
“Okay Sir. Have a nice day ahead!”, replied Margaret.
It’s about 4:00 pm in the afternoon after the meeting has ended. David is very excited to see her love again. He went downstairs from the municipality hall and searched for Emma.
“Emma I’m coming. Where is she?..”, whispered David.
“I’ll call her.”, he added.
‘Rringg-rringg-rringg’.. ranged the phone.
But no one answered.
“Maybe she’s in the car felt dismayed. It’s because of me, I told her to wait for a moment but that moment took me after 2 hours to get back here. I hope she would understand my situation.”, whispered David.
David went to the car and found Emma sleeping at the front seat. David felt sympathy towards Emma. He get inside the car and kissed Emma on the lips.
“I love you always, Emma, sorry for making you wait my dear..”, whispered David.
Emma woke up and kissed David as well.
“I love you too..”, replied Emma.
“So, aren’t you sleeping uh?”, commented David.
Emma looked him in the eyes and said, “I slept but I felt you came and heard your gentle whisper that’s why I woke up.”, replied Emma.
“I’m really sorry for making you wait, there’s just this project plan we discussed together with the committee.”, replied David.
“No, you don’t have to say sorry David. It’s your job and your responsibility to care for the city and your fellowmen. I will always support you for that. Go David!2x  heehe”, replied Emma with a cheerful voice.
“So, how’s it going?”, added Emma.
“Well, the meeting went smoothly my love. We decided to finalize the reconstruction of the bridge near the highway.”, replied David.
“Wow, amazing! At last, the bridge will be repaired.”, replied Emma.
“By the way, Margaret asked me to send her regards to you my dear..”, said David.
“Oh, is that your secretary love? Why didn’t you tell me earlier so that I can meet her in person? I’m excited to meet her love.”, replied Emma.
“Yeah, she wanted to see you in person as well, and you know what, she said that everytime you reported on tv, she leave all her laundry just to watch you, aside from your intelligence, you’re so beautiful my love, according to her.”, said David.
“Wow… Thank you very much for the appreciation. Send my regards to her as well love..”, replied Emma.
Because of that, David was more inspired by Emma. He held her hands and say, “You will be mine someday and I will cherish you forever my love.”, said David.
“What are you talking about love? I’m already yours..”, replied Emma.
“I mean.. It’s because I imagined you wearing a bridal gown and walked on the aisle with you..”, said David.
Emma blushed on what David said to her and speechless.
“So, can we go now? I reserved us a dinner date at the restaurant.
“Yeah sure dear..” replied Emma.
The sweet couple headed their way to the restaurant. David decided to play a beautiful love song in the car. Their love outgrew together.

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