A Needed Hero

Par AceAkuma

41.5K 1.3K 293

Enter Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya, A hero-in-training, aiming to be the Number One Hero, he's encountered obstacles... Plus

Prologue: Enter Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 4

1.8K 53 19
Par AceAkuma

Night Raid

Leone and Akame stared at the two as they mourned the dead. Akame solemnly looked at the two, she knew what it felt like losing friends, she knew it all too well. She looked at the Izuku as she saw frustration and sadness as he clenched his fists together.

She then winced as there was a bruise on her right as she got it from his attack, sending her to a tree. She looked at the boys as she wondered what kind of Teigu he used to produce that kind of power.

She noticed how the boy sent her flying into a tree and how quickly appeared in the fight. She then turned around as she was about to walk away.

"Come on Leone, we're done here," she stated.

"Wait," Leone stopped her.

She turned her head slightly. Leone pointed her thumb towards the two,

"Why don't we bring these two with us," Leone suggested.

Akame then turned around fully as she looked at her friend.

Izuku relaxed his hands as it started to hurt from the pressure he was putting on his hands and the countless times he activated One for All. His body should be screaming right now but it would seem that his body is used to 20% but going further will only hurt him.

Izuku turned his head towards Tatsumi as he tried to place his hand on his shoulder but was then abruptly grabbed by the hood of his hero suit and dragged. Izuku widened his eyes as he also heard Tatsumi struggling.

"Hey what the hell are you doing!" Tatsumi squirmed around.

Izuku looked back to see the lioness known as Leone dragging them, with Akame walking ahead.

"I mean this boy has extreme luck and talent, it would be a waste to have him stay here and Greenie has Teigu. What are the odds?" Leone was talking to Akame.

Izuku raised a brow, 'A Teigu? What is that?' He thought.

"Hey I need to bury my friends dammit," Tatsumi exclaimed.

"Ah don't worry I'll bring them to our base, so don't worry," Leone reassured.

Izuku then looked at the black haired assassin as she was staring at him. Izuku shivered a bit but got a closer look at her. Deep smooth black hair that reached down to her knees, a black trench coat with red arm guards and black gloves that came with the guards, she also wore brown shoes with black high knee socks. But that wasn't all, she was dead beat beautiful. Izuku didn't really notice any girl features because well, he rarely bothered trying. Uraraka was a precious friend but he never looked at her that way.

But when he looked at Akame, she was just strikingly beautiful. But what got Izuku the most was her eyes, her deep crimson red eyes. Izuku deeply blushed as Akame continued looking at the hero.

Akame on the other hand was curious about what the boy was wearing and what his Teigu was. Was it the gloves? The iron soles on his feet? Or was it the suit itself.

Akame gazed at the boy as she noticed his diamond shaped freckles and his dark green hair that was messy but she also looked at his emerald eyes, eyes so full of hope and determination, not an ounce of rage or despair.

Izuku looked away as he realized that he'd been staring too long. But then he felt his body lift up as Leone shrugged Tatsumi and Izuku over shoulders and jumped.

As Leone and Akame jumped from tree to tree as they approached a building and climbed up the building. As they arrived they noticed four people in front of them. The same people that were standing on the strings except the girl with purple hair.

Tatsumi and Izuku were dropped down as they collided against the roof.

"Oof!" They grunted.

Izuku then looked at the six people but an image clouded his vision again as they all were covered in blood. Each of them was still smiling as the vision showed each one of them dead.

He shook his head as there was a sharp pain coming from his head.

"Finally what took you...guys... what are those," the pink haired girl asked.

"Oh these guys? Are new members," Leone answered.

"What?!" Tatsumi exclaimed.

Izuku would say something but the pain in his head was starting to pulsate as if his brain was getting stabbed by needles.

"Oh yeah forgot to tell you. We are Night Raid," Leone introduced the two to the band of assassins.

"Yeah we know that but don't we get a say in this!" Tatsumi interjected.

"Give it up, Leone never gives up when she wants something badly," Akame answered.

Leone patted Akame's head, "My friend knows me too well,"

Akame then turned her gaze at Izuku but only for him to be holding his head as he struggled to stand up.

Izuku on the other hand was having the worst migraine on earth as he felt his head splitting. He then looked at the band of assassins but everyone was blurry.

"Come on Izuku say some... Izuku you okay?" Tatsumi asked as he looked at the hero as if he wasn't paying attention at all.

Izuku then took a step but then he blacked out instantly as his body started to fall. Tatsumi widened his eyes as he tried to catch him but Akame appeared in front of Izuku and caught him, preventing him from falling.

"What the? I swear the kid was fine just a minute ago," Leone stated.

The bright green haired boy looked at Izuku as he then pointed at him,

"Huh? That's the guy who came into my store," the man pointed out.

Leone looked at the green head but ignored him.

"He's probably exhausted after using his Teigu," Leone guessed.

"Wait, he has a Teigu?" The pink haired girl looked at Leone.

She nodded in response as she grinned, "Yep, strength Teigu but I don't know what it is though,"

Akame held the boy as she felt his body, more muscular than she thought, "Bulat carry him for me," Akame ordered.

"Got it," the man clad with armor lifted Izuku over his shoulders.

"While you're at Bulat-cchi, carry him as well," Leone pointed at Tatsumi.

Before Tatsumi could reject, it was too late as he was lifted off the ground and was carried like a bag.

"Let me go!" Tatsumi struggled.

"Awww, a feisty one. Don't worry it'll all be over soon~" the cladded armor slurred.

Tatsumi gulped, "What?"

"Mission complete, we're heading home," Akame informed as she jumped off the building. The rest followed after her as the cladded armor was now named Bulat was the last.

"What hell is happening right now!" Tatsumi screamed as they faded into the dead of night.

With Izuku

Izuku then woke up in the dark void again as he sat up as he looked around. His mouth and body were covered in haze as he could only see and hear.


A voice called to him as he then looked behind as he saw the first once again. Izuku tried to talk to him but since his mouth was covered in haze, he couldn't. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask but the First shook his head.

"I do not know why this is happening Ninth, but in your heart...you know the right path... take that path, it is your choice," The First spoke to Izuku.

Izuku however was confused and lost, he didn't know why he had these visions and why he was sent here, no, he was kidnapped and forced here but why? Izuku wanted to scream, shout, maybe even cry but he just couldn't. The promise he made to Ieyasu as he died in his arms, he needed to help Tatsumi. Izuku stood there in the void as a light was then revealed in front of him. He looked towards the light as it was blinding him.

Izuku's eyes then fluttered open as a ray of light was blinding him. His vision then caught sight of the ceiling. Izuku then turned his head as he saw a drawer and a closet next to him but on the drawer was all of his gear. His arm bracers, gloves, leg braces, and his iron soles. Izuku was still in his hero suit as he slowly lifted himself up as he then looked at his right hand, his scarred hand that was due to overuse of One for All. Izuku then got off the bed as he walked towards the window, to see the forest and the sun up in the sky. He looked from both sides and up.

"Where am I?" Izuku muttered.

"Our base," A voice all too familiar called out behind him. Izuku turned around to see the yellow haired woman but this time her hair was not long and wavy but short with two strands that were long. Leone, as he remembered her to be called that.

"Gotta say, I was wondering when you were going to wake, or I had to wake you up myself~" she slurred, giving him a flirtatious smile.

Izuku shivered slightly and blushed as he stood still. Leone noticed this and laughed, "I'm just kidding, come on I'll show you around the base with Tatsumi," she then exited the room.

Izuku quickly put on his red shoes which were neatly placed next to the bed he slept on. He then followed behind Leone as they went to get Tatsumi. As they walked down the hall, Leone was glancing at the greenette.

"What?" Izuku noticed this, Leone turned her head.

"I was just wondering, where do you come from," she asked.

Izuku flinched as he didn't really know how to answer the question since he's in another world.

"Um, I'm from another country," Izuku answered.

"Yeah I know but what's the name of the country?" Leone continued to question.

Izuku was now trying to find a way to answer that question without him exposing his otherworldly identity.

"Um, it's called Japan," he answered.

'Hopefully she takes it,'

Leone then raised a brow, "Hm, never heard of it. So why are you here of all places,"

"I was kidnapped here so I don't know anything about the Empire," Izuku answered.

Well it wasn't a complete lie as he did get kidnapped to an unknown land/world

"Kidnapped? Damn that's got to suck huh," Leone stated.

Izuku nodded as he was still trying to find a way home. Leone and Izuku then walked outside and then turned to the left to see Tatsumi sitting between what Izuku assumed to be gravestones.

Izuku tried to call out to Tatsumi but Leone placed her hand over his mouth, and silently shushed him as she held a finger. She then walked towards Tatsumi as she then placed her breasts on top of his head. Which caused Tatsumi to snap out of it and backed away from Leone.

"What the hell are you doing!?" He exclaimed.

Leone waved as she grinned, "Ah come on, did you think about the offer,"

Tatsumi was then about to answer her but he saw Izuku.

"Izuku! You're awake thank God," Tatsumi sighed in relief.

Izuku smiled, "Sorry for worrying you,"

"As much as I love this reunion, I should introduce you guys to the team," Leone interrupted.

Izuku and Tatsumi looked at her, she then wrapped her arms around them as she dragged them back to the Night Raid base.

As they walked around the base, they stopped by what looked to be a common area where they saw a girl wearing a purple cheongsam. She had glasses on as she was reading a book. Izuku looked at the title of the book.

'100 ways to cure being an airhead,'




Well that's certainly...unexpected.

She then looked up from her book as she spotted the three.

"Oh, Leone and the two new members," she greeted.

"Hi, Sheele," Leone waved.

"We're not members," Tatsumi interjected.

Sheele then became confused as she looked at Leone. She sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I tried to convince them but they wouldn't budge, can you help?" Leone pleaded.

"Wait, I don't remember ever being asked to-"

"Well, you know where our base is, then we'll have to kill you," she interrupted Izuku.

Tatsumi and Izuku then shivered as they couldn't tell if she was serious or not. She then smiled at them.

"Just think about it okay?"

Tatsumi nodded as Izuku just awkwardly smiled.

"Leone! Why did you bring these guys in here," a voice called out. They turned to see a girl with pink pigtails as she wore a small pink dress.

"Come on Mein, they're one of us now," Leone stated.

She then looked at both of them, up to down. She then scoffed and turned around, "Nope, I can't accept this. They're clearly not clothed in the same experience as us," she berated them.

"What!" Tatsumi gritted his teeth, clearly annoyed by the girl's comment.

Izuku though wasn't affected by her words because she was right about him. He could never kill people even if he wanted to, he just couldn't.

"Hmph!" The girl now named Mein crossed her arm.

"Ah don't worry about her Tatsumi, that's just how she greets new members," Leone reassured him.

Training area

As Leone continued to show the two around as they arrived at a training area. As they walked by they saw a man that was bulked up. Izuku watched the man in amazement as the man swung his pole arm with quick pace but it was also precise and controlled as dust flew around him. The man had black hair that was combed into a pompadour.

As the man then brought the pole arm back and swung it forward as he created a wave of dust as the wind blew against the three that were watching.

Tatsumi was stunned by the performance that the man did. The man then relaxed a bit as he turned around only to see the three watching him.

"Ah, well if it isn't the ones we picked up the other night," the man called out.

Tatsumi and Izuku clearly didn't understand what he meant because they didn't recognize him at all.

"Oh you guys have only seen me in my armor," he informed.

Izuku then put the piece together as the man was the one in the armor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, my name is Bulat," he greeted as he brought his hand out.

"Uh yeah likewise," Tatsumi shook his hand.

"He's gay," Leone blurted out.

Tatsumi froze as Izuku jumped and turned to Leone.

"Aww, don't give them the wrong idea, yet~" he slurred.

'He didn't deny it!?' Izuku thought.

Tatsumi then quickly pulled his hand away as Bulat laughed.

In the forest

In the forest, there was a hot spring but a man was perched behind a bush as he had binoculars with him.

"This is Sis's bathing time, I'll do anything to see that smoking hot body of hers," the man cried out.

"Oh? Then how about two broken fingers," Leone appeared behind him.

The man then froze as he turned pale.


Leone then pinned him down as she grabbed his arm and held him down on the ground.

"You never learn, do you Lubba. Oh this idiot's name is Lubbock" she introduced him as Lubbock was trying to escape.

Izuku was then reminded of a familiar grape headed boy. Izuku thought they could be friends... probably though.

Lubbock then looked at Izuku, "Oh, hey man it's been awhile, ow!" He grunted.

Izuku waved as he listed the members of this band of assassins; a complete airhead, a aggressive mean pink girl, a gay built guy, and a pervert. While including the lioness.

Izuku questioned the group as it was quite odd to see this from a group of assassins.

By the river on the outskirts of the base

As they walked by a river as they walked along the side.

"Alrighty, one more member," Leone stated.

"I think I had enough today," Tatsumi groaned as he walked behind her as Izuku walked beside him.

Izuku felt hungry as he hadn't eaten all day.

"Aw come on Tatsumi, don't worry this one is a cutie, so don't stare too much," she warned.

As they approached a campfire where a giant bird was being roasted and a girl with long deep black hair sitting in front of it as she ate a chicken leg.

"Hi Akame!" Leone greeted her.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"In what way is that 'cute'!?" Tatsumi exclaimed

Izuku sweatdropped as he watched the girl eat the chicken leg.

"Wait, she's eating an Evil Bird, she killed it by herself?" Tatsumi asked.

Izuku questioned the name of the giant bird as he sighed.

"Here Leone," Akame then tossed a chicken leg to her as Leone grabbed it.

"Thanks Akame," she thanked her.

Akame then looked at the two as Tatsumi gulped at her gaze while Izuku just froze.

"Are you two going to join? She asked them.

Tatsumi snapped out of it, "We... haven't decided,"

"Then I can't share my meat with you two," she stated.

Tatsumi then scowled as Izuku just sweatdropped.

"Hey Akame, why is everyone acting so weird today," Leone asked.

"That's because the boss is back," she answered.

Izuku perked up as he heard that they had a boss.

Leone walked around the fire as Tatsumi followed her. Izuku was going to follow but then a hand grabbed his right hand.

Izuku widened his eyes as he turned towards Akame. She stared at him intently, Izuku froze on the direct contact.

"How's your head," she asked.

Izuku then raised a brow at the sudden question.

"Um, It's fine, why?" He asked.

She looked at him for a few seconds then let go as she shook her head.

"It's nothing," she replied.


Izuku turned, only to see Leone being dragged on the ground.

"I told you to control this behavior before Leone," a voice called out behind the fire. Izuku walked up to Tatsumi to see a middle-aged woman with a mechanical arm as her eight arm and she wore an eyepatch on her right eye. She had gray hair with blue eyes as she puffed a cigarette.

"I got it, I got it, now can you stop with the noise!" Leone pleaded.

She was then let go as the woman turned towards Tatsumi and Izuku.

"Who are these guys," she asked.

Leone got up and placed her hands on Tatsumi's and Izuku's shoulder.

"Oh these are our new recruits," she answered.

"We didn't accept it yet," Tatsumi interjected.

The woman stared at the lioness intently.

"Do they show promise?" She questioned.

Leone looked at her with a serious smile, "They do," she answered confidently.

It went silent as they could only hear the crackling of the fire.

Then Leone broke the silence, "Plus, Greenie right here has a Teigu himself,"

Now intrigued, the woman was surprised.

"Oh? Is that so," She then turned to Izuku as she stared him in the eye. Izuku flinched as he looked back at her.

It felt like hours as Izuku and the woman continued to stare at each other.

"Alright then," the woman got up.

"Akame gather the others," she ordered.

Akame stood up and nodded.

"Come with me you two, I'd like to hear your stories, Oh? And if you need to know, my name is Najenda, a pleasure to meet you both" the woman smirked. She then walked ahead of them.

Tatsumi looked at Izuku, Izuku then gulped as he nodded and followed behind the woman.

'This is going to be a long day,' Izuku thought.


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