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By moonys_moonbeam

32.5K 650 100

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1.2K 32 6
By moonys_moonbeam

* * * *

November  1, 1976

It was Sirius Black's birthday soon, and his best friends were determined to make it great. James, Peter, and Remus were heavily brainstorming ideas to make Sirius's birthday memorable. 

"No Pete that isn't gonna work, he'll catch on," James mumbled as he stared hard down at the piece of parchment they were writing ideas on. 

Peter was laying with his back against the mattress and his feet up against the headboard. He huffed, "What're we gonna do then?"

Remus rolled his eyes and said, "You know, why don't we throw him a massive party? It's Sirius we're talking about not Merlin." 

"Might as well be Merlin with the way Sirius sees himself." James laughs thinking about his best friend.

Remus smiles to himself and says, "We'll make it the best party ever."

"As long as there's alcohol, Queen, David Bowie, and you, Remus, I'm sure he'll love anything you throw in front of the poor sod." James ruffles his hair and stands up from his bed stretching out his arms and back. 

James then strolled to the end of his bed where his trunk was perched and dug around, knocking a few pairs of shoes out in the process. He eventually pulled out a seemingly blank piece of parchment, which both Remus and Peter both knew that it was in fact the Marauder's Map, a creation formed by the four teen boys themselves. 

"Who you lookin' for, James?" Peter asks

James stops momentarily like he was caught doing something he shouldn't. "Um...Sirius of course."

Remus cocked an eyebrow and caught eyes with Peter who gave him an equally puzzled look.

James of course was not actually looking for Sirius. He was looking for Evanna, which became a very common habit for him nowadays which he doesn't actually have a reason for doing.

"So, where is he?" Remus asks, hiding a smirk.

James looks up distracted, "Hm?" he asks.

"I said, where is he?" Remus was fully grinning now and he had a knowing look in his eyes.

James paused, his brain entirely shutting down. Who were they talking about? Oh! Sirius, right. James searched quickly on the map for his best friend and found him successfully.

"He's in the library with Lily, Marlene, and Mary." James smiled, slightly nervous.

Remus looked smug and continued reading his book. "Mhm,"

James let out a breath and continued looking for Evanna. Aha. She was outside in the courtyard with her friends. He smiled to himself and looked at the map for a few more moments. He then noticed that Avery, Jack, and Summer's dots were starting to move away from Evie, but she was staying put. Interesting... Was she by herself? Seemed like it.

James sat up deciding he was going to go pay her a visit. He set the map down on his bed and dug out his trainers from underneath the mattress, where he had kicked them under a few hours prior. He tugged on his shoes and looked back at the map to close it up when he noticed that Evanna was no longer alone. Amos Diggory was now there with her.

James's shoulders slumped and he kicked his shoes back off more aggressively than he originally intended. He huffed and got back into his bed, sulking while laying on his back. Why did Diggory have to ruin everything?

Remus raised his eyes and said, "Y'okay, Prongs? You look a little stressed out."

James realized that from an outsider's point of view, a 16-year-old boy throwing a little fit and stomping back to his bed with no words could look a little weird.

"Yeah, Remus I'm fine," James mumbled.

"You sure?" Remus continued, looking bemused. "Cuz' you look upset about something. Or, dare I say, someone?"

James sat up so quickly in his bed and Remus had to stop his laughter from leaving his lips. James was lying down for not even two minutes and his hair was currently sticking in 10 different directions with his glasses lopsided on his nose. Which he quickly adjusted under Remus's amused scrutiny.

"No," James said quickly. "It's no one!"

"James we're your best friends you can talk to us about stuff, y'know?" Remus said, his brow slightly furrowed in concern.

Peter nodded and said, "Yeah if there's anything botherin' you, Prongs, you can tell us."

"Guys, I'm fine. Really!" he said exasperatedly after Remus raised a skeptical brow. James huffed. "I don't wanna talk about it right now. Let's think of ideas for Sirius's birthday."

Remus sighed and said, "Sure, James."

He would tell them when he was ready. Which, knowing James Potter, it won't be long before he is.

                                                                  * * * * 

If there was an award for the most bored person, Sirius Black would get first place, with Marlene McKinnon as a very close runner-up. 

Lily and Mary were studying rigorously while Sirius and Marlene were left sitting there questioning why they even came into the library in the first place. 

Marlene had her head on Sirius's lap and started to snore which made Sirius nervous that she would drool all over his new trousers. But he loved Marlene so he would have to sacrifice his dignity for his best friend. 

Sirius laid his head on the back of the sofa they were lounging on and thought about something that he'd been pushing back for a while. His birthday. When it came to his birthday, Sirius knew that his friends put in every piece of effort they had in their bodies to make sure his day was special. But for some reason no matter how hard he tried, he always ended up wandering around the castle drunk at two in the morning, thinking about how his parents hated him and he was never going to be loved. 

He never had a birthday celebration at Grimmauld Place, unless you counted the ceremony that the Black family had when the young boys of the family "turned into men" at the age of 11. The ceremony in which every Black family member young and old came to gossip and judge the boy of the hour. 

Sirius hated his coming-of-age ceremony. That was one of the chances he had for his parents to actually to be proud of him and he ruined it by running his stupid mouth. 

But if Sirius really thought about it, he wasn't really ashamed of what he said. Bellatrix's new haircut was really an eyesore that Sirius didn't wish to see when he was trying to eat his too-dry piece of chicken and over-dressed salad (Kreacher had been lacking lately). 

Either way, he couldn't complain too much about his birthdays. His friends always tried their best to make Sirius happy and that's all he really needed. Who cares if his parents are neglectful and crusty? He had the people in his life that loved him and that's all that really mattered, right? 

Sirius let out a sigh and gazed down at Marlene who had her lips parted in deep sleep and across to Lily and Mary nestling into their homework. 

Yup. That's all that matters.

* * * * 

November 3rd, 1976

Sirius woke up to the sound of...nothing. His friends were gone, which was weird. They usually all go down to breakfast together (minus Remus sometimes; he liked to hit the library early on occasion). 

He rubbed his eyes and stretched. Sighing, he went to get ready for the day. But then he looked over at the trunk at the end of his bed and stopped. There was an assortment of wrapped parcels. Sirius smiled and headed over to the end of his bed. There were presents from James, Remus, Peter, his favorite cousin Andromeda and her husband Ted, and of course, multiple from James's parents. And with further investigation, he discovered some from Lily, Mary, and Marlene (Dorcas sent hers through Marlene). 

Once he was done opening them he got ready for the day and headed down to the Great Hall where his friends were waiting for him with big stupid grins on their faces. Which, of course, made Sirius smile even harder. 

"Happy birthday, Padfoot!" This was James and Peter as Sirius made himself comfortable for breakfast, thumping him on the back. 

"Thanks, guys." Sirius smiled and couldn't help looking over at Remus. 

"Happy birthday, Sirius." Remus smiled at him which made his heart flutter in all the right places. 

"Thanks, Moons." 

"Well Sirius, dig in!" James said shoving eggs into his mouth. "You've got a big day ahead've 'ya."

"Alright James, say it don't spray it," Remus said, crinkling his nose as he flicked little pieces of chewed egg off of the table. 

It was then that Sirius noticed the more lively buzz in The Great Hall. 

"Hey, what's everyone going on about?" Sirius asks James. 

James takes a piece of paper from the table and gives it to Sirius. "Party in the Gryffindor common room, 10 o'clock?" he read. 

James had a really proud look on his face as he said, "Yup! All for you mate!" 

Sirius expected this but that didn't stop the grin from stretching across his face and the warm feeling that buzzed through his body. "Alright then!"

"Wonderful!" Jame clapped his hands together. "It's sorted!"

"What's sorted?" said Summer Williams as she came to sit down at the table with Evanna, Avery, and Jack. 

"Party in the Gryffindor common room tonight for Sirius's birthday," said Peter as he took a bite of toast. 

"Oh, I see that now." Summer picked up one of the flyers and showed it to her friends. 

"We'll be there," Avery smiled at the Marauders, the smile didn't reach his eyes, but it was there nonetheless. 

"Brilliant!" James grinned and shot a look toward Evanna, who met his gaze and then looked away with a light blush on her cheeks. 

"We'll see you there, mates," Jack said as he patted Remus on the back. 

* * * * 

The smell of mixed alcoholic drinks filled the air as the walls thrummed from the vibrations in the loud music. People were mingling left and right, there wasn't a designated dance floor so people were dancing from where they were. The music was a little 70's mashup created by Remus Lupin (and of course, a little bit of magic). 

A group of Hufflepuffs were in the corner selling what looked like pre-rolled joints by the galleon. This wasn't really surprising considering they have a secret greenhouse that none of the staff know about. On top of that, the greenhouse is locked with a code that only a few Hufflepuffs know. By the looks of it, Jack was the main source of leadership in this group, which was also not surprising. 

Sirius stood with his friends very happily buzzed with some kind of alcoholic drink in his hand. James and Peter were talking up Jack into giving them a discount since they threw the party. It took several minutes to express their argument but Jack eventually became convinced and James came back looking ecstatic with four small paper rolls in his hands. 

"Anyone got a lighter?" James gestured to the group of people. 

They all shrugged except for Remus who shrugged and reached into his pocket pulling out a small silver box. He flicked it open and a small golden flame appeared. "You sure about this Prongs?" 

James had never smoked before. Why he chose now? Who knows. 

"Hell yeah, Moony!" James adjusted his glasses, and like an excited Golden Retriever puppy, he reached for the lighter. Before he could grab it, Remus swiped it away from him, making James's face fall slightly. 

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into, James?" Remus asks, a small smirk forming on his lips. 

"It's just weed, Moony," said Sirius. "Let the poor sap indulge."

Remus sighed and said, "Alright. I'll let you, only if I can take the first hit."

"Deal," James said grinning and he handed Remus the joint, his puppy energy back in full. 

Remus held the roll up to his lips and flicked the lighter burning the end of the joint, taking a deep breath in, then exhaling through his teeth. He leaned his head back on the sofa they were sitting on making his Adam's apple prominent. "Ah, needed that, didn't I." 

Many people were looking at Remus, boys and girls alike, all mesmerized by his attractiveness. One person, in particular, was red in the face and he was trying not to drool at the sight that was Remus Lupin. 

"My turn, Moony, if you're done impressing Sirius." James sat on the other side of Remus grabbing the joint with his thumb and pointer finger. 

"Take it easy James, go slow," said Remus, slightly smiling.  He had taken another hit before James took it and blew out the smoke towards the ceiling. 

James...didn't go slow. After an inhale, he coughed so harshly his eyes started watering. A couple of people snickered and Sirius was full-on laughing. With a rasp to his voice and squinty eyes, James said, "Oh yeah," Cough. "That's good stuff!" After a few seconds, he took another one. Then coughed some more. 

"Alright Prongsie, I think you've had enough for tonight." Sirius plucked the joint from his fingers and put it between his lips. Like Remus, he was experienced so he didn't cough. 

"You sharin' mate?" Sirius looked around and saw Avery Thomas come up with his arm around Evanna Chase. 

"Yeah, sure," Sirius smirked while handing Avery the joint. "You can have the rest, it's almost out." 


Remus looked over at James, who seemed to be comprehending everything at a very slow speed, but his eyes which were getting increasingly red and glassy, never seemed to leave Evanna. 

"You gonna have some, Chase?" James asked. 

The joint was almost done considering Avery wasn't backing down from finishing it off, but James pulled out another one just as Evie shook her head. "Oh no, I don't do that. Besides, I'm here to help my friends if they need me. Can't really do that while stoned, can I?"

"Right then," Sirius said as he faked a cough, and under his breath he mumbled, "Goody two-shoes."

"What was that?" Evanna raised her eyebrows and gave Sirius a hard stare.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing, sweetness," Sirius shook his head and hid a smirk.

Evie rolled her eyes and James punched him in the leg giving Sirius his best 'knock it off' look.

Sirius raised his hands into the air and shrugged his shoulders.

Just then Summer Willams came flying out of nowhere (she seemed to do that a lot) along with Jack. Evanna then became quite occupied.

James leaned down next to Sirius, trying not to smile, and said, "We want them to like us, don't be a cunt."

Sirius scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Oh please, m'only joking!" He gave James a knowing look and continued, "Besides, you just want Chase to like you, why do the others matter?"

James pulled away from Sirius with an abashed look on his face and a slight pink blush was starting to come up on his cheekbones. "You- I- what are you- Sirius! What are you on about?" He shifted on the shoulder of the sofa he was sitting on and Sirius was cackling.

"You can't talk, Mr. I-can't-stop-staring-at-Remus-Lupin!" James's harsh whisper wasn't heard by anyone else but Sirius's red eyes looked around paranoid nonetheless.

"Oh, you shut your mouth!" He harshly whispered back. 

James raised his eyebrows and gave him a 'hm! That's right!' look and Sirius slumped in his chair. 

As the night went on, people came and went as they pleased. 

Around 1:30 am, most people realized that they would not have a pleasant rest of their day given how drunk they were.

Summer and Jack were dancing on top of common room tables, Sirius and Remus were taking shots of different assortments of wizard liquor, and James....was crashed out on one of the maroon-colored sofas due to incredible amounts of intoxication (James was usually the first to knock out; he's a lightweight).

Lily was taking body shots off of Mary and Marlene was competing in a chugging contest with Dorcas. The chugging consisted of half a bottle of Firewhiskey (Marlene was not a lightweight).

Evanna and Avery were trying helplessly to get Jack and Summer off of the table before they broke their necks. Summer came down... by jumping on Evie so they both fell to the ground. "Catch me, E!"

"NO! No, Summer-!" Thump.

Avery rushed over but Summer was wonderful considering Evanna broke her fall. 

"Y'okay, Evie?" Avery said as he helped her off the floor. 

"Yeah," Evanna groaned. "I'm perfect."

Avery tried not to laugh as she hobbled over to the couch that James was lying on and huffed down on it. James shifted slightly but he hadn't awoken for the past hour so Evanna assumed that he wouldn't wake now. 

Jack hopped off of the table laughing and picked Summer up. When they were both up they laughed together and moved in a way that only couples would.

"Summerrrrr!" Jack slurred happily.

"Jaaackkk!" She slurred back.

"I wanna kiss you!" Jack held Summer's face in his hands and swayed a little bit.

"What?" Summer yelled over the music. "You want a new kazoo?" 

"No!" Jack repeated himself, looking at the girl in front of him with nothing but drunk adoration.  "I. Want. To. Kiss. You!"

When Summer caught on to what Jack was saying she recoiled in surprise and a blush spread from her cheekbones to the tips of her ears. 

"Oh," she said. "Then why don't you?"

Jack raised his eyebrows, then closed the space in between them. It first started off as a simple kiss, sweet and lovely, but then all the held in romantic tension between the two caught up to them and surged them towards each other more passionately. 

They pulled away from each other breathlessly and Jack said, "Do you wanna go to my dorm?" 

"Yes!" Summer wasted no time thinking about her answer. 

Then Jack and Summer stumbled their way out of the portrait hole and off into the night. 

* * * * 

"Pete, have you seen Sirius?"  It was 3:30 in the morning and somehow Sirius got out of Remus's sight. People were either passed out in various places or left to do whatever. 

Remus cursed himself as he promised to not let Sirius leave the common room. He was drunk and probably miserable. 

Remus knew that birthdays were a tough subject for Sirius. Which is why he was a little wary of planning this party for him in the first place. He didn't share his concerns with James because he knew that he would be so excited at the chance to make Sirius happy. 

"No, I haven't sorry mate." Peter yawned with his hair all disheveled and said, "Do you want help lookin' f'him?"

"No, it's okay Wormtail, go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." 

Peter nodded, mumbling a quick goodnight, and stumbled up the stairs. Remus looked after him hoping he made it to his bed. Then, he thought that worst case, he'd pick him up wherever he landed and drag him back to bed when he came back and set off for Sirius. 

Remus walked through the corridors hoping to any god that was listening that Sirius was somewhere safe. 

After 20 minutes of searching, Remus stopped and gasped. The astronomy tower. Sirius went there whenever he couldn't sleep or had something on his mind. 

With a new purpose and direction, Remus trekked his way to the astronomy tower. He was thanking himself for the fact that he was a heavyweight because he definitely had more than a few drinks tonight, but he only had a nice buzz. 

He was climbing the wretched stairs up the tower and when he reached the top he was slightly out of breath but he exhaled in relief seeing Sirius sitting next to the railing looking out at the stars. 

"Padfoot?" Remus called softly. 

Sirius turned in his direction startled, but then when he saw it was Remus he smiled and said, "Hey Moons."

Remus went to where Sirius was sitting and placed himself next to him. They bumped their knees together and Remus asked, "You okay, love?"

Sirius sighed contently at the nickname and answered, "Yeah, I think so."

"What's on your mind?" Remus put his hand on the floor and grazed his pinkie next to Sirius's, eventually placing it on top and hooking them together. 

"M'scared, Remus," Sirius mumbled looking at the constellations.

Remus frowned, "Why?" He took Sirius's hand fully and squeezed it reassuringly.

"I don't know," Sirius chuckled without humor. "'M just scared- worried about my future, I guess. I think about it a lot and it seems to be more heavy when I drink."

Remus took his other hand and held Sirius's face softly, "You don't need to be scared, darling. Whatever happens, I'm right here with you and m'not going anywhere, okay?" 

Sirius nodded but Remus just smiled and said, "I'm gonna need a vocal confirmation from you, Padfoot."

Sirius chuckled (this time with humor) and blushed, "Okay, Moony."

"Wonderful." Remus didn't remove his hand from Sirius's face and didn't look away from his eyes. 

"I saw you looking at me earlier," Remus whispered trying not to smile. 

"Did you?"

"Sure, did." he was smiling fully now. 

"Well, you're pretty hard not to look at, Remus." Sirius was fully blushing now but he didn't look away from the boy in front of him. 

"I could say the same about you, love." 

They were nearly nose to nose now and with a little hesitation Remus closed the distance and their lips softly met. Sirius sighed contently and relaxed into him, kissing him back with every bone in his body trembling in delight. 

This was probably Sirius's best birthday, yet. 

A/N: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for the really long wait you guys, my life has been very hectic lately BUT here you are. 

Frankly, this chapter is really anti-climactic and kinda long but enjoy it nonetheless.

I love to read your guys' comments, so keep 'em coming! 

Also, last thing I swear, THANK YOU SM to everyone who has supported or voted for my story so far, you're all so lovely! Special acknowledgments to the people who asked for updates, for some reason that makes me very happy.  


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