𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙆𝙀𝙉 | Moon Knight ✓

By _peachiigloss_

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❝I would love each and every part of you over and over again❞ ╭────🌙𝗜𝗡 𝗪𝗛𝗜𝗖𝗛 a girl falls in love ... More

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The book


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By _peachiigloss_

The dark of the night still prevailed untouched, just as the man she loved, who lied on the ground, with no counsciousness.

That's when she heard low growls ine the dark, roars from mechanical engines wich approached into the evening, and, that did not seem as friendly ones.

She would have to take that man out od there by herself. Just looking at him made her give a deep breath, Mira wasn't someone of great strentgh, she was rather impressive by her mind, not her muscles. She lacked in that area a lot.

Dried the tears on her face with her hands, whatever would happen next, she wouldn't leave him alone, by the fate of destiny and Ammit's followers.

-Okay.-She sighed.-Let's go.-She pushed him by the arms, and, the amount of strentgh she applied moved him very, very slowly.- Steven....-She had difgixulty to speak as she applied effkrt to pull him- and Marc...-She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth- ...I swear...if we make it out of this alive...ugh...I'll kill you by myself.

But the car got closer and closer, when Mira realized, they were shoiting at her. She squated on the ground, and, in the midst of the conflict, she roleld with the man's body down into the sand.

The car insisted on finding them. If Mira wanted to have a chance on surviving and saving him, she'd have to take a risk.

-Sorry Jaanam.-She delivered a gentle kiss om his forehead and left quickly.

Mira ran as sfast she could towards their car, hiding behind it, as the enemies procceded with theirs, illuminating through the dark searching.

Outside, she could hear the man speaking in Arabic they seemed to have found something. "He seems dead" she could understand them saying.

At this point, Mira had already entered the car and hid herself behind the benches, but she knew that if she wanted to keep both of them safe, she'd have to do something.

Now, whay could she do exactly?

Mira had no great combat skill, but luckily, she was a quick thinker. Searched an emergency aid kit, inside, found a box with a flare gun. The pistol did surprise her a little, but maybe she would be able to do something with it. There was also no time to search for anything else.

Got out of the car, walked in the sand, closed her eyes, preparing jerself for the loud noise and shot to the air. The flare high in thr air in a beautiful light made the enemies change their target and turn to her, screaming "there she is! Get her!"

-Oh my God...-She muttered into an expression of full terror in her face.

They chased after her, she ran, holding the little case containing the munition for the flare gun. Tried to charge but one of them fell into the ground, now she only had one last chance.

Fell miserably on the ground, the car came closer and closer.

Rolled until the back of her car, her breath was so instable that she thought she'd have a heart attack before they could be able to catch her.

Her hands trembled, closed her eyes and tried to charge the flare gun, she'd only have that opportunity, if not, she would die in a desert, and so would Steven and Marc.

-How the hell did I get here...-She complained.

Then, as the truck passed by, she got up, got behind them, and when they least expected, shot towards them.

Well, her intention was to hit the man, but her aiming was so bad that it hit a box neat them in the truck. What no one expected os that the bux was full of weapons, munigion and inflamable materials. When the it hit those materieals, a huge combustion started, followed by an explosion, wich made the enemies fall on the floor, unconscious, and the car stop drastically, bursting into flames.

She sighed heavily, then looked at her hands, threw the gun away kind of scared. Never in her lide she expected to do, or being able to that. It was almost as a proud moment and akso terrorrizing.

-Wow...-She heard someone gasping behind her.

Turned around, from the expression she could tell it was Steven, and, alive.

-Why didn't you wake up sooner?!-She yelled at him, he lifted his eyebrows surprised. Then, followed by an amount of tears resting on her eyes, she hugged hum and cried.- Don't scare me like that again.-She hit his back, he let a light groan escape from pain.-Sorry....But don't do that again!

-Aight'.-He grinned- Aight' ma'am, stop hitting me now.

She looked into his sweet and pure eyes, but also, between them, troubled, fireful ones. It was almost as she could see them both at the same time.

-Come on, let's get out of here.


Camping inside a car, somewhere in the middle of the desert, away from the previous adverseries. If Mira and Steven (and Marc) didn't rest they probably wouldn't be able to keep on tomorrow at the tomb.

-Take it off.-She told him.

He looked at her confused.

-The shirt.-She pointed.-And the coat.-He kept quiet.-Take it.

-W-Why would-

-If you are hurt, I need to at least help you ease the injuries a bit, or it can cause more damage to your health.-She explained but Steven still kept the shirt on.-Come on, Steven, you did that before.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

-Oh, sorry, Marc did...-She shaked her jead, it was still a bit hard for to difference.-Okay, then take it off for me, please?

He was quite shy, but took the shirt off. "Focus, Mira" she told herself as she looked for possible injuries, just some scratches thankfully. It was quite impressive how he healed, maybe because of the suit.

-May I ask you something?-She said.

-Uhum.-He nodded, trying to not care about her warm hands touching his bare chest, it gave him chills.

-How long have I been talking to Marc?-She asked interested- I mean, at some point you disappeared and he entered the story. Or did you two change from day to day...-

-Marc came to Cairo.-He replied.-Not me. I actually want to finish this as quick as possible, since we made a deal.

-A deal?

-Yeah.-Steven replied so sure of the deal that it was quite sad to watch.-Once we get rid of all this situation with Ammit, he'll let me take my body back, and I'll go back to my life.

Mira seemed quite confused. From her conclusion, Marc was just a...

-Is that possible?-She asked lifting one eyebrow. Did he know who Marc really was?

-He promised me. It must be.-He told her.-It has to.

Mira put on a bandage above an injury delicately, as her head still ran with thoughts.

-So...he wouldn't come back anymore?-She didn't feel happy as she expected herself to be.


-I see...-She just muttered.

Steven did not feel much satisfaction in that sentence, but didn't have the courage to ask her the motive.

-When...-She let her hands go from his chest from a moment, resting them on her lap, her head down- When we were on that boat...-She took a deep breath.- All the things you...I mean...was that you or...-She passed her hands through her head, it was almost as her brain would split in the middle with all that situation.

-No.-He replied in a whisper. He understood everything.- No, that wasn't me.

-Even the-


She didn't know exactly how to react.

-So he lied to me. Pretending it was you.


-Wow...-She curved her lips disappointed.

-But.-He touched her arm, he instantly turned to him, meeting eyes.- About your...condition.

-Do not say it like that.-She felt offended.

-I'm sorry.-He spoke softly.- I just...What Marc said...-He sighed -He is right. And...I wish I could have noticed that sooner. Maybe I just focused on myself and didn't-

-That isn't true-

-Still.-He interrupted her.- Mira...I know you have been through a lot, but you are strong.-He assured her.- You can stop this. You can regain control.

-It isn't that simple.

-I know.-He continued- Well, not exactly, I couldn't possibly know what you're passing through since I've never experienced it, but...-She looked at him quite generous, she adored how Steven still tried to comfort her, even if he would stumble on his own words- I am here. To help you.

He searched for something he found inside one of the bags of the car. A cereal bar. He standed it in the air, offering to her:

-It isn't much.-He told her.- But take it as a new beginning.-She looked at the object he held in her hands, the feat consumed her.- Mira.-He held her hands and put the food on them, looked intensely in her eyes.- Take this a beginning. And I swear.-He promised.- I'll be hear in as much beginnings, middles and ends you'll need.-He told her.- I promise you.

Her eyes filled with tears, she took the little bar on her hands  probably just a big longer than her thumb, since they didn't have much food inside the car, and took off the package slowly.

Glanced at him for a short second, and it seemed like he cheered for her, supported her with all the love in the world.

One bite. She could feel her whole body surprised by the food, and probably awaiting for what she could possibly do later. Ate the whole bar. Felt satisfied, but at the same time an instant guilt.

Steven held her hands.

-I am proud of you.-He told her in a whisper.

Mira's face filled with tears, she threw herself in his arms, comfortable and gentle, a home to her misery. In his arms, she could be herself, cry her fears, and laugh her happiness.

They both loved her for the way she was.

She looked up at his face, gave a smile, and a feel filled her chest, it blossomed, thrilled her.

-Thank you, Steven.-She whispered.-Thank you.

-No, Mira.-He whispered, his smile could set a whole town into tears- Thank you.

She leaned closer, and, with the free hand she had on his hand, pulled him next to her. He was quitr hesitant for a second, but also lovingly embracing the emotion.

Their lips touched into an ethereal, sweet moment, as the tears mixed meanwhile they could feel each other's smiles. His arms around her, as he could never afford to let her go, and neither would she want to. At that moment, it just felt right, and tehy could stay frozen forever if they needed to.

She aparted to take a short breath anf he giggled:

-You taste like strawberry.-He commented.

-The damn cereal bar. God, thid is awkward...

-Not at all.-The way he looked at her could make anyone breathless. As she was the most important being in the whole universe.-It is actually very sweet.-He smiled, glancing at her lips.-You are very sweet..

He kissed her again, sweetly, passionate, and the cold of the night didn't even feel chilly anymore. It was embraced by souls who loved and understood each other, finally meeting into such a heartbroking, yet marvelous moment.

Her hands slided through his chest, and his wandered through her back, the feeling overwhelmed her chest, his breath became sharp.

She slowly took off her coat, and he watched with attention, yet shy.

-Sorry, if you don't want to, I just assumed...-She whispered.

-No.-He said with her lips briefly touching his.-I do.-He desired.- I want you.- Somehow it was a spicy, yet gentle phrase, as he asked her to do whatever she pleases.- All I want is you.

That was enough, Mira didn't have second doubts. Took off the rest off her shirt immediatly, he lost his breath at her sight. The most astonishing, beautiful woman to ever exist.

-What?-Shs asked as she saw him completeley mesmerized in her presence.

-Are you sure you're not a goddess yourself?-He asked with a smile, she chuckled and kissed him once again.

Thinga got heated up a bit, and soon, the passenger's seat wasn't enough anymore. Mira reached for the lever by the side, pushing it with a bit of difgicultu.

-Wha-Steven tried to ask.

The seat reclined all at once, as a bed, she fell on top of him.

-Oops.-She let it escape.

They both bursted laughing into that instant feeling of happiness in the middle of chaos.

His kisses were sweet, while her smooth skin touch took him to heaven. In that moment, the world could crash and burn, but now, they loved each other, dearly, feverly, and most of all lovingly.

Promising under the stars forever and always.


It was very early in the morning when he woke up. The sunlight came from the car windows, wich warmed the once cold desert.

He was lied in the backseat, by his side, squeezed so she wouldn't fall, was Mira.

Just glancing at her made him smile, carressing her cheek as her hair stramds were scattered all over her face. Through all the chaos he finally managed to sleep in peace for once.

Because of her.

He was still a bit shy after last night, blushed everytime he remember about it, smilling as a silly teenager as he put hus clothes back on.

Got up, opened one of the car doors, and, before he could go outside, the mirror at the door faced him.

-Did you fucking sleep with Mira?-A voice he knew too well told him.

He looked back at the mirror, Marc faced him with a quite irritated expression, the eyebrows furrowed, the mouth curved. Almost looked like that angry eagle from sesame street.

-Hm? Yeah.-Steven replied while tying his shoe. They'd have a long day going at the tomb.

-Yeah? That's all you have to say??

-Should I say something else? The only one who actually owned explanations was you. You kissed her.

-Kisssing and having someone it's quite different, but mayne you're not acquainted with that.

Steven gasped offended  ut wouldn't speak loudet since Mira was still asleep.

-I've met her first.-He pointed to himself.- And besides, you told me that you did not care for her, in fact, that you would disappear after this mess and let me do whatever I wanted with my life.

-And you do feel something for her? Is she so worth it?

-She id not just worthy.-He shaked his eyes- She likes me. She really does. Actually, I believe is the only person who actually cares about me that way. I can't imagine a life without her now.

Marc tried to understand him, he struggled to do so, but he couldn't help but feel angry at his alter.

-And you?-Marc asked.-What do you feel? She likes you, so what?

Steven sighed, giving a light smile.

-She is the moon, the stars, the galaxies, the universes...-

-Just go straight to the point without making me vomit.

-I love her.-Steven finally said.

Marc stared at him point blank for a moment.


-I don't just like her, that would be an eufemism of my part.- He smiled completely vanished by Mira- I am in love with her.

Marc stood silence, this time he did not say anything back, didn't argue or show his opinion. He just nodded.

-She is a nice girl.-Was all he could say in a low voice.- Very, very nice.

-I know.

-If that is what you want.-He commented.-Good luck. Wish you the best. Just..-He sighed.-Take care of her-They both looked at Mira lied on the backseat, somehow, it was almost as two hearts beated at the same time for one person.-Okay?

-I will.-Steven promised.

And with thosr words, Marc spector did not speak further about the subject that uncontrollably, stabbed him in his chest, and twisted its' knife inside, in an hemorragy of pain.


-So what is the plan?-Mira asked as she drived the car, they were very closed to the tomb now

-Plan?-Steven asked.

-Yeah, you do have a plan...right?- She was scared of what he could possibly answer now.

-Uh...We go to the tomb.


-And search for Ammit's statue.


-And...-He was thinking too hard to make sense.-We do something.

Mira immediatly stopped the car, he almost hit his face at the pannel in front of him.

-You don't know what we're going to do?!-She asked him surprised.

-It's not that-

-Steven you do know that weird people are trying to kill us, right?-She asked- They know about you, they know about me, about Marc. In any terms, we ARE NOT safe at all. If we do want to stand a chance against them, we need a plan, and a good one.

Steven looked at the mirror, Marc had a kind of proud smile on his face, and, if someone dared to say, looked like a "that's my girl" expression.

-I...I know.-Was what he could answer.

-And what is your plan?

He suddebly felt pressured and clueless of what to say.

-Can you at least sum up that suit again?-She asked and he shaked his head. - No??-She asked frustrated- God...

Steven glanced at the mirror, Marc had that face written "LET ME INNN" all over it.

"Steven." He called him "let me take the body, I can help you "

-No.-He replied.- That won't happen, no.

Mira instantly realized with who he was talking with.

-Are talking to Marc right now?-She asked amused. He nodded with his head.-And what did he say?

He asked himself why was she so curious about Marc. But did not tell her that of course.

-He wants to tale the body, and I said no.-He explained briefly.

-Why does he wany the body?

"So I can save your asses" Marc complained.

-So he can...How rude!-He exclaimed at Marc's comment.- He said that he can "save us"

-Can he sum up the suit?


"But I know how to fight, unlinke you."

-But he keeps flatttering himself that he knows hoe to fight.

-He really does.-Mira agreed. Steven stopped and looked at her.-What? It is true.

"I told you"

-No. I'm not letting him take control, not again.


-Mira, no.

-Steven listen to me.

-Why do you want me away?

She held his face with her hands, making him look at her, she didn't yell, didn't force him, she just explained calmly:

-It is not that.-She told him- Okay? I do bot want you away. I'm just saying tjwt, if we want to make out of this alive-She made a pause, thinking wisely about the next words- We need Marc's help.


--Steven let's be honest. You can't fight. I can't either. And even together we don't stand a chance against Harrow without your suit.

-I know, I'm weak.

-You are not.-She assured him- Did you hear me? You're not weak.-He looked so fragile, so vulnerable at that moment, as he was about to breakdown.-You're most courageous man I've ever known, and you have such an incredible gift.

-Wich one?

-Your heart.

-People usually say that for pity.

-Shut up.-She told him.- Steven Grant.-He took a deep breath. - Your heart makes you the strongest man I've ever known, and that I'll always meet. And I admire you so much for that.-She smiled.- A whole world needs you to make a reasonable choice now. They need you, Steven.-She insisted-I need you.-her thumb stroked his cheek.- Even if that means, letting Marc take the risks from now on.

Steven was still a bit hesitant but Mira was right. He couldn't just let people die out there only by a selfish wish of his heart. Even if that meant letting Marc take control. He nodded lightly agreeing with her decision and touched foreheads with her.

-If anything happens.-He whispered to her- I'd like for you to know something.

-Nothing's gonna happen-She spoke to him, above to notice the fear in his words.


-I know.-She muttered through her lips.

-I truly, with my whole being-He made a pause, caressed lightly her cheek.- believe that I might be in love with you.

Mira's heart speeded inside her chest, Steven Grant managed to give her butterflies whenever he talked, but that...that almost made her faint.

-And I'm afraid that it might be too soon too say that, that I scare you but-

-You're not.-She gave him a light kiss on his lips, as a sedative wich calmed him.

He gave away a shaked breath, warm on her lips, scared of the future but calmed by her presence.  She held his face, her foreheads touched, and his hands embraced hers as a blanket from the cold.

-Si je te parle c’est pour mieux t’entendre, Si je t’entends je suis sûr de comprendre, Si tu souris c’est pour mieux m’envahir, Si tu souris je vois le monde entier, Si je t’étreins c’est pour me continuer ,Si nous vivons tout sera à plaisir, Si je te quitte nous nous souviendrons, Et nous quittant nous nous retrouverons. (If I speak it’s to hear you more clearly, If I hear you I’m sure to understand you, If you smile it’s the better to enter me, If you smile I will see the world entire, If I embrace you it’s to widen myself, If we live everything will turn to joy, If I leave you we’ll remember each other, In leaving you we’ll find each other again.) - He pronounced with all his heart the words, Certitude by Paul Eluard. He swore to himself that he'd only dedicate those words to someone he cared. And there he was.

She smiled at his words, as he smiled back, two mesmerizing souls in love, blinded by romantic sentences in the middle of the desert, with no one except their presences, and the imminent danger wich would enter the tomb with them.

-On se voit bientôt mon amour (See you soon, my love)-He finished.

And, with those words, Steven trusted the world enough to leave, knowing that still, while leaving, he'd be in that woman's presence, the person he most cared in the whole world.

Marc took control, and Mira had her eyes closed, awaiting for some sort of announcement, or pronunciation from him, she couldn't notice the change.

And, to the anguishment for the ex mercenary's heart, she whispered:

-I love you.

He closed his eyes for a second, squeezed a bit her hands as a child in need of attention, in need of her, pretending that those words were meant for him.

Swallowed the bitter truth afterwards, knowing that he could never afford to give her what he deserved, tooffer heer the happiness she deserved, and came clean, opening again his eyes and aparting from her face.

When Mira looked up, eveb the expression on that man's face could tell that this wasn't Steven Grant anymore:


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