Mini-story: The one that got...

By Athena_9909

704 65 11

Nike, an angel and the goddess of Victory, meets Metis, the titaness of wisdom and prudence. She crushes on t... More

Chapter 0 * Important notes
Chapter 1 * The titaness by the lake
Chapter 2 * Tell me more
Chapter 3 * Face it
Chapter 4 * Lost
Chapter 5 * Opening up
Chapter 7 * Metis?
Chapter 8 * Truth
Thank you!

Chapter 6 * Healing

64 7 1
By Athena_9909

Nike's chariot touched the grounds of Olympus once more. She would like to say she felt refreshed, but she would be lying. In a way she did feel better though, it was nice to let go of her emotions and feelings for a change.

But on the other hand it also weighed her down. Remembering the past like that had drained the angel's energy more than she was willing to admit.

The victory goddess guided her horses back towards the stables, taking the slightly longer route through the city. She could tell they were glad they were nearly home though. They seemed tired, but satisfied.

As Nike drove through the city the people smiled and waved at her. There were even occasional greetings. She smiled and nodded back at them. When she was younger she'd never imagined people would ever greet a minor goddess like this. But being Zeus' charioteer and being Athena's wife definitely made her popularity increase.

The victory goddess could pretend she didn't care much for it, but her competitive nature begged to differ.

At last the angel reached the stables. Two satyrs held her horses as she stepped out of her chariot.

"You may go." She told them.

She would rather take care of her horses herself.

"Are you sure ma'am? Four horses is a lot for one person. We would have no trouble helping you." One of the satyrs offered.

"Actually, she's not alone." A voice behind Nike said.

Her heart fluttered at the sound. A smile appeared on her face as she knew very well who that voice belonged to.

The victory goddess cast a look over her shoulder to see her wife entering the stables. Athena winked at her, making a soft blush appear on the angel's cheeks. After all these centuries, she still had the same effect.

Nike turned back towards the satyrs and gave them a nod.

"We will be alright. Thank you for your offer."

"As you wish my lady."

With a bow both satyrs left the stables, leaving the goddesses alone.

"I thought I might find you here." Athena grinned.

She took over the horses from Nike, so she could take the chariot away from them. The wisdom goddess chuckled as Eurus pushed his head into her chest for attention.

"The library had become a bit dull once you left." Nike admitted.

"Yeah about that." Athena started as she watched the angel push the chariot back in its place.

"I wanted to apologize for being so emotionless. I won't pretend it was easy for me, but I should've shown more support towards you."

"Darling, I understand. It's not exactly an easy thing to hear. I don't blame you for anything and you have nothing to apologize for. I probably would've reacted the same."

Nike felt awkward saying the words. She couldn't imagine seeing Athena and Styx together. Maybe that's how it felt for Athena too. Just very, very awkward.

"Anyway, could you take Boreas and Eurus? I'll take care of Notus and Zephyr."

The wisdom goddess nodded, taking Boreas and Eurus away. Nike followed right behind with the other two. As they started taking care of the horses Athena smiled to herself.

"So mom and I are that similar huh?"

The victory goddess cringed and buried her face in Zephyr's long black mane.

"What? Rather I'd cry about it?" The daughter of Zeus grinned.

"No, thank you." Nike's muffled voice replied.

Athena shook her head and refocused on taking off Boreas' bridle.

Nike on the other hand was catapulted way down memory lane, to the very first moment she met the woman that would become her wife.

"Oh please, stop worrying about this. You'll do great. Besides, it's good for you to be out amongst the other gods again." Bia said.

It had been a year since Nike had last set foot in the upper world. She was currently accompanying her sister to Olympus. Normally being up in the blue sky relaxed Nike, but right now it only made her more anxious. Probably because she knew her destination hid itself somewhere between those fluffy clouds in front of her.

Both angels let their feet touch the ground. Bia had started working for Zeus about half a year ago as one of his personal guards. With some help from Styx and Pallas her sister had convinced Nike to look into a job in service of the king as well.

A new place as a charioteer had just opened up. Bia had suggested Nike take it so they could work together again.

"Easy for you to say. He loves you for everything you stand for." Nike said to her sister.

"I can stand with him one moment and the next take the opposing side without zero remorse."

It was true and it had gotten the victory goddess into a number of terrible situations.

"I can work with him, as much as work against him, Nike. Strength can be used against you, remember?" Bia reminded her sister as she led her into the temple of the Olympian gods.

So many things had changed since Nike had last set foot in the upper world. New Olympians for example. She couldn't comprehend what they could possibly need any more for, but it's not like she was in charge or could decide.

As they walked the halls on their way to the king of the gods Nike spotted a tall figure walking across to a different hallway.

The figure looked sideways and their eyes met for a brief moment. The victory goddess registered the face of the figure and their dark hair.

She froze into place and watched the person cross into the hallway.

"No way..." The angel muttered to herself.

Bia gave her a glance from the side.

"What has gotten into you? You look like you've seen a lost soul."

Without another word Nike started following the person into the other hallway.

"Nike! Nike, you can't go there!" Bia called out after her.

"That's lady A-"

The victory goddess ignored her sister's warning. If that was who she thought that was she ought to have a word with her.

When she rounded the corner she could see the figure about half way down the corridor.

"Metis!" Nike called out.

The figure stopped. It had to be her. Who else could it be? The angel ran the last part through the corridor. The person turned around.

"Metis! I'm so glad I finally see you again I-" Nike started rambling, but she cut herself off when she saw the cold, hard look she received in return.

"Why does everybody keep calling me that?!" The woman in front of her burst out.

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