My Highschool Romance

By Lana_The_Writer

114 0 0

Y/N switches to a brand new school her senior year because of her dad's job. Will she be able to fit in at th... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 3

Ch. 4

24 0 0
By Lana_The_Writer

I walked down the hall where some other students were headed, hoping that they were going to gym for P.E. I wonder if Cherry or Victor have P.E. this hour. It would be nice to see someone I know.. But meeting new people and making friends is nice too. I hope I don't make any enemies at this school. I walked into the gym with the other students. I scanned to room to see if I could spot any familiar faces among the students in the gym. I sadly couldn't see anyone that I recognized. The gym teacher was sitting in a chair and doing something on his phone. He looked up at those of us who were in the gym.

"It looks like you're all here. Today you're going to be running laps around the gym." Boring. I wish we could be playing dodgeball or something. Even going outside and running on the track would be better. At least we would be outside in the fresh air and not in the hot stuffy gym.

"You're gonna run ten laps then do whatever you want when you're done. Try not to break anything." The gym teacher switched on some music. I sighed. I really didn't feel like running but oh well. At least there were some cute guys in the class. It wasn't all that bad. I started running around the gym at a fast pace, wanting to get things other with. I quickly ran out of breath and slowed down. Dang it.. Stupid me not doing a sport. Maybe I should try and join cheer and get into shape. At least I know someone there. Another girl started running next to me.

"Hi, I'm Riley."

"Hey. I'm (Y/N)" I looked over at her. She had hazel eyes, freckles, and brown wavy hair.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before."

"Yeah, I just moved here 'cause of my dads job."

"Oh cool. It's nice to meet you (Y/N). Do you want to sit together at lunch?"

"Sure! I haven't met very many people yet, so that would be nice."

"Okay cool, I sit over near the big windows, you'll see when you get into the lunch room."

I nodded.

"Alrighty, do you think we have any other classes together?"

"I dunno, what does your schedule look like?"

"I have chemistry, this class, another class, lunch, and then three more classes after that, I can't remember what though."

"I can't really remember my schedule either, but if I see you in another class I'll sit with you." Riley said, smiling at me. I smiled back at her. We finished running our laps while talking. We walked over to one wall of the gym were they weren't any other people and sat down. 

"Hey, do you know a guy named Victor by any chance?" I asked. 

"The guy with the black hair? I've heard stuff about him. Don't really know him though." Riley said, looking away from me for a second then looking back over at me. 

"Like what?" I asked curiously. 

"This is gonna sound dumb, but some kids at our school think he's a vampire for some reason."


"Apparently he doesn't eat lunch with anyone else, and no one's ever seen eat around other people. I think he's just shy."

"That would make sense.." But his hands were so cold when I touched them earlier.. The bell rang, interrupting our conversation. 

"Can we continue this at lunch?"

"Sure (Y/N), I'll see you then." Riley got up and waved at be before leaving the gym. I waved back at her. This sure has turned into an interested school day. 

A/N: How are you liking the story so far? Do you guys think I should put in chapter titles or are you fine with just numbers?  Good morning, good afternoon, and/or goodnight readers! <3

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