The Crusaders: Year One

By airbenderwrites

3.5K 91 57

Aang was bitten by a werewolf when he was four years old. He thought he would never get to experience Hogwart... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Nineteen

139 3 2
By airbenderwrites

"I swear Professor Noatok doesn't like me," Katara said as she walked with Mai, Toph, and Korra out of the DADA classroom. "I knew all of the answers to the questions he asked and he didn't even call on me. And he called my merely passable. Passable!"

"Even I can see he has a problem with all Half-Bloods and Muggle-Borns," Toph said.

"Yeah, you're the best in our class," Korra said to Katara. "Besides Aang. I think he has you beat. And Professor Noatok seems to have a problem with him as well."

"Speaking of Aang, where was he today?" Katara asked. "He wasn't in Herbology or Defense Against The Dark Arts."

Mai lightly smirked. "Missing your boyfriend?"

"Knock it off! He's not boyfriend! I don't even like him like that!" Katara said, trying to keep a blush from creeping onto her face. Thankfully, she saw her brother walking to the Great Hall a few feet in front of them. "There's Sokka! I'll ask him about Aang." Katara rushed forward, the girls following her. "Sokka!"

Sokka stopped and turned to his sister. Bolin and Zuko stopped as well.

"Where's Aang? He wasn't in Herbology or Defense Against The Dark Arts."

"We don't know," Sokka said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Professor Pakku called him earlier and he told us to go on without him."

"That was before Herbology," Zuko added. "We haven't seen him since."

"But I'm sure he'll turn up soon," Bolin said with a smile. "See you at dinner."

The boys began walking again. Katara just stood there in confusion.

"Well that's definitely not suspicious," Toph said. "How come Twinkletoes just disappeared?"

"Do you think it has anything to do with Professor Tarrlok jinxing his broom yesterday?" Korra asked.

"We haven't told any of the professors what you guys saw."

"I'm sure Aang is fine," Mai said. "He may be the smallest in our year, but he's tough. Now come on, I'm hungry."

Katara silently walked with the girls. She was worried about Aang. He was a good friend and they had grown a bit close over the last few weeks. She hoped he was okay.

In the Great Hall, she hardly spoke and just picked at her food. Her mind stayed on Aang the whole time.

"Hello ladies," a voice said.

Katara looked up to see Jet at their table and she forgot about Aang for a moment.

"How's it going?"

"What do you want, Jet?" Mai asked coldly.

"I was just asking how you are. No need to get defensive, Ice Queen."

Mai glared at him.

Jet looked at Katara and gave her a smile. "Hey, you're Katara right?"

Katara blushed. "Um... yeah."

"I figured. Rumor is you're the prettiest girl in our year."

Katara wasn't sure what to say. She liked the compliment, but she didn't like that people were talking about her.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. Maybe we could hang out some day." Jet picked up an apple. "Be careful out there ladies, it's a full moon tonight. That's when the werewolves come out to play."

The other girls glared at him as he walked away while Katara just looked dazed. She may have had a small crush on him, but she never worked up the courage to talk to him. And now he just approached her and called her pretty.

"He's so annoying," Korra said. "I just know he's going to be a playboy when he gets older."

"He practically already is one," Mai said.

"And what was that whole thing about the full moon and werewolves?" Toph asked. "Was he trying to scare us?"

Katara blinked as her mind started piecing the puzzle pieces. Full Moon. Werewolves. Scars on Aang's hands and face. Aang suddenly going missing just before the full moon.

These things kept swirling around in her mind; then it clicked. She gasped loudly and dropped her fork.

Korra gave her a weird look. "What's wrong with you?"

"I... I have to go," Katara replied. She stood up and ran out of the Great Hall.

Meanwhile, Sokka, Zuko, and Bolin sat outside the Great Hall, still waiting for Aang. Sokka had some cards with him and decided to teach the two a Muggle card game.

They were so invested in their game, that they didn't notice when Katara ran out of the Great Hall. Professor Pakku, however, was approaching the hall at that time and saw her.

"Ms. Aippaq, where are you going in such a rush?" Pakku asked.

The boys looked up curiously.

"The Library. I want to do some last minute research," Katara replied.

"I'm afraid the Library is closed right. May I ask what exactly you're wanting to research?"

"Uh... werewolves."

"But you won't be learning about them until you're older."

"I know, but... tonight's a full moon and I heard some of the older years talking about werewolves and I just got curious."

Pakku chuckled. "Very well, I won't get between a Ravenclaw and her thirst for knowledge. I believe there's a book about werewolves in the Ravenclaw common room."

"Thank you, professor," Katara said with a smile before running off.

Professor Pakku turned to see the boys sitting on the floor. "What are you boys doing out here?"

"We're waiting for Aang," Zuko replied.

"We never eat without him," Bolin added.

"While I admire you Hufflepuffs for your loyalty, I'm afraid Mr. Lhundup won't be joining you. Professor Gyatso has told me that he fell ill earlier and was sent to the hospital wing to be treat by Madam Yugoda."

"What!" Sokka exclaimed. He quickly gathered his cards and stood up. "What's wrong with him? Is he okay?"

Zuko and Bolin stood up as well. Concern was plastered on the boys' faces.

"Gyatso didn't tell me. Now off you go. You need to eat then it's off to your dormitories."

Professor Pakku ushered the boys into the Great Hall. He lead them to the Hufflepuff table before going to the staff table.

Zuko grabbed a sandwich while Bolin picked at a drumstick. Sokka stared at the fireplace in thought, wondering about Aang and this mysterious illness he came down with. He may have been small and pale, but he definitely wasn't sick. He could run faster than anyone, and he was the best Quidditch player in the school. He didn't show any signs of being sick.

"You better eat something," Zuko said. "Pakku is watching us."

Sokka looked up at the staff table, and sure enough, Pakku was watching the boys while also having a conversation with Professor Piandao. Sokka grabbed a sandwich and slowly ate it, his mind still whirling about Aang's sudden illness.

Once the boys had finished eating, they headed down to the Hufflepuff dormitories. The common room was full so they decided to go up to their rooms to study.

Zuko was the only one who actually studied; he had books and papers sprawled out on his bed. Bolin played with Pabu while Sokka lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling in thought.

"Where do you think Aang is?" Sokka asked.

"Professor Pakku already told us," Zuko said, his eyes scanning through a book. "He's in the hospital wing."

Sokka sat up. "So he left to see Gyatso and just got sick?"

Zuko shrugged. "Maybe he has a weak immune system."

"Yeah, cause that makes sense." Sokka laid back down. "The greatest wizard in our year taken down by a weak immune system."

"Maybe he got a food allergy?" Bolin suggested. "I heard Gyatso keeps cookies in his office. Aang could've been allergic to something in them."

"Aang's never mentioned any food allergies." Sokka was silent for a moment. "What if Professor Tarrlok did something to him?"

"After the whole broom debacle, I'm pretty sure Professor Tarrlok would be laying low for a while," Zuko replied. He looked up from his book. "Listen, I'm concerned about him too. But we can't keep thinking about it. I'm sure he'll be fine tomorrow."

Sokka nodded. "You're right. We'll see him tomorrow."

But they didn't see him the next day, or the day after that; the three boys were extremely worried about their friend. They spent the weekend wandering around the castle, talking about what kind of illness Aang could possibly have. They decided to visit him in the hospital wing if he didn't show up once the weekend was over.

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