The Alpha's Goddess

By Baileyb00

257 9 0

"Oh, that's why you sit in the lunchroom by yourself." I said. "Nah, I'm mostly in there, with her when she... More

Meeting New People
The Bandit Move
The Dead Bandit
Uh so that happened...

Moving to Wolfsgang, Michigan

67 3 0
By Baileyb00

"Are you ready, Bandit?" My mother asked as she carried the last box to the car, I nodded my head and looked at the house that we were leaving for something worse, in my mind.

"Yeah, as ready as i'll ever be." I said as i looked towards my mother as she stood by the door, holding onto the handle, it was easy on her to move, but for me it was a totally different story.

"It'll be perfect where we are going, i've lived there all my life, Miel." She spoke as she took her left hand and reached out for me, i took a step closer to her and she brought me into a hug. "It'll make everything complete."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as i looked at her. Pulling away from the hug.

"You'll make friends no doubt about it." She smiled at me.

"Oh." I said, as i looked outside to see the men getting into the moving van and starting the car up.

"Let's go, Miel." She said as she pulled me into her side, her arm around my shoulder. My mom was spanish that's why she is calling me Miel. Which means Sweets, or honey.

"Ma, do you really think i'll make friends?" I said as i pulled her arm more around my neck. She chuckled and she kissed my head.

"Yes, Miel. I do, now let's go so when we get there we can have time to look around the small town, i havent been there in so long." She said as she looked off in the distance as if remembering a memory.

"Alright," I said, "But, I get to drive there!" I said as i threw her arm off me and ran towards the car, she just laughed and took her time to get to the car, "Where's the keys?" I said as i opened the front door to the car, and looked in the ignition and saw nothing but the slot empty.

"I have them, but i have to drive, you can't drive because we all know you are going to forget where you're going." She said as she pushed me to the other side of the car, which i just dragged my feet over to the other side knowing she was correct.

"I was so close," I said as i opened the door.

"Not even," She said as she got into the car and started it up, i just rolled my eyes and pushed her shoulder, her soft laughs filled the air.

"Shut up." I said as i laid back in the soft seat, and closed my eyes, "I'm going to get some time to sleep, because we all know i need it." I said as i pulled the jacket around my shoulders. She said something that sounded like she agreed and i fell out.

I was running in the cold forrest and looked behind me, scared of what was going to come after me threw the dark brush i just came out of.

I heard a throaty growl behind me and i stopped almost lossing my footing but at the last second i caught myself and i slowly turned around, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

What stood infront of me was larger than any horse i have ever seen. And trust me, i came to see some that were huge but this- beast beat them all. By two miles.

I stared at the chest of the beast and then i traveled my eyes up to the monstrous beast, as i looked at the nose i couldn't quite see the eyes, but before the wolf started talking.

"Bandit we're coming for you." The huge wolf said as he looked at me in the face. I blinked then he opened his mouth again.

"Wake up, Bandit, we're here!" Said the big wolf and i frowned, this wolf sounded like a lady, not a man that i was so sure about this was infront of me.

"Bandit, wake up, Miel!" She said as she shook my shoulder and i steered in sleep, and then i opened my eyes looking around.

Outside of the car was thickly emersed woods. And in front of us was a house that suited for to be homey. But it told me otherwise.

I looked over at my mother as she exictedly exited out of the car and she started walking towards the house, i got out and went to follow her, the blood in my legs settling back where they needed to be.

"Is this the house?" I asked.

"No, it's one of my long time best friends. You know, Mivel?" She said as she walked up the stairs. I just thanked the god that this house was not the one i will be staying in until i moved out.

"That red head friends of yours? She came what one to the house?" I said as i followed closely behind her as she stopped at the front door and then brought her hand up to the door, knocking very in my loudly in my opinion.

"Yes, but would you please act nice, last time she was here you were grumpy and on your monthly period." As she said this, the door opened right when she said Monthly Period. I instantly groaned when i saw a guy standing in front of the door, looking very much older than me. Not my style in guys but he still heard.

He smiled as if seeing the conversation going somewhere, "Hello, you must be Banna and this must be your sister," He said as he looked back over at me. My mouth hung open and i looked to my mom to see she was smiling.

"Oh, James you have grown into a handsome young man!" My mother examined as she pulled him into a hug.

Then i heard footsteps behind him and looked to see a very much pretty lady walking towards us, with a dish rag in her hand as she heard ruckus.

"Banna is that you i hear?!" She examined as she came closer.

My mother let go of her hugging partner and looked into the house and squealed as she ran into the house to hug her friend.

They hugged and everything and then her son who i assume, was named James looked at me smirking.

"Well, hello sexy lady." He said as he looked down at me, being that i was just five foot. "And you're so small!" He sounded like he saw a puppy. He put his hand on my head. And i swatted at it.

"I'm not small, i'm closer to hell." I said.

"Feisty, loving it." He said, moved his hand like he was flapping it i just looked at him strangely at him.

"Are you gay?" I asked, his face turned sour.

"And i'm hating it. Alright look pipsqueak, you dont get to be rude to the third in command- i mean, popular person at school." He said as he put his hand back on my head. I gave a scowl and swat his hand away again. He cracked a smile.

"What's third in command?" I asked as i stared at the almost six foot person in front of me.

"Nothing," He said as he looked behind my back and i looked to see what it was but i saw nothing so i looked back to him already staring at me.

"What?" I asked as i thought for a second i had drool on my mouth.

"Nothing." He said as he watched me, i looked inside of the house to see our mothers talking, "It's going to be a while, want to come in?" He asked, noticing my eyes.

"Well, where else am i suppose to go." I said, not being very kindly as i stepped inside of the house feeling the coldness leak throw the halls. "Is your house always this cold?" I asked.

"Nah, it's warm to me." He said, but i just gave him a look and ruled out that he was really crazy, i pulled the jacket around me tighter; i didn't want to get hypothermia.

"Honey, we're leaving!" Said my mother as she got up from the couch, "We seriously must get back together for old times sake." My mom said as she turned towards the lady on the couch as she stood up she smiled at me. I smiled back, turning towards my mother.

"Yes, we need to." The women said as she walked towards the door. I turned to see if James was still there but he disappeared somewhere i frowned. 

My mom rushed me out of the house and towards the car, "That house is so cold, Miel." She said as she walked towards the car.

"Yeah, James didn't think so." I said.

"Right, Miel." She said as she pushed me to the other side of the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked as i got into the car, i could tell she was a little unsettled.

"Nothing, we just need to get to our house." She said as she backed up from the house. I looked in the mirror to see a brown wolf standing near the forest, i looked away and then looked back when i realized what it was, but nothing was standing there.

"That's weird." I said as i turned around in my seat to see nothing in the forest surrounding the house.

"What's wrong, Miel?" She said checking the back view mirror.

"I thought i just saw a wolf?" I said.

"Oh, really?" She asked as she looked out the window to see the oncoming traffic. She wasnt paying attention. I rolled my eyes and just thought to myself, that it was someone's dog.

Fifteen minutes later we rolled up to the medium sized house ever.

I looked towards the house that had an garage connected but what surprised me was there was a little shack in the back of the yard.

I turned to my mom who was hopping out of the car and walking towards the house.

I got out and followed her, as she dangled out some keys.

"Where's grandma and grandpa?" I asked.

"There on a trip to England and that's why they are letting us take care of the house." She said over her shoulder as she opened the door.

"Oh, why didnt you tell me." I asked following her in.

"I did, you must've just zoned me out again." She said as she walked to set the keys on the table near the couch. I saw boxes lined up against the wall.

"Are they coming back or what?" I asked.

"No. They arent. Look, Miel, it's almost ten at night you need to go to sleep, tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us. Oh, and i forgot to tell you, you're going to school tomorrow," She said.

"On a monday?" I asked.

"That's how school works, Miel." She laughed as she puts her hand on my arm.

"Why can't i stay next week?" I asked, as i groaned thinking of going to a new school and having to meet new people, all the other people i have known are anything but nice to me, but now i have to find other people. Just great.

"Because, i inrolled you for today. Now go wash up." She said as she shooed me away.

"Wait, which room is mine?" I asked.

"The farthest one on the left. It looks out of the backyard. You'll find it, some of your boxes are there." She said as she walked off into somewhere. She obviously knew where she was going and i had no clue.

I found the stairs, and so i took them taking my time, i came to stop at the top of the stairs, and looked down the small hall. I walked towards the room, checking where the bathroom is, when i found none in the hallway, i frowned, but i continued till i got infront of my door to my room.

Surprisingly i have never been to grandma's and grandpa's place ever.

I opened the door to see the room to be twice the size as my old one back home. I walked in and i went to a closed door peeking in, finding that there was a bathroom in the room. I nodded in agreement and walked in getting into the shower right away.

I got out and found the towels under the sink and then walked towards the bathroom door that was closed.

I got into the pajama's i found in a box and fell right into a dreamless sleep.

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