Adore you ( Tom Riddle X OC...

By kayicarba

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" Just let me adore you Adhara " "Who says you can't Tom " In which Tom Marvolo Riddle found... More

Adore you
Year One
Second year
authors note
Third Year


5K 144 24
By kayicarba

The Chamber of Secrets

Chapter Two : Egg Shells and Mama

" That is a dragon egg alright ." Remus said as he inspect the egg laid in a cushion

Books about dragons were laid in the table , and tea , snacks as well , adhara already explained how she felt the familiar bond or pull outside the shop and how she can communicate with Arcturus in her mind and how Blaise was burned because he touched the shell

" It can communicate with you on your mind ." He then again questions

" Yes he can and his name is Arcturus ." Adhara said while caressing the shell , feeling his mistress touch it glowed , making the rest in awe at the sight

Regulus smile at his daughter's words , she named her familiar after him

" You name him after me flower ."

" Of course I did papa and he likes it , don't you little one " in cue the egg glowed , regulus chuckled

"Addy , it say right here ,the egg can crack any time , but with familiar bonds it can be different ." Tom looked up from the book he was reading about the egg

" Different?, How so Tommy ?."

" Well for familiar bonds , the master or your case mistress , shall drop an amount of blood at the egg's shell but not to worry the egg shall absorb it and You must release your magic and transfer it to him , ensuring a rather parental contract between the two of you , which means your technically his mother ."

The word mother seem to have captured their attention , they all frozed in the idea of adhara cutting herself

" Awhhh....your a momma now Addy a momma ." Blaise teased the girl while hugging her tight , breaking the rather tense air around them  , she grumbled in his arms , while the rest just laughs is off , they both pulled away and earning Blaise a slap on his shoulder by adhara

Soo I'll be your momma little one

Yes you well Addy , I forgot about that part I'm sorry again

No need to apologise darling

Now do you wanna get out ?

Yes please I wanna hug you momma , can I call you that Addy ?

Awh baby I can't wait to see you too and yes you may

" Okey I'll do the ritual , his excited ." Adhara giggled at the last part 

" Wait a minute , didn't Merlin have a dragon ?." Draco question , they frozed how some they didn't see it

" Your right Draco ,maybe that's why you flower is the only one who can understand him wether it's telepathic or not and how your not burned like Blaise did ,  Merlin has a gift called Dragons Tongue which is similar to parseltongue instead of snake's he can can talk to dragons , All of his bloodline can talk to dragons but none of them ever sired nor have a familiar like you flower ."  Her Father explained , it all make sense now , regulus was worried , yes they can heal her but he doesn't like the fact of his daughter cutting herself

" That makes it even more cuter well minus the cutting part but  your a mommy now Addy ." Blaise then again engulfed the girl in a hug , regulus chuckled at his actions

She really have some great friends

" Now now Blaise stop choking my cousin ." Draco pried off adhara from blaise's bear hug and adhara smiled thankfully at her cousin

As for Sirius he tried to touch the shell , which earned him a smack on the head by his husband , he pouted and Crossed his arms

" Meanie moony ."

Remus playfully glared at his husband and kissed his cheek , Sirius then turned red and squeal

" Okey , now let's start ." Regulus clapped his hand , diverting the attention from the two , to the egg on the table , they all gathered the book and set them at the couch , while standing back , while the adults pull out their wand and cast a shield

" Okey let's start ."

Cutting a part of the hand well appears in this part , if your not comfortable ,you can leave this part out , I shall put the end of the TW to get you back with your reading ,I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable

Adhara gripped the Black's dagger , sliced her hand which was the hand that held her wand or her wand hand , she dragged the dagger in a diagonal line as blood bleed out

They all winced at the sight of the blood and was worried for her

Adhara held her bloodied hand up on the shell and let it drop


Now unto the next part

Adhara closed her eyes and focused on her magic , she can feel it swirling begging for a release

They saw as adhara closed her eyes , they felt her magic , and they stiffened , it was nothing they ever imagined , sure they knew adhara was powerful but not this powerful , her magic was suffocating as if they were being drowned but I'm the other hand they felt calm like they were in a field laying under the sun , her magic was like her

Her hand glowed as well as they egg , and the glow stops

Adhara looked down at her hand it was healed , then the egg started to move , and the cracked

" Don't put down the shields please ." She pleaded , which was good

The egg cracked open , emitting a Burst of power causing the room to shake while the glass ornaments broke into pieces

Adhara covered her eyes and looked away , it's a good thing they didn't took down the shields , adhara then felt something rubbing against her neck , she looked down

It was him , Arcturus

Mama , mama I'm out ,look at me mama

Adhara smiled at his enthusiasm , as he continued to rubbed his head on her cheeks this time , adhara chuckled

" Hello little one , my god you are beautiful ." Adhara admired the newly born dragon

His skin a obsidian black , he has sharp spikes in his back , to his wings , his head , while his eyes were similar to hers , Grey and Gold

Adhara petted his head and smiled , the rest were just in awe , they watched as the baby dragon tried to get Adhara's attention which he successfully acquired , they watched adhara petted its head , the adults lowered the shield and cast an repairing spell

Tom approach the two , it was an adorable sight

" Little one I have to introduce to my family, your family ." Adhara earned the dragons attention and settled in her shoulder , he seems to have notice Tom

Whose he mama ?

Well his name is Tom , his my other half baby

Other half ?

Yes , it means his my soulmate or soulbound

So his like my papa

Adhara blushed at his words , which earned her family's attention and wondered what the little dragon have said to make adhara flustered

Yes his like your papa

While Tom , he can understand them , well some parts , he thinks it's because his a parselmouth , he grinned as he heard adhara said that he was her soulmate and along the lines of papa

" Everyone meet Arcturus , Arcturus meet your new family , this is Tom , Blaise , Theo , Draco and Daphne their my brother and sister by anything but blood and This is Sirius and Remus their my uncles , and this Man right her is my father Regulus , everyone say hi ." Adhara introduce them one by one , they all chuckled at her actions , she may not show it but adhara love animals and it sometimes brings out her inner child which they don't mind

They all went to pet arcturus which made him pur in delight and savoured the attention his getting

They all feel nice mama

That's good baby , they all are you family now and We will protect you from those who'll bring harm to you , cause that's what families do they protect one another , always and forever

Me too mama , when I grow up and be bigger , I'll protect them and you , I promise you mama

I know baby , I know

Throughout the night arcturus did not leave Adhara's side rather her shoulders where he feels more comfortable at , As for her hand a mark , similar to her soulmate mark but on her other hand , it was a miniature Arcturus in black on her palm as for his tail wraps on her middle finger

Her family was growing and she'll love them all otherwise despite their past and flaws , for that is what love is , you accept them No matter what .


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