Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

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A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
The Storm Dragon Veldora
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Two Exorcist
The Mask Twins
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
Rizevim Livan Lucifer
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Helping a fellow Spider out
Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

The Mirror

3.7K 96 25
By AndrsFernando1

Any unknown area

Ciel: (Master, master please wake up!)

I woke up hearing the concern voice of Ciel.

Rimuru: Ugh Ciel?

Ciel: (Thank goodness you are right I was so worried for you.)

Rimuru: What happened and how did we ended up here?

Ciel: (Do you want me to play your memories for you to remember.)

Rimuru: Yes.

I started to remember what happened this morning I was with Vali bring him to meet his mother that he hasn't seen ever since. After Vali had his reunion with his mother he thanked me and he informed me Cao Cao is on the move and he will arrive at Kyoto in a few days with the rest of the Hero Faction trying to kidnap Yasaka. I left to get back home not before going to a Jewelry store buying a gift for Tiamat since it's our anniversary and I wanted to give her something special. I bought a Blue Diamond necklace for Tiamat and left the store but then I decided go to a Antique shop to buy something for myself and see what they even have in there. After checking around the store I caught my attention to a strange mirror. I went to take a closer look at it and wipe off the dust around it, then suddenly it started to glow and I was being sucked in to the mirror. And that's how I ended up here from whatever I am now.

Rimuru: So that's what happened? That mirror was the reason why I am here, did I really just got isekai again. I started a new family in that world and I got reunited with my sister, I can't just leave my family behind not a second time and never again.

Ciel: (Master you do not have to worry you can still return back to that world. You do have the ability to travel to world's so it's not a problem for you to do it.)

I had a sigh of relief, thought I will never see my family again. Good thing I have Ciel on my side I wouldn't know what I would do without her.
I look around my surroundings and it looks like I am in some sort of cave but it does feel like I have seen this cave before.

Rimuru: This cave, could it be that cave?

I widen my eyes now realize the realization where I am now. This is the cave where Veldora was seal by the chosen hero. If I'm actually here that would mean.

Rimuru: Did the mirror actually took me to the Tensura World. Ciel just to be sure am I actually Tensura World?

Ciel: (To answer your question you are not. Where you're really are you are in a different dimension known as the mirror world, this place is a virtual world of the world where the previous Rimuru resign. Also there is no Rimuru Tempest exist in this world the only one with that name is you master.)

Rimuru: So I'm not really in Tensura World but just in a place that is similar to it.

Ciel: (That is correct.)

Rimuru: Well that's a bummer I thought I was finally going to meet the real Rimuru himself.

Ciel: (Master something is coming be on guard.)

I looked at what was coming to my direction and the creature that appeared was a very familiar snake the same one Rimuru first had encounter in battle. The snake has a large, jet-black body with thorned scales and tough skin.

Rimuru: A Tempest Serpent? Oh I know exactly how to deal with this.

The Tempest Serpent charge to take a bite at me but I quickly dodge and turn into my slime form, then using water blade cutting the Tempest Serpent head off. After that I change back to my human form and walk off like I just beat my first boss monster.

Rimuru: That was too easy didn't even break a sweat, well I don't actually sweat but you get my point.

Ciel: (More enemies are coming your way.)

Out from the shadows came three familiar monsters that were the Armorsaurus, Evil Centipede and the Black Spider. Things were getting better and better facing off the same monsters Rimuru had defeated before.

Rimuru: This brings me some nostalgic seeing the monsters that Rimuru had kill and absorb are all here. Well then I guess I can have a bit of fun with them, they won't stand a chance against me from how OP I am.

Pulling out my katana I ran towards the monsters and I began slashing every last one of them not giving them a chance to fight back, cause they were pretty much weak and I was much stronger than them.

The only one remaining monster was the Armorsaurus using it's body armor to protect itself that it luckily survived but not for long. I appear in front of it cutting is head off clean from its body.

Rimuru: Well that takes care of them time for me to head outside. Hm I wonder if the outside world looks the same from the Tensura World, one way to find out. Teleportation.

When Rimuru teleport away a little pink slime similar to Rimuru slime form but colored pink with two antennas on it's head came out of hiding since the monsters were already been taken care of by Rimuru. It was watching Rimuru killing those monsters at ease and it's seems to admire Rimuru for some reason that there was a close connection with the both of them.

Mysterious slime: It's him it's really him there's no doubt about it, he even turned into his slime form killing the Tempest Serpent meaning he's the one I'm looking for. He's amazing and very strong and I wanna be just like him. Mama is gonna be so happy that he is finally here and we can be a family together just like she promised me. In the meantime I'm going to eat the food he left for me, that way I will grow big and strong just like you, Papa.

I teleported out of the cave and see how the outside world looks. Everything I see around looks the same from the Great Forest of Jura the only difference is the sky is purple and there are a bunch of mirrors around the place.

Rimuru: This place is weird, no wonder why it's called the mirror world. I wonder what monster will show up this time?

I started to walk around the forest see what could I find, maybe I will ran into some goblins or something else but who knows. While I was walking deep in the forest I sense something was watching me. I look at a little cliff then appeared a creature that sort of looks like a sabertooth tiger, its claws were sharp and it had a bladed tail.

Rimuru: Ciel would you might explain to me what is that monster?

Ciel: (That is a Blade Tiger is a race of magical beast and the apex predator of the Jura Forest. They are ranked B and their signature attack is 'Voice Cannon'. As the name suggests, they take on the general appearance of a tiger however they have several distinctive features. One of the most notable being the bladed tail as well as its sharp talons and 2 large fangs.)

Rimuru: Thanks for the info Ciel. Now how am I gonna deal with this little kitty right here?

The Blade Tiger jump off the cliff trying to slice me in half using its talents but I managed to avoid it.

Rimuru: So you wanna fight huh? All right then come at me if you can.

It kept on using it's claws and using is bladed tail to strike at me but I've been easily kept on dodging is every hit. I was moving too fast for it couldn't keep up with my speed. When I stop dodging I let the Blade Tiger come at me, it jumped to the air it was about coming towards me. I clench my fist and punch the Blade Tiger sending it crashing to a tree.

The Blade Tiger was still alive that was because I was holding back that punch of mine not killing it instantly. I spare it's life cause it catches my interest and I'm planning on making it part of my subordinate.

Rimuru: You were not that bad but luckily for you I was holding back if I wasn't you would've been dead already from my punch. It's best for you to surrender now or else I won't be holding back anything.

I slowly walk up to the Blade Tiger it wanted to run away in fear but his leg was broken sorry couldn't escape. I was already in front of it I splash a healing potion and it's leg started to heal. It stands up and he seems delighted it's leg was heal. It then wanted me too pat its head and so I did what it wanted me to do and it started to purr.

Rimuru: You're a strong one ain't ya. How about you become one of my subordinates and I can help you train to become stronger, how does that sound.

It stopped purring and nodded to be my subordinate.

Rimuru: All right then let's see, what should I name you.

I went on thinking of a name I should give to the Blade Tiger until I thought of a perfect name.

Rimuru: For this day forward your name will now be known as Taiga.

The Blade Tiger body started to change into a young girl that has long, curly light brown hair that falls past her waist in waves, with large, dark amber eyes. She now wears clothes that has some tiger parts and she has some tiger features with tiger ears and she still have her bladed tail.

Ciel: (Report the individual Taiga has evolved into a Tiger Lycanthrope and her disaster rank has rank up into calamity class.)

Rimuru: (Wow she really has become stronger, and her species is now a Tiger Lycanthrope? I think that is the same species that Suphia one of the Three Beastketeers and the subordinate of Carrion it's also one as well.)

I look at Taiga she seems to be amaze of the new look she.

Rimuru: So how do you like your new look Taiga?

Taiga: It feels great and I like the name you gave me, Taiga the name just feels right to me.

Rimuru: Well I'm glad you like your new body and the name I gave you.

Taiga: Yeah but I just have one problem about my new body.

Rimuru: And what is it?

Taiga: I'm flat chested.

Rimuru: Oh I see. You were expecting your breast to be a bit bigger right.

Taiga: Yeah I was.

Rimuru: Look you don't have to be a shame oh because you're flat-chested I actually knew a Tiger Lycanthrope who was also flat-chested as well but something like that never bothers her because she was a strong woman. You will probably be strong as her and don't let anyone look down on you, you're tough and strong and that's who you are, Taiga.

That seem to motivate her and give her some confidence.

Taiga: Thanks and is it okay for you if I call you sensei.

Rimuru: Sensei? Well I don't mind you will practically be my student now, since I'll be training you and there will be others that will be training you as well. It's time for us to leave are you ready to meet the rest of my subordinates.

Taiga: I'm ready sensei.

In a flash the both of us teleported out of the mirror world where they were now in the Labyrinth. A woman with odd pink hair and clothes while the top of her head is like a bunny ears was watching everything that had happened. She had a curious eye on Rimuru that he was very intriguing and find him very attractive.

???: My he's a very attractive, in person and I should thank that which for bringing him here to get a good look at him and see his strength. He is definitely the one I've been searching for, he's my destined one, my soul mate. I can even sense the strength he was hiding and it make me feel so hot inside that I want him to put that manhood of his inside of me. But I should check on my daughter she probably must have already saw her father. Mark my words Rimuru Tempest, our path will soon cross and you will be mine.

The pink hair woman entire body turn into a pink liquid slime and headed to the cave where the little pink slime was at.

When I teleported me and Taiga in the Labyrinth I ask everyone to look at their Taiga our new addition subordinate of Tempest while there are two things that I need to do. First I went back to the antique shop I bought the mirror and while no one was watching I absorbed the mirror making sure no one else will get accidentally transported to the mirror world. Second I went back home to surprise Tiamat with the gift I bought for her for our anniversary. She was at the living room watching her favorite cooking show Hell's Kitchen, I do sometimes watch the show with her and my sister loves watching this show. Tiamat noticed that I have arrived she stood up from the couch and gave me a welcome back kiss on my lips.

Tiamat: Welcome home darling. How was your day?

Rimuru: It went pretty well, weird things have happened but I did find myself a new student.

Tiamat: You have a student?

Rimuru: Yup. Her name is Taiga she's my new subordinate and she is my new student.

Tiamat: Well that's nice for that you now have a student. Since is our special day I have prepared dinner for both of us to enjoy.

Rimuru: By the way where's the kids?

Tiamat: They're at your sister's place I asked her if she can look after them and she happily agreed to watch over them.

She went close to me wrapping her arms around me and whisper to my ear.

Tiamat: Since we're all alone we can skip dinner and we could full around if you want~

Rimuru: Well I will like to have some fun with you but before we do anything I have a gift for you.

I pull out the Blue Diamond necklace from the Imaginary Space showing it to Tiamat which she was staring how beautiful Blue Diamond That reminds her of the color of her hair.

Rimuru: Happy anniversary Tiamat I picked this diamond necklace for you cause it reminds me of your long and beautiful blue hair. You are the love of my life, you are the light of my darkest hour and you are the mother of my children that I will love and protect with all my heart. I hope you like this gift that I gave to you as a symbol of our love.

Tiamat was shedding tears of enjoy for how I love her and she means the world to me.

Tiamat: I love it. I love it and I love you Rimuru. You have been the best thing that ever came to my life. You make me forget my past hatred towards Ddraig, you gave me a home a family, reuniting with my old friends, meeting new friends and I love you for all the things you have done for me.

Rimuru: And I love you too Tiamat. Do you want me to help you putting that necklace on you?

Tiamat: Yes please.

I put the necklace on her and she looks beautiful on wearing.

Tiamat: How does it look?

Rimuru: It looks beautiful on you my love and I gotta say you are like a goddess to my eyes.

I pick her up in a princess carry style which surprise her but she giggled I was carrying her heading towards our bedroom. I put her down the bed and I was on top of her.

Rimuru: I hope you're ready was coming for you my love.

Tiamat: I'm ready for you darling. Please come to me, I want you now.

Zooming in on the reflection of the Blue Diamond necklace a woman with black hair and green eyes and wearing glasses, she also wear a black dress lined with red fur, she was currently watching what was now happening. The unknown woman has been watching Rimuru for quite some time and she was the one who brought Rimuru to the mirror world trying to see his true strength. The woman really has a interest in Rimuru and wants him to herself and wants to know how powerful is he.

Unknown woman: ... I really want you Rimuru Tempest.

Next part ???

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