You betrayed the wrong person

By waifu_vados

6.8K 93 20

Izuku was just coming back from training when he gets hit in the back of the neck and everything goes black w... More

Prison and i remember
The meeting with UA and freedom like a boss

The new izuku and the news

1.2K 16 1
By waifu_vados

We currently see izuku still in his mind with him saying

Izuku by the looks of things those guys must of beaten my weaken state to the point where I fell into a coma. I guess I should use this time to practice some of my magic because after all it has been awhile since I have used it last

Izuku then uses the next little while to make sure that he still knows all his spells and all that. After he has practiced all his spells and all that he noticed that everything was starting to turn from black to white

Izuku: huh looks like I am waking up from the coma that they put me in

(Out of izuku's mind now)

Once izuku opens his eyes he finds it pretty bright but that was mostly due to a light shining directly into izuku's eyes. Izuku then sits up and takes a good look at his surroundings with him noticing something

Izuku*thinking*: it appears that I have been taken to the medical room of this prison. Just like I said they can't kill me they think I have information on the league of Villains even though I don't but I easily could

Izuku then hears the door to the medical room open so he looks at the door and when the door opens he sees a nurse walk in. He sees the nurse close the door and turn around but as soon as she saw him she froze. Izuku noticed that she wasn't moving so he started talking

Izuku: umm hello

The Nurse looked to of snapped out of her transe with her then saying

Nurse: oh sorry I am just a little shocked to see you awake considering that they said you would be in that coma for a couple of months

Izuku: oh well how long was I in the coma

Nurse: you were only in that coma for about a day

Izuku: I see

Izuku*thinking*: interesting I thought that I would have been in a coma for a longer period of time than that

Izuku: anyways am I free to go back to my cell

Nurse: well first I got to make sure that you are in good enough condition to be sent back to your cell and if you are in good enough condition I need to contact some guards to come and bring you to your cell

Izuku: oh alright then

Izuku*thinking*: even though noone in this world could do anything to me but oh well

As the Nurse does her check up of izuku to see if he can be sent back to his cell. While checking on izuku the Nurse can't help but blush due to izuku's physique. Once the nurse is done and izuku is in good enough condition to go back to his cell she starts talking

Nurse: I'm just going to step out of the room for a minute

Izuku: oh alright

The Nurse steps out of the room and picks up her phone and after a couple of seconds the warden answers

Warden: is there something you need

Nurse: yes

Warden: oh well then what do you need

Nurse: well I just want to tell you that the UA traitor has woken up and is in good enough condition to go back to his cell

Warden: alright I will send some guards down there now

Nurse: alright thanks

As they hang up

Warden*thinking*: man I wasn't expecting him to wake up so quickly. I could of sworn that those guards that I told to beat the shit out of him did a very good job. I just hope that he doesn't find out what I along with the hero association did

Meanwhile with the Nurse she just walked back into the medical room and said

Nurse: some guards will be down here shortly to bring you back to your cell

Izuku then responds with

Izuku: oh alright

Izuku*thinking*: let's hope that this time they don't bring me to that room because they will get tired before they could actually hurt me

Izuku just sits on the medical beds while he is waiting for some guards to come in and take him back to his cell. After a minute or 2 the door to the medical room opens up again to reveal 2 guards with one of them starting to talk

Guard 1: you already probably know the drill but I will tell you anyways. Turn around facing away from us with your hands behind your back

Izuku does what the guard asks simply because he wants to hide his powers right now. When he does what the guard wanted a second guard walks up behind him and puts the cuffs on him. The guard then takes him infront of the medical door but before they open the door they put the same black bag over izuku's head but unlike the last few times he can actually see

Guard 2: there we go now that the damn bag is over your head let's go

As the two guards start to take izuku towards his cell but while they are walking izuku is learning the layout of the prison at an alarming rate but of course the 2 guards don't know this. One if the guards then starts taking

Guard 2: so you damn traitor how was that beating that we gave you

Izuku: terrible considering that it hasn't even been 24 hours and I'm already perfectly fine and in no pain what so ever

Guard 1: well that was just a warning because next time it will be even worse

Izuku*thinking*: warning my ass you guys were trying but even still even if you were trying to send a warning there won't be a next time

Izuku: whatever keeps you happy I guess

Guard 2: do you want us to beat you up again right here right

Izuku: no not really because you would just be wasting your time plus I don't even think that you got permission from the man who runs it all

Guard 1: we didn't but we could easily get his permission to beat the shit out of you because he absolutely hates you

Izuku: good for him tell him to get in line because there is already a lot of people that absolutely hate me

Guard 2: why you little

Guard 1: calm down he is just saying this to get a reaction out of us

Izuku: no I'm not saying this to get a reaction out of you I am just saying it because it is the truth

Izuku keeps annoying them until they arrive at hus cell where they take off the bag and push him into his cell before locking the cell door

Guard 2: I hope you had fun in that coma because that's the only sleep your going to get

Guard 1: yeah you damn villain scum

Izuku: to be honest is was fun simply due to the fact that I wasted your time

Both guards grit their teeth at izuku because they are angry at him

Guard 2: well we have more important things to do

Izuku: like what cleaning the wardens ass

Guard 1: watch your mouth boy because now we have an excuse to walk in there and kick your ass

Guard 2: yeah

Izuku: oh no I'm so scared

Izuku said with a very sarcastic tone which pissed the guards off more. Izuku sensing that their anger is rising just makes him laugh

Guard 2: what are you laughing at you damn villain

Izuku: sorry I'm just laughing at how easy you are to get angry I'm mean you both are getting angry over literally nothing

Guard 1: why you little

But he was cut off by a voice

???: woah woah woah calm down now

This voice izuku knew well because it was the voice of the warden

Izuku: oh well looks like you guys are needed to clean the wardens ass

Warden: the only one who is going to be cleaning my ass is you

Izuku: sorry but I don't swing that way

Guard 2: why the hell are you so damn annoying

Izuku: well if I'm going to be spending the rest of my life here I might aswell make it fun

Warden: well the rest of your life could end tomorrow

Izuku: oh and why is that

Warden: well the teacher from UA along with class 1a and a few others are coming here to get some answers and your going to give it to them

Izuku: and how do you know I will tell them the real answers

Warden: because we will let you go

Izuku: wait really

Warden: yes

Warden*thinking*: man this kid is super dumb we are so going to kill him after tomorrow

Izuku*thinking*: he does know I can read minds right. Even if I couldn't read minds I knew that it was a lie

Izuku: well then I guess you will get your answers tomorrow then

Warden: good

Warden*thinking*: everything is going just as nezu predicted

The warden and the 2 guards walk away with izuku thinking

Izuku*thinking*: so nezu is the one behind this now is he. Well I guess this is how he plans to get out of that situation that I put him in. Now that I think about it he is probably the one who told the warden to beat the shit out of me in my weak state. The news of my coma would be the perfect cover for his take over the world plan

Izuku then smirks

Izuku*thinking*: well then nezu where you want to take over the world so bad why don't I show you how to

Izuku's smirk then fades because he now realizes that he is going to be in the cell for a couple of hours

Izuku*thinking*: hmm what to do to pass the time. I can't go for a nap because I am not tired where I pretty much slept for 24 hours. Actually why don't I just count numbers in my head until someone comes by and who knows that might actually get me asleep

So izuku lays down on the bed that is in his cell and starts counting numbers

(Timeskip 3 hours)

It has been 3 hours since izuku started to count numbers in his head and to his surprise he actually fell asleep while doing it due to the fact that he got extremely bored while doing it. The only reason why he is up right now is because it is time for supper

Guard 1: you know the drill

Izuku: yeah yeah I know

As izuku turns his back to the two guards with his hands behind his back. When the guards see this the second guard goes in and puts the cuffs on izuku even though that won't do anything. Once they had the cuffs on izuku the brought him to his cell door before putting the black bag on his head. Once the black bag is on his head they start to take izuku to the cafeteria to get some food

Izuku: so am I actually going to the cafeteria this time or are you guys bringing me back to that room

Guard 2: our orders are to bring you to the cafeteria so you more than likely won't get beat up today

Izuku: ah I see

Izuku*thinking*: even if they do beat me up today I can just knock them out and go to the cafeteria where I know this whole prisons layout

Guard 1: well I guess where your going to tell us everything tomorrow they are actually giving you food

Izuku*thinking*: it's actually funny how stupid they are because I can just lie about the information and they will believe it

Izuku: well I hope you do well with all this information I'm about to give tomorrow

Izuku*thinking*: even though that none of the information I give about the league of Villains is currect but oh well they don't know that

Guard 1: with your information we might actually have some peace

Izuku*thinking*: I doubt that but keep thinking positive

Izuku: by the way what you they serve here

Guard 2: today is salads

Izuku*thinking*: to be honest that's really good especially for prison

Izuku: to be honest that was alot better than I expected

Guard 1: well now shut up for the rest of the walk

Izuku: alright

The guards kept talking to each other while they are walking towards the cafeteria. After a minute or 2 izuku starts to hear things getting louder and louder so he immediately knew that they were close to the cafeteria. Once they enter the cafeteria the 2 guards take off izuku's cuffs and the black bag on his head with the first thing izuku does is go and get some food. Izuku gets his food and then he sits down at a table where nobody was and starts eating. After a couple minutes some inmates walks up to him and says

Inmate 1: hey kid that's our table

Izuku: so this is your table huh well I don't see your name on it anywhere

Inmate 2: look kid I don't want to beat up a kid but I will so just leave this table

Izuku stands up but instead of walking away izuku gets right up in one of their faces and says

Izuku: well then why don't you make me leave this table then

One of the inmates goes for a punch but izuku just let's him hit him and as soon as the punch connects izuku didn't even move an inch or flinch

Izuku: really that's it that's the best you got

The same Inmate that punched izuku gets angry and goes for another punch but this time izuku catches it then proceeds to throw him across the cafeteria and into a wall. The guards and the rest of the people watching just look at izuku in shock

Inmates/guards*thinking*: he just threw a 250 pound man as if he was a peble

Izuku*thinking*: they fear me now huh good I can use this to my advantage

Izuku: now if any of you decide to fight me I wonder how high I could throw someone up in the air. Oh and by the way I wasn't even trying to throw him

Inmates/guards*thinking*: he he HE WASN'T EVEN TRYING. Fuck this shit I'm not messing with him no more

As the guards go back to looking over everyone else except izuku while the inmates who confronted izuku say

Inmate 1: the table is yours man

Inmate 2: yeah we don't want anymore trouble

Izuku: smart choice

Izuku says this and then sits down to continue eating his food. While eating his food he is listening to the news die to his super hearing and hears this

News reporter: yesterday there were two deaths at the hands of Villains with the first one being a man named Jason Todd who got kidnapped and tortured before his apartment blew up killing him

Izuku*thinking*: so that's what the warden did huh well I guess he wants revenge so why not revive him once I get out of here. I wonder who the second death is though

News reporter: the second death that happened was a woman whose name is inko midoriya

When izuku heard his mother's name his eyes widened with him thinking

Izuku*thinking*: depending on how she died I know who did it

News reporter: I know what you are all thinking and yes she is the mother of the UA traitor izuku midoriya. Anyways the cause of death was a fire that was started by a villain

Izuku*thinking*: so it was one of my two guesses. Endeavor really wants to die huh well I hope he loves spending all of space and time suffering from the mistakes that he made

Izuku finishes up eating his food with him walking over to one of the guards and says

Izuku: I'm done here could you bring me back to my cell please

Guard: sure but you know the drill now

Izuku without even saying a word turns around and puts his hands behind his back. The guard puts the cuffs and the black bag on izuku then he starts taking izuku towards his cell

Guard: I'm surprised that you wanted to go back to your cell so early because you still had a nice bit of time left

Izuku: well where I got that thing tomorrow I wanted to get nice and rested

Guard: by that thing tomorrow you mean that meeting that you are having with UA aswell as a few people

Izuku: yes that's the thing that I'm talking about but how did you know about that

Guard: oh the reason why I know about that is because I am on guard duty tomorrow during that just to make sure that you don't try anything

Izuku: no offense but how in the hell would I do anything when it's bullet proof glass

Guard: well I mean considering that you not to long ago threw a 250 pound man across the cafeteria with no effort we are taking precautions

Izuku: well I mean that's fair I guess

After that izuku and the guard stopped talking while walking towards izuku's cell. Once they got to izuku's cell the guard took off the cuffs and the black bag then shoved izuku into his cell before he locked the cell door and left. Izuku lays down on the bed and closes his eyes while thinking

Izuku*thinking*: tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day to say the least

Not long after izuku thought this he fell asleep and to be honest izuku couldn't wait for tomorrow because he is going to have alot of fun

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