Everyone Needs A Hero.... Eve...

By Bit_h_

64.9K 2K 925

*BANG* I felt a sharp intense pain in my leg. I screamed a blood curdling scream. "THEY SHOT ME IN MY LEG... More

Who's there?!
You sure shes fine? She looks dead.
Telling Master Splinter
Rooftop stars
The past
Silly Antics
Just her
But Leo
What if?
What happened
Master splinter
His hero
shes not yours
Reach back
Sleeping beauty
Q. And A??
Space heros
Thank you for being my hero.
To the moon and back

I love you! I love you! I love you!

1.3K 37 51
By Bit_h_

Leos pov:

I snuck through the empty hallways as I called my brothers, "Guys be on the lookout for y/n god knows where she went. And look for anything with the project WM. It may be related to y/n."

"Hey April, is there any way you could use your mind thingy to locate her?" Mikey asked over the headset stumbling for the right words.

I heard April's loud gasp and a thump sounding like she had slapped her head. "Of course! why didn't I think of that? It may take a while. I've never done it with her but ill try." 

"Whoa, good job Mikey, you used your pea-sized brain!|"Raphs voice trailed off, "For once..."

"Hey! I'm right here!" he whispered shouted.

"Children, children! Stop arguing and work on that model. I'll tell you if I pick up any traces." Donnie scolded. 

I rolled my eyes as I continued to search through the maze of the hallway. It was relatively empty, strange for a shredder lair. I wondered how long y/n had been here. It couldn't have been any more than a few hours. I wonder why there aren't more foot bots patrolling...

The empty atmosphere put me on edge but I shrugged it off only wanting to think of y/n. Oh, the things I would tell her... what I would do with her. God, I promise when this is over ill take her to see the stars. And hell, ill give her the moon. I want my mind to shut off but my head can't stop thinking about her. I can't believe id let myself get so caught up in everything. I just want her to be alright. I  want to be able to meditate with her, binge-watch Space Heros and let her fall asleep on my chest. I want to cuddle her for real and not just because we accidentally fell asleep. I want to show her the stars like she's never seen before and in a way prove to all of new york that she's mine... I want to caress her beautiful face and kiss her soft sweet lips. And come due time... not just the ones on her face.

And I stopped my daydreams there; my face heating up hotter than Mikey's pizza. I shook my head and kept running. 


"Okay, I was able to locate her." April's voice chimed in through the headset. 

My heart chimed, "Really!? That's great! Where is she??"

"Im not sure exactly where but she seems to be somewhere in your area Leo, she must've not gotten far."

"Okay, thank you, April." 

My hopeful heart forced me to move faster- "Psst, y/n! Im right here! come out it's okay you're safe!"  - faster than my head. 

I heard mechanical noises and quickly jumped up to attach myself to a metal pipe on the ceiling. I looked down and observed foot bots carrying multiple crates sealed shut. With the label WM marking them. 

I watched them walk down the hallway till out of view before dropping down and tracking them 

They walked into a diminutive room and placed the crates onto similar-looking boxes all marked by the same two letters. They seemed to talk into a headset before leaving. I grabbed the door right before it closed and walked in. 

My foot touched something wet. 

Thicker than water. 

And a metallic smell. 

My breathing quickened by the feeling Im more familiar with than I should be.


I looked down to see at least twenty containers full of blood with one cracked and dripping the red mess everywhere.

i instantly stepped out of it reseisting the urge to throw up. 

I mentally prepared myself as i forced myself to bed down and read the labels.

'Y/n l/n 2007'  bottle one. 

y/n l/n 2008, bottle two.

'y/n l/n 2009' bottle three.

'y/n l/n' 2010' bottle four.

The bottles held dates till 2015. The year y/n said she remembered being with her family. 

i looked at the cracked container that was holding the leaked blood. 

'y/n l/n 2022' 


I took out one of my smoke bombs and broke it apart sprinkling the powder into it to absorb as much of the blood as I could. I wasn't going to let them experiment on her blood. 

Just then the blood seemed to glow. I rubbed my eyes wondering if I had been seeing things due to my consistent sleep schedule of thirty minutes a day for the past week.  

'Leo! I don't know where you are but y/ns really close to you!" April practically shouted through the headset. 

"Okay, ill look around."

I took a picture of the room before leaving. 

Think Leo think! wheres somewhere Y/n would hide if she were scared..? 

That's when my mind fluttered back to when a massive storm was overtaking the surface. but due to it being underground we had to listen to loud thunder strikes above us. As if they were practically about to fall on top of us. Not to mention sliding cars and the occasional accidents. 

I was walking over to my room to try to sleep when I heard a faint, "Shhhhh" 

I looked over at the closet before pausing. I turned the nob and saw Y/n sitting on the floor holding her cat. 

"Hi." she awkwardly peered up at me. 

"Hi..?" I responded holding back a chuckle.


A large thunder following a lightning strike hit making the entire lair  shake. Y/n Jumped and covered her cat's ears and threw her arms and chest over her as if to protect her. 

"Are you scared of storms?" I asked. 

She shook her head, "No, not usually but it's so much louder down here. And the walls always shake and it's just.. a little too much." 

I nodded, "Yea, I can understand that. Mikey used to run into my room and hide under my blankets when he was little. He was so scared of them and likely still is. 

She looked away with a faint blush on her cheeks. 

"Yea I know it's really dumb for a fifteen-year-old to be hiding in a closet. " She chuckled. 

I shook my head. "No, not at all."


Another loud thunder shook the lair as she flinched again protecting her cat. 

I smiled and knelt down. 

"Got room for one more?" I asked. 

She nodded and I entered the closet with her and closed the door. I opened the flashlight on my T-cell and sat down. 

"You're right... it is weirdly comforting in here." I admitted. 

She laid her head on my shoulder. 

"Not weird?" she asked stroking her cat. 

"Not weird," I confirmed as I wrapped my arm around her.

I walked up to the closet that was closest to me. I placed my hand on the knob and breathed. I turned it and opened the door. 

And there say y/n looking up at me with fearful eyes that soon became filled with tears. 

Along with mine. 

"Leo..." she got up on her knees, "Listen Leo I'm so sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad at you I know you were just doing what you thought was best, and i-" 

I wrapped my arms around her quickly and in a  tight embrace. To know she was okay to know she was safe... I squeezed her tighter. I didn't want to ever let anything else happen to her. I want to protect her and keep her safe.  

She squeezed me just as tight. I could feel her breath hicking as tears streamed down her face along with mine. 

I wasn't thinking. And maybe It was the adrenaline that had finally stopped pumping through my veins. And the feeling of her breathing and knowing she was safe and here in my arms...The girl I loved... Finally in my arms again... That's why I didn't stop to think. But for once...

 I slightly separated her face from my neck and looked at her gorgeous e/c eyes that shined with tears. 

She looked at me with tired and curious eyes as My hand trailed up to her cheek. 

Everything my body told me I needed to get her out but... 

My lips pressed onto hers in one swift movement. 

For once... i was gonna listen to what I wanted. 

She kissed me back with her soft and sweet lips and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

And I wanted her.

I grasped the back of her neck to press her onto me more. following by holding her waist. I wanted her to be as close to me as possible. I didn't want to let go of her ever again. Everything we had gone through in those last couple of weeks went into the kiss. The longing, the hope, the confusion, the anger, the passion, the love...

When our lips broke apart I rested my forehead on hers.

"You scared the ever-loving Crap out of me." I addmited through tears that were streaming down my face. 

" i know, I'm so sorry.." She started, still in a hug. 

I shook my head, "No no, stop apologizing. I should be apologizing. I kept things from you... all of my brothers... April and Casey... And then I tried to distract myself thinking I needed to find Karai to prove myself. I wanted to prove myself to someone I don't even know anymore...  But... I want you y/n. Im so sorry it took me so long to figure that out. When I saw you limp in tiger claws arms I just knew... I knew how dumb I had been and how blind and oblivious... I thought I lost you and intern a part of myself... I looked at her e/c eyes which were flooding with tears. But they were being creased by the most extraordinary and stunningthing ever. Her smile. 

She placed her hand on my cheek, and I held it in return. "I love you y/n... I love you I love you I love you..." I repeated over and over to make sure she heard me. 

She leaned in and placed our lips together again. the salty taste of tears creeping onto my lips. She parted and only for a second. 

"I love you too... So so much." 

She pressed her lips against mine for the third time and everything in the world disappeared. It was just her. Just her body pressed against mine and her soft lips and soft hair... i just wanted to put us into a bubble and make everything else disappear. 

I parted our lips for much-needed air. "I promise when all this is over ill show you the stars and give you the moon." 

She smiled as my thumb wiped her tears. "Id love that."  She flinched and grabbed her head before looking up at me with wide and horrid eyes. 

"Leo look out!!" 

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