Moon/Sun Oneshots DISCONTINUED

By WhisperVVonder

91.6K 1.1K 1.6K

This book is no longer being updated. More

Moon x Fem!Reader Part 1
Moon x Fem!reader part 2 18+!
Sun x reader -New friend-
Sun/Moon x Reader {Midnight fun} 18+
Requests needed!
Sundrop x reader {fluff}
Sundrop x reader { Part 2 } 18+
Sundrop/Moondrop x reader {Part 3} 18+
Moon x reader 18+
Moon x Neko!Reader 18+
Humanoid!'Eclipse' x Reader 18+
Eclipse x Male!Reader 18+
Eclipse x reader 18+
New Year Gift
Eclipse x FTM!reader NSFW

Eclipse x Intruder!Reader

2.6K 39 22
By WhisperVVonder

This was requested by @ShadowBorkBork

A/N: Terribly sorry about the long wait on updates, I have not been feeling well recently, so trying to keep updates consistent has been hard. I hope you all understand, anyways- Enjoy!

Your POV

It was late at night when you were tasked with the lovely dare of breaking into the Mega Pizza-plex that had recently opened up. Your friends pointed and laughed at you in their drunk state, flipping them off you put your hood up, trying to hide as much of your face as you possibly could 

"Good luck, y/n! Don't get scared and chicken out!" Alex, someone who you deeply disliked but kept around for your friends' sake, since they all seemed to love him.. Giving him a dirty look you stuffed your hands in your pockets. Making your way around the building you found the back doors that you assumed likely led to the trash or something, you didn't know, you've only been in there once and it was for that stupid Roxy raceway your friends wanted to try out so badly.

You didn't like that egotistical wolf animatronic that ran that specific area, she was annoying.

Fidgeting with the handle you managed to push on the door hard enough, breaking the lock you rolled your eyes, huffing in annoyance. You figured since this place was new they'd try and up the security, especially with all of the expensive animatronics they had inside. You were really hoping none of the outside doors would've been this accessible. But knowing your friends they would try to find a way to get you in if you came back 'empty handed'.  

That's right, you had to go in and GRAB something from inside, to prove you actually went inside, it was stupid.

You really needed new friends.

Setting the broken handle down in the grass you made your way inside, closing the door quietly behind you, you made sure to wedge something in the doorway, just incase it would somehow magically lock itself, even though the lock was already done for.

Trying to be as quiet as possible you walked through the dimly lit hallway, trying to not hit any of the boxes that littered the hallway floor. Finally making it to another door you quietly opened it, stepping inside the actual Pizza-plex part.

You were captivated by all of the lights, they didn't have this many turned on when you went for the first time.

Making your way through you tried to look for any easy accessible gift shop, or any place that would have something you could grab. Unfortunately for you, luck wasn't on your side tonight. You were lucky enough to find a daycare pass though.

You knew if you showed it to your friends they'd probably point and laugh. Who would care if you got a daycare pass? Not them! They would want you to grab a T-shirt or a stuffed animal, likely something that could be tied up and burned in a bonfire as some kind of weird sacrifice bullshit.

Searching for the daycare you assumed since it was for kids, that would be the best place to find a stuffed animal, or something of like. 

Your eyes lit up when you found it, entering the first doors you looked around, glad to see no more security bots, you didn't want to know what would've happened if you got caught by one.

Walking through you enjoyed the art on the walls, taking note of the two posters, each with a different animatronic. 

"Sundrops.. and Moondrops?" You questioned, it looked like they were advertising some kind of candy.

Taking your eyes away from the posters you continued to look around, having no luck with finding any kind of plushie. You looked at the next door, seeing no possible way in you almost gave up until noticing the small blue light at the far right of it, grabbing the daycare pass out of your pocket you slipped it through the card taker, hearing a beep. 

The door shuddered before lifting up, allowing you to go inside. 

You were stunned to see two large golden statues in the middle of the room, one of a sun-like animatronic with his hands in the air, the other was a moon-like animatronic down in a creepy stance, you shivered looking at that one.

"Creepy.." You muttered.

Looking out you saw the mesh lining surrounding the actual daycare, it was fairly dim but you couldn't help but gaze in child-like wonder, this place looked amazing! 

Looking for the next entrance in you figured out the slide was the only way. You were hesitant, you new you'd likely get stuck seeing as it was a slide meant for little kids, there was probably a staff door you could enter through, but that would need either keys, or a keycard of sorts.

Accepting your fate you put your legs in first, pushing your self down you managed to get to the very end, having to push a little harder to get your chest through. Landing in a large ball pit you were happy to finally be out of that stuffy slide. 

Trying to be quiet as humanly possible you practically swam to the ledge of the ball-pit, lifting yourself out you dusted yourself off. 

Taking a moment to look around you spotted a security desk, you knew it was a longshot, but hopefully they had something there that you could take. You wanted to get the hell out of here before it opened. 

Fast-walking towards the security desk you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched, it felt like eyes were watching you from all the dark areas.

"Lets just get this over with" fear was beginning to set in, you didn't want to be in here anymore. You didn't know what it was but it felt like being in here any longer would prove itself to be dangerous, maybe even life threatening. 

Swallowing the lump forming in your throat you climbed behind the counter, kneeling down you started looking through the few boxes they had stored underneath.

"Looking for something...?~" You heard a soft voice echo out, feeling your heart drop to the pit of your stomach you stayed in your place, not wanting to move, hoping you'd somehow turn invisible.

"I know you're here.. " It said again, cursing under your breath you slowly stood up, trying to find the source of the voice.

"I'm up here, little intruder~" The voice chuckled, you looked up, being eye to eye with a very massive animatronic. They had to of been at least three to four feet taller than you! You saw it hanging from a wire, but they were deathly still, almost as if they've practiced being up there time and time again.

"Care to explain why you'd broken into my daycare... little intruder?~" He asked, this time with a taunting tone of voice. 

You tried to swallow the fear that was forming in your throat, knowing that if you didn't answer soon you'd likely be decapitated. 

"I uh.. Well.. hah.. um.." You couldn't find the words, you barely even made up a sentence.

"I see... So you came in here without reason.. Is that it?" He slowly lowered himself down, landing on his two feet. You were startled to see he had four arms. You wondered where the two gold plated animatronics were, maybe you were just that unlucky to have come across this monster.

"No! I mean.. uh.. No, sir?" It sounded more like a question than a remark. 

"I'm here because I'm looking for something to give to my friends.. see they had dared me to break into here and grab something.." You laughed nervously, hoping the monster standing in front of you believed you. It wasn't a lie, but it definitely sounded like one.

"Hmm.. So you came in here to steal to prove to your friends that you were capable of coming back and taking even more, yes?" He questioned, peering down at you with his glowing white eyes. 

"What? No! It was just going to be this one time! I swear" You put your hands up in front of you, trying to emphasize that you meant what you were saying. 

"What is your name, intruder?" He leaned down, giving you a questioning glare. 

"Uh.. It's Y/n.." You mentally facepalmed, you really were stupid.. No wonder they sent you inside of all people. 

You really needed to learn to not give your name to the robot of the establishment you just broke into.

"Y/n, huh? What a pretty name.." He purred, "Now then, terribly sorry about doing this.. well not really"

You were about to turn and run when you felt an hand wrap around your mid section, kicking your legs and beating your fists on his arms you tried to wedge yourself out of his grasp, you didn't want to know what this monstrosity of an animatronic was going to do to you. 

You couldn't really blame him though, you were trespassing into his daycare..

You tried to push your way out of his grasp until you noticed how far up from the floor you were. Your vision started to blur and you felt nauseas from being up so high. "Oh.. getting a bit frightened, now are we? Worry not little intruder, I won't do TOO much harm to you" He chuckled. You knew there was something deeply wrong with him, the way he talked to you was unsettling enough.. They really let this guy be around kids? You couldn't help but think that this animatronic was on the border of being insane.

You wouldn't put it past the owner of this place though.. 

You were dragged out of your thoughts when you felt your hands being bound.

You must've been deep in thought...

Like.. DEEP in thought.. 

Growing annoyed at the inner voice that kept nagging at you, you tried to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Looking down at your hands you felt that any hopes of you getting out here alive and unviolated were crushed into specks of dust. 

Was this his first time tying up someone? He sure seemed quite skilled with it. 

That just worried you all the more.

Trying to pull your hands out of the glittery red ribbon that bound them together, it was of no use, seeing as even your fingers were kept from moving.. And all it earned you was a rash, a sparkly rash.. "Your attempts at getting out are going to cost you your life, why don't you just call it quits? I'll take good care of you~" The voice mocked, he seemed to be getting a kick out of you worrying about your life..

You were getting irritated at this point, you just wanted to grab a stupid stuffed animal or SOMETHING, and leave. 

"You know, with all the threats you've been making about ending my life, or whatever.. Why should I have reason to believe that you'd go through such dire attempts? You wouldn't have any place to hide my body and I'm pretty sure my blood will stain your clothing, why not just contact police? Or maybe contact a security guard? I'm sure there's plenty about" You asked him, laying your head back on the wall you peered up at him. 

"Oh~?" The voice chuckled, seemingly amused with your little speech, "You don't think I'd go through such dire attempts?" He smiled down at you "Little intruder.. Do you think you're the first person to break into this establishment? The first person to have broken into my daycare?" You wished you hadn't said anything.

"You would have to be a fool to believe that you were the first one to break in here, the only reason I haven't killed you yet is because of your awful excuses about breaking into here in the first place! Tsk, tsk.. You know I'm not a pushover, right? I wouldn't just let you go! What if you chose to break in here again? But with actual weapons? You could hurt people.. So why not just eliminate the threat as soon as they reveal themselves, Hmm?" He continued.

"I, uhh.." You didn't know what to say, you felt your eyes burning with tears and your throat was closing up.

You finally understood the seriousness of this situation you were in.

You could lose your life today, and here you were, practically taunting a deranged robot.

"Oh, but I wouldn't hurt you~ You're just too cute to harm..." He bent over, caressing your face, wiping away a tear. 

"I.. I wont.." You couldn't even speak anymore, "I'm.. s..sorry" You whimpered out, staring the animatronic in the eyes "I'll leave without taking anything, I shouldn't of listened to my friends, I'm sorry.." You whispered, looking down.

"Oh, but it's a bit too late for apologies.. don't you think?" He questioned, placing a finger below your chin he lifted your face, forcing you to look into his eyes.

"How about this.. I'll make you a deal, okay?" He asked, tilting his head. You didn't want to trust him, his smile was sinister, and his eyes held no promises of you making it out safe.

But you knew if you didn't take up his offer, he'd likely kill you. 

Having life long trauma sounded a lot better than getting killed.

Therapy exists.

You coming back to life after being killed? Does not.

You nodded, "So you'll take up my deal?" He asked, "What's the deal?" You asked, trying to mask the fear in your voice with false bravado.

"If you can beat me in three rounds of rock, paper, scissors I will let you go" He placed both of his hands together, intertwining his fingers.

You've got to be joking.

You couldn't help but laugh, quickly closing your mouth you looked up at him wide eyed "You're.. actually serious?" You asked, giving him a concerned look.

"Well? You're lucky I even gave you an option to keep your life" He muttered, crossing his arms.

"You've.. got to be joking, rock, paper, scissors? really? No catch or anything?" You nervously laughed.

"I can just kill you if you want" He shrugged.

"NO! I mean- Please, no, I'll take up your offer."

"I would say shake on it but.." He mused, pointing to your hands.

"Very funny.." You muttered, you couldn't believe he gave you something as easy as this. It was until you realized your hands were still bound tightly together, you couldn't even move your fingers meaning the only thing you could pull was paper..

When he saw realization finally dawn upon you he grabbed your chin, smiling down at you "It seems I've already won though..

Before you could start kicking and screaming you felt something hit your head, your vision went blurry, the only thing you could see before fully blacking out was the animatronics wide smile and haunting eyes staring down at you..


Sorry to leave it on such an abrupt note! I wanted to try and get an update out as soon as I could so there will likely be a part two of this! (Apologies to ShadowBorkBork if you didn't enjoy this oneshot) 

I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Definitely out of range of what I typically write so it was something new! :)

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