His Angel || Zeldris x Reader

By 31KiwiChan31

53.6K 1.6K 560

*Collab with the lovely Jk_bias_love ! Hurt them and I'll hurt you-* Y/N was a member of the Goddess Clan wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

1.6K 46 18
By 31KiwiChan31

~Necklace Key~

Red : admiring/ dazed / showing love

Purple : jealousy

Yellow : worried

Black : angry

Pink : shy/ flustered/ embarrassed

Grey: sad

White : teasing

green : disgusted

Blue : happy/ soft


I exhaled a breath, looking at the flier that I took from Gloxinia. I concentrated as to where I was supposed to go. Groaning in frustration, I put the flier back in my shorts's pocket and proceeded to walk further.

I swear, how bad was I at reading maps that I couldn't even read a simple map! Looking at the pendant I subconsciously gripped it in my hand. I Missed Zel....Maybe I should've stayed with him and asked him about the maze in person. I closed my eyes in sadness, however I opened them right back when I saw the necklace pulsing. "Zel?" I don't even know I said his name out loud, It's not like he can hear me-

"Y/N?" I gasped, tripping on my feet from the sudden voice I heard.

No way...

Going on my knees, I took the necklace in my hands, staring at it in slight fear and concentration. I didn't hear anything from the other side. Was I imagining things? Hearing things? Was I missing the presence of Zel so much that I made up his voice??

"This is crazy-"

"I assure you you're not crazy,"

I widened my eyes, "Zel is that you?

"Of course it's me," He sounded so serious with his response that I had to listen attentively to perceive the amusement in his voice. "R-right, um- well I didn't know- I mean it could be anyone you know?" I paused for a moment before continuing.

"Wait- how are you able to talk through here? Are you using your demon powers!?"

"You... could say that. It's... something special I casted on the necklace," I smiled at the thought of being able to talk to Zel more now with the spell that Zel created.

What I didn't know was that Zeldris was not the one who created the spell. It was already a special attribute of the necklace: being able to communicate with the other half of the person when you're far away or when the other deeply misses the other. "That's great! I can communicate with you even though I'm far away from you-"

"What do you mean far away? You're just next door- well behind the vine wall," I laughed awkwardly, "Um- well you see- I sort of took off to go on an adventure to have.... fun?"

"What?!" His voice boomed, the necklace pulsing in response. "Y/N what the hell- I swear- don't tell me you're planning something stupid?"

"NO-! I mean- no, I won't do something stupid. I just wanted to go to this really amazing festival where you can win a price-"

"Please don't tell me you're at the festival that Gloxinia created,"

I stopped for a moment, mentally face palming. Crap- I said too much information. Oh how stupid of me...now he's going to know what I'm up to and be mad at me and maybe hate me-

"Please don't be mad Z," I heard a sigh, I felt tears threatening to come. I couldn't bear the thought of Zel being mad at me and hate me.

"I'm not mad, just please come back. I can ask Gloxinia to organize something else for you... Just please don't go to this one,"

I frowned, I mean I could go back and pretend like what he said didn't have some meaning- but I knew there was. "Why? If you're not mad I could just have some fun-"

"It's dangerous. I can't tell you more- just please listen to me!"

I found myself staring at the ground, this feeling overwhelming me again. Another secret. What else could I expect? He was hiding something from me. "Stop hiding the truth and tell me why I keep having those familiar visions that look like memories!"

"I can't do that!... not yet, it's not the time yet-" his voice got quieter and broke softly, as if he was about to cry. I shook it off, clenching my fist. I couldn't let my determination waver.

"Then, I'm going to this festival and winning it. I'm going to retrieve these memories of mine," I stood up and began making my way to the maze, following my instinct for the location. "Y/N!"

I ignored the voice of Zeldris and tried blocking his voice. I struggled for a moment but succeeded. Although, I don't know how I did it.


Looking up at the gigantic maze-like thing, I felt so much magic power radiating from it.

I looked down at the paper and read what was written in black bold letters

Find the exit from your route to proceed to the next challenge and you mustn't die

Further instructions will be given to you by the host.

So formal, I wonder if Zel wrote it. I clenched the paper-flier and proceeded to walk down the trail. I unsheath my sword from its holder and hold it in front of me in a defensive manner. I could hear my own breathing. I was beyond stressed, this was the first time I was going to fight on my own without anybody helping me.

However, this was the chance to prove I could fight and defend myself! But it was still nerve wracking. I heard a branch snap and turned around to come face to face with a gigantic monster. I clenched my hands around the sword handle and ran full speed towards it.

I brought my sword back, trusting it forward a gigantic beam of light flashed through my sword and made the monster turn to ashes. I held a fierce expression, sweat covering my face. I didn't notice one of my eyes turning gold with orange swirling. A powerful aura surrounded me. I could feel it pulsing through me. I exhaled and advanced towards my next destination.

I had been walking for hours, killing every target I came across. I felt powerful, invincible. I held my gaze cold, not letting anything get in my way. When I wanted something the determination was so much bigger in my heart. Arriving at yet another clearing, I saw two other opponents. One had dark hair with a familiar mask and another with silver hair, the same mask adorning their face. "Well well~ another weakling is going to die at our hands. How unfortunate for you little girl-"

"Kyle, hold on-! I feel like I know this girl. What is your name?" I scoffed, why was she asking for my name when she was here to eliminate me. However, I was curious as to how she assumed she knew me. I had never seen her before in my life. I didn't think much of it and dashed forward.

The two widened their eyes at the unexpected attack and separated from one another. I went for the girl first assuming she was the leader here and a more experienced fighter than the other one. Regaining her footing, she met my sword halfway and stopped my sword coming in contact with her face.

I expected her to be a decent fighter but I was wrong as I succeeded at pushing her back against a tree. She clenched her teeth at my force, trying to put away my sword she tried pushing with all her might.

I frowned at the lack of strength. Was she really the leader? I sighed and rotated my sword to make it fall from her grip. I frowned when she began to smirk, however the smirk fell as soon as she saw the familiar necklace. No way... I remember now! That's the girl we kidnapped a long time ago! I remember his wrath when we had hurt her.

"It's you-! No Kyle stop- '' I had moved from my position once I felt the other one try attacking me. The other guy ran at me trying to harm me, however I was quickly able to dodge everyone of his attacks. Kyle I think was his name, suddenly stopped and brought his hands together.

"Kyle, stop it! It won't work on her! Besides, you need at least a day to recover after that spell! Don't do it!" I frowned deeper, I was about to attack but I felt my body become paralyzed. I widened my eyes, dropping to my hands and knees.

I grunted, clenching my eyes while an immense pressure surrounded my body. Opening one of my eyes, I clenched my jaw harder, blood starting to come out of my mouth.

I refuse to lose here! Looking up with difficulty, I tried getting up but it was in vain. Come on y/n! Move! Get up!

I grunted and I clenched my hands. I felt tears threatening to fall. What would Zel tell me right now? What would he do in my situation?

"What's wrong can't move? That's my special spell gravity 'Death'! Once in this spell you can't move," I glared up at him. I closed my eyes in frustration, my hair covering my eyes.

Get up.

Opening my eyes, I felt my heart beat faster at the voice in my head. Zel...

Get up and finish him. You can do it, I have faith in you, make them see your true powers. Oh Zel, even though he was against me participating in this festival he was always supporting me and giving encouragement. I glared up at the two and tried with all of my might to stand.

Kyle widened his eyes at the scene. He was beyond shocked. Upon being in the influence of the spell, nobody should be able to move feeling great pain from the pressure. It should be impossible. But here you were, doing something he wouldn't have thought possible!

"Kyle! You moron stop it! It's useless against her! Listen to me!" Being the stubborn guy he was, he didn't listen to her and kept inflicting Gravity Death. I kept on advancing, my glare hardening the further I went. When I got to him, I brought my hand up with the sword lighting up with a big beam of beam.

Thrusting it forward, I shot my opponent in the chest making him fly backwards with great force. He was thrown against the bark of a tree, now unconscious. I sighed and turned towards the girl. She held fear in her eyes. I scoffed, it was so funny. A moment ago she was full of confidence about her skills. She didn't move. I closed my eyes, turned around and left her there, going forward.

I guess I could spare her.

I laid down on the ground, feeling utterly exhausted. You did good angel, I'm proud of you...even though I'd have rather preferred you not being there

"I know... and I'm sorry- I just need answers..."

"I would have given them to you if you weren't so impatient. You silly girl..."

"Then... When would you have told me?"

"I was planning to after the festival. But it doesn't matter anymore. You're already there. I can't stop your stubborn self anyway."

I huffed and crossed my arms with a pout on my face. "You're so mean.." I could practically feel his soft smile, like he was here in person. I began yawning, feeling drained from the fight I had. "Well, I'm going to rest for a while. I'll talk to you later, my sweet demon. Good night,"

And just like that I was out cold, resting on a makeshift bed I had made with leaves. I failed to notice the necklace giving soft hues of red and pink all at the same time. Zeldris was feeling beyond flustered when you had called him my demon he felt special in your eyes. However the soft expression disappeared and was replaced with sadness. He remembered what the festival is really for and clenched his fist in anger for hiding yet another thing from her.

You'll probably hate me after this..


Flashback- six years ago:

11 years old Y/n

Authors pov

The little girl was reading a book feeling bored out of her mind. She was wearing a light white flowing dress. She laid down on her stomach swaying her feet back and forth. She was reading one of her favorite books. The forbidden love

The story was about a demon and an angel forbidden to love each other. She didn't know why she was drawn to this particular book but she felt somehow connected to this story. "Pfft, why is it that demons are always the bad guys...." she mumbled under her breath. She wanted to continue the story but she didn't want to see any more injustice going to the demons. Huffing a breath of air, she finally closed her book and rolled on her back.

She glanced down at her necklace and began thinking, a cute pout on her face, how she had gotten the necklace. She suddenly giggled, feeling silly. I'm sure Arthur gave it to me!

Suddenly the necklace began to pulsate wildly. Her eyes widened in wonder, feeling warmth coming from it. Her eyes began to droop, she suddenly began to feel dizzy. Her grip on her necklace began to weaken and just like that she was out cold.


Opening her eyes, she saw she was on a field. Her eyes shone with wonder and sparkles of light. She smiled wildy and ran with delight in the field of flowers. She wanted to stay here forever and she felt at home. However she abruptly stopped once she saw a silhouette near a tree leaning on it. It looked like the person was looking at her, but she couldn't really tell because a shadow covered his face. Curious, she began to advance towards the person. When she got closer she noticed he was wearing a red armor. Part of his chest was revealed and he had a sword attached to his hip. She glanced up at the person and smiled.

"Hi! I'm princess Y/N of Camelot. Do you want to be my friend, mister abs?" The person sweat dropped at the name she had called him.

"Just call me Oni...and I would love to be your... friend,"

"Ok mister abs! By the way, what are you doing here? *gasp* Do you live here?! OH MY GOD! If so, you're so lucky!" The stranger chuckled at her antics. He smiled softly down to her though she couldn't really see.

"You could say that I'm here as your.... Guardian-"

"*gasp* you mean my guardian angel!?" He cringed at the name, having an eyebrow twitch slightly.

"N-no... just a guardian to protect you," The little princess tilted her head sideways in a cute manner with a smile on her face. "That's fine!" She suddenly hugged him, he was paralyzed in shock that she would suddenly hug him. He felt tears coming but he wouldn't dare make them fall. Hesitantly, he hugged her back. He felt happy that she was back in his arms.


Y/N's pov:

Opening my eyes, I realized I was still on the ground in the makeshift bed. I groaned feeling some of my energy brought back to my body. I glanced around myself. I noticed that there was this passageway sort of door. I got up and advanced towards it. I hesitated but went in anyway. There was this blinding light, so I closed my eyes.

Opening my eyes one by one, I was in total shock seeing everyone I knew on the other side too, looking as shocked as me. My body stiffened. There were so many people in this small area. My eyes widened as a familiar voice rang throughout the area. "And now that all the main contestants are here, we can rid ourselves of the others," I recognized the voice as Gloxinia's, the fairy I'd spoken to before. "Spirit Spear Basquias! Ninth configuration, Death Thorn!"

In a split moment, all sources of magical power within the maze disappeared. My eyes shook with fear. All of us knew that those inside the maze had just been killed, there was no denying it.

The fairy continued to speak, dismissing any remorse for those he had killed seconds before. "And now let the fighting festival begin!" A man stepped forward and announced that this was to be a two man tag match, meaning that it would be two against two.

"Wait just a minute!" A pink haired male jumped into the maze with a bright smile and a peace sign. "For Gowther is here!" I chuckled softly to myself. That was Gowther for sure. Gowther took a moment to realize that he hadn't calculated correctly and landed on Escanor.

"Excuse me, but could you move your foot away from me?" Escanor whispered with a nervous laugh. "Oh? My calculations on where to land must have been a little off," Gowther got off of Escanor. Escanor wiped the dust off of him before making a horrifying realization. "Oh no! The glasses I got from Miss Merlin! They're broken! Without them-" 

Escanor was stopped mid-sentence by a bramble being plunged through his chest, blood spilling as his body fell to the ground. I found myself stuck in place, my eyes wide. There was no way...the fairy I'd met had been so kind...and now he was ruthlessly murdering others just for a festival. "Escanor!" Meliodas cried out, everyone running to him, but I stayed still, in utter shock.

Oh Z...I can see why you didn't want me to come now

"Spirit Spear Basquias, seventh configuration: Moon Rose! Droplet of life,"

A flower appeared above Escanor, a liquid falling from it and onto his wound. It healed in a matter of seconds, the color returning to Escanor's eyes. "Allow me to explain, the whole meaning of this festival is to grant someone's wish, much like this,"

Gloxinia looked over his shoulder to look at Drole. "I believe that we're ready to start now," Drole nodded, clapping his hands together, pillars of rock rising up under us, separating us into twos.

"Princess?" I looked beside me to suddenly find Lockwood. "Lockwood?! Ummm, hi-" I greeted him with a nervous laugh. Oh boy, I was dead.

I expected to get a lecture, but instead, I found his arms around me in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're okay..." Lockwood mumbled, pulling back to show me a bright smile. "All of us were so worried, but Meliodas assured us that you would be okay and wouldn't be hurt," I looked down at the ground, the gears working in my mind. How would Meliodas know that I would be okay? Unless he knew something that I didn't, which wouldn't be a surprise at this rate...

I shook the thought out of my mind for now. "Yeah! I was alright. None of them had the intention to hurt me," Lockwood's gaze looked sad, but he nodded nonetheless. The ground rumbled below us once more, transporting us to a bigger platform.

All of our eyes widened, our opponents standing before us were non-other than:

Ban and Meliodas

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