The First Clan of the Pink Mo...

By Midnight_Binx

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The first vampire of a pink moon she was born under it and she has been with Vanitas since they met More

In The Event of Rusty Hopes
The Pink Moon Vampire
In the City of Flowers
Fangs That Lay Bare Blood
Where Death Slumbers
Those who hunt crimson
Point of Departure
A Chance Encounter
The Witch and the Young Man
d'Apchiers Vampire
The Beast
Hands upon a Nightmare
Just the two of us
Snow Flower
The Incurable Disease
Blue night
Tears like Rain
His Wish

Night of Mocking Masks

245 10 1
By Midnight_Binx

Noé- isn't this carriage a bit much?
Dominique- I told you we're going to a ball you're not planning to wear those dowdy clothes are you?
Noé- if you're about to change can you please take my collar and Bianca's too? So I can go wait with Vanitas and Bianca Domi listen is something wrong? Did I make a mistake by bringing Vanitas with us? I figured it would be a good idea to have him around if our intention was learn more about curse bearers Bianca needs him too but I should've considered ho that might make you feel I'm sorry Domi
Dominique- I'm just worried that's all I know he has The Book of Vanitas and you came here and because of my grandfathers instructions and Look you even came around The first Pink Moon clan! But still you're getting involved with curse bearers directly too and I worry that it's because you've convinced yourself that what happened years ago was your fault
Noé- smell so good
Dominique- you haven't dropped a hint like that in long time but hints won't do you must tell me what you want well Noé? Do you crave my blood?
Noé- I do Domi please let me have it
Dominique- all right my blood is all your then Mon Chéri
Bianca- V-Vanitas how do I look...
Vanitas- you look like we are getting married Mon Chér

Dominique- hm? What? Do you feel unwell?
Noé- no masks jesters I can't help thinking about what I saw
Vanitas- A flower for you Cher(dear)
Little girl- it's beautiful! Did you see that Manan?
Mother- oui tres bon(yes very good) Catherine
Sister-you are so lucky!
Noé- would you please stop fooling around?
Vanitas- me "fooling around"? What about your little dalliance while me and Bianca was sitting right outside the door?
Noé- my little what? What are you...?I told you Domi my dear friend don't say things that could be taken the wrong way it could invite trouble for her
Vanitas- huh you vampires have an interesting way of expressing friendships
Dominique- you mean our little exchange in the carriage before yes? Noé had a thirst and he wanted my blood simply because it wasn't the first time he's tasted it when an Archiviste drinks from a new source they see that person's memories but Noé never been comfortable doing so unless the other party is in agreement first you see that's why- wait where did he go?
Vaintas- perhaps you should've left the collar on him
Dominique- no matter come in here Bianca I need talk to him real quick
Bianca- Vanitas...But Dominique i can't let you I hav to be-
Vanitas- Bianca go you can go find Noé don't worry I'll be fine Mon Chéri
Bianca- Alright than as you wish
They go while Bianca goes and look around and see a woman but sees closer to seen Jeanne
Bianca- Jeanne! Jeanne are you okay?
Jeanne- Bianca...please go I am not in...control right now....
Bianca- need blood right your eyes are glowing red and that means Luca is here drink my blood you're curse bearers are you not?
Bianca- Answer me! Please I need to know if you are one so I can help you out! Fine if you can't tell me I will let you drink my blood
Jeanne- no I must not
Bianca- Jeanne please do it for me at least
Jeanne- all right...
She goes and sink her teeth to her skin
Jeanne- then her blood is so sweet like candy it likes licking candy
Bianca- is that enough Jeanne?
Jeanne-y-yes thank you
Bianca- you're welcome now come wait is that...Vanitas!
Vanitas- Attention all vampires! I am called Vanitas! The vampire of the Blue Moon inheritor of the name and famed grimoire yet I am but a human!
Noé- the devil is he doing up there?
Vanitas- first I intend to remove any and all doubt that I number among the Clan of The Blue Moon and this will be my proof
Guest- it's the mark!
Vanitas- I trust that everyone in attendance understands who this marking represents and I'm sure your instincts can tell you what sort of power has been bestowed upon me as a result
Man- kill that man! Tear him limb from limb before it's too late!
Vanitas- take a good look Fir this is The Book of Vanitas it's able to corrupt your true name with ease plunging you into a despair worse than death- a truly accursed tome! But I can assure you that you have nothing in fear you should all count yourselves fortunate! I the present day Vanitas am your savior! And you will soon find yourselves redeemed! By the very book that was meant to condemn you from here to eternity! You need only sit by trembling with humiliation while you are saved by my hand! What you object? I don't give a damn! It's happening no matter what you say! Because that will be my revenge! My ultimate retribution upon Vanitas!
Noé- so that's it that's why you're so determined Vanitas
Vanitas- and there you have it! If there any curse bearers in attendance please don't hesitate to step forward! As a doctor specializing in vampires I give you my professional guarantee that I can cure you now!
Man- this is ridiculous!
Man2-kill him!
Vanitas- Me?
Man3- The Clan if the Blue Moon will save us huh? They're the reason we have curse bearers! Do you even know what you're talking about?
Man4- get out of here human!
Man5- foul creature!
Luca- what does that fool think he's doing?
Noé- I couldn't say
Luca- and why do it here of all places?
Noé- not a clue
Veronica- oh my so this is what all the fuss is about! What on earth is that dreadful man doing here? Ugh his human stench is enough to turn my stomach
Dominique- Gah! My sister Veronica! I didn't even think she was coming!
Veronica- let us remove this filth immediately!
A sharp weapon cut down the Chandelier
Bianca- Vanitas!
Until Bianca got him
Man4- where he is?
Man5- he disappeared into thin air!
Veronica- hm
Machine- that human as spirited away in the blink of an eye
Veronica- interesting worry not good people! Just as our forebears did we'll track down and slay this filthy beast before he can harm us for humans like him are the bane of our kind!
Noé- I think Bianca is the one who swooped in and carried him away right?
Luca- huh? Oh yes!
Noé- why does she always has to help him every time?
Luca- well I don't know but I told Jeanne to see you three again so she did what she could to make it possible please forgive me for my rudeness last time Monsieur Noé the truth is...I wasn't thinking clearly and I allowed my temper to take control I can be such a dreadful child sometimes!
Noé- just call me Noé from now one okay luca? Is okay cause I think Bianca would forgive you she would want the best for you come with me perhaps we can find Vanitas together neither of us can afford to let him die here right?
Luca- Right!
On top of the roof
Vanitas- well this is a surprise to think that there would come a day when a woman would quite literally sweep me off my feet! It truly is a most unexpected moment-
Bianca- Vanitas that was dangerous of you that you would do that I can't believe you...
Vanitas- Question is I can't believe you why on earth do you bite mark on your neck?
Bianca- cause Jeanne was there she needs it so I gave her some of my so she can protect Luca
Vanitas- well no matter way I think perhaps you should drink my blood
Bianca- wha?
Vanitas- I'm offering it to you bianca
Bianca- Vanitas you know what happened a long time ago I promise I would not drink your blood or any one else
Vanitas- sorry ma Cherie this no time to look at the past this is the present I change so please drink my blood has you must
Bianca- Vanitas are you sure I don't want to hurt you in other cause
Vanitas- I don't know at the moment I guess I don't care what happens no wait that's not it if you drink my blood how will it feel like that's right no matter what happens the fact is I'm in love with you now drink of me Bianca
Bianca- no I can't please...
Vanitas- do it for me
Bianca- as you must then
As the change it became the pink moon

Vanitas- now I get it oh yes Bianca this isn't bad not at all in fact...
Noé- I'll ask you again who are you?tell me!
Spider- Charlatan
Naenia- that's right we are charlatan
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