Countryhumans Oneshots! [No S...

By XinLuang

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Hello and welcome! This book will contain chapters regarding: ・Historically fictional oneshots of countryhum... More

A Letter to Whom
Texas & Cali's Wild West Shenanigans
Attack of the Dead Men: August 4, 1915 - August, 6, 1915
Dutch Republic's First Encounter with Japan [1600's]

The Paris of the East [ft. China & France]

257 10 5
By XinLuang


This passage contains some swearing. It also hints at some politics between Hong Kong and China. Just do note I'm not writing about my perspective on the politics, but the countries. And I also would like to add that I'm not trying to villainize the people of these countries nor glorify/promote anything at all. Anyways, if you are not comfortable with this, please skip over this story. This is your last warning.


Beginning Authour's Note:

Sooo, I'd like to say some things first #1, kinda proud of the art ngl :D #2 art isn't really related to the story, while I was drawing it kind've of diverged from the plot and now it looks cool but with no significance whatsoever (btw China is in front and France is in the back) #3 I have a wattpad version of the art and an insta version so lemme just casually plug my insta in - there we go :)


Macau's POV

Empty, lifeless, and somewhat boring this luxurious city lies. It was just waiting for the few troves of residents to wake at the crack of dawn and stir up some much needed action. Even with the new installation of picturesque buildings and statues, it never seemed to aid much in providing life to this town. As I think about it more, I don't believe this place has ever had any activity in its whole lifetime for the record. That's what makes it eerie and a great example of something that seems like it should've been abandoned a long time ago. Not to mention it is an absolute ghost town because of how cut off transportation is to cities. I mean for Hell's sake, why put this in Tianducheng? Shanghai is only two hours away yet this feels like it's a whole days away in some random countryside secluded from the rest of civilization. Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to put attractions here?

Oh, yes, right. China was who did it. In 2007, he decided it was the most ingenious idea to reconstruct monuments from around the world, like the majestic Arc de Triomphe or the famous Eiffel Tower, smack dab in one of the most random cities anyone has ever heard of. I have no vendetta against China, unlike Hong Kong, but it was almost as if he was drunk planning the development of this. All in all, I can say without a doubt this was a project doomed from the very beginning if his intention was to bring denizens here.

I sighed and glanced beside me at Hong Kong. As he gazed up towards the exact replica of Paris's Eiffel Tower, I knew he was thinking the same thing. Swiftly whirling towards the cityhuman, he furled his eyebrows to convey the most confused and concerned look I've seen him make in a while.

"Tianducheng, might you have any idea on why exactly China thought this was a good idea to put um- whatever this is, here? It just seems like a waste of money, or more likely, a weird way to boast his wealth." Hong Kong bitterly blurted out, clearly in pain to having to be out here.

Tianducheng gave him an equally puzzled look. Interesting, considering that this is literally his city. This was what he personified. And to think he doesn't know why this was done probably tells a whole lot about this situation.

"China never gave me the details. He only told me this project was supposed to help bring residents in and that it's supposed to accommodate at least 10,000 people. I can assume it's also meant as a tourist attraction. But as you all can see, it flunked... flunked very hard." Tianducheng replied as he motioned at the humanless expanse surrounding us.

Although this wouldn't be the ideal location where I would put an expensive luxury real estate development, I liked where he was going with the whole 'Paris in China' idea. As a region occupied by western countries in the past, I can appreciate China's effort in copying France's neoclassical architecture. In contrast to everything else, the layout and design of everything really did look like Paris... just minus the people.

Just then my thoughts were interrupted by a far off voice from behind. Hong Kong stiffened his relaxed posture while Tianducheng spun around to the source of the spokesperson.

"Ni Hao!" China exclaimed, huffing and puffing as he sprinted across the vacant path, "Hong Kong, Macau, Tianducheng - you probably are wondering why I requested you to come here."

"No, I'm actually wondering what the fuck this is supposed to be besides one of your failed, delusional projects you pulled out of your ass. Fuck off China, you waste my time constantly." Hong Kong snidely remarks

China narrows his eyes and tightly frowns, casting a darker mood on his face. Snatching the front of Hong Kong's blue sweater gifted to him by Britain a few years prior, he drove him into the hard pavement. As he stood above him, China then seized both of his hands and pinned him to the ground with one foot atop his stomach. It's too early in the day to start their rivalries. Politics aside, can't we ever have peace between them?

"I was, for once, in a good mood. You just had to ruin it, didn't you, you little shit. Fuck all your 'but Britain assured me this, he assured me that!' Can you for once behave for a second? You're in my jurisdiction whether you or those westerners like that or not." China mockingly sneers.

Hong Kong snarls, but surrenders his cooperation for now as he senses Tianducheng's impatience and my own annoyance. Murmuring a backhanded phrase to himself, he promptly shoves China's foot off him allowing himself to rise up.

Tensions are usually uncomfortably high when those two are together. Now was most definitely not the time for this. Silence took to the stage as they glared at each other for another minute. Talk about sudden awkwardness. As if on cue, China's cell phone rings, toppling the building pressure. Startlingly, Tianducheng burst into contagious laughter as it seems China set his ringtone to Super Idol. I suppose that song is his newest obsession ever since he saw it on tiktok and live on China's Got Talent.

As China answered the call, he gave all of us one final deathly glare despite his face betraying him with the flushed, red tones of embarrassment. Sometimes I marvel at how one second he can be rude, maybe even cruel. But the next, a genuinely understanding and charismatic person - acting as if he was your childhood friend.

China's POV

I'm too tired to deal with those little shits, except Macau of course, where else would I gamble without him? The sun hasn't even risen yet and I've already gotten myself into a little clash with Hong Kong. Will that kid ever learn to respect me? He should just suck things up for once.

Suddenly, my phone rang with the melodic voice of the man who covered Super Idol - the one who got famous on Tiktok. The way he articulates each word always inspires awe from inside me. His inflection was soft and sweet - something I've always wished I had ever since I was a child. Unfortunately, the Great Leap Forward and other such events in my earlier years set aside any hope of improving my singing voice. What a shame, yet it was a very necessary action at the time for the future of this country. My father, Qing Dynasty, and even my rebellious brother, the Republic of China or Taiwan as he insists now, in the past had even praised that I had a beautiful voice for singing.

Dragging me out of my thoughts, I heard the eruption of laughter from Tianducheng as I pulled out my phone from the depths of my pocket. I gave him a murderous glare insuring that he knows I will remember that.

"Bonjour China. You called me earlier, but I missed it. It was 1:00 AM in the morning you do know that? Well what is it you needed." France groggily voiced.

"My apologies, France, but I'd actually like you to fly to China today so then you can arrive here late at night. I can escort you to Tianducheng from there if you'd like." I firmly stated.

"Wha-, what? I'm sorry, but you want me to fly all the way to your country and expect me to do this out of the blue? That's just ridiculous." He stammered.

Yes, it was indeed a ridiculous request, but if I told him a few days prior, he would just make up a silly excuse to not come here. That's just how western countries treat my requests sadly. If I pressured him into coming today, he would surely arrive in order to not further mess with our countries' relations with each other, even if this trip wasn't at all about politics.

I adamantly declared, "Yes, that's exactly what I'd like. Besides this isn't something about politics and it's actually quite flattering."

"You still haven't explained why you want me there in the first place Chi-"

"Great! The people of China will be eager to see your arrival. I'll be waiting in the Hangzhou Metro Station, Line 3. Though, again this isn't about politics, I think it could strengthen our relations." I happily announced as I cut off his last sentence.

I immediately ended the call and glanced at Hong Kong who scoffed at me.

"What a bitch. Forcing France into coming to this shithole-," I heard him ridicule under his breath.

I hope France doesn't think I'm a bitch for doing this like Hong Kong assumes I am. This time I actually want to show something I'm, for once, passionate about. Do those arrogant westerners always think this of me?

France's POV

I hopped off the train and stepped foot on to Line 3 of the Hangzhou Subway Station. There, as expected, sat China who was slumped against a wall with Macau and Tianducheng waiting. Unsurprisingly it seems like Hong Kong wasn't invited to join in today, like always.

"Bonjour China," I groaned, "please tell me this is going to be worth the flight."

China perked up and eagerly replied, "Ah! France, you arrived earlier than expected. Please come with me, you'll love this, promise."

I rolled my eyes and trailed behind him at a slightly slower pace. Following the rhythmic beat of his steps, I was led outside of the station where I picked up speed in order to meet China eye to eye.

"Again, you've at no point explained why I'm here in the first place. One of you cares to explain what the hell is going on here? Is this some kind of emergency, China? Macau, is this a cruel trap he set up?" I scowled.

Macau stared at me evidently clueless while Tianducheng fiddled with something in his hands. Did they consider my presence here to be a joke?

"Cruel trap? Westerners come up with the most janky ideas," he amusingly declared, "if you think this whole thing is a set up, then assume yourself wrong. I'm guessing you'd be surprised at what I am about to show you."

We hastened our stride to the point where all of us were practically speed walking. I began to sense something was amiss and I stepped in front of China, who still, despite my efforts, continued. Promenading backwards to confront him, I was greeted with an unhappy look.

"We're almost here, calm yourself." China wavered.

As I caught myself before I fell backwards due to the inability to see through the pitch darkness, I grew impatient on an answer and resorted to asserting a more intimidating behavior.

"You better listen, you better listen once. If you plan on doing something shady, it's not going to work out, ok? Don't think I'm oblivious to your 'Anti-Western Sentiment'; don't think the other Europeans will allow this." I spat.

"I wouldn't go as far to say I hate you all. Besides, Chinese businesses make billion dollar deals with your companies. What would I do without you?" he smirked, "and if you truly insist that I'm doing something shady, look behind you."

"Behind me, wha-"

In all its glory sat a towering monument of gleaming, shimmering lights illuminating the calm night sky. It stood, an unchallenged testament of man-made feats marking the grand center of the city; surrounded by familiar neoclassical french buildings, a circular grassy expanse stretching out into the darkness, concrete paths carved through the lush domain, and petite, neatly trimmed topiaries - it truly reminded me like home, a quite literal Paris of the East.

"I- wow. I'm flattered... you replicated the Eiffel Tower surprisingly well! How did you do this to such fine detail, well more like why?" I astoundedly gasped.

Macau and Tianducheng looked equally enveloped in its glory as they gazed upwards at the glimmering tower. China gracefully turned to meet my gaze which was still fixed on the centerpiece of the surroundings. He leaned in and did something almost as shocking as his flattery; he held my shoulder lightly with a cheery smile plastered on his face. A happy China was usually a pleasant China. A pleasant China is rare to find these days.

"Now don't you dare call this 'a marvelous product of my past foreign concessions', I will punch you, but I'll be real with you, France, I've throughout the centuries admired your architecture. It was foreign compared to my own houses of the past. I was and am still fascinated with European-style buildings. Creating detailed replicas of your own architectural feats like in Shanghai makes me appreciate your culture, especially the art. I can't say I appreciate your culture past that, due to previous events western countries have inflicted on me," he hesitantly paused, "though as you can probably insinuate yourself, this was at first built for touristic purposes by Chinese companies. I'm curious, how do you think this compares to your capital city?"

I thought about this question in my head. What did I think of this place compared to Paris? It's hard to fully explain it in words, but it looked like the real deal, without it feeling like it. The streets here aren't packed. It was airy, open, and not suffocating with crowds of tourists. Largely empty this area was despite boasting a beautiful monument in the middle that if not for its location, would have attracted much more than a few thousand residents. It was a strange feeling to be here, even more once you realize you are still in China.

"It looks like Paris, it's built like Paris, and at first glance through a photograph you could only assume it's Paris. But once you arrive here it certainly doesn't feel like Paris. It's so empty... nothing like the famously lively, sprawling streets it's known for," I concluded, "here you are able to clearly observe regular civilian life. But that's not a bad thing at all. It has many things my capital has lost through the ages, mostly those things being peace. Peace and quiet is one of the upsides here in contrast to the busy, tourist-dominated streets of Paris. That's what makes it special I believe."

At this point, the whole group seemed to be swayed by my words. I wonder if they ever receive compliments a lot, or perhaps it was because they noticed my habit of explaining rather in depth appraisals all the time. Whatever it may be, all eyes are on me despite only seeing my silhouette in the void of night.

"Thank you for the kind words France. I appreciate it." Tianducheng acknowledged as his face creased into the slightest of grins. He was obviously not much of an emotion-shower, but anyone could sense his jubilee at hearing such talk about his city.

"Of course! It's always nice to see my own creations celebrated throughout the world. I look forward to seeing more of your proj-"

"D-, Do you actually think that France?" China sputtered trying to find the right words through his thinly veiled excitement despite rudely cutting me off, "well, you know, even though public opinion about me isn't that great, especially in countries like yours, I'm honored you think this. Despite everything I've done, and everything you've done in the past - which I will never stop holding over your head, I'm glad this is one thing we can appreciate together."

As all of us now plopped down on to the ground and laid in the center of a luxurious city now filled with a newfound admiration for this town that is more than any bumbling tourist could replace, the liveliness of every remark in our conversation, and the thoughts of this one night. With both hands as support to lean against on the pavement, I gazed up past the tower and into the constellations above. It didn't seem as empty as it was before, not when you are with the people who call this place home, and not when you are overcome with a sense of sentiment and nostalgia. Tonight reminds me of the times where I would peruse through the castles of Europe, observing every little detail, and once tired, lay atop the grass as I admired the stars. That feeling in those times is no different from now.

"Excuse me if this is out of the blue, but have you ever wondered what the world would be like without the mess of politics, the hatred, the fear, the anger - what if we were all... friends?" China philosophized.

"Do you think everyday would feel just like this? Maybe, I'd like to think that," he sighed, "I'd love to think that..."

"Maybe..." I reciprocated.

"Maybe we can think that, just for tonight."



Tianducheng, Wikipedia・

Tianducheng - China's Strange City of Paris, Alesha and Jerryd・

China's Tianducheng Is an Eerie Ghost Town Version of Paris, Smithsonian magazine, 2013・

Photos of the Chinese Town That Duplicated Paris, National Geographic, 2018・

You Won't Believe How Much This Chinese City Looks Like Paris, Architectural Digest, 2018・

Tianducheng , Atlas Obscura・

Lost in time: Tianducheng, China, Rethinking the Future・



Ngl I feel like this is really messy and confusing due to it having not much historical context and mostly just made up shit-

not to mention it actually could use more scenes for some character/emotional development but im just like 'nahhh lets cut this oneshot in half bc why not?' also this story is kind of tacky and cring so I'm hesitant on posting this

First of all, I haven't really thought of China's nor France's personality at all. I mostly based China's off of pb wiki and France's personality got pulled out of my ass sooo expect slight changes in the future once I make a very lazy hc book

Second, I read a random article about Tiandusheng and my bored ass thought hmm yes very interesting I will write about this.  Anyways, I don't think anyone will think this but I am not shipping china x france... in fact I don't ship at all and if in the future I do, that means I've been murdered and replaced by my doppelganger

Third, I don't intend to glorify or villainize any country. I recognize that China doesn't get a along with the west very well, but my intention here was to make up a hc/scenario where China, due to having a lot of tourist attractions that are replicas of european buildings in the country, develops an actual interest in european architecture even though in the beginning he wasn't so fond of it/ only built them for again, tourism. In my hc's of ch and what I perceive of the countries is a combination of government and the people (along with actual personality instead of just being stereotypical but that's irrelevant for now). I don't think it's fair to make one country only about the government or one only about the people (example: America is sometimes portrayed with the opinions of the people while Russia and China are 99% of the time having the opinions of the government). That's why, though a bit complicated to portray, a lot of the countries in my hc have mixed feelings about certain things that the people and government don't agree with. Sorry if this paragraph confused you, it's hard to get my point across with only words (and especially since I've never written down my headcanons so if u have any questions feel free to ask)

Here is both versions of the art :D (sorry I'm just really proud how this turned out)

(Another shameless insta plug:

[3443 Words]

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