Letter for You ✍︎

By Frosty_yeonjunie

67 11 18

Have this letter ...what do you think? ...what do you feel? ...how does it feel? ...dig into the words ...I p... More



14 2 0
By Frosty_yeonjunie


...the answer of most things

...is silence


...it's better to leave things unsaid

...rather than known


...some things don't need explanations


Because you know the mother fucking answers, and explanations are pointless and futile

You know what I'm talking about right?

Don't you?


To feel rage for you

...is pointless

To feel anger

...is pointless as well

More than anything

...I just feel pity

...for you and myself

For allowing me to continue

...and dealing with all you bullsh*t

And for you?


I pity you for how stupid you look

Do you not realize?

How pathetic you look

...immature even.

That's all I'm want you to know

Because the rest is best to be left unsaid

...for obvious reasons


Moved on?

Of course I have

I wish you would to

...instead of chasing me like you often do

I don't need you

...and your crappy manipulations

I don't need an attention seeker, like you, in my life


I didn't take me long

...to see the toxic tracks

...the pathway I was taking, with you

...was unsteady

Sooner or later

...it would be, not just a path, but an ocean

...of intoxicating waste

...that i would drown on

..and never come back

...that's why now

...I stepped back and retreated

...this path

...didn't have anything good in store for me

..and I knew that

I was right.


This was bound to happen

...I just stopped it, once I saw the big signs

...I stopped it

...before it turned into something worst.


I don't need to talk with you

Nor give you explanations

Nor remind you of your known mistakes

Nor make it a big deal

It's better to let this flow

It's better to let matters pass over in silence

Because that is the only answer you'll get from me

So if you are asking...

Answer: ...



all of these things

...should've been left unsaid and unknown by others

...but we all know how that went

It was meant to be just that


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