Soft Prayers {Himejima Gyomei...

By Mirmar0_

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~discontinued till further notice~ Ya I can't write descriptions, I also can't find any stories of him here s... More

Chapter 1: A hashira meeting?
You get sick (scenario chapter)
Information regarding the Mugen train arc

Mugen train arc: first form: Flame hashira Rengoku Kyōjurō

565 12 13
By Mirmar0_

Third person POV

The train conductor walked through the vacant carriage.
As the light flickered behind him he slowly turned around a concerned look on his face as he looked to the carriage behind him.
It had gone pitch black inside and he focused his eyes to try to detect anything in the dark carriage.

Not much was seen but he could make out the figure of a person.

A sense of dread and fear washed over him as he ran panic washing over him. A blue flash was seen and the conductor was sent flying into the other side of the carriage, the impact crushing his organs instantly killing him.

(Y/n) was walking on the seemingly empty street reaching a small ramen restaurant that was said to be the meeting point for her next mission.

Looking up at the familiar crow sitting on the sign, another demon slayer approached the restaurant. Looking back at the young boy wearing a blue haori she gave a gentle smile.
None of them said anything but both knew they were here to meet the same person.

Slowly making their way into the building a familiar voice rang out.


The two demon slayers looked at each other confused and then back at the source of the voice.

Those yellow locks could be recognized anywhere as the flame hashira Rengoku Kyojuro was sitting at a table eating a bowl of noodles.

He said again beginning to drink the brath of the delicious ramen.

Quickly setting down the bowl he yelled out the words of appreciation once more.

"Flame hashira, forgive us for interrupting your meal."
The boy said causing Rengoku to finally realize you were standing there

"Okay! come and take a seat."
He said loudly gesturing for the two demon slayers to sit down.

"Mister! Bring these two the same thing I'm having!"
He called out to the old man.

He only nodded and started to make the delicious ramen for the new young people who had joined the man.

"Are you sure it's okay?"
The younger boy said as he and you took a seat at the table.

"Of course it's okay! I'll have another bowl myself!" He said.

The old man grabbed his bowl.
"You sure eat with gusto, don't you? Just sit tight."
The old man said walking back to prepare Kyojuro's third bowl this evening.

"Flame hashira, your work last night was stellar."
The boy in blue haori exclaimed.

"No. It was after the demon fled, after all."
He said clearly doubting himself.

"How's the injured wonam doing?"
He continued changing the subject.

"According to the doctor, her wounds won't leave her any scars."

"I see. Good thing she got treated early."
Rengoku said.

"Yes I'll have to agree."
(Y/n) buted in calmly looking at the flame hashira.

"It's been a while Rengoku-san."
She said sounding polite.

The truth is she didn't like him, she respected him but hated that he had no filter to what he says, he is to loud, no matter what happens he wears that stupid smile and he has a tendency to change the subject way to quickly.

"Yes, it's been a few weeks since we met at the hashira meeting, hasn't it?"
He smiled brightly, a smile that would make any girl's heart melt, yet, (Y/n) only felt annoyance looking at his stupid grin.

The old man arrived with the bowls of ramen and placed them down.

"Thank you for the meal!"
The boy in the blue haori said.
The three of them lifted the bowls.

The old man puts down a plate at the table and walks away.
"What's this?"
Asked Kyōjurō

"It's my treat."
The old man said as he started to read  the newspaper

The younger boy started eating
"This is really delicious!"
He exclaimed.

* gonna change the dialogue here *

"Another slasher incident...?"
The old man asked as he flipped through the pages of the newspaper.

"Slasher incident?"
(Y/n) asked, the topic clearly spiked her curiosity.

"Yes. Over the timeframe of just a few months there have been at least a dozen of these incidents. The victims either being found dead or with fatal wounds."
The old man answered.

"I see."
(Y/n) said.

* Time skip brought to you by only being 4 minutes into the episode and having 706 words *

"Will we be heading to the Mugen train?"
The younger boy asked as the trio were walking towards the station.

"Right. But first... Let's inspect the station where the conductor's body was found."
Rengoku answered

For once a good Idea.
(Y/n) thought.


The young girl sighed looking at the bean paste bun in her hand.

"Fuku, enough of that sighing. Go on and eat your bean paste bun.
The old woman said.

Fuku nodded yet still she didn't eat.

"Not many customers today again, right?"
Fuku asked looking around at the vacant train station.

"I know that I say this every day, but it's dangerous to be out after dark. Tomorrow, you can start helping out in the afternoon since the demons come out at night."
The old Lady warned.


"All clear!"
The kasugai crow shouted.

"I took a look around the area, but there was nothing amiss."
The boy in the blue haori said.

"Nothing on my side either."
(Y/n) said as she approached.

Kyōjurō said.

"There aren't any demons!"

The trio turned around to the source of the voice.

"You're bringing up demons again? Just stop, will you? I have to sell as meny bento as I can! It's heard enough with my mother being pregnant (I feel that) , and I heard my father's shop isn't doing well."
Fuku yelled aggravated by the older woman's words.

The old woman put down the recipe book she was reading.

"You can leave that kind of worrying to us adults. I'll take care of things in the early mornings and nighttime by myself, okay?"
The woman said smiling gently.

"And what are we going to do if you get attacked by the Slasher, too?"
Fuku said in a distressed tone.

"I would be more than happy to sacrifice my life for yours."
The old lady calmly said.

Rengoku and (Y/n) slowly approached the bickering duo.

Fuku whinedthen she noticed the two strangers standing before her.

"Well, good evening! The moon is quite exquisite tonight, is it not?"
Kyōjurō paused before he continued.

"We're searching for a demon. You haven't seen one, have you?"
Kyōjurō stated boldly shocking everyone.

What? Just like that?
The boy in the blue haori thought.

"Kyōjurō-sama! You're being far to blunt!"
The kasugai crow stated worried.

The old lady stared at Kyōjurō in awe.

"Ma'am is there something you can tell me?"
Kyōjurō asked this time he got a reaction from someone, but not the old lady.

Fuku promptly stood up holding her arms up in a protective manner.

"D-Demon? What kind of talk is that? Wh-What's wrong with you? Stay away from us!"
Fuku started growing more panicked and by this rate was shaking like a leaf.

"Look out! If you keep shaking like that, you'll end up dropping the precious bean paste bun!"
Kyōjurō said worry now washing over him.

"Stay away from me!"
Fuku cried out as the threw the bean paste bun at Kyōjurō's face.

Kyōjurō seemed unfazed and grabbed it taking a bite out of it.

He shouted.

"Rengoku-san, you can't just eat what people throw at you!" ( >:(  )

"I don't believe in demons! There's no way there could be any, and you know it!"
Fuku continued getting more irritated by the second.

*cue the emotional flashback*

"There aren't any demons, Mommy! You know that!"
The little girl shouted at her mom who had just finished telling a bedtime story.

"They're just stories to make children behave and not go out late at night!"
She continued, irritating her older sister.

"It's a story (S/n)! Therefore it's not real. But you don't have to criticize mother for telling it!"
She snapped.

If only that was true...

*end of flashback*

(Y/n) started tearing up at the memory of her younger sister.

"Fuku, that's enough. You've already made this young woman cry. I don't believe this man is a bad person."
Fuku's grandmother said.

Fuku's posture visibly sunk as she relaxed.

"I'm sorry. I feel like I'm always on edge these days because of the slasher incidents. And I'm sorry if I said something to offend you Miss!"
Fuku apologized.

"No... You just reminded me of my little sister."
(Y/n) said wiping away her tears.

"If what I was just told is correct, you start working while it's still dark out and come to sell us those bento."
Rengoku said and then nodded in appreciation.

"I couldn't be more thankful."
He continued

The two shop owners looked shocked at the weight of Kyōjurō's words.

"No one should ever hurt people like you. But you can rest easy now! We'll take care of the slasher!"
Rengoku proudly said.

"Who in the world are you?"
Fuku whispered.

"Alright then."
Kyōjurō said.

As the two slayers walked away. Fuku realized something.

"Excuse me!"

The two slayers stop dead in they're tracks looking back at the young girl.

"Um... If you don't mind, could you maybe buy some bento?


Ok, I know I said I would publish all of the chapters together but scratch that idea because it will take way to long.

This is part one of the chapter "flame hashira Rengoku Kyōjurō"
I don't know how many parts this will take but I'm going to estimate about five.

Have a great day guys!

1617 words

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