BC Dave Miller X Reader

By nachagrande8332

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By nachagrande8332

It was finally time to go on another one of the employee bonding outings. You hadn't missed it, honestly. But, a chance to hang out with your best friends is a chance to hang out with your best friends. You don't want to miss it.

Mr. Guy told you that you'd be going to the state fair that's happening. You had wanted to invite Dave and go, but this will also be fun. Besides, he'll still be there.

Joan was also going to be there this time. She missed the last trip, so it'll be her first time out with all of you. Somebody will have to tell her it usually doesn't go well.

You piled in the car beside Jeremy. Mr. Guy was driving (it's his car), and Joan was in the passenger seat. Dave stands beside the car, about to open the passenger side door. "Wh- hey, why does she get the front seat?!" Dave asks your manager. Jeremy and you exchanged glances, annoyed with him. As much as you may care for him, he can still be a handful.

You were about to offer the back middle seat to him, before Joan and Dave glared at each other. They were silently fighting for the passenger seat when it really wasn't a big deal.

Eventually, Dave gives in and opens the back door. He climbs over top of you, going into the middle seat. "Get your ass out of my face!" You shout at Dave, who was pushing Jeremy further to the side. Finally, he sits down in the middle, against your side. He tries to stay as far away from Jeremy as he can. He might as well be sitting on your lap with how close he is to you.


After the irritating car ride, you arrived at the fair. When you get inside, you stood beside Jeremy. Mr. Guy looks around before seeing a horse. You follow his stare and smile.

"Dave, didn't you mention how you liked horses?" You ask him. Dave glances at the horse.

"Oh... sure, of course...." Dave chuckles nervously. You're confused about why he's nervous. He told you he grew up with horses, maybe that brings back some bad memories? But, he said he loved them.

Dave sees your confusion, then goes up to the horse. You got a good look at his outfit, and held in a laugh. Nothing was matching, though you guess that's just how he is. If he wore everything separately, it wouldn't be as bad.

"Ya see, (Y/N), back in Texas, we used to have a very specific method of horse tamin'. First-" Dave yanked on the horse's tail, standing behind it. You knew this would end badly, and it did. The horse kicked back and hit Dave's ribs. You watch, wide eyed. Joan and Jeremy laughed at his injury, while Mr. Guy kept one in. You were concerned, but it was quite funny.

When the horse trotted away, you went up to Dave who was clutching his ribs. He was out of breath, having it been kicked out of him. He didn't seem to be dying, so that was a good thing. You crouched down to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You did well, cowboy. Ready to get up?" You ask him. Dave pulls himself up, with help from you.

Once you started walking around the fair, Mr. Guy disappeared out of your view. You have no clue where he went off to. Jeremy and Joan left to go play a game, but you weren't all that worried about them. So, you and Dave were just wandering.

You see the balloon dart game across the fair. "Oh, Dave! Can we play?" You excitedly ask. Dave shrugs, beginning to walk over there with you. He's been in a bad mood since the horse incident, so you run all the decisions by him first. You want him to have a good time too.

You pay for a round at the game after asking Dave if he wants to play. He declines, and watches you. You steady your hand, and throw the dart at a balloon. You hit and pop it. You do a mini celebration, before continuing to throw the next one. Another balloon pops, and you realize you're on your last dart. You focus hard and throw it. You hear a satisfying sound, which just happens to be the last balloon.

"I won!" You cheer for yourself. Dave grins.

"You're a natural, darlin'!"

The person working the game hands you a plush snake as a reward for winning. You take it gratefully. You turn to Dave. "Here you go. To make you feel better about the horse... stuff. Don't get yourself worked up over it, she probably didn't want to interact with anyone today. I know horses aren't treated fairly, sometimes."

You give the snake plush to Dave, who looks into its eyes. You laugh at his expression as he's glaring at the snake. He picks it up, and wraps it around his shoulders. He puts an arm around your waist. "Thank ya, (Y/N). It's very comfy."

"It reminds me of you," you state.

"How so?"

"You both have this weird stare, and I think it's really funny!" You chuckle. Dave raises a hand to his chest, pretending to be offended.

"I don't have a weird stare!"


As the day progresses, you and Dave played a few games, hung out with the others, and walked around. The sun was setting, and Dave figured it was time to go on the Ferris wheel.

The two of you got on, and the ride started. You sat close together, holding on to the bar. You looked at the scenery around you. It was very beautiful, and really gave the area a different view than the ground.

Dave looks at the people in the seat behind him. He turns back to you, fear expressed across his face. You glance at him, wondering if he's alright. "Are you okay, Dave? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Uhuh, yeah," Dave dismisses your question. You notice something off about his accent. You do remember the British accent. You still haven't asked about it though.

"Are you afraid of heights? We can get off if you want?" You ask, wanting him to feel comfortable.

"What- no! It's alright! I actually qwoite like this!" There's the British accent again.

"Uh... okay. You know you can tell me anything, right?" You remind him. He nods.

"Yes, yes, I do. I'm not hidin' somethin', I swear!" Dave confirms. You glance away, not believing him. You'd like to, but he's a bit too nervous about this for you to let it go. Though, you assume he doesn't want to talk about it anymore, so you change the topic.

"I was going to ask you to come here with me, just by ourselves. So, this turned out pretty good!" You say, happily. Dave looks at you.

"You were gonna take me on a... date?" Dave asks, hesitant about using the word. You laugh.

"Well, yeah. Is that not what couples do?"

"I think so. It's been a while," Dave admits. You grab his hand, holding it gently. You look at the sky, admiring it. You never thought you could be this happy with someone, but here he is.

A few more cycles later, you and Dave finally got off. You saw your friends waiting by the games, so you go to meet them. Dave grabs your hand, nervously.

"Are you alright, Mr. M-"

"Yeah! Yeap, I feel fit as a fiddle!" Dave answers quickly. "In fact, I think we've done enough of this employee bonding fer the month. We should get goin', doncha say?"

"Oh... well, if you say so."

You look at Dave, silently asking him what he's doing. He doesn't answer but tightens his grip on your hand.

"Aw, c'mon, boss. We've barely done anything! Jeremy still hasn't beat me in cola ring toss!" Joan groans. You don't want to leave either, but if something is making Dave this uncomfortable, of course you'll leave.

"It's getting late anyway. I'm sure we can do this again some other time," Phil states. You nod, excited for more possibilities. 


So, I don't mind this chapter. God, I hate replacing Phil with (Y/N) sometimes. I had a whole debate about whether or not I should. Thank you so much for interacting and reading, you all make me so happy! This book will probably only have like five chapters after this one. Well, that depends if I want to do something else, but I can't decide. If there's any interactions you want to see between Dave and (Y/N), I'm all ears! I need filler chapter ideas lol. Have a good day/night!

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