𝗦𝗠𝗚𝟰: Y/N's C&D Adventure...


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SMG4 Characters belong to SMG4/Glitch Productions Mario Characters belong to Nintendo More

For those who don't know SMG4 [[NON-CHAPTER]]
The Wish Ring
A Ghost and Melon have Wholesome Fun
The Inkwisher
The God Olympics 2022
The Multiverse of WTF
The Squidshroom Inkdom
Switching Bodies
If.....Y/N? was in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2
Y/N's New Pet
Y/N's Judgement
Guess who's back! [[NON-CHAPTER]]
Mario tries to Die
Y/N & Meggy find Jeebus
I'm sorry to you all...
THE END....for this season


808 9 2

The Entire SMG4 Cast along with every Inkling and Octoling were taken to the Internet Graveyard, Thanks to SMG3 and the Dead Memes. Everyone was in a Mix of many Emotions and many were rather scared, angry, confused, and sad. SMG4 went towards SMG3 as he was wondering what just happened

SMG4: "SMG3, Why are all of us back here and why did you bring those Inklings and Octolings here?"

SMG3: "I've been watching everything that was going on in your Realm and was told that Vixen guy was ruling over the Mushroom Kingdom. At first, I didn't care but then I found out he was gonna use a Bomb to explode all of Inkopolis, I took all these Squid and Octopus looking weirdos here and waited to find you guys. Remember that if that Red Idiot dies, we all die"

SMG4: "Oh, well thanks for saving us and all but what's going on here? And where's Y/N?"

Meggy: "Y/N? OH CRAP! I completely forgot about them! Are they okay!? Please tell me, Their okay!"

SMG3: "Umm, I wouldn't exactly say there "Okay" but more like...a Bit...Unsettled. He figured everything out about Vixen around the same time you guys did and I went to the Castle to get all those Toads out of there but Y/N was the only one there but they went incredibly crazy"

SMG4: "Where is he?"

SMG3: "He's inside the Starbucks and locked inside of an Icebox. When I tried to bring them back here, They were going crazy so we kept them in an Icebox, Just in case"

Meggy then pushes SMG3 out of the way as she ran to the Starbucks and so did the rest of the gang. You were in the Icebox sitting on the floor, curled up and your head on your knees. Based on your actions earlier, You left a lot of Cracks and Craters in the Glass walls of the Box you were stuck in.

Genger: "Dude Y/N...You okay, Buddy?"

Y/N: "...."

SMG4: "Y/N. It's us"

Y/N: "..."

Meggy: "Come on Y/N, Answer us"

Y/N: "..."

Y/N: "Get lost...all of you...I'm not used to anyone anymore..."

Tari: "W-What are you talking about?"

Y/N: "Have you not seen any of this? It's my fault that all of this happened. I came to the castle, You guys let me in. I find out that I'm an SMG and still have many questions. I brought the equivalent of a Genocide crazed Psychopath that Murdered thousands of people, Took so many innocent lives away and I thought that I could trust him and make you guys think the same. Now look what happened, Those Inklings and Octolings have lost their entire home, Princess Peach is Dead, and even Francis is back because of me"

Genger: "Don't say that Man, We all didn't think that Vixen was a Bad Guy at first, He had all of us fooled"

Mario: "I was the only one who knew!"

SMG4: "Shut up, Mario!"

Luigi: "Come on Y/N, We never knew what Vixen was up to at all, It couldn't have been your fault"

Y/N: "Seriously? I spent all this time trying to find out who I am and yet ignored the possibility that Vixen could be planning something bad! I don't even know who I am and all I ever did was cause trouble for you guys! I'm such a Screwup and I don't even have friends!"

Meggy: "Hey. Don't think for a second that we don't see you as our friend. Because you are our friend. You're just not thinking that way"

Y/N: "No Meggy. For the first time, I'm thinking clearly and I know what I did. I'm nobody's friend and I'm just a Good for nothing sack of crap. I can't do anything and all I did was make things worse"

Melony: "Hey. Just because you made a few mistakes, doesn't mean you beat yourself up over it. We all have gone through the pain of losing someone, I've lost someone that mattered to me, Meggy lost someone that mattered to her, Everyone makes mistakes and loses people they care for. But you can't grasp onto the pain of that loss because the only person you'll end up hurting is yourself"

Meggy: "I know that this is hard to go through, Trust me Y/N, we've dealt with things that were 100x times worse than this but we managed to pull through"

Genger: "Yeah man, and don't think of yourself as Useless, If anything you're one of the coolest people out there, if not better, and I was told you took on some bad guys and how you completely kicked their asses. That's enough proof that shows that you're so much more than you think"

Saiko: "Yeah! Even I had to admit that you sound like a pretty badass guy to be around and so is your friend Genger is and He's a smelly Hobo"

Genger: "Facts"

SMG4: "Y/N. We have taken on the worst threats possible, One of them went and deleted all of us from existence, and even the other almost caused our whole Universe to be destroyed! If anything, This is practically nothing compared to what we've gone through in the past"

Natalie: "Not to mention that to take on a Threat or two, You'll have to work together with those with a similar goal. Even if you hate them or they hate you"

Meggy: "Natalie? You're here too?"

Natalie: "Duh, I was here with Y/N that whole time before you guys even showed up. The rest of my squad split up with me since they all went crazy after realizing their home was destroyed. And listen, Meggy...As much as I hate to say it...I'm sorry"

Meggy: "Huh?"

Natalie: "I'm sorry about the things I said to you and the stuff I put you and your friends through even during that Splatfest. I was just so wracked up with Grief when I found out that not only My Boyfriend, Andrew died. But also my best friend, Desti died too"

Meggy: "Wait! You knew Desti, Too?"

Natalie: "Longer than you'd imagine, We grew up together. We did everything together, We played turf wars, we did Salmon Runs, and We even trained each other as best as possible. I and Desti were families since we did have families of our own. When I found out that she died along with Andrew, I didn't know what to make of that, not even my team was there for me"

Meggy: "...It's okay. I understand how you feel, Desti meant a lot to me too. She was probably one of the few people that got me, who I can see as a Rival and a Best Friend. Anytime when you get knocked down, you always get back up"

Natalie: "Heh, maybe you're not so bad for a Human after all. I respect that. But the point is Y/N, Sometimes we can't always avoid the mistakes we make and the best thing to do is make the best out of it"

Belle: "Yeah, If we all had what it took to conquer things even whether or not they were our fault and make the best out of those then I'm sure will get ourselves of this mess"

Y/N: "......Thanks guys"

You got up and felt a lot better and then got them to get you out of the Icebox

Y/N: "So, what's our first plan?"

SMG4: "Well since Francis is working along with Vixen then this might require more people to even stand a chance against them"

Genger: "From what we gathered, Vixen used that Wish Ring to build some kinda just Death Robot. I guess that he's gonna use it to use all the Zapfish and the Great Zapfish to power it since the Inklings used those to power their cities. I also assume that the Wish Ring even now granted him Ultimate Power so that he's practically powerful enough to even basically slap Melony aside like a Fly"

Saiko: "How'd you figure that out?"

Genger: "Just a hunch"

Natalie: "We could get those Inklings and Octolings to come and help us"

Meggy: "How are we gonna do that? They're all in complete chaos over this situation"

Y/N: "We'll need to figure a way of how to get their attention somehow....I've got an Idea"

You take Mario with you as the both of us go to the cornucopia of the Inklings and Octolings as Mario then once again uses the Distraction Dance again

They all stopped and stared at Mario as they all joined in on the dance

Y/N: "How does that even work on these guys all the time?"

Natalie: "Maybe it's just kinda their way of being hypnotized. But at least we got their attention"

Natalie then gets a Microphone and calls out to everyone

Natalie: "ATTENTION ALL INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS ALIKE! I'm aware that we have all lost our homes and I understand that you all are frustrated and upset but I'm here to say that we should not freak out. Rather, We need to unite as Inklings and Octolings to take down the man who is solely responsible for destroying our home and our way of life! For too long, Us Inklings have been in an endless war with the Octolings and Octarians but I say that we shouldn't let our struggles get in the way of what matters most to us."

Author Note: I'm aware of Ukraine War going on and I am personally sorry if putting this here offends anybody, I kinda thought it made sense for this scenario

Natalie: "Vixen has been the one who has been killing both our kinds and getting away with it for too long. We shall no longer fall fate to the hands of the Monster that destroyed our home, tore our families apart, and shows no remorse for any of it! We need to unite together and do everything we can to take him down and avenge everything and everyone that we lost! We'll destroy everything that Bastard cares about and make him watch! We'll cut his entire hope of obtaining his goals in half! Even if it takes, an Eternity!"

Natalie's Speech had been heard by all of them and they all cheered on in agreement

Y/N: "Looks like we're going to war"

Mario: "Let's go kick some asses!"

Saiko: "I'm in!"

Belle: "I'm in!"

Genger: "Existence is god's failure...but I'm in, Too!"

Meanwhile, Vixen looks down at the Giant Robot that he built using his new God Powers

Vixen: "Ah, This is over 15 years of anticipation, paid off, Finally. Now with this, I can finally see an Inkopolis that has a thriving community"

Francis: "And I get to have my revenge on those who made me lose my chance of getting my Anime Island!"

Vixen: "That too. You know, I still don't get what makes Anime so special. Is it honestly that good?"

Francis: "Are you kidding me? It's the Lord's Magnum Opus. I should get you to watch some of it with me once we get this over with"

Vixen: "Yeah...I'm so thrilled..."

Soon, A bunch of portals opened up as everyone on the Internet Graveyard appeared. Everyone was Armed and Ready even Melony had tapped into her Deity Powers. Vixen then gets into his Giant Not as he used his God Power to use it against Melony and just backhanded her like it was nothing

Vixen: "So, Looks like you all decided to come head first after all?"

Mario: "We gonna kick your Mamaf*cking ass up!!"

Meggy: "Time to repent for the Crimes you committed and destroying My...OUR home!!"

Vixen: "Haha, I can't wait to test these Godly Powers on these Victims ready to be on Death Row. Let's go!"

Vixen then sends out his large Army of Machines and Drones as the Inklings and Octolings take down as many of them as they can with their Weapons. The SMG4 gang joined in as they used their own skills to destroy the bot and Vixen uses his Death Robot to blast lasers to annihilate soe of them. Francis meanwhile used the Airship to attack them as he was Primarily targeting the SMG4 team

SMG4: "We're gonna need to Breach that Airship that Francis is in but none of us can fly!"

Y/N: "Melony! You okay?"

Melony: "I'm alright, That didn't even hurt!"

Y/N: "Okay, We need a Plan! Some of us will need to keep Vixen distracted while Me and Melony breach the Airhsip and take down Francis for good!"

Natalie: "Me and Meggy can take care of that! I've got a score to settle with that Vermin anyway!"

Meggy: "Heck yeah! Let's go get him!"

Meggy uses the Inkboi 3000 that she once used during the Final Splatfest and Follows Natalie through Ink to get closer to Vixen's Bot


Vixen: "Don't tell me about coming and getting! I'M ON THE CUNNING EDGE OF COMING AND GETTING!!"

Vixen then moves the bot as it came after Meggy and Vixen as the both of them run as fast as possible to take Vixen away from the Inkling/Octoling Army. You then climb onto Melony's Back as she flies up to the Aircraft and you breach through it

Y/N: "Okay Melony, I think maybe Francis has a Hold of the Inkweaver and they must've taken an Inkling to drain them of their ink to fuel it"

Melony: "Since when did they have time to do that?"

Y/N: "I don't know. I think the Author of this story is just too lazy to add that much detail. Anyway, We're gonna need to tackle him together, Who knows what kinda creations he'll draw out"

Francis: "Oh? You mean like these?"

You see that Francis had then came to you and Melony a she already created of the most powerful beings in all of existence

Y/N: "Oh no! These guys are way too powerful!"

Thanos uses his Infinity Gaunlet to blast Melony as He and Goku go after Melony. You were left with Sephiroth. You didn't know if you had it in you take them down. You felt you were gonna die as Sephiroth grabbed you by the throat.

You tried to get out from the grasp but failed. You saw how everyone was struggling to fight back as the Inkling/Octoling Army was finding it difficult to fight back against Vixen's Machines. You felt something from the inside as you then let out a roar and soon, A large burst of energy bursts out from you as you the see your whole body was surrounded with Green Strikes of lightning

Author's Note: Before you think or ask, NO! You're not Sayian and No you aren't going SSJ, okay? I just used this as a Reference to try showing a glimpse of your new God Power but this was the closest thing I could find.

SMG4: "There's too many of these Stupid Robots and I think Natalie and Meggy need our help! Melony and Y/N are too busy and they girls are gonna get crushed!"

Genger: "That wish ring is the Primary thing keeping Vixen in God Mode. If we could get that Ring off him somehow, He'll be left vulnerable for us to take him out with that thing that Pearl used to take down that Telephone thingy! I got that from the Inklings!"

SMG4: "I got an Idea! SMG3! Let's get those Memes into Mario! Quick!"

SMG3 didn't bother to argue against it as he held hands with SMG4 and both of them use their Meme power to turn all the Dead Memes to Power again and transfer it to Mario and causing him to get as Big as Vixen's Bot. Mario then attacks the Bot as he punched it away from Meggy and Natalie

Meggy: "Good Hit, Mario!"

Mario leaves Vixen distracted and fights off against him but with Vixen having God Powers by the ring, Mario failed to due much against him

Belle: "It's not enough! We need to try and get Vixen to be distracted more somehow!"

Genger: "Wait! I also remember seeing something about Vixen hating the Squid Sister's Music! It was stuff he was forced to listen to all the time and hated it so much! We need to blast a lot of it!"

SMG4 and SMG3 then try to get in contact with the Squid Sister who are then notified and they bring out the Largest Speakers that they have and then played a Recording of one of their songs

Vixen: "What the? Is that? No! No! Anything but that!"

Vixen gets distracted long enough for Meggy and Natalie to crawl inside of The Death Bot as Meggy takes out all the Zapfish and the Great Zapfish while Natalie then goes to where Vixen is

Natalie: "Vixen!"

Vixen: "Huh?"

Natalie: "I've waited too long and too much for this moment! First Andrew, Then Desti but I won't let you take anyone else who matter to me! This is how I role!"

Natalie then launches herself into the Air as she then punched Vixen so hard in the Face. The Wish Ring was then knocked out of his fingers and grasp as he had then lost his God Powers and the Death bot had stopped immediately.

Meanwhile, You were fighting off Sephiroth and Matt as you easily took care of both of them

Y/N: "It may seem like the Author is definitely rushing this to save time but at least now I know that nothing you draw can stand against me now."

Francis: "No! Please! I'll give you anything that you want! Anime Girls! You're own Island! Please don't hurt me!"

Y/N: "I'll admit Francis, while I don't know you that well, You seem to have a large effect on my buddy, Meggy. You're pretty good at Drawing with that Inkweaver but you made one fatal mistake, You picked the wrong house, fool!"

You then eradicated Francis out of existence and picked up the Inkweaver. The Airship then was about to crash as you then fly out of it as it crash to the ground and exploded.

All that was left now was Vixen as you see Natalie and Meggy come out. You then started blasting holes through the bot as you then lightly tapped it. Vixen looked at you with an Annoyed look

Vixen: "Wow, so that's how it is!? You think that just because you can take the Wish Ring away from me, Destroy my airhship and bot, Kill Francis, and Furthermore me, You're all of this was easy? Okay, I get it. We're not friends!"

The Death Bot then began to fall backwards as it was gonna hit the ground and causing the whole thing to explode with Vixen getting caught within it but he fell from the sky as he looked at You with an Evil Grin and Look


Vixen is dead. The Inkling/Octoling army had seen that all the Machines and Robots were destroyed and the SMG4 Gang got back together again

Melony: "Is...is it over?"

Meggy: "Looks like it. But where's Y/N?"

Y/N: "Right above you"

Everyone looked up to see you were floating In midair as you smiled and waved down at them and then came to the ground

Genger: "So, Is it over?"

Y/N: "Yup. It's over now."

Belle: "Yeah gonna be honest, This kinda seemed a little too easy and felt rushed"

Y/N: "Well, I guess it's still one way to end something if a Villain is either killed or defeated. Good ol' cliche"

Meggy: "Hehe, I guess so. But now what do we do about the Inklings and Octolings? All of Inkopolis is a wasteland and we can't just leave them in the Internet Graveyard"

SMG3: "I agree with her. I already have too many dead memes to deal with and I'm still grieving over Terrance, I don't need anyone else bothering me"

Y/N: "Well. We still do have a whole Kingdom with enough space for more people"

1 year had gone by, You and the gang had brought everyone from Inkopolis back to the Mushroom Kingdom where they all could live. It took some time for them to adjust but they managed to get used to their new home and kinda liked it.You and the SMG4 crew had a Huge Funeral for Princess Peach as you honored her passing away. It was especially hard for Mario since he was the most emotional one at it. For all the time that he ever spent with Peach even before SMG4, It was difficult for him to move on but His Friends including You were there for him.

Now, You were inside the castle as you sat on the couch with the Inkweaver and the Wish Ring. You held onto them for safe keeping and just in case. You looked at the Wish Ring and then out it on as Djinn

Djinn: "Huh? What the? What year is it?"

Y/N: "Hey Djinn"

Djinn: "What? Oh, It's just you"

Y/N: "Okay, I know you know what happened and You have some explaining to do, Right now"

Djinn: "Okay okay, I lied once again. I lied about the idea that only good people or ones with good hearts can make wishes from the Ring and I know also lied a lot. But listen, It's just that It's been Centuries since I've felt anything. Being an entity forever stuck in a Magical Ring and forced to grabt wishes forever, It gets tiresome and that I couldn't get the same fun and thrills as before. So, I thought that maybe helping this Vixen guy would bring good touch on things and make me feel...good again"

Y/N: *Sigh* "You're a real douchebag, You know that?"

Djinn: "Yeah but I could be your Douchebag. So, what now? Are you gonna throw me out or something?"

Y/N: "As much as I wish I could, Knowing how powerful you are. From now on, You're staying on my fingers and you're staying with me, whether you like it or not"

Djinn: "Fair enough. So, Any wishes you'd like for me to grant? And This is probably the only time I might tell the truth, I can't bring back Inkopolis, That's beyond even my power."

Y/N: "Of course...Okay, How about bringing someone back from the dead?"

Djinn: "Nope"

Y/N: "Damn...Okay, how about...wish Mario everything that he loves to cheer him up and wish for all my friends to have things that they want most"

Djinn then slapped his hands together as he grabted the wishes and eveyone that you know and like got their deepest wishes granted

Y/N: "You know, Despite what happened, I think they were right, Whatever it is that we go through, We always get back up and never stop, No matter how many times we're knocked down"

Djinn: "Whatever you say but Good for you. Do you still want to know about your past? I've got infinite time"

Y/N: "...."

Y/N: "Nah, Not today. Djinn, I wish that we could have a Huge Party to celebrate"

Djinn: "Sure"

Djinn grants the wish and later that day, Everyone was having a Party with a lot of people and even Inklings and Octolings were there, Of course. Even SpongeBob and his friends came too with Water Helmets on

Natalie: "And then he asked, Is Mayonnaise an Instrument? Funniest carp I ever heard!"

Natalie was having Conversations with Meggy and all the Agents including Marie and Callie along with Pearl and Marina. You watched as everyone was having a good time and then SMG4 came up to you

SMG4: So, You still worried?"

Y/N: "About what? My history? Nah, I think I came to the idea that maybe it's best that I don't know much of my past. I still wondered what happened in my life as an Inkling but I think that can be for another day. Besides, I've got friends to help me if I ever want to try and know the answers"

SMG4: "I'm personally proud of you, You know? You did a lot and you really showed that Vixen who's boss! We all are proud of you and I think you made friendships between each other even better!"

Y/N: "Heh, Thanks! And one thing is for certain, If anyone else wants to come in here and mess with us, I'll send their ass to the next Dimension before they could scream in fear"

You and SMG4 laugh together and then go to join everyone and enjoy the Party that even Mario was having a good time along with everyone else.

And with that, This is the End of the Arc

Author: Hey Guys! Thanks for reading so far and I hope that you enjoy this! I apologize if this seemed a little Rushed since this is my 1st SMG4 and I wanted to throw out some of my own ideas and wanted to get these out as fast as possible so I'm sorry if this was rushed but maybe in Future it'll get better

I'm also open to any Ideas that you guys have so if you'd like for me to make something whether it's just random stuff or even Ideas for Future Arcs then You're more than happy to either Comment or DM me and give me your thoughts, Ideas and/or Opinions as I'm happy to listen! Anyway, With that being said, I'll just end this with a Song and I hope you guys enjoyed and hope you'll love what I have coming up next for this SMG4 Reader Story!

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