The boy next door||COMPLETE

By Writingsxbyxs

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Enemies to lovers❤️ Imagine if your worst enemy would move in RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR HOUSE? This book about Grays... More

~characters aesthetic~
1. Isabella


2.1K 33 12
By Writingsxbyxs

Isabella's POV:
"I know you hate me but I don't think it's smart for you to keep moving like that"

My breath hitched because of that. I don't know if he noticed of not. I couldn't move. I was frozen.

As we arrived at the party I opened the door and got off of his lap and walked over to the house. There were already people making out and grinding on each other. Ew

As we all entered the house there was loud music and all sort of lights, this bout to be one hell of a night.

Diane nudged my side "lets get something to drink," she said and I nodded. We held each other's hands so we wouldn't lose each other and went to the kitchen.

It was less crowded here so we could easily get our drinks. D and I did shots before Justin and another guy walked in. I took a second to look at this boy. Lord have mercy.

He was a bit taller than me, had brown hair which looked soft as fuck, and beautiful hazel eyes. Damn. Grayson is a lot taller than me, also brown hair, soft and curly, and grey eyes.

Did I just compare this stranger to Grayson?

"Hey ladies, I wanted to introduce you to Liam , he transferee to our school since last week. He's cool," Justin said and I looked at Liam with a smile.

"Hey I'm Isabella nice to meet you." I said as I extended my hand and he shook it "nice to meet you too," he smiled at me before doing the same with D.

As I looked at Diane she was already clingy again with Justin. I wonder how long they'll last this time.

"Soooo, Isabella," Liam said which made me look at him again "yes?" I asked him. Dear god don't let this be a 'are you virgin' question or that sort of stupid things. Please please ple-

"Where are you from? Because Isabella doesn't sound like a white name to me." He chuckled and I laughed. "I'm Italian, I was born there and came to the USA when I was 2." I said and he nodded

"what about you? Liam is a white boy name but you don't look white at all." I said bluntly and he laughed.

"Ouch. I am Colombian, also born there, then moved to Canada when I was six and now I'm here." He said and I smiled.

"Asi que hablas Español" I said with a smirk and his eyes widened. "I thought you said you're Italian?" He asked confused.

I laughed "I am Italian, but I followed Spanish classes" I told him and he nodded. We fell in an awkward silence before he spoke up again "want something to drink?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, vodka with coke please," and he poured it in for me, and then grabbed a beer for himself.

I thanked him with a smile before Camilla walked into the kitchen. "Hey Bells we need to talk about some-oh shit i'm sorry am I interrupting something?" She asked, and only now I saw how close Liam and I were standing next to each other.

I quickly took 2 steps away. "No not at all, what did you want to say?" I asked her. It's not that I don't like him, but I don't know him, and I don't want Cam to assume something, because she would get alll excited and everything and ship us and-

"Why are you smiling?" She laughed and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts "I was just thinking about something," I said before drinking my drink in one go.

"I said I wanted to speak to you in private."She said, and I nodded walking with her. We were now standing in a room what seems like laundry room, since there was a washing machine and a dryer. Dumb ass hoe.

"It's about Grayson." She said and before she could continue interrupted her "look cam I'm sorry if what I'm about to say is rude but, I know he's your cousin and I LOVE you, but I HATE him with my whole heart, he's done more damage in the past too, not only last time." I said.

"No it's not what you think, well kind of I guess? And I feel so fucking guilty and I need to get it off of my chest." She said and I was not sure what she was talking about.

"Cam, what are you talking about?" I asked her, and I already got a weird feeling in my gut. "It's because of me why Grayson acted so mad! And why he said all those things!" I felt betrayed.

"What do you mean?" I told her. I swear to god, if she betrayed me, or talked shit about me, I will end this friendship right now.

"Do you remember what I told you at the door?" She asked and I thought back about that day...

Flashback *Isabella's POV* (chapter 20).
"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Camilla, Grayson's cousin. Unfortunately" she mumbled the last part, and I laughed about it

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Isabella" I said before sticking my hand forward for Camilla to shake.

"Girl, you're so pretty, this boy next to you? Total trash I got someone for you if you want his name is-" that's when Gray interrupted

"Okay okay we get it Camilla this is Isabella, Bella this is Cam well let's go eat now I'm starving." He said before walking into the house not bothering to wait up on us.

I looked at her and she waved it off. "He's always grumpy when he's hungry." She said and I laughed, "I get that, same shit with me." And she laughed "I only know you for a couple minutes and I already like you" she said before we walked into the house.

End of flashback

"Yes I remember. What about it?" I asked her. "Well, you went to the toilet and I was annoying him like I always do and I told him as a joke that I found a nice guy for you," wait what "you said what!?" I asked her shocked.

"No wait there's more I can explain!" She said and I sighed and sat on a chair next to the washing machine and she did the same before continuing.

"And he got mad so I immediately told him it was a joke and he said he believed me. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't knew he was jealous!" I interrupted her again. "Wait, you said that he was jealous? But why?" I asked her.

"That's how he is, but if I knew he would say things like that, I would've told you sooner but I only realized it when we were on our way to the party, when you went and sat on Chris' lap, he looked mad so that's when I got it. I'm so sorry I hope you don't hate me too," she confessed. Wow.

"Cam I-" I didn't know what to say. I took a deep breath. "Look, I don't hate you okay? And don't feel guilty, you made a joke with him, that's the only thing you did." I said.

"Yes but I still feel guilty about it." She said before looking at her hands. Camilla is a girl who jokes around a lot and really cares about people, but she's also sensitive she told me once and people used to take advantage of that and make her feel miserable, that's why she overthinks everything now but she hides it really well. Story of my life.

"Hey Cam look at me," I demanded. "It's not your fault okay? You made a joke, he took it too far, he could've asked me. He shouldn't even need to be worried about because that's none of his goddamn business, I'm sorry if you thought it was your fault but it wasn't, and even if he'd be jealous, why acting like that? It's not your fault babe, it really isn't okay?" I told her and she nodded before hugging me tightly.

"Okay let's stop right now before I'm going to get emotional," she said laughing nervously and I laughed along "let's go," I said and we walked out of the laundry room.

I looked at the dance floor and Diane was still with Justin, so I didn't need to worry about her, Chris was talking to a beautiful girl, and Cam was with me.

I needed to find Grayson to knock some damn sense in him. I walked further into the living room seeing him, as I approached him I saw he was talking to a girl, he looked at me.

"We need to talk." I told him and he looked at me with raised eyebrows "I was having a conversation here? I thought you hate me?" He said and the girl looking like a Barbie laughed falsely.

"I don't give a fuck with whom you're talking, if it's miss Barbie or the fucking president, I said we need to have a damn talk so we will." I said before grabbing his arm and taking him upstairs.

He tried to get himself free from my grip but I was holding him tightly. Who the fuck does he think he is for trying to humiliate me? Helllllll no.

I pushed him inside a bedroom. "I still fucking hate you by the way but I wanted to ask you something and I don't care if you don't want to talk because we will." I told him.

"Talk about what?" He asked and I looked at him with a "are-you-serious-look". "This whole damn situation." I told him. Why am I swearing so much suddenly?

"Aha" he said and nodded. "But I don't think your boyfriend would like to see you in a room with me, all alone, he would assume things you know?" He said and I wanted to slap him.

"My what?" I told him getting angrier. "You know New guy Liam. I didn't know you had something for new guys?" He smirked.

"I'm not even gonna discuss that with you because that's none of your business." I told him and he just looked at me.

"I wanted to tell you that you're a fucking idiot. You have a cousin who was feeling guilty because she thought when you said those fucking dumb but painful things to me that it was her fault!" I started and his eyes softened.

"Listen about that I-" but I interrupted him "I'm not done yet. You know how cam is always joking around and even though she said she was fucking joking you took it too serious, and I don't even know why you were acting jealous because like you said were not a couple so the next time you want to act ducking jealous, act jealous over one of your many hoes. Not me. I'm not your fucking doll." I told him.

"Can I talk now?" He asked. "No. You're a fucking selfish arrogant bitch, you always think of yourself, you use girls for their body and you hurt them, you make them insecure and no this is not about me! Don't think I didn't saw how many girls cried because of you." I told him but of course he protested.

"Hey you can't get mad at me for that because I didn't know that!" Lord help this guy out.

"Don't give me the I didn't know story because of course you didn't, because you were always busy with yourself!" I yelled the last part before taking a deep breath, "now you can talk."

"Thank you." He said before standing up from the bed and making his way to me. I automatically stepped back.

"I acted like that because I was fucking jealous, yes I'll admit 'cuz why the fuck not? Hm? Is that what you want to hear? Me confessing everything? Well here you go. I'm fucking crazy about you sinds fucking kindergarten!" I gasped he was still walking towards me and my back now hit the door.

"I didn't know how to act around you and started to act like a jerk, it was fun for me seeing you mad. But then you started to hate me. I didn't know what the fuck I needed to do, I was a mess when you would avoid me and hes I've noticed how you would have lunch in the toilet or on the bleachers so you wouldn't have to run into me." It's getting to much for me. "Grayson I-" but he interrupted me.

"No it's my time to talk like you said so let me fucking speak." He said before continuing "I felt like a monster. That's when I started fucking bitches to get you out of my mind. I always warned it'd be a one time thing only, there were girls who wanted more and cried about it, it was not my problem and it will never be my problem. So know you know the fucking truth are you happy???" He said

Now wait a damn minute.

"You can not try to guilt trip me right now! Even if you were jealous you had no right to talk to me the way you did! You fucking hurt me! I cried in your moms arms! In your cousins arms! In your aunt's arms! Because of you. How can you like me if a certain point you would only hurt me? Have you ever thought about how insecure I got? No you didn't." I told him, tears forming in my eyes.

"I DIDNT MEAN ANY OF THOSE THINGS! I WAS JEALOUS AND MAD AND COULDN'T THINK STRAIGHT! WHAT ELSE DO YOU THINK? THAT I REALLY USED YOU?" He yelled at me and I got scared of his sudden change of talking, he saw it and got calmer.

"Look I know I've hurt you and that I've hurt other girls, I've even hurt my mom that day! But I would never in my whole damn life use a girl for her body or what so ever! Next time you want to accuse me of something do your damn research." He said, his face was now only inches away from mine.

"You know what?" I said while pushing him away. "Fuck you." I spat at him before he smirked "you already did," I gasped and turned around to walk out of the room.

But Grayson had other plans. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me towards him, and before I knew it his lips were on mine, I melted in his touch.

Goddammit Isabella!

His hands went to my waist and my hands traveled to his hair to pull him closer. I gasped in the kiss when I felt his erection poking my belly, he took that as an advantage to enter his tongue in my mouth.

I felt my panties soak more and more and clenched my thighs, he noticed it and smirked in the kiss.

After a few minutes we pulled away to catch our breath. He then smirked at me and left the room.


After 5 minutes I went downstairs, needing another drink. I walked into the kitchen and did some shots myself.

It went from one to 5. From 5 to 10. And then I lost count. I need to get my mind off of everything right now, it's too much for me. A lot the stress, anger and hurt has been piling up and the only thing I can do is drink, fuck or fight the pain away. But, I can't fuck this type of pain away, and if I'd had to fight it well, the last time I did that it didn't end well

Small flashback from the first time Grayson hurt her (they were 15/16).
I was punching the punching bag so hard. I needed to get my release. But not in the dirty way.
Punch punch kick kick left right left left right
"Woah calm down!" I heard my trainer yell at me from the other side of the gym but I couldn't. I was way to mad. I didn't recognize myself anymore. I thought about Grayson. The way he used me. Son of a bitch. Crack. Shit. I felt dizzy my hand was throbbing and I was going to pass out. "Fuck Isabella!" My trainer yelled and came rushing towards me.

End of flashback

I winced at the thought of breaking my hand again. So drinking it the last option. It's not like I always drink, only at parties, but I've never drunk this much.

"Woah, Isabella calm down!" Liam said. Oh yea I forgot about him. "Heeeeeyyy Miammm, oh no wait hah it is Llliaaaammmm, you know you are very verrrryyyy hooottttttt!" I slurred not knowing what I was saying.

"Ok. You need to go home." He said before grabbing his done, no wait phonee. I snickered because of myself.

Liam's phone

Hey man, Isabella is hella drunk😂😂I think it's for the best of you bring her home?

Fuckkk not again, yea sure thanks for letting me  know, where is she?

We're in the kitchen.


"Justin is talking you home." He said and I frowned "noooo whyyy I want to partaayyyy" I said "and I'm not drunk look I can walk in a straight line," I said and started to walk.

But then I tripped and my face almost hot the ground, if it wasn't for Justin to hold me. "You're going home." He said and I knew I couldn't say no. It's Justin.

"Can I ride on your back? my feet hurt so muchhhh," I said and he sighed before crouching so I could go on his back "wooooo go justiiinnnn!" I said and I saw D looking at me.

"Isabella how much did you drink?" she asked sternly. "A little too much," I shrugged. "You never drink so much, what happend?" She asked concerned. And Justin stopped.

"You knowww, I hate Grayson so much, he hurts me allll the time and kisses me and then he says that I was only a good fuuucckkk," I said wiping my tears away.

I got off of Justin's back. "I can walk myself to the car," I said while going to the door.

"Bella." I turned around and saw him.

This chapter was a bit longer. Also follow my tiktok please!! It's @Writingsxbyxs. Love y'all byeeee❤️❤️

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