Fate; Bullet of Justice

By zack01234

7.4K 139 41

A few years after the fifth holy grail war had ended the mages soon decide to start another one of the wars w... More

Chapter 2: Affection of the War Goddess (Rewrite)
Chapter 3: Remember thy Name (Rewrite)
Chapter 4: Lancer (Rewrite)
Chapter 5: Archer (Rewrite)
Chapter 6: Assassin (Rewrite)
Chapter 7: Rider (Rewrite)
Chapter 8: The Sixth Holy Grail War (Rewrite)

Chapter 1: Look Beneath the Coin (Rewrite)

1.2K 25 8
By zack01234


What is Order?

A command that was given to someone?

A direct call for others to obey?

By force or not?

No... Rather it is a direct opposite.

Order, or as the world known them, is a hidden organization, that is like the Mage Association, but more focus on killing rather than creating. Founded in the era after the fall of the Mesopotamia King Gilgamesh. By a group of merchant, located on a land formerly known as Babylonia, a once organization that was formed for only merchant to use.

Had evolved throughout time, because of the era keep on progressing, so was the people that inhabit the organization. Formerly known as a merchant organization, had now, turned into an international hidden organization, that can even rival the Mage Association. In term of wealth, and conection, but when it came to Magecraft, those from the Mage Association, are far superior then them, but when it came to killing in any sort of method, the Order are superior.

Both the Order, and Mage Association, are a direct opposite between each other, as Mage Association, was founded by a group of Mages. Who saw, that bloodlines, and family history matter most than anything, which proof the capabilites of the Mages. The Order, are the opposite, as they value the skillset on a single person more, rather than the entire bloodlines and family.

Even though, there are some problems that deal with the history of families in the Order, that are mostly restricted to only a limited sum around the world. The Order, was founded by a currency that surpass even money, that currency is none other than 'Trust'. Under the world of Assassins, trust is everything, and worth even more than money, as information is key to every paths.

Because of such thing, the Order have created their own currency, under the form of a single Gold Coin. A priceless yet useless coin, that the real value cannot be determine, what truly make the Gold Coin valuable. Is the trust that is been put into it, if an Assassin were to form a close bond with one another, then that trust can be use as a currency of life. As coin is the currency of both life, and death.

So for a massive organization, there are bound to be the head, which is true. As their influence grew even wider, as the Ages of Gods was left, which soon arrived at the Ages of Faires, where there are still some mystery left in the world. The era, where the organization, got even bigger than before, from the progress of Rome, where most of the merchant from the center of Asia. Decide to expand their influence, thus leading to the creation, for both side of the Order.

The West Side, rule under the banner of Europe, where the mystery is still potent even in the Ages of Man, with the head of the Order. Being refer to, as the "Old Man", a position that is far higher than any other position in the Order. They are the one who rule the organization from the shadow, directly decesend from the name "The Old Man from the Mountain". As they are the first Assassin group, that have been recorded in history, and even till this day, that name still live on.

Beneath the "Old Man", stand the second highest position, the High Table. A class that rule over a specific sector around the Order, there are only 10 members of such rank, as it is a very special rank. That can only be filled through a specific condition, the High Table, are directly tie, and must answer what ever the "Old Man" order them to do. No matter, how impossible the task, they must accomplish it, for the sake of their own pride, and honor.

The Order is rule by the system of aristocratic, where reputation mean more, than a bloodlines. There had been countless time, where an Assassin from the order, went out on their own, to kill an impossible target. Just for the sake of glory, and money, beside that, there is also another important system that had been implemented since the Ages of Gods, the age where the organization were created.

A comtract system, the most valuable object and concept around the organization, since it was build through trust. There are time, where either party, won't listen to the demand that was given to them, thus leading to the creation of the Fate Contract. A contract that is more like a Geass, but specifically made for Assassins, a conttact that bound both their mind, body, and soul.

Under the written deal on the contract, both party must follow such deal to the very end, if either one refuse to follow said deal. Then the contract will strip them, from everything they currently possessed now. As it will take something that id equivilant for trust, by taking away part of their body function. If that wasn't enough, the contract will send out a call to the main base, where a Cleanup Crew will be send to hunt, the one who defile the sacred rule.

"Servant Berserker, I am the Berserker of El Dorado, I ask thee! Are thou, the mages that hath summon me?"

A strong and auhtoritive voice shot through the entire building, even standing on a midst of a broken temple located in Greece. There was only two figure that stood under the moonlight of the ruined temple, one was a man, and the other was a woman. A man that wore a dignify suit, that indicate that he is from a noble household, and a woman that wore an old fashion warrior armament, that derive from a long forgotten era.

Normally, any mages even some of the First-rate Mages, would flinch at the present of such being, because the entire body of the woman. Who designated herself as a servant, have her entire body cover in a thick aura of Divinity. A war-like Divinity, if one to be precise, but the man infront of her, her own master. Was quite the mystery, rather than laughing or celebrating, that he had summon a Divine Container, he was rather much calmer and mostly confuse at the same time.

"Bloody hell, I though, that relic was suppose to belong to either Dietritch, Iskandar, or even Cao Cao. Never though, I ended up getting an amazonian as my servant," the man uttered out in confusion upon seeing the result of his summoning.

"Are thou, disatisfy with the current outcome?" Berserker asked with a more direct tone.

"Can't really put my finger on it, but having a Divine Container that derive from the Ages of Gods, isn't that bad at all," the man smiled throwing away the box that use to contain the relic. "Now then, let me skip the whole scene, yes I am your master in this Sixth Holy Grail War. The name Logan! Logan Tohsaka, is what they refer me as! Originally, that isn't even my real name, nor was my other name, kinda forgot it, back when the fire happened,"

Currently possessing the name of Logan Tohsaka, full name [unknown] Tohsaka Emiya, the first born, and son between the mages; Shirou Emiya, and Rin Tohsaka. Two fame mages, back at the day, with Rin temper, and Shirou capabilites to create a pseudo Noble Phantasm. Logan, wasn't his true name, it was a given name, as he lost his true name back at the Great Fire of Fuyuki, where he lost everything, even himself. Currently, no one knew, who he truly was, not even himself.

Logan is a Third-rate Magus, but a First-rate Assassin, as he only learn 3 technique in his entire life, that being two basic, and other family Magecraft. Though, he was a losser when it came to Magecraft, as he only have 3 in total, but as an Assassin. He was more notorious, as he manage to brough back an old reputation that once suppose to die. Becoming the Boogeyman, for both the Magus, and Assassin alike, he was the one, to send kill the Boogeyman rather than becoming one.

There are alot of Assassins, nickname as the Boogeyman in the Order, so he was nickname the True Boogeyman/Boogeyman Hunter. Because his bloody reputation, to only hunt down, those who held the tittle as the Boogeyman, and leaving only him as the remaining and true Boogeyman. He continue such action, for about 4 years in total, by hunting down, all of the Boogeyman, that is on the list. Until, he finally became the True Boogeyman of the Order, a man both feared and respected, by the Assassins.

Though, he only learned 3 Magecraft in total, he did, manage to either perfected it, or expand the function of the ssid Magecraft, that even surpass the previous user.

The first is Reinforcement, usually in the Mages soceity, this is quite the useless skill, except for a few situation. But, in the Order, this skill is beyond useful, as they always fight in direct combat, it is a multi functions technique. That work for both fight, and escape, not only that, but out of the three technique he learned throughout his life, to the point, he exceed the known limit of Reinforcement records.

The second is Gradiation Air or Tracing, a Magecraft that he learned and pass to him, by his father; Shirou Emiya. Though, unlike his father, Logan also exceed in the limitation and boundary of the Magecraft, where if the user went overboard, there will be serious consequence. But, Logan fix that problems, through many experiment, and hard works, as he manage to expand such Magecraft from using air as the source of material, to other object.

Where he can change, and mutate their form, by infusing the law of Alchemy, anything that he touch, must possessed an equal value to the object he desire. But, he ended up breaking such rule, by going even further, as he now, with the modify Tracing Magecraft. Exceed even Shirou own, with no more limitation nor rule he must follow, now with the new modify Magecraft, whatever he touch, can become a weapon, or turn into one. But, it still held the same rule as Shirou, that the fake, cannot surpass the original.

The third, and lastly. The most efficient, and more adaptable Magecraft under his arsenal. Is the Tohsaka family, fame Jewel Magecraft. Through years of illegal experiment, he manage to unlock further deep into this Magecraft. Rather than channeling the magical energy inside of the gem, he can cloak them instead, which create a much more well rounded projectile. Adding both the Reinforcement, and Trace, that can both strenghten him, and change the function of the gem, into a bullet.

Unlike the rest of his mother side of the family, where gem are rather hard to get, because it was expensive. Logan, work around that factor, by learning Alchemy, where he can change and transmutate anything that is an equal value as gem. The reason, why learning Alchemy was benefical to him, was that he now can't run out of ammunition, and expand the usage of the Magecraft. The most notable change, was using a corpse of a Magus, and turn them into gem, by transmutation, as long as the Magic Circuits is still intact, it can become a much more deadly weapons.

"I see, then the contract is formed. From now on, I shall serve, as thee blades to achive the Holy Grail," Berserker explained. "Now, before we continue, I must ask thee, what are thou wish, for the Grail?"

"Why?" Logan scratches the back of his head.

"For I am thou servant, I must be inclined upon my master true selfish desire, if thou does not! Desire for the Grail, then I shall find another master," Berserker exclaimed.

"Whoa there! Slow down, who in the name of Kur! Said, that I don't want the Grail to begin with!" Logan reply back.

"Then tell me, what are thou selfish desire upon the Grail?" Berserker asked.

"My desire... Huh...?" Scratching the back of his head, he was more conflicted upon choosing his true wish. "Well, if I ever go back to my rooted wish, then I wish for my name,"

"Thou name?" Berserker asked in confusion.

"Yeah, my name, my original name! The name of Logan isn't even my own, it was a given name by my caretaker back at the Moscow Kravika. The name, that was given to me, by my savior back at the fire. I forgot who I truly am, and my self because of that fire! Even that bloody ■■■■■■! Didn't even give me, the knowledge of my true name!"

"So, thou are particapating in this war, for the sake of thy self? What a foolish yet good wish, that thou possessed," Berserker said.

"I know, in today era lossing yourself, mean that you are someone weird, especially with the internet. But, back at your era, lossing your name mean that it is a fate worse than dying, isn't it?" Logan asked.

"Yes, because name is power, and without name then you are weak. Back, in the Ages of Gods, name give you a power, a symbol, and a curse. Those who bare such weight upon their name, know, how important name are in the Ages of Gods," Berserker explained.

"Thanks for the insight, so what about you? Looking from your armament, I may have conclude your identity, but I am not sure yet," Logan said.

"My wish? If thou dearly ask, then my wish for the Grail, could only be one thing!" Berserker clenches her fist until it began to bleed, gnawing her teeth in utter anger, and veins that began to erupt throughout her face. "Soon, thou shall know, the wish that I've keep ever since, the day that I die! By the hands of those Hero...!"

"So you want the death of someone? Well, that at least, stripes away some candinates that I've though about," Logan said. "Well, then I might as well, check your parameter,"

Name: Berserker of El Dorado

Class: Berserker

Qualify classes: Lancer, Rider, Archer

Region: Greece

Source: ■■■■■■ ■■■, and Greece Mythology

Aligment: Lawful Good


Strenght: A+

Endurance: B+

Agility: C

Mana: A

Luck: C


(Class skill)

- Mad Enchanment: EX

- Divinity: B

(Personal Skill)

- Charisma (B)

B Rank in this Skill is sufficient to lead a nation as its Queen. The morale of military forces she commands is extremely high.

- Golden Rule [Beauty] (A)

Indicates the fate of growing up into an existence that possesses a goddess-like flawless beauty, no matter in which manner she is raised. Supposedly, at the time of the Trojan War, she was endowed with a beauty that would make people mistake her for a true goddess. That is why, when Achilles removed that helmet...

- ■■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ (A)

(Noble Phantasm)

■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■

Type: anti-unit

Rank: B

Range: 1-3 meter

Target: 1

"Damn, most of this skillset are blur, either because I haven't learn your name, or another factor," Logan said.

"For now, I have no attention, to reveal who I am, that is only a task fit for a person, that I see as my master," Berserker said.

"Dammit, what a pain," Logan cursed under his breath. "Hmm..."

A single shock was send toward his brain, as it was more of a warning shock, because of that. Both his and Berserker attention, fall toward the door of the ruined temple. Logan already sense them coming, even before Berserker was summoned, and Berserker through her warrior instinct, can pick up even the tinniest sound that came from a plain field.

"Incoming intruder," Berserker said.

"Yeah, about 15 to 20 of them," Logan said. "You can deal with those underlings, can you?"

"Look who your speaking with," Berserker crack her neck, as she raise her weapon, which was a chainballs. "I am the Queen of the Amazon! Even, fighting a whole army, I shall not buckle nor yield! Until I draw my last breath,"

"That's speak for both of us," Logan then takes out two firearm from his coat.

One was a custom made AMT Automag V, with a symbol of a jackal being imprinted on the edge of the barrel. With a lenght of the barrel reaching to 33 cm, a weight of 14 kg, and being completely painted in black. Running on magnum bullets each, and a magazine that ran through 7 to 8 bullets. With a maximum fire range of 20 meter, and effective fire range of 6 meter. It was a custom made Mystic Code, that deal lethal damage to a target that held strong mystery.

The second, was another custom made firearm, that taken a form of a revolver. A Colt King Kobra revolver, with a barrel lenght of 32 cm, a weight of 14 kg, and being completely painted in grey. Running on Magnum each, and a magazine that ran through 6 bullets. With a maximum fire range of 14 meter, and effective fire range of 6 meter. It was a custom made Mystic Code, that deal more lethal damage to a target that held that doesn't posseseed a flesh body, and it deal more damage to conceptual beings or target.

Both were infamous firearms, under the possession of Logan Tohsaka, they were the Kanshou and Bakuya of his own. But, more to a long range, being nickname; The Jackal, and The Owl. Two ferocious hunter in the animal kingdom, one is a pack, and the other is a silent. But, those two aren't the only Mystic Code, that he hide under his coat, there is still more lying around the temple. That he had hidden, in case for an intruder, and his hidden storage.

"I'll take the sweeper, as I have personal relationship with those two, you can take care the rest," Logan said.

"If that is my firsy order, then how would I decline," Berserker began to relax the muscle of her body. "After, you who have prepare a warm up, for this Queen. Then, I shall let them taste, the power of my tribes...!"

"Go have fun, and if I remember correctly, one of the intruders, might be an amazonians," Logan suggested.

"She alreary knew her code, at the battlefield. We who oppose the other, shall bathe in the blood of our enemies!" Berserker roared out her battlecry.

Without further ado, Logan the fire a single round from the Jackal, as that single bullet pass through the upward neck of Berserker. Luckily, she didn't got hit by that shot, flying and reaching up toward the tree beside them. The bullet went into the forest, no one can heard it, but both Logan, and Berserker already heard. The sound of a head explode, with that, the signal was given, that the battle have begun.

Berserker already smell the stench of blood miles away, so she leap and went on her own way, toward the forest. Raising both the chainsball, while she was on air, she didn't even need to pour all of her strenght. As she then, landed on the ground, by swinging the chainballs down. As the edge of the spike made contact with the ground, through the sheer strenght that Berserker possessed, it easily shatter, and shake the entire forest.

"Come! And show yourself! Hidding is no use, in the face of my sense!" Berserker declared.

None had reply to her declaration, which make ot clear for her, Berserker began to lossen the grip of the chains, and take a deep breath before she release it.

"If that is your answer, then so be it! I shall not! Let even a single one flee!" Berserker roared out.

(Logan POV)

"My~ she had truly went on a rampage," Logan whistle. "And, a few uninvited guest, have arrived,"

Without even turning his head back, two figure step into the temple, one was a woman, and the other was a man. Wearing the same black suit, that is often wore in a buisness trip or important time.

The woman, who have a short brown hair, and quite the flat chest, can be mistaken for a man. From her face alone, she look much younger than the man beside her, but she is already in her mid thirty by now.

The man, who stood beside her, look more menacing than her, with the giant scar imprinted from his forehead till his chin. Having a rather curl brown hair, and a more mature face than the woman. He was holding spear behind his back, while the woman was holding a double Uzi.

"Well, if it isn't the Grimmel Twin; Gustav Heisnberg, and Floryn Heisnberg. A second-rate Assassins, that serve the German mafia boss that is under the Order," Logan then turned his head around the twin, while pointing both his pistol toward them. "To what pleassure, do I owe meeting you two?"

"You know, what you did," Gustav reply with a frown. "Stealing the relic, that was suppose to be given toward our boss, is breaking the contract,"

"Your boss, already broke his contract with me, when I returned back from the Ex-comunicato duty. Not only that, but after I return back, taking this job, he backstab me, back at the island of Naxos. Stealing, a relic of the Divine, is a taboo you know?"

"Which is why, he want it back," Floryn said.

"How about, ah..." Logan then pull the trigger of the Jackal. "No!"

The speed that a single bullet had travel, no mere Magus, and Assassin, nor an experience Magus or even Assassins can dodge such bullet. Out of sheer luck, and instinct, Gustav quickly shove Floryn down, which let her avoid the bullet. But, at the cost of his left arm, being blown into a bloody mess.

Once the bullet made a contact with solid matter, it will disorianted the solid matter that it came into contact with. By violently vibrating, till the skin began to weaken, which soon let the bullet pierce through it. Even the toughest skin of a Manticore, can't deflect the bullet, because it was a special bullet to begin with.

Created out of his own Origin, the bullet pick up the Origin of Logan Tohsaka. Once the bullet made it inside of the target, it wil cleave through, and disorianted the blood vessels, veins, and caterly that is beyond lethal for anyone. Which soon, result in Gustav lossing his left arm, till his elbow, it was a violent scene to be seen.

Taking a knee on the ground, Gustav was coughing out blood out of his mouth, the once normal body, had now been covered in sweat. The pain, that he felt, was beyond, what he had expected. Yet, Floryn did not let such sacrafice go in vain, as she quickly charge toward Logan, shooting multiple rounds of bullets nonstop toward him.

Blue lines began to erupt around his right hand, as steam began to vaporite from his sleeve, clenching his fist tightly. He can feel it, his muscle was burning, his blood was running wild, and much quicker, and his bone was being forcefully strenghten into a inhumane state. Under the sleeve, the skin of Logan Tohsaka, began to drasticaly, turned dark red, because of using the Reinforcement Magecraft, beyond the known limit.

It was heavy, Logan can feel his right arm was beyond heavy, but he didn't care, after all, this wasn't the first time, he had ever use such technique before. Even at the speed of the bullets, Logan manage to swing his right arm, as the thick layer of Reinforcement, fought agaisnt the wind itself. Through, the heavy weight being put upon his arm, the Reinforcement method, will add some extra weight to that certain part of body.

By swinging the Reinforce right arm, Logan send out a sharp gale wind toward Floryn, as that single gale wind, created out of a the Reinforcement Magecraft. Because it was use beyond the limit, it reject air, from getting into Logan body for a short period of time, and will forcefully fight agaisnt the wind. Thus, leading to the creation of the sharp gale wind, that slice through all of the bullets.

Once all the bullets were cleave, the gale wind did not stop yet, as it keep on moving toward Floryn, who decide to abandoned her Uzis. By jumping down to the ground, dodging the gale wind, that slice through the brick wall, and to the forest behind her, cleanly. Yet, even after such heavy attack, Logan did not stop yet, pointing the Owl toward Floryn.

As he about to pull the trigger, a spear disangage him, by cutting through his fingers, which lossen his grip for the Mystic Code. The one who threw the spear, was none other than Gustav, who have already arrived infront of Logan. Using his remaining hand, and using Reinforcment upon it. Gustav, then threw a direct strike toward Logan neck, which send him flying a few feet back.

"That was close," Gustav uttered out in pain.

"Brother!" Floryn shouted in alert.

Hearing his sister cry, Gustav didn't even realize it, as a bullet already went through his skull, which soon blow his head into a bloody mess. Logan did not spare any more seconds, as he quickly shot another bullet, pass through Floryn head. Killing the two Assassins, under 15 seconds in total, he can't waste anymore time, not after all, the preperation is done.

"Just a little bit more time," Logan uttered under his breath. "And everything, will finally be over,"

"I see, that thou hath finished the killing," Berserker jumped down from behind.

"Berserker," Logan call out.

"Now, that all the hassle is death, shall we depart to the Holy Grail?" Berserker asked.

"Hm... The Grail, won't appeared until the next two months, so let's get the preperation over with," Logan said.

"60 more days..." Berserker uttered. "That should be more than enough, but before we depart, there is something. I must ask thee,"

"What is it?" Logan asked.

Berserker glance at the current form of her master, the current body that is standing infront of her, that might look and seem normal. But, she can sense it, through her sharp nose, and instinct alone. Deep down, beneath the skin of a man known as Logan Tohsaka, lies even more mystery.

"What are thou?" Berserker asked.

"Care to explain?" Logan asked in confusion.

"Thou can't fool me, deep down, beneath that human skin thy wore, is a never ending dread of disorianted emotions. My eyes, cannot be decieve that easily, you are hidding even more than I've expect, master," Berserker asked with a serious tone.

"Hidding? What kind of nonesense, are ya talking about," Logan waved his hands without giving any care toward Berserker curiosty. "Berserker, I am but an ordinary Assassin/Magus, I am no more but a human, nothing more and nothing else,"

"Thou might speak such words, but what is hidding beneath that skin of thou, is something malicious," Berserker walk passes Logan. "I know not, about anything of your existence, not to the fullest. Logan Tohsaka, if that is truly thou true name, then I shall find some enjoyment. Digging through, your mystery, master,"

"Then do what you must! If that satify your curiosty, then I don't mind at all!" Logan smiled. "Though, it's quite a rare case, that a Berserker can be calm minded, and talk with rationality,"

"Indeed that is true, that every Berserker. That have been summon in the Grail War, have lost their sanity, at the exchange for strenght, I am no better than them. But, as a Queen I am, I must keep my dignity in check, going around like a mad warrior is not a suited role for a benevolent Queen,"

"Then my luck, have improve," Logan laughed. "Ain't I right? Ayato?"

[L■ke I g■i■ a s■i■]

A disorianted, yet malicous voice reply through Logan own mind, not even Berserker can hear the voice. Hearing such reply, Logan can only laugh even harder.

Truly, his luck might've improve.

"Well, whatever! Time to kill some brats, I forgot to kill, back then," Logan grinned.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fate

Note: alright, this will be a start of a new story, for this story, as I didn't explore much regarding the MC backstory nor abilites that much. Especially, his relationship with Berserker, that I didn't even improve at all, so from this start, this two will have two months, to create a normal master, and servant relationship.

More deep will be added in further chapters regarding Logan deeds in the past, to the reason why he became he is now. For those, who have read the previous form of this story, know about a certain deal he made. And I will explore, all of those, with Berserker slowly breaking appart Logan mystery.

This story, will focus more on Logan own identity, after having an identity crisis, that he had suffer in the past. The name Ayato, will he important, for this story, as it will add further depht into Logan own character. As I am trying to make him a lose cannon, until the story reach it mid part. This time, I am planning to develop his character slowly, along with his relationship with Berserker.

Which will help Logan, through out the Grail War, by both fighting, and being some form of a therapist. I will give more reason, to why I pick Berserker, rather than Mordred to be his servant.

That is all for this chapter.

Bye 🖐

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