Farren - Book 1 of the Darkne...

By sadiemaxwelwrites

187 61 0

In the spellbinding world of "Farren," the first installment of the gripping "Darkness Series," a young woman... More

Chapter 17: Bound in the Dark
Chapter 18: Cracks In Reality
Chapter 19: Dark Echoes
Chapter 20: Darkened Paths
Chapter 23: Bonds Amidst Chaos
Chapter 24: Turbulent Ties
Chapter 25: Whispers Of Resilience
Chapter 26: Embers Of Desire
Chapter 27: Eclipsed Resolve
Chapter 28: Unspoken Tensions
Chapter 29: Beneath The Surface
Chapter 30: Threads Of Defiance
Chapter 31: Resonance Of Shadows
Chapter 32: A Promise Reaffirmed
Chapter 33: Shared Purpose
Chapter 34: Exhumation And Confrontation
Chapter 35: Unleashed Radiance
Chapter 36: Bound By Darkness, Forged In Light
Chapter 37: Promises In Sunrise
Chapter 38: Eerie Tranquility
Chapter 39: A Gruesome Revelation
Chapter 40: In The Shadows Of Uncertainty
Chapter 41: Echoes Of Loss
Chapter 42: Embracing The Storm Of Grief
Chapter 43: Bonds In The Night
Chapter 44: Battles In The Shadows
Chapter 45: The Ties That Bind
Chapter 46: Whispers In The Shadows
Chapter 47: Chains Of Nightmares
Chapter 48: Unspoken Desires
Chapter 49: Embers Of Jealousy
Chapter 50: Reunion In The Shadows
Chapter 51: A Desperate Stand
Chapter 52: Unearthed Secrets
Chapter 53: Whispers Of The Prophet
Chapter 54: In The Eye Of The Storm
Chapter 55: Unholy Alliances
Chapter 56: Bitten Truths
Chapter 57: Possession's Veil
Chapter 58: Echoes Of Abandonment
Chapter 59: Unspoken Truths
Chapter 60: Embers Of Farewell
Chapter 61: Ashes Of Desolation


14 1 0
By sadiemaxwelwrites

She ran, her heart pounding like a relentless drum in her chest. Fear clawed at her insides, urging her to flee, to escape the shadows that seemed to dance malevolently between the gnarled trees. The forest was like a labyrinth of darkness, where every rustle and every whispering breeze felt like the eerie breath of some unseen presence.

Her feet thudded on the uneven ground, each step a desperate attempt to outrun the sinister silence that enveloped her. The trees loomed like towering specters, their twisted branches reaching out as if to ensnare her in their clutches. The rustling leaves above seemed to whisper foreboding secrets, and the faint glow of moonlight cast eerie shapes that danced on the forest floor like specters beckoning her deeper into the abyss.

Through the inky blackness, she could barely see what lay ahead, relying on instinct and adrenaline to guide her through the treacherous terrain. Roots seemed to rise like gnarled hands from the very earth, threatening to trip her with each step. Low-hanging branches scraped against her, as if the forest itself was clawing at her flesh, desperate to keep her within its grasp.

With every stride, her labored breath mingled with the haunting symphony of the night. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if the very air conspired against her escape. The echo of her footsteps reverberated like ghostly whispers, each one urging her to keep moving, to keep running from whatever lurked in the darkness.

As she pushed forward, the silence around her became deafening. The absence of sound felt like a malevolent force, as if the forest was holding its breath, waiting for her to make a wrong move. The rustling of leaves, once gentle and calming, now sent shivers down her spine, each sound a potential harbinger of doom.

Despite her exhaustion, she couldn't stop. The forest seemed to twist and turn, deliberately leading her deeper into its heart. Panic and determination warred within her, but she knew she had to keep going, had to escape the clutches of this eerie woodland prison.

Time lost its meaning as she ran, the minutes feeling like hours, the hours like eternity. The moon, a dim sliver in the sky, offered little comfort as it cast eerie shadows that seemed to move and shift with every step.

Her mind played tricks on her, conjuring ghostly figures in the periphery of her vision. Every snapping twig or distant hoot of an owl sent her heart racing, her imagination painting vivid scenes of lurking horrors.

Yet she persisted, her body driven by an instinct to survive, to break free from this haunting forest. She couldn't explain the pull it had on her, the inexplicable feeling that she was both captive and chosen.

Finally, her legs gave out, and she collapsed to the forest floor, tears streaming down her face. The eerie silence was deafening, and the cool breeze seemed to whisper chilling secrets that sent shivers down her spine.

And there it was again, that same tree with twenty-seven lines carved on it. The tree she had carved herself, marking her days in this never-ending nightmare. Each carved line felt like a tally of her torment, etched into the very fabric of the forest, a haunting reminder of her captivity.

Frustrated, she let out a scream, as if hoping someone, something, would hear her plight. And in that moment, a blinding white light surrounded her. The light was unnatural, giving the eerie sensation of being watched by unseen eyes, as if the forest itself was an omniscient observer of her struggle.

She shut her eyes tight, feeling the unnatural warmth against her skin, like the touch of some otherworldly force. When she opened her eyes again, she felt disoriented, as if she had been asleep for ages. The room she found herself in had an eerie glow, casting unsettling shadows in every corner, as if it held its own malevolent secrets.

Her vision blurred, and she found herself in a dimly lit, mysterious room. The walls seemed to close in on her, as if the room was alive and closing its grip around her. The flickering light from a single ominous bulb swung back and forth, casting eerie silhouettes that danced around her, like specters summoned from the darkness. She realized her feet were chained to the ground, with her arms suspended above her head. The chains clinked softly, a haunting sound that echoed in the eerie silence, a constant reminder of her captivity.

"Awake again, are you?" A gruff, sickly voice taunted her, sending shivers down her spine. The voice seemed to come from all directions, disorienting her further, as if it was an omnipresent presence haunting her every move.

"What? Where am I?" Her voice sounded weak, barely audible against the haunting backdrop, as if she feared her words might awaken something far more sinister.

"You keep waking up faster every time. Not so easy to keep you under control, huh?" The voice chuckled darkly, the sound sending chills through her soul, as if it reveled in her struggle and suffering.

In front of her stood a man, hunched and covered in glowing blue tattoos that seemed to pulsate with an unnatural energy. His eyes gleamed with an eerie light, like a predator eyeing its prey in the dark, a malevolent gaze that made her skin crawl.

She struggled against the chains, but they held her tight. The chains seemed to tighten like a vice, as if the room itself was restraining her, feeding off her fear, as if it fed on the terror in her heart. The room seemed to revel in her vulnerability, taunting her with its malevolence, as if it was a malevolent entity itself.

"Time to go back to sleep. Can't have my prisoner stirring up trouble," he sneered, getting closer, his movements slow and deliberate like a spider closing in on its prey. His words dripped with a sinister promise, as if he had all the time in the world to toy with her, to break her spirit.

But this time, something was different. A flicker of memory broke through the mental haze. Memories of defiance, of resilience, surged to the surface, empowering her to defy her captor, to challenge the malevolence that sought to keep her in chains. As he reached out, she mustered all her strength to resist, her eyes locking with his in a battle of wills, a silent promise that would not be broken.

Back in the forest, she faced the tree again, the one she had carved lines on before. Each carving seemed to pulse with a sinister energy, as if the tree itself was alive and aware of her suffering, as if it was a relic of her own torment. Only this time, she remembered everything. No more being trapped in this endless cycle! The eerie silence of the forest seemed to acknowledge her determination, as if the forest itself held its breath, waiting to see what she would do next, as if it had witnessed her struggle and was now watching to see how it would unfold.

With a newfound determination, she grabbed a stone and carved a new line - a symbol of her will to break free. The stone seemed to hum with an eerie resonance, as if it had been waiting for this moment, as if it was a conduit for her strength and determination.

No longer a victim of circumstance, she vowed to find a way out of this haunting forest, to take control of her destiny. Her determination echoed through the forest, resonating with an eerie energy that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality, as if it was a clarion call to the forces that held her captive, a declaration that she would not be contained any longer.

Staring at her mark, hope welled up inside her. Yeah, she might be stuck for now, but she was going to find a way out. She had the strength to face whatever eerie challenges lay ahead, both in this enigmatic forest and in her own mind, as if the forest had imbued her with its eerie resilience and she was now one with the haunting woods. Watch out, world - she was coming for her freedom! The forest seemed to whisper its eerie approval, as if it had been waiting for someone like her to challenge its malevolence, as if it acknowledged her as a formidable adversary in its sinister game.


Somewhere not too far away, a man was sleeping in a dingy motel room when a scream, accompanied by a sudden gust of wind, tore through the silence. Startled, he jumped out of bed, reaching for the gun concealed under his pillow, his senses on high alert. But as quickly as the scream had come, it vanished, leaving him bewildered and wary.

"Balls?!" The man half yelled, frustration evident in his voice as he tried to make sense of the eerie event.

In the midst of the unsettling silence, he noticed an inexplicable bright light emanating from a small table in the corner of the room. The light seemed to have a life of its own, floating above a map he had been poring over earlier that evening.

As he cautiously approached the table, the light began to shift and dance, drawing his attention to a particular spot on the map marked as an abandoned factory. An unsettling feeling washed over him, as if an unseen force was guiding his gaze to that very location. It was almost as if the map itself had come alive, revealing hidden secrets.

His hand absently scratched his scruffy beard as he stared at the area on the map, torn between curiosity and caution. The unnatural glow of the light seemed to seep into his mind, igniting an overwhelming urge to storm the factory, to confront whatever sinister presence awaited him there.

But he knew better than to act impulsively, especially when dealing with a Djinn. He needed a plan and backup, for tangling with a Djinn was like playing with fire, and he wasn't eager to get burned.

Without hesitation, he reached for his cell phone on the bedside table, his fingers dialling the only number he could think of - a man experienced in dealing with the supernatural.

"What do you want?" came the gruff, sleepy voice of the person on the other end.

"I need your help," he said urgently, his heart pounding in anticipation.

"No! forget it; help yourself!" the voice yelled, now fully awake and somewhat irritated.

"Rufus, I need help hunting a Djinn, the Djinn."

"Son of a bitch, you found him?"

"I found him, and I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew."

Rufus, the grizzled expert in the supernatural, knew that tangling with a Djinn was no small matter. He sighed, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"Fine, where are you?" Rufus asked, his voice now more alert and focused.

"Lawrence, Kansas, there's an abandoned factory on Route 59. If I leave now, I should be there at the same time as you."

"Wait, you're not even in Lawrence; how sure are you it's the same Djinn?" Rufus questioned; his skepticism evident.

"I just know, dammit! I'll see you there," the man asserted, his resolve unwavering.

With that, he hung up the phone, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he grabbed his keys and duffel. He knew the path ahead was treacherous, but he was prepared to face whatever eerie encounters awaited him in that forsaken factory. The eerie light still hovered above the map, almost as if it was a sign, guiding him towards his eerie destiny.

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