COTE Reactions

By Kamui1738

217K 3.8K 4.3K

Just your normal reaction fic... probably not so normal. Takes place in the middle of y2v4.5 just before Ichi... More

50%-kun (DOTWH Version)
Help me, Ayanokouji-kun
DOTWH - Prologue 3
Food Trap
425 Plans
DOTWH - The Truth
Ice Queen
You're Cruel
Behind the mask
DOTWH - A Small Job
Piano & Calligraphy
DOTWH - Ending the Day
Motivation to study
Wrong Exam Topics
DOTWH - All about Chiaki
A Deal
Saving Sudou

DOTWH - The Beginning

12.1K 187 335
By Kamui1738

After the entrance ceremony, I went to the toilet for a while. I told Eichiro and Chiaki to go on ahead first. The former went ahead, but the latter chose to follow me.

Satou 2: I already know where this is going...

Miku: The video's just started...

Nino: It's like, so obvious, isn't it?

Chiaki: Where is what going? Kiyotaka-sama was just going to the toilet before entering the classroom.

Ichika: What we're talking about, is you following him to the toilet.

Chiaki: What's wrong with that?

DOTWH Girls: Everything...

Haruka 2: She definitely tried to peek at him while he's in the toilet.

Chiaki: I did not!

Onodera 2: Or, she touched herself with the thought of him in the toilet...

Chiaki: I did not do it that time!

"That time...?"

Matsushita: Does she actually do that?

Nene 2: We've seen her do thousands of weird, perverted things to or about Ayanokouji-kun, so peeking at him could be considered mild.

Mei-Yu 2: Very mild...

Satou: Just how weird is Matsushita-chan...?

Matsushita: I am not weird!

Satou: I was referring to your doppelgänger.

Chiaki: I am not weird! And, for the last time, I didn't peek at him while he's in the toilet!

DOTWH girls: Whatever you say...

And no, she didn't enter the toilet with me. She waited outside.

Chiaki: See!? I didn't do it!

Nino: Our evaluation of you won't change just because you didn't do anything weird this one time. You're still a pervert towards Kiyo in our eyes.

The DOTWH girls nodded their heads in full agreement.

Chiaki: I have never done anything weird to or about Kiyotaka-sama!

Kei 2: What about your entire dorm being covered with wallpapers, paintings, pictures, sculptures, figures, pillows, body pillows, bedsheets, etc. of Ayanokouji-kun?

Itsuki: What about the shrine you have in your room dedicated to praying to him? You made it look like he was dead.

Miku: What about that time before swimming lessons when you got wet thinking of him? I genuinely thought you went into the pool first.

Satou 2: What about the empty bottle you have labelled 'Kiyotaka-sama's scent'?

Haruka 2: What about the pictures of Kiyopon you sealed in waterproof ziplock bags that you keep in your bra and panties?

Nene 2: What about the hundreds of hard drives you have containing pictures of Ayanokouji-kun? Each with different labels like 'Kiyotaka-sama eating', 'Kiyotaka-sama sleeping', 'Kiyotaka-sama hot 18+', which, by the way, that last one is just pictures of him on a daily basis.

Ichika: What about that one time you threatened to get Chabashira-sensei fired because she didn't let you eat the cupcakes Kiyotaka-kun got for her and didn't give you the teddy bear he got for her?

Sae 2: No one's touching those...

Sae 2 mumbled to herself.

Chie 2: Did you say something, Sae-chan?

Sae: I didn't say a thing.

Nino: Forgot about all those. What about the time she drooled at his seat after he went home and sniffed it?

Canon cast: What in the world...

The canon cast were flabbergasted.

Chiaki: It's the normal thing to do when you see Kiyotaka-sama.


Matsushita: I can't take this...! I'm not her! Why is my doppelgänger like this!?

Kei: Don't worry, Matsushita-san, we do not think of her as the same person as you.

The canon cast nodded in agreement.

Satou: But, I will still use your doppelgänger to make fun of you.

Satou giggled to herself as Matsushita glared at her.

After my business, we started walking to the classroom. We are definitely the last to arrive. It's currently 7.50 am. Homeroom starts at 8, so we're not late.

Chiaki opened the door for me and I walked in with my hands still in my pocket.

Horikita: It's like he's a king...


Amasawa and others: 'GOD*!'

Canon cast: Uh...ok...

As soon as the door opened I could feel the stares of everyone drilling into me. Have they never seen someone opening a door before?

Haruka 2: Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?

Onodera 2: Why wouldn't we stare? It pleases our eyes.

The DOTWH girls and most of the Canon girls all nodded in agreement.

After a while, the boys ignored me and went back to their own devices, while the girls continued staring at me.

Horikita: They don't even try to hide it...

Satou: Who can blame them?

Nene: Yeah. Any girl would stare once they see him.

The girls immediately widen their eyes upon seeing me.


Sudou: What the...?

'He's gorgeous'

Fuka: Agreed.


DOTWH Girls: Agreed!

Kikyou: 'Look at all these people... ogling and idolising my master... As if they deserve the honour of worshipping him... Even I'm still working hard to gain that honour.'

Hashimoto: I have to agree. Ayanokouji is good-looking.

Every single boy slowly turned to face him.

Hashimoto: No homo! I'm not gay!

The boys gave him a slight nod before turning to face the screen again.

Were some of the thoughts of the girls.

The DOTWH girls started sweating slightly.

Haruka 2: Crap...

Kei 2: I just remembered we can hear our thoughts as well...

Satou 2: Ayanokouji-kun! Please don't think of me as weird if you hear my thoughts!

Kei 2: Yeah! Don't think of me as weird either!

The DOTWH girls each began begging him for the exact same thing.

Kiyotaka: Uhh... ok?

The DOTWH girls breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as I walked in, with Chiaki now beside me, I stood still for a while.

This feeling...

Fuka: Oh, so you felt it even back then.

Kiyotaka: What are you talking about?

Fuka: You can feel my love for you, right?

Kiyotaka: We don't even know each other yet.

Fuka: No, it's future me's love. Well, I guess present me.

Kiyotaka: I definitely wasn't feeling that.

Fuka: Guess I'll just have to make you feel it.

Kiyotaka: Please don't do anything weird.

Fuka: Love isn't weird.

Kiyotaka: Love is weird.

It's exactly like in that place. I'm being watched by a camera.


Katsuragi: Your instincts are on a whole other level...

Ryueen 2: It's like he has fucking eyes in the back of his head.

Eichiro: You haven't even seen anything yet.

Chiaki: Yeah. His thing is-


I scanned my surroundings, my eyes darting to the 3 corners of the room in front before I turned around and looked at the corner behind me.

Manabu 2: He found the hidden cameras in the class less than a minute since he walked in... That's absolutely incredible.

Hashimoto 2: His instincts... God damn it terrifies me...

"No... It's those fucking eyes of his..." A random DOTWH year-2 male said in a low and shaken voice.

"Yeah... I remembered my life flash right before my eyes on 6/7..." Another random DOTWH year-2 male said.

Horikita: Seriously. What's 6/7?

"My nightmare..."

"I thought it was the day of judgement..."

Horikita 2: You will see soon enough...

Kiyotaka: 'They have cameras in the classroom as well, huh?'

Manabu: As well... That means he's already found the other cameras during his walk to class...

Sotomura 2: The bad thing about moving faster than light, is that you can only live in the darkness.

Sotomura: And the only thing one hopes for in the darkness, is light.

Ike: What the hell are you two talking about?

Keisei: What do those even mean...?

Shinohara 2: They're probably just mumbling some weird otaku stuff. Just typical Sotomura.

Arisu 2: 'I don't know if that's on purpose... but what they said kind of reflects Kiyotaka-kun if you really think about it...'

Seems like no one noticed it except me. It's hidden as well, just like the other cameras around campus.

Chiaki must have realised what I'm thinking about as she looks at me with a look that tells me she understood what's happening.

Satou 2: They really have good chemistry.

Nene 2: Hate to agree...

Horikita 2: 'One day... I will make our chemistry just as strong, if not stronger than the one they have...'

Chiaki: Of course we have good chemistry. We've been so connected in more ways than one.

Kei 2: Shut up, Matsushita!

Ignoring the stares of the girls in my class, I walked to my desk which was at the corner of the room and by a window.

Best seat ever.

Sotomura: This has 100% confirmed it.

Sotomura 2: Indeed it has.

Hondou: I actually understand what you guys mean this time.

Shinohara: Then, please explain what you guys mean.

Sotomura: It's clear now more than ever. Ayanokouji-dono is the main character.

Satou: Uh... We already knew that before...

Hondou: True, but that specific seat at the back of the class is the main character seat.

Sotomura 2: Precisely Hondou-dono. That seat is reserved solely for the main character and the main character only.

Kamuro 2: How in the fuck does a seat equate to being a main character...?

The others, confused, merely ignored the otakus' delusions.

Eichiro got the seat closest to the back door, while Chiaki got a seat somewhere in the middle.

Horikita 2: Thank god she didn't get a seat beside Ayanokouji-kun?

Chiaki: Why is it so good that I didn't get a seat beside him?

Kei 2: Because you would not stop staring and drooling at him.

Itsuki: Then, our class points will be reduced to zero in a day...

Satou 2: Forget a day. Our class points will be reduced to zero in less than 5 minutes because she will get called out for indecent exposure for touching herself while drooling at Ayanokouji-kun.

Chiaki: How dare you-!

Ichika: Yup, that's exactly what's gonna happen.

Chiaki: That will never! I will never upset or slow down Kiyotaka-sama!

Nino: Matsushita, you will probably commit mass genocide just for a chance of Kiyo raping you.

The Canon cast has somehow gotten used to this and could only stare and sigh at how... 'devoted' Chiaki is.

Chiaki: Just because I will do it, doesn't mean I will do it!

Yotsuba: What kind of logic is that?

My seatmate was a black haired girl with gradient colored eyes. She was reading a book called 'Crime and Punishment' and exuded an aura that says ' Don't talk to me'.

Horikita 2: Um... You can talk to me anytime now... I won't push you away with my personality...

Kiyotaka: I know. You've grown a lot, after all.

Horikita 2 blushed a bright red and could only look down to hide the blissful smile she has.

The others in the theatre, especially the Canon cast were extremely stunned at how Horikita 2 is acting.

Nene: He even melted the heart of an Ice Queen...

Asahina 2: He makes me melt just by appearing in my thoughts...

Fuka 2: He was the reason for my first wet dream.

Asahina 2: Hey! Samesies!

Asahina 2 raised her palm towards Fuka for a high-five, which she reciprocated without even turning to her and still having that same smirk of hers.

Manabu 2: 'Leaving her to you is probably the best thing I've done for her as a brother. To think that you did what I couldn't all my life, in a mere few months... Maybe not given you being you, but the fact that she's grown a lot is undeniable.'

Manabu: The difference between my timelines' Suzune and yours is truly remarkable. I'm jealous.

Hearing the ex-presidents' remark towards his own younger sister surprised a lot of people in the theatre who are now staring at him in shock.

Nagumo: Woah, woah! Horikita-senpai, she is your little sister, you know? You don't have to sound so rejectful of her.

Manabu: Exactly. She is my little sister, so you should not butt in.

Horikita: N-Nii- san-!

Manabu: Don't speak with me, Suzune. Not until Ayanokouji becomes my brother-in-law.



Shock spread amongst the audience as they heard the words that the ex-president just uttered.

Manabu quickly realised his slip of the tongue and cleared his throat.

Satou: Did the ex-president just...

Manabu: It was just a slip of the tongue. Don't pay any heed.

Horikita: N-Nii-san! Did you just-!

Manabu: Nope. Didn't say anything.

Sudou, instead of shock, was fuming with anger, but quickly remembered who Manabu is and tried to remain calm.

Sudou: U-Um... Manabu-senpai... What you said...

Manabu: Didn't say anything. Can we please refocus?

The others in the theatre reluctantly turned their attention back towards the screen.

Sudou thought that it was best not to anger his crushs' brother and held back his tongue, turning back towards the screen.

Ayanokouji: No, Manabu. I will not be your brother-in-law.

Manabu: What!?

Ayanokouji: Nothing...

This earned snickers all around the theatre.

The only people not laughing in the slightest were Ayanokouji, Manabu who is currently overthinking what Ayanokouji said, and Horikita who was looking down with sadness after hearing what Ayanokouji said.

In front of me was a girl with pink hair and a blue headset wrapped around her neck. I noticed that 4 other girls looked identical to her.

The only differences being their hairstyle and their accessories.

Are they related?

Or is it just a coincidence?

Could they possibly be quintuplets?

Ike 2: Guess figuring that out was easy for him.

Ken: The only question remains... How in the hell does he differentiate them?

Yamauchi: I've been wondering that as well...

Nino: It's honestly not that hard. You guys are a bunch of idiots, that's all.

"We're not idiots!"

Satou 2: But seriously... how does he differentiate you guys...?

Itsuki: W-Well... Our grandfather says that there is one sure-fire way to differentiate us...

Ichika: Y-Yeah...

The quints are blushing madly and can't stop stuttering.

The DOTWH Class A paid extremely close attention to what they're about to say.

Yotsuba: I-It's love, isn't it, Kiyotaka-san?

The quints are beet red from embarrassment.

Miku: Y-Yeah! That's it!

Chiaki: That's physically, mentally and literally not possible.

Nino: IT IS!

Kiyotaka: No... You guys wear different accessories, talk differently, act differently, etc. Where did love even come into play?

Snickers, especially from the girls within the theatre could be heard.

Itsuki: T-That's what it means! Love allows you to notice the small differences.

Ichika: Y-Yeah! No one else has been able to notice the differences except you!

Satou 2: HAHA! You guys mistook his perceptiveness for love!

Quints: IT IS LOVE!


Kei 2: Kiyotaka-kun!? Shy!? HAHAHA!

The quints and the other DOTWH girls continued arguing back and forth. This went on for a solid five minutes.

Kiyotaka: Fine, fine. It's love.

The theatre turned silent as looks of shock were prominent on all their faces.

Ichika: SEE!?





Kiyotaka: 'They would probably fight till the world ends if I don't do something...'

The others, realising why he said it, sighed and turned back to face the screen.

My seatmate doesn't seem friendly, so I guess I'll try introducing myself to the girl in front.

I tapped her headset to gain her attention.

She turned around and faced me. She appears to have a tinge of red on her cheeks and seem slightly nervous.

Ibuki: She caught the butterflies that quick? 'Not like anyone can blame her...'

Nino: Didn't expect it to happen that quickly.

Ichika: As if it didn't happen that quickly to all of us.

Itsuki: True...

Is she shy perhaps?

Kei 2: Shy is one way to put it...

Kiyotaka: Hello, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. It's nice to meet you.

Miku: Hello, my name is Nakano Miku. It's nice to meet you as well, Ayanokouji-kun.

I decided to ask her my question.

Kiyotaka: I've been wondering for a while. There are 4 other girls who look identical to you but have different hairstyles and accessories. Are you guys perhaps related? Quintuplets?

Miku: Oh I guess you've noticed, huh? Yes, we're Quintuplets. I'm the 3rd sister.

Yamauchi: Oh... So, Miku-chan was the third sister... I thought she was the second...

Quints: He still doesn't even know that...

The DOTWH cast could only sigh in exasperation.

Kiyotaka: I see. Well then, I look forward to studying with you for the next 3 years. Please, take care of me.

Miku: Likewise, Ayanokouji- kun.

As we finished introducing ourselves to each other, the door opened.

A woman with long brown hair, tied in a ponytail with bangs swept to the left and piercing brown eyes, entered the room.

She had a well-endowed voluptuous body. She appears to be in her late 20s.

Chie 2: Kyaaa! Kiyotaka-kun, you little perv! Analysing Sae-chan's body like that!

Kiyotaka: It was just an observation.

Chie 2: I see, I see... Well then, how about you analyse how deep your member has went inside-!

Sae 2: There's children in here!

Mashima 2: Get a grip, Hoshinomiya!

Sae 2 forcefully placed her hand over Chie 2's mouth to shut her up.

The others in the theatre, already used to this, just sighed at their teacher.

Kei 2: 'Has!? Has!? Kiyotaka-kun has!?'

She went to the podium and started speaking.

Sae: Ahem. Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Social Studies. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know all of you. It's a pleasure to meet you. I will start by distributing written materials with information about this school's special rules.

The students in the front passed the documents to the people in the back.

As I know, this school requires students to live in dorms and bans contact with the outside world for the next 3 years except for special cases such as studying abroad or club tournaments. Naturally, leaving school grounds was also strictly forbidden.

However, the campus also came equipped with many excellent facilities. With its own karaoke spot, theater, café, boutique, and more, you could easily compare this school to a small city. The campus spread over more than 600,000 square meters. If I had to give an example, I'd say that it is similar to Vatican City. Though it is around 16 hectares bigger.

Kanzaki 2: Does your brain not get fried over analysing so much? Or, has your mind been trained to do this your whole life.

Kiyotaka: Both, I guess?

Satou 2: It must have been difficult, wasn't it, Ayanokouji-kun?

Kiyotaka: It was fine.

Miku: You don't have to continue hiding, Kiyotaka. You can talk to us if something's bothering you.

Kiyotaka: Ok. Thank you.

The DOTWH girls could only smile softly in return, trying their best to be patient about helping Kiyotaka.

This school boasted another unique feature: the S-System. I have a feeling it's gonna be one of the most important aspects in understanding how this school works.

After receiving it, I put it down on my table. I can read it later. I'll listen to Chabashira-sensei first to gather information from what she says and her body language when she says it.

Sae: I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so on. It acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. Anything located on the school premises is available for purchase.

She seems to be emphasising the word anything quite alot. If it means what I think it means, then I can definitely conduct a lot of fun experiments.

Itsuki: And... it has begun...

Nino: Absolute chaos...

Satou: What do you guys mean?

Nene 2: Actually, even I don't understand.

Yotsuba: Sorry, but it's something Kiyotaka-san wants to keep private.

Understanding, they didn't pry any further.

Sae: Your student cards can be used simply by tapping them on the machine scanner. The method is simple, so you shouldn't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 100,000 points this month. Keep in mind that one point is worth one yen. No further explanation should be necessary.

The classroom erupted into chaos.

Ike: If only we knew...

The Canon Class D could only sigh and look down in shame.

"Thank god..." The DOTWH Class A sighed in relief.

It's only natural, 100,000 yen a month is no joke.

If you're trying to tell me that simply passing an entrance exam and interview is a feat deserving of that ridiculous amount monthly, then you should kill yourself before you infect others with your stupidity.

Ryueen: Well... damn! You're right about that!

Ike 2: You didn't have to be so blunt, Ayanokouji!

Fuka: As if he's wrong. If people like you guys get that much money, the economy and this county would collapse.

Kei 2: Meh. Who cares? Our beloved prince is here! We'll be just fine as long as he's with us!

Satou 2: Yeah! He can do anything!

Ike: Can he fly?

Yuna: I can make that possible.

Ike: Damn it. I forgot about that. A literal goddess is literally in love with him. He can literally do anything. Literally.

Sudou: The amount of times you said 'literally' makes me uncomfortable...


She also said 'this month' instead of per month. Why did she say that? That alone proves that we won't be receiving 100,000 points every month. Unless of course she made a mistake in her introduction?

Satou 2: Analayse, analyse, analyse... You should really stop analysing and start thinking about other things, Ayanokouji-kun.

Kiyotaka: Like what?

Satou 2: Like... me?

Satou 2 tilt her head to the side with her right index finger pointing towards herself and a wink.

Kiyotaka: Don't worry. I think about you all the time.

Satou 2: R-REALLY!?

Kiyotaka: Yes.

Satou 2 is beet red right now as she attempts to cool her heated face with her hands.

She's completely ignoring the glares she's getting.

Kiyotaka: When I think about liabilities in class, that is...


Then, the entire theatre erupted into laugher while Satou 2 looked like she was about to cry.

Kiyotaka: I was only joking, Satou.

Satou 2: R-Really...?

Kiyotaka: Really.

Satou 2 quickly wiped away her tears and a wide smile emerges on her face.

Satou 2: I-I see...! I guess it was funny! But, it's still a little mean! Though, I forgive you for it...!

Satou 2 can't stop smiling.

I looked at Chiaki and Eichiro. They are definitely suspicious of this. Same goes with my seatmeate. At least there is 1 student who is not so stupid besides Eichiro and Chiaki.

Itsuki: Everyone's stupid if they're compared to you...

Kiyotaka: I'm not smart.


I switched on my school issued phone and checked my balance. First thing I noticed, is that I've received 100,000 points. However, that isn't important right now.

"It isn't?"

Arisu: Now this is the thinking of a genius. Worry not about the money you have on hand, but about how you're going to make more.

The other thing I noticed is the label on my points. 'Private Points'. Why is it called 'Private Points'? Can't they just call it points? Are there different types of points? Like behaviour points, academic points or maybe a different kind of point that is shared by the class?

Shibata: Woah... He's thought this far ahead...

Katsuragi: It's truly remarkable how he does this with little to no effort.

Arisu 2: No, this doesn't take any effort from him whatsoever. That's just testament to his power.

Ike 2: Ayanokouji, can you calculate the probability of me getting a girlfriend?

Shinohara 2: Even I can do that. It's 0%.

Ike 2: I'm asking Ayanokouji, not you. Let the men talk.

Shinohara, shocked, could not offer a rebuttal. No, everyone in the theatre were surprised to hear Ike speak like that.

Kiyotaka: Uhh... 50%?

Ike 2: Really!? Woah! That's quite high!

Horikita 2: How in the world did you get such a high percentage for that?

Kiyotaka: Cause, it's either he gets a girlfriend or not... There's only two option, after all...

Horikita 2: No wonder...

Onodera 2: Makes sense, I guess...

Ike 2 was too happy to listen to his reasons and could only fantasise about getting a girlfriend.

I put this thought in the back of my mind and did some simple mental calculations.

Considering that there were about 160 people enrolled in my grade, simple calculation suggested that there were 480 people total in this school. That alone would mean 48 million yen each month. Annually, that would equal 560 million yen. Even for a government-supported school,that is absolutely ridiculous.

Ike: Alright, this is ridiculous now. How the hell did he calculate it that quickly? I didn't even think about this.

Kanzaki: Did you already forget where he grew up in? Calculations like this are probably second-nature to him.

Ike: Oh, yeah...

Katsuragi: Besides, it's not really that hard to calculate like that if you're just slightly good at math. Even Sakayanagi can do it.

Arisu: I don't know if that's an insult or not, but I'm feeling generous and shall take it as a compliment.

There is absolutely no way they are just gonna be handing out money like it grows on trees with no strings attached.

Sae: Shocked by the amount of points you've been given? This school evaluates its students' talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however, all of your points return to the school. Because it's impossible to exchange your points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Once points have been deposited into your account, it's up to you how to spend them. Do as you like. In the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully.

'The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth'

Itsuki: It's amazing how he thinks so much, yet doesn't overthink.

Horikita 2: It's like his brain is trained to focus on only the important details, no matter how small. What am I kidding? He's definitely been trained like that.

Keisei: To think we had someone stronger than anyone in the history of the school in our class... I even tried tutoring him...

Akito: So much time wasted... Too bad for you.

Keisei: Don't remind me...

Horikita: Ayanokouji-kun, I understand how tough your life has been, and why you've always wanted a peaceful life here, even if only for just 3 years. But, I have to say your talents are wasted if you do not use them.

Ayanokouji: Not really a waste, since, I'll be fine at the end of the day.

Horikita: I know. I'm just... hoping that you would watch out for me... Even if at least a little bit...

Horikita tried to hide her red face by looking down. Unfortunately, that just made it more obvious.

Ayanokouji: You'll be fine. You've grown a lot.

Horikita: I see... Thank you for that. But, even if it's from a far, please, watch me. I'll show you how much I've grown.

Ayanokouji: Sure.

Horikita smiled. 👍

Passing an entrance exam doesn't mean you're worth receiving this ridiculous amount on a monthly basis. The school is definitely evaluating us students on a daily basis. With the hidden camera's in class, that just proves my theory. And the amount we receive every month is the result of that evaluation.

As bewilderment spread across the classroom Chabashira sensei spoke again.

Sae: Any further questions?

I raised my hand.

Nino: And another thing has begun...

Inogashira: Just looking at his raised hand brings me PTSD about what's going to happen next...

Satou 2: That look he had...

The DOTWH Class A shivered at the mere thought of that.

Ike: Why? What's gonna happen?

Nene 2: You'll see...

Kei 2: But, please, for the love of god, do not stink up this place by shitting or pissing yourselves again!

Sudou: Now, I'm scared. Just what the hell is gonna happen...?

Arisu 2: I have a feeling I would need tissues after this.

Kamuro 2: Why? Cause you're gonna be soaking wet for him? Please. That's boring after the amount of times you've said it. You get wet for him basically anytime you think about or see him.

Arisu: Well, there's that, but it's also to wipe the nosebleed I'm about to get because of how hot he's gonna be.

Kamuro 2: On second thought, I'm gonna need tissues as well...

Fuka 2: I'll need the whole fucking roll.

One by one, the DOTWH girls thought packets and rolls of tissues into existence in preparation.

Kei 2: Oi! Matsushita! How many cartons do you need!?

Satou 2: She's gonna cover the entire theatre at this rate...!

Chiaki: Not enough. I need more. Otherwise, this place is going to get flooded.

"Fucking hell...!"

Hiyori, Nanase and other pure people: 'Why would they need tissues?'

As soon as she saw my raised hand, she spoke up again.

Sae: You're Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, correct? The student that scored perfect scores across the board. It's an incredible achievement. You have scored the highest scores in the history of this school. Congratulations. So, what's your question?

Horikita: He actually tried in the exams in this?

Arisu 2: That's effortless to him.

Nene: If only our Ayanokouji-kun helped us... It's not like I think badly of you because you didn't try or anything!

Ayanokouji: It's fine if you do think badly about me.

Nene: N-No! I don't! I swear on my life!

Ayanokouji: It's seriously fine.

Nene: No! I don't want you to think that I think badly of you!

Ayanokouji: Alright, alright fine...

Nene: Thank god...

Nene breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as she said my name everyone turned to face me. Some were looking at me with admiration due to my achievement while some, specifically my seatmate had their eyes wide from shock.

Ryueen 2: Kukuku. She's become less Asian with her eyes that wide.

Horikita 2: How can you be racist to your own race?

Ryueen 2: I'll be racist to whoever I want to be racist with.

Kiyotaka: Sensei, you said we would receive 100,000 points this month. Don't you mean per month? Did you make a mistake?

As I asked that everyone started looking a little confused. Chabashira-sensei gave me a little smirk.

Satou 2: That smirk is filled to the brim with pride.

Nino: Obviously. Kiyo is the only person in the entire school that means anything to sensei.

Itsuki: He's the only one she cares about.

Hirata: I don't think teachers are allowed to have favourites...

Yotsuba: What can you do when your teacher has one anyway?

Ike: Accept it...

Ichika: Something logical out of your mouth for once...

Chie 2: Kiyotaka-kun is Sae-chan's pride & joy. He means everything to her. He's the only one capable of making her dreams come true.

Sae 2: You don't have to word it like that.

Chie 2: So, you admit it?

Sae 2: Maybe...

Chie 2: You absolutely piss me off. You're just using him to accomplish the dreams that your pathetic self will never be able to accomplish even until the world ends. You don't deserve an inch of him.

Sae 2: I'm not using him. I do care about him.

Chie 2: You care about what he can do for you. Look at the other you and it's clear. You vile woman. I'm gonna do everything in my power to get him away from you. You don't love him for who he is. And for that, I despise you.

Sae 2: If he's not talented, you wouldn't even bat an eye to him. Don't talk to me about your values and insulting me like that when you're not so different.

Chie 2: The other me didn't ignore him like how you ignored your other students even when she didn't know about his talent, did she? Besides, I only want him because he's my first love, and first everything. He's managed to steal my heart while he's only managed to caught your mind.

Sae 2: 'Don't talk as if you know how I feel about him...'

Sae: No, I made no such mistake. The sentence I've spoken is exactly as what it means.

Kiyotaka: That so? Then, how many points will we be getting next month then? Since you said we will only be getting 100, 000 this month, that leaves me wondering about the amount we will be receiving in the coming months.

As I said that, everyone started to look deep in thought.

"He's right..."

"If we're getting 100,000 this month and sensei didn't make any mistakes in her sentence, then how much will we be getting next month?"

Similar questions spread across the room. Miku had turned her seat to the window so she could look at both me and Chabashira-sensei. She was staring at me while also looking deep in thought.

Nino: Miku... how much do I have to pay to swap seats with you?

Miku: It's not up for sale.

Nino: Horikita, how much-

Horikita: Not for sale.

Nino: Tch...

Itsuki: Don't bother. A lot of us have tried that already.

She seems to have caught on a tiny bit about what I'm getting at. My seatmate also seems to be pondering over my question.

Sae: Unfortunately, Ayanokouji, I can't answer that question.

Hmm? That in itself is an answer.

Kiyotaka: That so? Alright, then is it ok if I share a couple of my hypothesis on this 'S-sytem' that is definitely too good to be true, with you and the class?

Kanzaki: This ought to be interesting...

Ken: Can you turn up the A.C, Ms. Goddess?

Yuna: Why?

Ken: Cause I'm sweating a lot.

Nene 2: Understandably so...

Kikyou: We've already experienced this first hand... yet, it still makes us sweat so much...

Haruka: Why are you guys so scared and sweating so much? Is Kiyopon going to summon demons to earth?

Satou 2: Not exactly...

Everyone looked at me with a confused expression. Chiaki and Eichiro were smirking as they already know, the gears in my head are starting to turn and the truth about this 'S-System' is about to be revealed.

A blonde haired boy who hasn't been paying attention the entire time, stopped filling his nails and paid close attention to me.

Kouenji: Oh, my perfect self! It's truly glorious how incredible you look! Absolute perfection!

Kouenji 2: I fully agree, other me! Shining brighter than a warriors' blade we are!

Kouenji: Yes! Such magnificence! True perfection! A bright, wonderful aura just pours out even when we don't try!


Chabashira-sensei gave me an even wider smirk. It's as if she's telling me 'spill the beans boy' or 'share your hypothesis and make me tell you the truth'.

Chie: You would've loved for this to happen, wouldn't you, Sae-chan?

Sae: Shut up.

Sae: Go ahead. Please share with me your hypothesis.

As she said that everyone started paying close attention to me, as if waiting for the results of a DNA test.

Nene 2: Well, I already got mine.


Satou 2: What are you talking about?

Nene 2: My child's DNA test.

"Since when were you pregnant!?"

Nene 2: Doesn't matter. What matters is, I already know who's going to be the father of my kids.

Kei 2: Wait, no. I can already guess where this is going.

Kikyou: It's pretty obvious what you're trying to do, Mori-chan...

Nene 2: The father of my children is... Ayanokouji-kun! Yay! Clap your hands everyone!



Apparently, no one believed her one bit.

Nene 2: Why aren't you guys clapping!?

Kei 2: She actually thinks she will get to sleep with him.

Satou: And that he will be the father of her kids no less.

Nene 2: He will be!

Nino: They say dream big, not unrealistically.

Miku: Becoming a superhero is a more realistic dream.

Nene 2: That's mean! Ayanokouji-kun is definitely going to be the father of my children!

"Nice joke."

Ichika: Delusional child...

Yuna: 'If only you knew what his life will be like after high school...'

I stood up with both my hands in my pocket and started speaking.

Ryueen: This should be interesting...

Kiyotaka: Very well, then. Firstly, I would like to point out a couple odd things about this school that has been bothering me. The first thing is the amount of cameras that the school has installed. Not just that but also the fact that they've been hidden from plain sight, making it difficult to spot if you're not paying attention.

Horikita: Well, the school does have an abnormal amount of cameras installed...

Nishino: Yeah, there are literally cameras everywhere.

Kiyotaka: True. I have to continuously check for hidden cameras in my room and bathroom. Whenever I removed one, a new one gets installed quickly. It gets annoying sometimes.


Mashima 2: What did you say, Ayanokouji?

Kiyotaka: My dorm room and my toilet has hidden cameras. I tried to remove them, but it gets replaced by a new one quickly. It even changes spots every time.

Mashima 2: But... the school has never and will never install cameras in the toilets or your dorms...

Kiyotaka: Then, where did those cameras come from?


Sae 2: Fess up, now! Which one of you guys placed hidden cameras in Kiyotaka's room!?

She directed her glare mostly at the DOTWH girls, especially the ones in her class.

Some of the DOTWH girls started sweating slightly and trying to avoid looking at Sae 2.

Chie 2: I can tell you with absolute truth that I've never done that.

Mashima 2: You shouldn't ever be in a student's room. A male student no less.

Chie 2: Let's not worry about the trivial details.

Chiaki: I don't have to do that and have never done that. My memory of him is vivid and more than enough.

Sae 2: You guys don't want to admit? That's fine. Just know that whoever the culprits are, if caught, will be expelled immediately and we will call the authorities. It doesn't matter what gender you are.

She directed her glares at the girls in her class.

Chabashira sensei started smiling slightly, in anticipation of my upcoming explanation.

As I said that everyone started giving me confused looks.

Kiyotaka: Confused? Well, as I was walking down the hallway from the entrance ceremony, I spotted alot, and I mean alot of hidden cameras. Why would the school hide the cameras? Shouldn't they show to the students that they are being monitored so they don't act rashly? Shouldn't they be trying to prevent students from acting poorly? Are they trying to see how students behave when they don't realise their being watched? I asked myself these questions.

Keisei: They're probably hiding the cameras to see the things that students do when they think they're not being watched to deduct class points.

Arisu: Giving the students a false sense of security just to catch them in the act. You can never let your guard down anywhere in this school. Everywhere you go, you're definitely being watched.

Kiyotaka: Especially in my room.

Arisu 2: Don't worry, Kiyotaka-kun, you can always stay in my room if u hate cameras that much. Stay as long as you want.

Honami: Wait, wait! Kiyotaka-kun, you can stay with me!

Soon, yelling and shouting could be heard within the theatre. The culprits were obvious, the DOTWH girls.

Kiyotaka: I'll pass, thanks.


Everyone was paying close attention to my words.

Kiyotaka: Also if you haven't already noticed, there are 4 hidden cameras in the classroom as well. 1 in each corner.

Everyones' eyes darted to every corner of the room. Their eyes widen upon the realisation that they're currently being watched.

"He's right..."

"I didn't notice that."

Kanzaki: Can't blame them. Even I didn't realise there were cameras until much later.

Amikura: Stop talking as if you're someone big in this school, Kanzaki-kun. 'E-Even I didn't realise' - it's not impressive.

Kanzaki: I am just saying-

Amikura: Bup, bup, bup! Enough. If you're Ayanokouji-kun, or someone smart, then that's fine.

Her voice was filled with sarcasm as she joked and toyed around with Kanzaki.

Kanzaki: Are you calling me stupid?

Amikura: Are you smart?

Kanzaki: ...No...?

Amikura: Then, you're stupid.

Kanzaki: I'm not stupid!

Ichinose: Ok, ok! I think that's enough here! No more fighting!

Amikura: Hehehe! Look at Kanzaki-kun's face!

Kanzaki was fuming.

"There were cameras here?"

Similar remarks are being talked about in the classroom. I ignored them and continued.

Kiyotaka: That's the first thing that bothered me. The 2nd thing was the entrance ceremony. Why you ask? Well it's the behaviours of the different classes. Firstly there was Class A. All of them were paying attention to the entrance ceremony. Class B, while most of them were paying attention a small number weren't. Class C, had alot of students who weren't paying attention and some were talking amongst themselves. Class D on the other hand, our class, was the worst. Some were sleeping and almost all of them except a few were talking amongst themselves.

Horikita: So, you guys had the entrance ceremony first?

Mashima 2: Our acting director thought it's best to get the boring stuff over and done with quickly.

Horikita: I see...

Katsuragi: Still, he's even analysing the differences in behaviour between classes. At the entrance ceremony no less.

Hiyori: It's something like psychological profiling.

Ike: What's that?

Hiyori: Its-

Ryueen: Don't bother with him, Hiyori. He will never understand. Just ignore him.

Hiyori: Isn't that rude?

Ike: Yeah! What she said!

Ryueen: It's more rude to assume that he's stupid and explain it to him. He is smart so he doesn't need you to explain it.

Hiyori: Oh, I see... But, why did he ask, then?

Ryueen: Cause he's stupid.

Hiyori: Uh... So, is he smart or stupid?

Ryueen: He's smart at doing stupid things and being stupid.

Ike: I'm not stupid!

Yuna: Alright, alright. That's enough. Find out on your own what it means, Ike.

As I said that everyone started feeling guilty and looked down.

Kiyotaka: Do you guys understand what I'm trying to say? I doubt you guys do, so I'll explain it in simple terms. Sensei said this school judges it student's based on their merit and worth. The good students are placed in the higher classes, while the lower students are placed in the lower classes.That explains the difference in behaviour between the different classes. In short there is a hierarchy of classes and Class A is the best while Class D, our class, is the worst. Basically the school has labelled us as defects.

Satou 2: Hehehe! Not anymore!

Ryueen 2: Shut up, woman! You didn't even do anything to help!

Satou 2: I'm trying my best here! Besides, if Ayanokouji-kun asks me for help with anything, I'll gladly do my best help him!

Ryueen 2: What if he asks you to get pregnant?

Satou: Especially if he asks that!

Ryueen 2: Oh, I forgot. You're just like the rest who is always horny for him.

Satou 2: It's nothing wrong! It's normal if it's Ayanokouji-kun! Besides, I doubt Ayanokouji-kun will asks me to do that while we're in school as we'll both get expelled.

Kanzaki: You girls really need to rethink your choices. What if he uses you for your body?

"I hope he does that." One said.

Kanzaki: What if he ruins your body and mind in the process?

"I'll gladly let him do it as long as it's only him." Another one said.

Kanzaki: What if he asks you to die?

"Well, if he promises to be with me in the afterlife, I'll kill myself right now." Another one.

Kanzaki: You guys need therapy. I give up.

Everyone started getting angry. They can't accept my words. My seatmate in particular was glaring at me.

Horikita 2: Ayanokouji-kun, I'm really sorry for glaring at you.

Kiyotaka: Ok.

Kei 2: It's not like he's wrong. We were stupidly naïve back then.

Onodera 2: It's fine, it's fine! It's all in the past. Thanks to Ayanokouji-kun, we've all grown a lot.

Itsuki: But, have we grown enough?

Kiyotaka: Of course not. There is no end to learning. Just do your best and never give up. That's all I can and will ask of you guys.

The DOTWH Class A girls blushed a bright red and nodded at his advice.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?"

"How dare you insult us like that!"

"Who gave you the right to judge us!"

Similar insults started being hurled at me.

"I'm so sorry, Ayanokouji-kun!" The people who yelled at Kiyotaka sincerely apologised to him.

Kiyotaka: Seriously, it's fine. It's in the past.

"Ayanokouji-kun, please don't hate me for yelling at you!

"Same here!"

Kiyotaka: I don't hate you guys.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes. Wonderful . Absolutely wonderful. Please continue proving my theory right by not accepting my words.

Ryueen: Kukuku. You sound awfully sadistic there.

I started grinning maniacally and glared at them a little. I didn't yell but I spoke with an excited, yet, angry tone.


"That's terrifying!"

Horikita: I had no idea he can look like that...

Katsuragi: One can express himself. The other can't express himself. What a switch...

"Actually, that is kinda hot."

Nino: Not 'kinda'. It is hot.

Horikita 1 & 2: 'Not wrong...'

Fuka 2: Imagine him doing all kinds of things with you like that... Ahhnnn! He's fucking hot!

Asahina 2: Too hot!

Ibuki: 'He should choke me with that face, slam me on my bed, rip off my clothes and rape the shit out of me till my mind breaks.'

Ibuki 2: 'Imagine him tying me up, blindfolding me, and just giving it to me... I want it.'

Amasawa: 'Senpai~! You're making me so horny! I can't take it! I want you to touch me, please! Touch me everywhere! Please!'

Hiyori 2: There's no need to get so worked up, Kiyotaka-kun. You should read some books with me while laying on my lap to calm down.

Kiyotaka: I'll consider that. Thank you, Hiyori.

Hiyori 2: Of course.

Hiyori smiled purely.

'She's way too pure for me to glare at her.' Thought the girls.

Ayanokouji: 'I wonder if I can make that face?"

Ayanokouji tried, but to no avail.

Satou: Look, look! Our Ayanokouji-kun is trying to imitate the other him!

Nene: Oh my god! You're right! It's so cute how hard he's trying!

Ayanokouji, realising he's being looked at, quickly gives up on trying.

"Damn it..."

The girls sighed, clearly disappointed.

Kiyotaka: Every single one of you, shut the fuck up! I'm on a roll right now and I am about to crack this school's system. Don't get in the way of my fun. Or I'll kill you.

The audience shivered in fear.

Ryueen: The hell...!? You crazy bastard! This is awesome! Never thought you can speak any other way than your robotic monotonous voice.

Sudou: ...Ayanokouji... you... are terrifying...

Ike: I'm never going to get in the way of your fun.

Shinohara: H-He won't actually kill us, right!?

Itsuki: Don't worry. I doubt he needs to go that far.

Shinohara: Thank god-

Itsuki: But, you might get sent to an asylum, so, I don't suggest getting on his wrong side.

"Asylum, what now?"

Ichika: L-Let's continue watching the video, alright?

The quints and Honami smiled wryly.

The atmosphere immediately became tense. Everyone got incredibly scared and shut their mouths while sweating bullets. Even my seatmate who had been glaring at me previously shrunk back in fear. Chabashira sensei also started sweating.


Sae 1 & 2: Watch it, Ryueen!

Yamauchi: You try speaking up there, man!

Ryueen 2: At least I had the balls to challenge him one-on-one. Just chop off those marbles of yours and that worm while you're at it.

Yamauchi: I'll have you know that mine are so big that both my hands can't cover all of it!

Yuna: Stop lying, you stupid ugly idiot. You are smaller than a toothpick when you're hard. You masturbate using 2 fingers and it's still too small.


"He's so small!"

"Even my pinky is bigger when he's hard!"


Yamauchi looks like he's about to cry.

Satou 2: W-What about Ayanokouji-kun...?

Chiaki: I can answer that-

Satou 2: No! Shut up! You've never seen it!

Chiaki: My tongue and body have done unimaginable things with it.

Satou 2: You're lying, Matsushita-chan! I don't believe you!

Satou 2 is about to cry. Again.

Chiaki: I am honestly not. His thing can probably match the size of my forearm.


Hashimoto: Don't even worry about that part of him. He's got you covered.

Ishizaki: Yeah.

Ryueen: How in the hell does he hide that monster of his?

Shibata: No, how does it even fit inside...? He'd probably tear their-


Mei-Yu 2: Why did you ask that, Satou-chan! That was inappropriate!

Satou 2: I was just curious! Don't lie, you guys were curious as well!

The girls neither confirmed nor deny anything.

Kiyotaka: Can't accept what I'm saying? That just proves my point. Now, none of you will say a word while I'm explaining to Chabashira sensei my theories.

Everyone gulped and started nodding their heads quickly and started paying attention to my next words.

Kiyotaka: 3rd thing that bothered me is the point system itself. With my discovery of the hidden cameras, the class hierarchy, when sensei was unable to answer my question about how much points we will be receiving next month and when she states we are evaluated based on our 'merit'. Everything started clicking. The school uses the hidden camera's in class to monitor our behaviour. Our behaviour in class, achievements and other factors will be evaluated. At the start of the month, the amount we receive is based on that evaluation. If we for example talk in class, come late, tardiness in class, usage of phones in class, sleep in class or other misbehaviours, the amount of private points will decrease. While if we do good on a test, for example, our points will increase. And if we are able to prove ourselves to have more merit than the other classes, we can eventually overtake them and rise up in the hierarchy.

Manabu 2: Ayanokouji, can you not?

Kiyotaka: Not what?

Manabu 2: You've completely cracked the system in less than a few hours. This is clearly way too easy for you. You'll just carry your class to the top and they'd freeload off of you. Don't you find that frustrating?

Kiyotaka: Oh, don't worry. Just before we graduate, I'm gonna expel the useless ones.


Hirata 2: Y-You're joking, right, Ayanokouji-kun?

Kiyotaka: Oh, yes. Of course.


Kiyotaka: No, I really was joking.

Haruka 2: Kiyopon~

Haruka 2 came over to Kiyotaka and was on her knees, between his legs. She leaned in towards him, her top few buttons were undone, making it easy for him to see underneath and held his hands.

Kiyotaka: What are you doing?

Haruka 2: Let's get a room. Just the two of us. There, you can do whatever you want to me. In exchange, don't expel me.

"Wait, NO!" The DOTWH girls began panicking, and were getting in position to dash towards Haruka 2 and stop her schemes. They were ready to roll out like the autobots.

Kiyotaka: I really was joking. Honestly.

The DOTWH Class A breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that, but the girls weren't calming down yet.

Haruka 2: Phew... Well, let's do it anyways. PS. It's my first time. Be gentle with me~


Kiyotaka: I'll pass, thanks.

Haruka 2: Damn it! Well, if you want to, just let me know!

Haruka 2 went back to her seat as the girls breathed a sigh of relief. She completely ignored the glares she was getting.

As I continued with my explanation, the atmosphere calmed down abit. Even though they are still schocked by my recent statement, it seems like they are really thinking about the things I said. But, I didn't stop, I continued on with my explanations.

"There's more!?"

Katsuragi: Just how far ahead has he thought...?

Tsubaki: 'I wonder if I should just claim that he's my boyfriend. But, how do I prove my sincerity? He is suspicious of me, after all. I think an apology first, then I'll get into his pants. Or is there another step?"

Kiyotaka: 4th thing that bothered me is when I was checking my point balance, I noticed something odd about the label for our points. It's called ' private points'

Shibata: Oh, it's that part now.

As I said this, everyone switched on their phones to check the validity of my words. They looked up again and seem to realise that I was telling the truth. I started speaking again.

Kiyotaka: Why is it called private points? Can't they just call it points? Are there different types of points? Like behaviour points, academic points or maybe a different kind of point that is shared by the class as whole like 'class points'. It wouldn't be a bad assumption considering the hierarchy of this school is based on classes and not individuals.

Chabashira sensei was smiling widely. As if she was happy I've deduced this much.

Chie: Of course she's happy. She can now accomplish her dreams.

Sae: Are you done with your hypothesis' Ayanokoji?

Kiyotaka: No I'm not done I've got a few more theories.


Kanzaki: This guy... he's insanely smart.

Katsuragi: Just... how? Just how did that place make him this smart?

As I said, everyone was once again shocked.

"He has more theories?"

"How many more things about this school are too good to be true?"

"Are his previous theories even right?".

"If everything he said is true, then wouldn't that make him a genius for being able to deduce this much in a short amount of time and based on incredibly little information on hand?"

"You're right. If he is right, then he really is incredible isn't he?"

I ignored these remarks and continued.

Kiyotaka: So, sensei, this school has a 100% employment rate right upon graduation right? I'm sure alot of people come to this school for that reason.

"Oh..." The students in the theatre who are not in Class A looked down, slightly upset.

As I said that, sensei nodded her head, signalling me to continue my explanation.

This homeroom period has just been me talking about my theories the entire time. And I'm not gonna stop till I get my answers. I continued speaking again.

Tsubaki: 'Wish he'd never stop doing me. But, you know what's even better than doing it with him? Being his girlfriend. Going on dates with him. Texting him all day. That will just be heaven. I want that on top of the sex. The problem is... sharing him with others and winning his love...'

Himeno: 'How... How to earn his love and trust...? Why did I speak so harshly with him on the deck... Fucking hell... No, I'm not going to give up. I will get him. No matter what.'

Kiyotaka: I also theorised that there is a hierarchy between classes, right? Well, what's the point of the hierarchy if just graduating will give us the jobs we want. We don't have to work hard at all. In fact if we don't care about the points and just want to get the benefits of graduation, then we can continue misbehaving and still graduate, right?

"Makes sense..."

As I was explaining, my classmate's eyes started widening . Seems like they are beginning to understand somewhat of what I'm trying to convey.

Kiyotaka: Well I don't think it's that easy. I think the hierarchy exists for a reason. It encourages competition to make people fight for the top spot of Class A. Why you ask? Cause, I believe only Class A student's reap the benefits of the 100% employment rate. Otherwise, all the pathetic students will be able to get any job they want. For example, can you imagine a student who failed every single exam in his life getting a job as a lawyer just because he graduated here? That's insane. The country would be in chaos if multiple students like this get high ranking jobs.

Kei 2: If Ike was my lawyer, I would just turn myself in.

Ike 2: Well, I don't want to be a lawyer.

"Thank god..."

Ike 2: Ok. That hurts.

Satou 2: Wait, if Ayanokouji-kun is the police officer, I'd turn myself in even if I'm innocent.

Nene 2: Oh my god! Same!

Onodera 2: Same!

Apparently, the girls share a unified thought.

Both Ayanokouji's: What's wrong with them?

Arisu 2: Kiyotaka-kun, why not you become my doctor?

Kiyotaka: I don't want to be a doctor.

Arisu: Don't be like that. I just want you to conduct a physical on me every single appointment.

The sharper ones who understood looked shocked while the others were just confused.

"The hell...?" The sharper ones said.

"What does that mean?" The others asked.

Kiyotaka: Not tempting.

Fuka 2: Kiyotaka. I have an excellent job that only you can do for me.

Kiyotaka: What job?

Fuka 2: I'll pay you 5 million yen every single session.



Kiyotaka: What job do you want me to do that you're willing to pay me that much?

Fuka 2: I want you to become my rapist.


Kiyotaka: Pass.

Fuka 2: Damn it! How did that not work?

Kiyotaka: Are you seriously asking that?

Fuka 2: A girl can wonder.

Asahina 2: Kiyotaka, why not you become my masseuse?

Kiyotaka: Not interested.

Asahina 2: Come on! You didn't even listen to my extra rules!

Kiyotaka: What extra rules?

Asahina 2: We must be alone in the room and you must massage me while I'm naked.


Kiyotaka: Pass.

Asahina 2: Hais... I tried at least.

Yotsuba: Oh! Kiyotaka-san! Me and my sisters have a job for you!

Kiyotaka: Why does everyone want me to do a job for them?

Ichika: Don't worry, Kiyotaka-kun. This won't take much of your time.

Kiyotaka: What is it?

Itsuki: You become our yoga instructor.

"That's actually respectable."

Satou 2: Hard to imagine Ayanokouji-kun doing yoga.

Kei 2: Yeah, but he'll probably be the best, just like always.

Onodera: That's what always happen.

Kiyotaka: Don't wanna.

Miku: Wait, Kiyotaka. Nino has something that she says might change your mind.

The other quints were confused. None of them were told by Nino what she had in mind.

Kiyotaka: ...What is it?

He asked tiredly.

Nino: We do naked yoga!


Kiyotaka: Not interested.

The other quints: That was your idea!?

Nino: I thought it would tempt him, ok!?

Haruka 2: Kiyopon, why not you become my rental boyfriend?

Kiyotaka: Nope.

Onodera 2: What if you become my swimming instructor?

Kiyotaka: Pass.

Hiyori 2: What if we open our own library together, Kiyotaka-kun?

Kiyotaka: I'll consider it.

Hiyori 2: Really!? Yes!

"She's too pure to glare at..."

Fuka 2: Lucky girl.


Yuna: Alright, alright. Let's continue the video.

As I finished up on my theories I sat back down with my hands still in my pocket and watched as the class went into mayhem again. Everyone was freaking out. Yelling can be heard everywhere. It was absolutely amazing.

"It was...what?"

Ryueen 1 & 2: Damn right it is!

Chie 2: Kiyotaka-kun, giving me a creampie would be more amazing.

Sae 2 & Mashima 2: Hoshinomiya!

Kiyotaka: You want me to make you a cream pie?

Chie 2: That was not what I meant, but, I'll like it anyways!

Kiyotaka: Uh.. Next time, I guess?

Chie 2: Yes! Then, I'll teach you how to give me the other creampie-! Oww! What was that for, Sae-chan!?

Sae 2 was pulling Chie 2's ear.

Sae 2: For being disgusting, speaking that way to a student, my student, and other problems.

"Sensei, is what he saying true?!!"

"Did the school just lie to us!?"

"If what he's saying is true then our futures are completely doomed! We are in the lowest class of all!"

"Luckily, Ayanokouji-kun is in our class."

More remarks like that were being thrown out. My seatmate was staring at me with a shocked and calculative expression. She seems to be unable to accept what I've been saying, but still thinking it over.

Horikita 2: I'll accept any criticism that you have for me, Ayanokouji-kun.

Kiyotaka: That's good to know.

Ryueen 2: What if he says your tits are too small?

Horikita 2: Get implants?


Nene 2: Didn't expect Horikita-san to be like that...

Horikita: How did I become like that...?

Manabu 2: 'Not what I had in mind when I meant growth, but I highly doubt Ayanokouji taught her to be like that.'

Ryueen 2: What if he says you give bad head?

Horikita 2: Give head? What does that mean?

Ryueen: It means sucking d-

Yuna muted Ryueen.

Yuna: Let's watch the video.

Before the class went into even more chaos, sensei put an end to my fun. She glared at them while simultaneously slamming the table and yelled.

"Wow... sadistic..."

"He actually enjoyed that..."

Kei 2: Kiyotaka-kun, you know what else is fun?

Kiyotaka: What?

Kei 2: Fucking my mouth.


Chiaki 2: Enough is enough, Karuizawa-san. That's dirty.

Satou 2: Like you're one to talk.

Haruka 2: Like you're one to talk.

Nene 2: Like you're one to talk.

With that, a sequence of repeating the same thing occured until every single female in the theatre, except the pure ones, have been called out.

Katsuragi: You guys need to rethink your life.


The class turned to face her with a slightly scared expression, but, ultimately everyone sat down and kept quiet. Damn it. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

She then turned to face me. Her glare now gone, replaced with an incredibly wide smile. She was stunning.

Ike: If only she was nicer.

Kiyotaka: She is nice. She's bought me dinner a couple times.

"Say, what now?"

Sae 2: I told you not to tell anyone, Kiyotaka...

Kiyotaka: Oh, right. My bad. She has never bought me dinner.

Ryueen 2: Too late now.

Kamuro 2: Having dinner with your teacher isn't exactly right, Ayanokouji.

Kiyotaka: But, it's just dinner?

Chie 2: She definitely didn't consider it as 'just dinner'...

Kamuro 2: Yeah, but society doesn't condone it. Just have a beer with me instead.

Hashimoto 2: Isn't that illegal?

Kamuro 2: If you get caught.

Kiyotaka: Nah, I don't like alcohol.

Kamuro 2: Then, you should just have dinner in my room. I'll cook something for you.

Arisu 2: Since when can you cook, Masumi-san?

Kamuro 2: Since I learned of his existence.

Arisu 2: Fufufu. I see, I see...

Kiyotaka: That seems fine.

"NOOO!!!" The girls denied in unison.

Kamuro 2: You guys, shut up. Only he gets to decide.

Satou 2: Ayanokouji-kun, just have dinner in my room!

Kei 2: Come to my room, Kiyotaka-kun! You can have hot or iced chocolate!

Mei-Yu 2: You should try out Chinese food. I can cook for you some delicious dim sum.

Honami: You should come to my room, Kiyotaka-kun. We can have dinner, a movie, and maybe something else after...

Nino: No, Kiyo! I can cook for you anything you want! Come to my room!

Yotsuba: I can cook for you instant noodles, Kiyotaka-san!

Ichika: I can order take out for us, Kiyotaka-kun!

Miku: I can cook for you um... omurice?

Haruka: Come to mummy's room, my sweet boy! Have my breast milk with your cereal!

Nene 2: The hell?

Kikyou: 'Come to your slave's room, Kiyotaka-kun... I'll give you my all just like always. You know just what my tongue is capable off...'

Fuka 2: Just come to my room, Kiyotaka. You can eat me.

Nene 2: Huh...? Horny...

Itsuki: No, no. You come to my room and I'll eat you.

Nene 2: Horny again...

Kiyotaka: I'll pass, thanks.

"Damn it!"

If only I was 10 years older, or, she was 10 years younger, I would probably have fallen for her.



Sae 2 was blushing madly and tried to avoid the glares directed at her by looking down.

Haruka 2: Kiyopon! Is mummy not enough for you!? Is my chest too small!? I can get implants!

Ibuki 2: Oi! Fuck you, you big tits bitch!

Arisu 2: Chest size doesn't matter. Even the smallest ones can give good service.

Fuka 2: Hey, Kiyotaka. Is an older woman like me good? See what this tongue can do and you'll want to keep me as part of your collection.

Asahina 2: But, you have no experience...

Fuka 2: I practised with my finger, imagining it as Kiyotaka's. Besides, you don't have experience, either.

Asahina 2: Woah! Samesies! I practiced like that too!

They high-fived each other.

The other girls said different, yet, similar things to make both Koji's pay attention to them, but to no avail and also because the author will never finish if he writes out all.

Manabu: Do you feel that way too, Ayanokouji?

Ayanokouji: Uh... She is pretty...

Manabu: Well, look no further. Suzune is essentially a young Chabashira-sensei.

Horikita: N-Nii-san!?

Ayanokouji: What are you trying to say?

Manabu: Nothing... I want nieces and nephews. Preferably twins.

Horikita: Stop it, Nii-san! He doesn't feel the same way!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" The Canon girls exclaimed.


Horikita: N-NOTHING!

Ayanokouji: ? What?

Manabu: So, you admit you feel that way for him.

Horikita: W-Well, that's...

Manabu: I expect him to be my brother-in-law when you're done with high-school.

After a couple more commotions and Sudou holding back his tongue the entire time, they resumed watching the video.

Everyone was not only stunned by her beauty, but also by how quickly her facial expressions changed when she talks to me, as compared to when she was talking to the class moments ago.


Nishino 2: Who can blame her? Even I'll favour Ayanokouji-kun. I mean, all of your boys are pathetic.

Itsuki: That seems overtly cruel. You should try Hirata-kun. He's nice.

Nishino 2: Hirata-kun? He's old news. Ayanokouji-kun is on another dimension. Whoever gets him wins at life and the hereafter.

Itsuki: Just try Hirata-kun.

Nishino 2: Don't wanna. I know what you're trying to do and it won't work. I'm Ayanokouji-kun all the way.

Chiaki: Does that mean I win? He did fu-

"Don't believe you."

Kikyou: 'PFFT! He's done it with me as well. He was in so deep my womb felt suffocated. He even fell asleep while inside of me. That's just how connected we are.'

Sae: If I said I'm impressed with everything you said, then that would be the understatement of the century. I'm astounded, wait no, I'm speechless with your theories Ayanokoji. I literally have no words to describe how impressed I am with you. I've never been more impressed with a student in my entire life. And this is including the current student council president, Horikita Manabu, who has been dubbed the best student council president in the history of this school. But even my praises for him pale in comparison to the praises I have for you. Your theories had good reasoning and demonstrated how observant you are, and your ridiculously amazing deductive ability based on so little information. You are without a doubt a generational talent. Looks like you're not just smart in academics, huh? But, unfortunately, I cannot confirm nor deny your claims. I'm about to leave, but, I have a feeling you have another surprise in store for us don't you?

Chie 2: Wow! You won her heart since day one! Amazing as always! But, you have me! You don't need to pay attention to her!

Satou 2: Nothing special. He's won my heart since day one as well.

Nino 2: Yeah. It's only natural. Who cares if you're much older than us?

Fuka 2: Yeah. By the time he's 30 you guys will be on your last breath. He should just focus on me. I'm older than him but not that old, a more mature woman in body and spirit yet my body is still pure, and I have an amazing tongue just for him.

Ichika: I have a more mature body!

Itsuki: 'I have a better tongue!'

Fuka 2: Pfft! Bigger isn't always better. I topped the hottest girl rankings since I joined and still hold that title. Ayanokouji, just come to my room and I'll give you the best service you will ever imagine.

Nino: Well, I can cook for him!

Fuka 2: Me too. I've been practicing.

Haruka 2: Hais... Look at all these small chested woman fighting. Kiyopon. Look and feel mommy's chest, ok? Then, you'll see who's the best.


With that, an unimaginable battle of chest sizes began between the small, medium, and big. If Yuna hadn't stopped them, who knows what will happen.

Yuna: You guys need to calm down. You're talking about my man here. I will unalive everyone on earth just so I can have him all to myself. I'm willing to share, but stop fighting.

Ike 2: What if you guys pay him to sleep with you?

"No." One of the girls quickly rejected.

Ike 2: Why not?

"His value would drop if it's that easy to sleep with him."


Fuka 2: Agreed.

Nino: Agreed.

Miku: Agreed.

"Agreed." All of the girls except the one agreed with Chiaki.

Asahina 2: So, uh... Kiyotaka... how much?

Kiyotaka: How much what?

Asahina 2: How much... to... sleep with you...?

Kiyotaka: Uh... Sleep with me? Like, on my bed with me?

Asahina 2: Wait, you don't know what that means?

Kiyotaka: Sleeping... A state of unconsciousness?

Asahina 2: His innocence astound me...

Amikura 2: Value up, value up, value up!

Arisu 2: What did you guys expect? He's been in the White Room all his life. He obviously doesn't know what those terms mean.

"True enough..."

Sayo 2: But, to be so innocent... an innocent guy no less...

Himeno 2: He's probably the only one in existence...

Nishino 2: He's definitely the only one in existence...

As she said that, everyone turned to face me with incredibly scared expressions. They weren't scared of me, but, instead scared that the paradise of a school they thought this place was, is not as it seems.

Hondou 2: Wait, how did you know what we were feeling!? Do you have ESP, Ayanokouji!?

Kiyotaka: Just look at your faces. It's obvious.

Hondou 2: I mean, how did you know what we were afraid off?

Kiyotaka: Oh, uh... luck?

Yamauchi: Stop lying, Ayanokouji! We already know how smart you are!

Kiyotaka: Look, I studied a lot of stuff, ok? I just know what I know.

Yamauchi: O-Oh, ok! That's fine! Sorry for raising my voice!

"Pussy." Everyone in the theatre said simultaneously.

Yamauchi: What did you guys expect!?

Horikita 2: Well, nothing, since it's you.

Yamauchi: Hey! I'm plenty talented! You just haven't seen it!

Horikita 2: Really?

Yamauchi: Of course! Do you know who I am!? I am Yamauchi Haruki! I can do anything when I put my mind to it!

Horikita: K.

Yamauchi wept, the sound of his weeping being drowned by the cacophony of laughter directed at him.

They also seem to be looking at me with newfound admiration and respect.

At the mention of the student council president, Horikita Manabu, my seatmate flinched slightly and looked at me with a mix of emotions. She seems angry, conflicted, doubt and other form of emotions toward me when the president was mentioned. But I brushed it off and ignored her. It's not like she is a threat or anything.

Horikita 2: Well... I know I'm not a threat to you... but you didn't have to be so direct...

Kiyotaka: It's just my thoughts. What I say is different.

Nishino: Isn't it the thought that's more important?

Kiyotaka: No, it's the actions.

Chie 2: Yes. I can think I love Kiyotaka-kun all I want, but if I don't show it with my actions, what's the point?

Nino: You, shut up.

Chie 2: Rude!

My classmates seem to have learnt their lesson and kept their mouth shut while waiting for me to speak.

Satou 2: Ayanokouji-kun.

Kiyotaka: What is it?

Satou 2: Do you want me to teach you something?

Kiyotaka: Teach me what?

Satou 2: The art of pleasure.

"SHUT UP, SATOU!" The DOTWH girls yelled at her.

Satou 2: Hehehe. Well, I tried.

Kiyotaka: I don't know if you can call it a surprise, but, I wanna try something.

"Try what?" Some of the Canon cast and those not from Class D asked.

Kei 2: Just watch. It's brilliance.

Horikita 2: 'It's art...'

Chiaki: It's an aphrodisiac.

Satou 2: Can you not?

Everyone looked a little perplexed. Chabashira sensei now had little sparkles in her eyes accompanied with her wide smile. She nodded her head repeatedly, signalling for me to continue. She looked quite cute doing that.

Chie 2: Kyaa! Seeing Sae-chan like that! And Kiyotaka-kun calling her cute! Kiyotaka-kun, you sneaky, sneaky! Look how red Sae-chan is!

Sae 2: Shut up, Chie!

Sae 2 grumbled, however, she is unable to hide the redness on her cheeks.

"Damn it!" The DOTWH girls groaned.

Nene 2: We even need to compete with teachers...

Kei 2: Just go away! He's too young for you!

Satou 2: Hmm... If I report the teachers to the authorities and frame the other girls for sexual assault or other charges, wouldn't it work out for me? That's it! What a brilliant idea!

Onodera 2: Yeah. So brilliant that you had to say it out loud.

Satou 2: Of course!

Haruka 2: Now we know your plan, idiot.

Satou 2: Oh... Damn it! What else can I do to reduce the competition!?

Nishino 2: Nothing, probably. Since, no one here is going to give up.

Kiyotaka: Sensei, you said we can use our points to buy anything in this school, correct?

Ike 2: Can I buy one of the girls?

Kiyotaka: Can I send you to prison?

Ike 2: P-Please don't...

Kiyotaka: Then, please don't think or try anything stupid.

Ike 2: Roger! I won't do anything stupid.

Ken: So, you won't be acting normally?

Ike 2: I'm not stupid normally! I'm actually really smart! I am just really lazy!

Eichiro: Kiyotaka is lazy too, you know?

Akito 2: Wait, he is?

Eichiro: One time he called Chiaki to his room to pass him his controller. The controller was on the other side of the couch he was sitting on.


Asahina 2: Kiyotaka, are you still hiring for that job? I'll do it for free.

Kei 2: Kiyotaka-kun, if you're too lazy to make hot chocolate, you can call me anytime and I'll make the perfect one for you!

Nino: Kiyo, I'll cook for you!

Itsuki: I will eat the food for you!

Ichika: That's not helping your case, Itsuki.

Honami: I can always help tidy up your room, Kiyotaka-kun!

Fuka: I can always help jerk you off when you're too lazy to masturbate.


Asahina 2: What the hell, Kiryuuin!? Just because we all would do it, doesn't mean you should say it out loud!

Eichiro: You know, Kiyotaka has never masturbated before.

"HE'S NEVER!?" The boys and some of the girls exclaimed in shock.

Chiaki: That's a fact.

Fuka 2: So, his body and mind is pure. Ripe for the taking. Got it. Get ready to be raped, Kiyotaka.

Manabu 2: What is wrong with you, Kiryuuin?

Fuka 2: Nothing's wrong with me. In fact, I bet you any amount that all of the girls here wish to be able to get the chance to do that to him.


Yuna: They're never gonna admit that, no matter how much they want to.

As I said that, the sparkles in her eyes shone brighter. She nodded her head much more quickly than before. She looked like a little kid trying candy for the first time.

Ike: How in the world does he manage to make sensei like that?

"Charm." The DOTWH girls said in unison.

Kei 2: And being extremely hot.

Satou 2: And strong.

Nene 2: And smart.

Nino: A good cook.

Itsuki: Heavy-eater yet extremely fit and doesn't tell heavy-eaters to diet.

Yotsuba: Helping the class a lot.

Honami: Helping individuals a lot.

Chiaki: Being perfect. And having a big dick as a bonus.

"Can you not!?"

Kiyotaka: Then, can I buy that confirmation from you? Also, add in other information about the S-system that I missed out on while you're at it.


Yuna: And... That's the end of this video.

Hashimoto: Wait, wait, wait! Firstly, what a cliffhanger! Secondly, is that really possible!?

Kanzaki: Well, sensei did say you can buy anything.

Ryueen: Then, why can't ugly pricks like that Yamauchi guy buy some bitches?

Yamauchi: I am not ugly!

"You are very ugly."

Yamauchi: I'm not! You just haven't seen my good side!

Nino: Your face is honestly revolting.

Nene 2: Disgusting.

Satou 2: I nearly puked when I first saw you.

Yamauchi cried a river in the corner of the theatre after the barrage of insults.

Kanzaki: Anyways, it might be possible. But, there has to be limits. Like, buying a slave or someone's life.

Hashimoto: Interesting, interesting... But, he didn't really need to buy the information, right? Since, he's already told a lot of the truths about the S-System.

Horikita 2: There's more to it. You'll find out why he did it in the next video.

Fuka: Then, shut the fuck up and play the next video. I want to watch my beloved Kouhai.

The screen began changing again...

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