Mending Broken Hearts

By Malikadoc

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#2 in the desi medical romance series He couldn't get over his ex-fiancé who had unceremoniously broken off t... More

1. First Impressions
2. The Perfect Daughter
3. Best Laid Plans
4. Opinions
5. Few Seconds
6. The Unexpected
7. Focus on Her
8. Whispered Words
9. Hard Truths
10. Late Night
11. Intuition
12. Evidence
13. Friends
14. Together
15. Months Gone By
16. Masterpiece
17. Confession -1
18. Confession -2
19. Delay
20. Pandemic
21. Truth
22. Just You
23. Sisters
24. Movie Night
25. Premonition
26. Isolation
27. A Plea
28. Courage
29. Marry Me
30. Trust
31. Pushback
32. Changing Fortunes
33. Masks
34. Lessons Learnt
35. Apology
36. The Plan
37. Qabool Hai
38. On The Way
39. Moments
40a. Formidable Love
40b. Perfect Imperfections


911 74 57
By Malikadoc

"To love is to accept a soul entirely, not wishing that the person was otherwise, nor hoping for change, nor clinging to some ideal past. To love is to cherish the individual standing before you presently – charms, quirks, and all. To love is to give someone a piece of your heart that you will never, ever reclaim." – Richelle E. Goodrich.

January 2021


"Why are you awake so early?" I heard a husky, drowsy voice whisper in my ear as strong arms enveloped my waist from behind.

"I couldn't sleep," I replied, turning to meet his gaze and wound my arms around his neck, drawing him closer, gently pressing my lips against his.

I loved, loved, loved, all our intimate moments, but there was something special about those in the quiet haze of dawn. When his drowsiness didn't dull his raw emotional yearning for me. Whether he reached out to draw me closer while I lay in bed or sought me out when I wasn't, the tenderness of those early mornings was unparalleled. Me with my bed hair and morning breath, with every blemish on full display, was enough for my husband, who had made the last 6 months the happiest ones of my life.

Though, 'happy' felt too trivial a word. Ice cream brought happiness. A child's laughter brought happiness.

My husband, however, brought contentment. Contentment with my life, our relationship, and who I was as a wife, a physician, and a woman. With him in my life, the yearning for anything else vanished. He completed me in every conceivable way.

"Hmmm..." he nuzzled his face in my hair as he held me tightly in his arms. "Come back to bed, I miss you."

Omar, you are making this decision so freaking hard, I silently admitted, knowing full well that even a year ago, I would have had no trouble making the decision that was now looming over my head. But now, how was I supposed to willingly forego moments like these? 

Just then, the baby monitor crackled, and the crying sound of a toddler startled both of us. 

"Does she have a sixth sense or something?" Omar groaned, letting go of me. 

"She is a toddler in a new environment. She probably just needs a bottle and will go back to sleep," I replied to him, already missing the warmth of his body engulfing mine. 

"Fine," grumbled again. "Go pick her up. I'll get the bottle"

I could already here the sweet toddler voice calling out for me when I entered the room, 'M-kala, M-kala..."

"Madi Khala is here. Ayah, don't you worry baby. Omar khaloo is bringing your milk," I told Noor's daughter as the little one extended her arms up to me, asking me to get her out of her portable playpen. 

Noor had told me not to let her get out of there till it was time for her to actually wake up, but I couldn't bring myself to resist those puppy eyes, so I picked her up and bought her to our bed. 

"Your Mama and Baba can sleep train you on their own time. Right now I get to enjoy you," I whispered to the adorable toddler who was already closing her eyes as she snuggled against my chest. 

A minute later, Omar entered the room carrying a milk bottle and hmphed at scene in front of him. "Wait, she gets my wife and my bed? Why is Salman's kid can such a kabab mein haddi? Just like her father."

"Shhh..." I raised a finger to my mouth, gesturing to Omar to be quiet. "She is almost asleep."

This was only Ayah's second night with us, but taking care of her hadn't been as tough as I thought it might be. After COVID vaccinations were made accessible to healthcare workers, Omar and I were finally able to convince Noor and Salman to leave Ayah with us and take a much needed weekend off. 

I looked down at the chubby little human in my arms, whose eyes were tightly closed now, and couldn't help but fall in love with her innocence. Holding her in my arms and taking in her baby scent over the last 2 days had awoken something inside me. A maternal desire, which I always knew I had. I was never going to be one of those women who were hyper focused on their careers, and balked at the thought of children. Having grown up in a bustling household, I always pictured myself creating one of my own someday.

Though, for some reason Omar kept avoiding that topic. I assumed it was because of how busy we had become lately, and it wasn't like I was in a rush either. I really did want to enjoy my time with just the two of us before we complicated our lives with diapers, and midnight feedings. But having Ayah stay with us, had reminded me of the one thing that could make my life even better than it already was. 

A few minutes later I placed the sleeping toddler back in her playpen and stepped out of our bedroom. 

The invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee instantly awakened my senses, as did the sight of my shirtless husband standing next to the floor-to-ceiling living room window taking in the gorgeous sunrise over Lake Michigan, his well defined muscles on full display. 

"Put a shirt on," I told him playfully, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You are too good-looking to be standing here half naked"

"Oh yeah?" he stepped back from the window pulling me with him, and bit his lower lip seductively. "How good-looking am I?"

I knew what he was trying to do; make me say things that would then lead to us doing things, because I had zero self-control once he turned his charm on. 

"I am not going to fall for your tricks, besides we have a toddler in the house," I tried to resist him, as he lowered the strap of my tank top and bent down to kiss my bare shoulder.

"As if her parents are not having fun right now," he breathed out, pulling me into his lap.

I hoped to God they were. They were too good for each other to not have their marriage work. But right then my husband's sultry kisses on my heated skin were taking me places where I was only concerned about not moaning loud enough to wake up the sleeping toddler we were babysitting. 

"Ok, ok, that wasn't a challenge," I chuckled, pushing Omar back, already breathless from the feelings he had invoked in me. 

He laughed, "Admit it. You can't resist me."

"You know, I can't," I sighed, resting my head against his chest as I nestled into his lap, feeling the secure embrace of his tightened arms around me. That's precisely why I couldn't bring myself to leave him. 

Living without him was simply unimaginable for me.

As usual, Omar read my mind, or my eyes as he always said, and gently kissed the top of my head, "Talk to me, Madi. What are you thinking?" 

My decision was made, and surrounded by his affection it wasn't a difficult one. "I am going to decline the fellowship offer from St Louis. I am not leaving you - I can't," I told him and closed my eyes. 

He pressed his cheek against my head and stayed there for a few moments, before softly saying, "I don't want you to go either. But I think you should."

I sat up, surprised at his words. That is not what I thought he would say, "You do? Why?"

"Let me ask you this. If you were not married to me, would you have accepted that position?"

He already knew what my answer to his question would be, he wouldn't have said what he said otherwise. Over the last few months, inspired by Omar's research with COVID and my own experiences in the pandemic, I had decided to pursue a fellowship in Infectious Diseases. The University in St Louis was one of the best places in the country for that subspeciality training. They had offered me a position starting in Summer 2021. But Omar would only be in his third year of residency then, and would have to stay in Chicago for at least another year. 

If I wasn't married to him, I would have accepted that position in a heartbeat. But I was married to him, and I was madly in love with him, and needed him in ways I had never even realized I would need another human. The prospect of accepting the position paled in comparison to the part of me that I would crave every second I was away from him.

"Madi," he spoke up again, his palm gently resting on my cheek. "I promised you that I would never let anyone dim your light, or hold you back in anyway. So I cannot be the reason that you achieve less than what you are destined to achieve"

"I can't, Omar," I tried to tell him how living without him seemed impossible, but he interrupted me to finish what he wanted to say. 

"I know that it seems difficult, I hate even thinking about not waking up next to you every morning. But you know as well as I do, that this fellowship will open up doors for you, that our current institution will not. And if there is one time in our lives that living a 5 hours drive away from each other will work out, it will be now."

Drawing in a deep breath, I rested my head back on his chest - my sanctuary. The rhythmic cadence of his steady heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of his chest with every breath were the sources of my tranquility. Without it, I wasn't sure I knew how to thrive anymore.

"Five hours isn't that long a drive, Madi.," he whispered. "I'll come visit you every weekend and you come visit me when you can. We'll make it work, I promise."

I knew we could make it work, if we wanted to. Plenty of other people like us had. Plus, Omar had wanted to do an ICU fellowship after residency and given his research experience and the excellent reputation he had gained in clinical work, I was sure he too would get an offer from the St. Louis if he wanted.

But that didn't solve my problem of missing him, and not being able to see him everyday or feel his warmth in bed at night. Weekends would never be enough, especially since we would both have to do some weekend calls as well.

And then there was another issue, we hadn't even discussed.

"I want to have your babies," I told him quietly, without looking up at him. I just didn't have it in me to see his expression, if he told me that he wasn't ready to be a father. But he tightened his arms around me and his voice took on that deep, thoughtful tone that always indicated how sincere he was with his words.

"Madi, I want nothing more than to have little people with big personalities like their mother, running around here creating a ruckus. But let's face it, even if you stayed with me in Chicago, having kids in the middle of a pandemic isn't ideal."

I thought about the toddler sleeping in our bedroom, and couldn't help think that perhaps Omar was right. With all the uncertainty about where this pandemic was headed even after the vaccinations were rolled out, perhaps waiting would be more prudent. Even if my biological clock was ticking.

"At the end of the day though, it's your career and your body," he continued. "If you want to stay in Chicago, and try to get pregnant, I will support you."

This, this is why I will always be willing to give my husband my present and my future. Because at the end of the day, marriage is nothing but a two way street. And he had never, ever hesitated to come down his end of the street. 

Neither will I, my heart silently promised his. 


I knew why she couldn't sleep that night, or for the several nights before then. In all honesty, I couldn't either. A part of me attempted to convince myself that she would be better off in Chicago. Yet, another part yearned to absorb the presence of her soft body beside mine, committing every curve, dimple, and freckle to memory. The way she lay on her side, drawing her legs up to her stomach and tucking her hands under her beautiful face - every detail engraved in my mind. Even the gentle touch of her fingers as she caressed my face and whispered 'I love you' before finally drifting into slumber.

How does one live without that for days on end? 

Yet, I had no choice. 

I knew that deep down inside she wanted to go. She needed to go, to fulfill her dreams. And she deserved to go after working so hard for everything. 

As much as it was terrifying me, I knew too, that I had to let her go. We didn't have children yet, and even though her parents were elderly, they were still quite independent and did not need her on a day-to-day basis. The only thing keeping her here was me. 

I glanced down at her, nestled in my lap, one arm casually draped over my bare abdomen, her head resting on my chest. I captured a mental image of that moment, tucking it away among the memories I would revisit whenever she was not by my side.

"You know, Madi, no matter where you are on the face of this earth, you will always have my heart," I whispered to her, a promise that spanned distances and time. 

In that quiet moment, as my breath brushed against her ear, I realized the depth of our relationship. What we shared could never be confined by physical proximity; it transcended boundaries and echoed in the core of my being. 

"Madi?" I called out again when she didn't reply. 

That's when I noticed she had drifted into slumber, and I couldn't help but let a smile spread over my face, as the morning sunshine streamed in through the windows and caught her curls splayed over my chest. 

I had everything I needed right there in my arms. My wife, my best friend, my support system, the mother of my future children - my entire life. I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude, thanking God for making her mine. For no matter how far or near she was from me at any given moment in time, she would always be mine. And I, hers. 

After all, 

 'Distance between two people is inconsequential when their souls are united' - Matshona Dhliwayo


This epilogue seems to have more questions about the future of my favorite two couples than answers, but think of it as a prologue to the next book! 

(That book will be up soon. Called 'After The Honeymoon', it focuses on the lives of these couples and their challenges after marriage. Do check it out...and follow me so you get regular updates!)

For now, I'll leave you with this quote (I love quotes!)

A happy marriage is about three things: memories of togetherness, forgiveness of mistakes and a promise to never give up on each other - Surabhi Surendra

Take care...and thanks again for all your support ❤

P.s. Hey guys! If you have read this far and like the book, please, please, please follow me. And vote for this book. It takes a lot of time and effort to write, and I am a practicing physician so I'm typically low on both. If you want more from me, hit that follow button so at least I know it's worth my time to write stories like this, otherwise they will just stay in my head!

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