𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐮𝐫�...

By dreammcatcher

1.7M 69.5K 10.4K

"You're angry, frustrated. You want some form of release. I can help you with what you want." I drop my hand... More

Author's Note and Character Aesthetics
Epilogue - One
Epilogue - Two
Exclusive Chapters
Spin-Off: REIGN (Everett's Story)


15.7K 638 127
By dreammcatcher

You guys know the drill. Vote, comment, follow. Ily

I promised Cleo I'd go over to see Everett today and apologise for my inexcusable actions, she wanted me to make things right and I wouldn't go back on my word. Deep down I knew I had to make amends, I couldn't move on until he had accepted my apology and Cleo saw my progress.

Our relationship means more to me than my pride, she makes me accept when I'm in the wrong rather than going off into a tangent. I want to be a better person because of her, she thinks logically and she's smart. God, she's so damn smart.

For all I know Everett might end our allied formation, forbid us from seeing Cleo's old pack again and shun us away with what I had done. If anything, I never got to know Everett.

Maybe that's where I went wrong, I kept away because it's clear that he's powerful in what he does. He intimidates what I have because it feels like competition even though it shouldn't, we should be supporting each other. Especially if we build a truce.

If I manage to earn back his trust and his forgiveness then I'll actively make the choice to go with Cleo to help with her old pack. I know that is what she wants, she wants me to be more involved and that's probably my fault for taking a backseat. For giving Cleo and Everett time to be alone, I only provoked myself by not supporting them.

Cleo had got a hold of Fran and got me in touch with Everett, he welcomed me down to their pack house and I felt relieved he even thought about letting me into his home after I punched him.

Good Alpha's keep themselves under control.

I told Cleo to train the pack whilst I was out, I had no idea how long I'd be or what would go down. But I wanted the pack to get out and spend the day with Cleo, give them something to focus on whilst I was away. I know she'd make them work hard and that's exactly what I needed, reassurance that she knows what she's doing.

As I approach his beautiful white pack house I suck in a breath, almost forgetting what it looked like. Guards let me into the gated community and I walk through the neatly trimmed garden.

Everett meets me at the front door, standing tall, not a hair out of place. He made me feel like a mess of a man when he stood so proud, elegant and fresh.

"Kassian," he nods his head once.

I climb up the steps, keeping my eyes firm on his. "Everett," I nod back.

His blue eyes flick between mine before he beckons his head into the house. "Come," his deep voice says. "Let's go talk in my office."

I don't say anything but follow him through the house, having flashbacks of the party not too long ago. He draws me round to the back of the huge manor and he holds open a dark oak door, I nod at him in appreciation and slip inside.

This office hit me with his thick scent, my wolf almost growling. Remembering how Cleo smelt after visiting him. I keep my cool, clenching my fists so I don't lash out. It's just a smell, It's just a smell. I tell myself.

The dark wood interior made his office look like it belonged to a mafia member. There was not a single item out of place. Where his large oak desk sat, behind was a large black leather chair. In front of this was a small coffee table and four chairs, a musky candle lit.

"Make yourself comfortable," Everett says, shutting the door behind us.

I take two steps forward and perch on the closest chair, leaning my elbows onto my knees. Everett loops around his desk and opens what I presumed was his alcohol cabinet. "Would you like a drink?"

His hands open the cupboard and he pulls back a bottle of whiskey and two short glasses.

"Sure," I say. "Thank you."

Everett shuts the cabinet door with his leg and places the glasses down on the top, popping off the plastic lid and pouring them evenly. "So, what brings you here Kassian?"

He waltzes around his desk and hands me the glass effortlessly. "Thanks," I nod and instantly raise it to my lips, needing it more than I realised. Everett perches opposite me and holds the glass between his hands, leaning onto his knees.

As I swallow the burning liquid I glance back up at his eyes. "I came here to apologise for what went down between us. What I did was completely unacceptable and I'm embarrassed, so I'm sorry for lashing out at you. It's not something I'm proud of but it's something I want to try and fix. For the sake of Cleo and her old pack."

Everett hums and raises the glass to his lips, sipping slowly. "I'm sorry if I ever gave you the impression I was interested in Cleo, I just respected her bravery and wanted her to be involved with her old pack's lives and their families."

"I guess when I almost lost her, the idea of anyone being interested in her made me flip," I find myself admitting. "I don't want this to ruin what you guys built, I still want you guys to work together, I'd love to help out even."

His eyebrows raise, like this was the last thing he was expecting me to say. "What happened between us wouldn't have affected what Cleo has with her old pack. But I do appreciate you coming over to apologise."

"I hope you can forgive me for acting immature and not talking it out like men," I take another sip. "My wolf felt threatened, it was like a switch I couldn't control. I am deeply mortified but I hope we can work past this."

"I accept your apology, Kassian," he offers me a genuine smile. "Don't get me wrong, Cleo sure is one of a kind but I wouldn't ever go after someone who is mated. That's not what I stand for and I am still waiting for my chance to meet my own mate."

"Well when you do, you'll realise how crazy you can turn for them."

Everett releases a chuckle. "You know what, you're probably right and I am yet to experience that. I guess it's all part of finding the one you're going to spend the rest of your life with, you'll protect them at all costs. Even if you've got the situation wrong."

It's my turn to laugh. "You've got that right," I look down at the bronze liquid in my glass. "But I'm working through it. I'm trying to deal with my deep rooted issues so that I can focus on retaining my anger and jealousy."

"A real man will want to sort out their issues, not get defensive and ignore help. It's a strong move to make." Everett leans back in the chair.

"Those are the kind of words I need to hear," I find myself smiling. "I just want to make Cleo happy, and live the happiest life together."

Everett smooths his index finger around the edge of his glass. "Hold onto Cleo, won't you?"

My eyebrows furrow for a second. Like I'd ever let her go.

"Women like Cleo are rare and if you accept help, you get yourself better. You'll be the ultimate power couple. Don't push her away, you both need each other. You've been through a lot, so has she. Use this time to just be together, you don't want to regret missing a moment." His words spark something inside of me.

He's right. I never want to regret a second. I never want to die thinking we spent a lot of time arguing, not seeing eye-to-eye. We work, we know that but we need to acknowledge each other and our emotions.

"You speak a lot of truth for someone who hasn't found their mate," I respond, taking a larger gulp of the whiskey.

Everett shrugs. "I've been waiting for a while," his words fall flat and he looks down at the table. "I'm almost twenty-eight and I still haven't found her. I'm not giving up hope but as the years tick by, I realise that's one more year I never got to know her. That's why I say to not miss a second because you're living lots of our dreams."

All I wanted to do now is hug Cleo tight, kiss her a thousand times and tell her that I love her on repeat. I guess I never thought about those who haven't found their mates, they get older and they have less time with their significant other.

I have Cleo now, I shouldn't take anything for granted. We have each other, we're set for life. Some people never get to meet their mates and I should be kissing the ground she walks on for making me so damn happy.

"What's the first thing you're going to do when you find her?"

"Appreciate her. The Moon Goddess made us for each other, I'm going to make her feel like the most loved person in the world. I'm going to support her, be there for her, make her happy." Everett's voice dips to a soft hum. His eyes fixate on the wall as he speaks, a delicate smile flicking across his lips.

He's been dreaming of her and by the sounds of things, he already loves her and he doesn't even know her. I'm sure I heard my heart crack. He deserves to meet his mate, he'd be good to her.

"I hope you find her soon," my voice is sincere.

"Me too," he says, the subject clearly having a hold over him. "I still have time."

"So," I clear my throat to change the topic of conversation. "Cleo mentioned that your father took you and Milo. How did you become Alpha? If you don't mind me asking."

Everett shakes his head and finishes the last of his drink, placing it down on the table in front of him. "Not at all," he says as he draws the side of his ankle to rest on his knee. "When my parents decided to have a break, my father brought us down south. His brother, my uncle, took over a pack when he was young and became the Alpha."

I hum, waiting for him to continue.

"I grew up watching my uncle being Alpha, he was the most amazing person I had ever met. He was kind and caring, he loved training and getting everyone involved. That's where I started training at a young age," he explains. "My uncle and his mate never had children, they struggled with getting pregnant. When my uncle reached his fiftieth birthday, he decided he was no longer fit to be Alpha."

"How come?" I find myself asking.

"He became Alpha young and he believes that packs should be run by youth to keep the pack alive," he raises a hand to swipe through his blonde hair. "He turned to me when I was twenty and asked if I wanted to be the next Alpha, it was an offer I couldn't decline."

I raise my eyebrows. "Wow," I exhale slowly. "He must have really trusted you."

"He did," he agrees. "We lost him last year, he guided me. He helped me with becoming Alpha, without him I would have crashed and burned and he made me who I am today."

"It's obvious you're a good Alpha, Everett and a good leader," I admit and Everett smiles.

"I appreciate that. I've worked really hard, I've put my heart and soul into this pack and I am so proud of what I have created and achieved. I just wish I could share that with someone." His voice is strong but I could sense a twinge of sadness behind his words.

I really felt for him because when I picture my life without Cleo, I feel lost. She makes me who I am because of her amazing qualities. She has changed my perspective on life, on love. On everything.

"You'll have someone to share this with soon," I catch myself by surprise.

Everett leans back in his chair and analyses me for a moment, swiping a finger down his chin. "Did you go to the werewolf committee meeting for their thirtieth anniversary?"

I nod. "Yeah. Did you?"

"Must be where I recognise you from," he exhales slowly. "Been trying to place it this whole time."

"We live so close, I'm surprised it's not from other outings."

"Guess we've just been busy running our packs."

"Can agree on that." I offer a smile.

"Thanks for popping by," Everett says as I place down my empty cup. He sweeps them up and puts them down on the side. "No hard feelings at all."

"Thanks for being understanding."

"We need to work together, not against each other."

I hum in response. "Agreed."

"Did you get to see much of the house at the party?"

My head shakes. "Not really, only the main foyer and the kitchen."

"Would you like a tour? It's a quiet afternoon here and I appreciate the company."

"Sure," I push myself up from the chair and follow Everett out of his office.

I had completely underestimated Everett, even though his house is beautiful and he has a powerful pack. He's still missing that one person in his life and he wants to fill that void, desperately.

Everett comes across strong and severely focused but deep down he's soft and ready to make himself vulnerable for his mate. You can see in his eyes the way he talks about meeting her, about what it will be like and how he will treat her.

He deserves someone in his life who will make him as happy as Cleo makes me.

. . .

I get back to the pack house a couple hours later, time slipped by as Everett showed me around his house. We looked at some of his uncles stuff together, I met his father and spoke to Fran and Milo for a little while.

When it started to get dark I said I should make a move, not knowing how those hours slipped by so quickly.

Food is cooking in the kitchen as it's the first thing I can smell, paprika in the air.

Laughter echoes from the hall and I walk straight towards the noise, pushing my way into the pantry doors. Nella, Hope and Cleo stand around the stove and the counter, preparing food, talking, chuckling together like long lost friends.

Cleo's eyes dart to the door as I walk in, they light up instantly and she wipes her hands on a tea towel. She makes her way over to me instantly, she grins so brightly. "Hey," she welcomes me, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Hello beautiful," I reply, leaning forward for another.

"How was your day with Everett?"

I hum and slide my hands down the curve of her hips. "Good," I exhale. "I apologised and he accepted my apology. Went a lot better than expected, he's still happy for us to help out with your old pack and we should visit whenever we can."

Cleo's smile enhances which does funny things to my heart. "I'm so glad the air is settled between you."

"Me too," I admit. "I feel a lot better for it."

"Mmmm, good." She pecks my lips one last time.

"How was training today?"

"Yeah fun, we've been focusing on peoples weaknesses and I've grouped them together so they can learn from each other and guide one another, think it's working well," she nods enthusiastically.

"I'm pleased, baby," I say before she turns to walk back to the kitchen counter.

I grab her wrist before she can escape, her big green eyes capture mine and she waits for me to say something.

My head lowers and Cleo closes the gap between us, one hand grazes her cheek and I hold her stare. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," I say quietly.

Her eyes crinkle as she smiles, melting into my hand. "You're the best thing to happen to me too."

I shake my head. "No," my voice gets even quieter. "But you are, Cleo. I had no idea what my life was like before you, how I even survived or managed. But you are my everything."

Her expression softens and she kisses the corner of my mouth delicately. "Did something happen whilst you were out today?"

"No but I just want you to feel loved every second of the day," I lower my forehead down onto hers.

"I feel loved everyday," she nods strongly. "You make me feel loved and that's all I've ever wanted."

"Everett said not to let you go, you're rare and one of a kind."

Cleo pulls away and blinks once, then twice. "Will you ever let me go?"


Before she can say anything else I pull her body into mine and hug her tightly, she inhales my jacket and relaxes into my skin. "Maybe you need to see Everett more often so you always come back this soppy," she mumbles into my chest.

I laugh shortly and she pulls away. "You'll be lucky. What are you guys making for dinner?"

Cleo drops her hand from my chest and grips onto my hand, pulling me over to the counter. "That's a surprise," she tuts at me. "Shouldn't have let you in here to be honest, we wanted to make a little dinner for you, Mace and Alfie."

"Well trained," I joke. She punches my shoulder and it almost makes me stumble but I keep my core engaged. "I'm messing."

She scowls at me whilst Nella comes to her side. "Please would you exit the kitchen and not return until at least nineteen hundred hours." Nella's voice turns posh, she straightens her spine.

I narrow my eyes at Nella. "O-Kay, Shakespeare. I'm going."

Cleo flashes me one last smile before I leave the kitchen area and head upstairs, ready for a shower, some food and a good night in with my soulmate.

Today's been a good day. Progress. I'm making good progress and in turn making me a better person. I could get used to this.

. . .

Read up to chapter 60 on Patreon
Link in bio!

Hello my loves, what did we think of this chapter???

Are people still sus about Everett? He's so misunderstood, he just wants to do good in this world hahah I promise he's a good guy who just wants to find his mate

Cleo and Kassian are back on good terms and I fucking love the progress Kassian is making, he's a new man!

I really want to write a mafia/dark romance book at some point, would people be interested in that?

Hope everyone is well! See you all on the next one, love Sav x

Insta: SavRose.x
Patreon: dreammcatcher
Tik Tok: savanna.rose.x

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