Hamilson and Washingdad one-s...

By _death-by-box_

36.8K 898 647

Short one-shots about Washingdad / Washing-machine and his Hamilson. from sad to fluff and all inbetween here... More

Disclaimers/ intro
Professor Washington
Ghost Hunt
Fathers always know
Winter Ball
Dinner Time
Meeting Mother
Running away to War
Too much Candy
Requests (Not a one-shot)
Horses of Course
Campfire Stories (pt1)
Welcome Home
Wedding (pt 2)
A Happier Christmas
Writer's Block
Wedding (pt 3)
Zoo visit
Hamilvillain (pt 2)
Bringing home the Boyfriend
Info/ Thanks
Road to Freedom
Road to Freedom (pt 2)
Big Baby (Request)
1.2K thanks
Big Baby (pt 2)
Tragedy (Request)
Duel for Freedom
Your New Right Hand Man (Request)
Cabinet (Request)
Snow Fall
Have you seen---
Lost Boy (Request)
Off to bed with you (Request)
Hold your fire
Ghost Man
Update (Not a Story)
Anger (Requested)
Halloween Stand Off (request)
Letter Rewrite (Request)
Wounds (request)
Hold Your Fire Pt. 2


647 16 9
By _death-by-box_

Washington chased the bark green clocked villain. Jumping, Washington flew off one roof to the top of another. Rooftop chases with the Villain 'A. Ham.' were not uncommon for Washington but that didn't mean they didn't get on his nerves.

The boy took a sharp turn, and ran to the edge of the roof. Washington watched as he began to descend down the rickety stairs. Washington followed more slowly down the stairs but quickly enough as to not lose the villain.

As he neared the ground a crash came from below. The last few stairs fell to the ground, effectively crushing the villain that had been clambering down them.

Worry pierced Washington's chest and he jumped off the structure, tucking into a roll and landing on the cold cracked cement.

He shot up and made his way hurriedly over to the fallen metal.

"Son?" called Washington.

"I'm not your son!" came the distant cry of A. Ham. form under the metal pile. Washington sighed, happy to know the boy wasn't dead.

""Are you ok?"

"Define ok."

Washington shook his head and began lifting the metal, hoping to find the villain. "Are you bleeding out?"

"I don't know. It's kinda hard to tell from here." answered Ham.

"Just keep talking, if I know where you are I can get you out quicker."
"Well no need to tell me twice." answered Ham happily.

A beat of silence before Ham. spoke up once more. "Why do you care about me?"

Washington signed, knowing that this would come. "Because."

"Because villains are misunderstood heroes. They're just hurting souls that just want help."

"True, very true," said Ham.

Washington lifted off more metal with a clang.


"Are you ok?" rushed Washington.

"Yeah, just some metal shifted and it's poking me in my chest. Really annoying."

"Ok, tell me if it moved anymore."

"K," answered Ham. "Oh and by the way, call me Alexander."

Washington took in this information. "Alexander Ham?"

Alexander let out a barking laugh "It's Alexander Hamilton."

Sudden recognition filled Washington. "As in the boy who ran away-"

"From the orphanage after a year of his parents being brutally murdered? As in Alexander who was beaten and burned every day? Fucking yes."


"Language my ass." spat Alexander.

Washington was too busy thinking about what Alexander had said to scold the boy for his foul mouth. "They did what?"

"Beat me, the worker lady." Alexander informed him. "No one cared to investigate my parents deaths, no one cared that I showed up to school with broken ribs. No one ever cared."

"Well let's get you out of here and then we can go and sue them."

"W-What?" spluttered Alexander.

"You heard me. Let's go sue them."

"Nice one, you know I've always loved jokes-"

Washington lifted up a sheet of metal exposing the masked villain. He looked down at the boy and could see cuts and scrapes in his outfit.

"Ummm..... You weren't joking.... Were you?"

Washington rolled his eyes and lent a hand to Alexander. Alexander grabbed on tightly as Washington hoisted him up. "Let's get home Son."

"Sounds good to me." agreed Alexander. "By the way, who are you?"

"George Washington."

"Ok mister President of the Hero foundation." Joked Alexander. "Lead the way."

I'm gonna do a part two to this I think. But who know

And the big question of the day: Thoughts on Chinchillas? They are fucking adorable so go look 'em up. I have one and she's so fluffy I could die!!!!!!

- Riley

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