My Blood on Your Lips, Your M...

By AnneAlysse

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(Red Night Series: I of II: Blood for Sale) Elyria was just a typical necromancer...until she did the unthink... More

Chapter 1: Blood Whore
Chapter 2: Domination and a Lack Thereof
Chapter 3: The Power of Scent
Chapter 4: Role Reversal
Chapter 5: The Possibility of Punishment
Chapter 6: Attraction
Chapter 7: Expectations
Chapter 8: Failure
Chapter 9: Issues
Chapter 10: When Awkwardness Strikes
Chapter 11: Throwing Coffee in the Face of Danger
Chapter 12: The Difference Between Client and Master
Chapter 13: A Sick and Twisted Idiot
Chapter 14: Strange Surprises
Chapter 15: Saved
Chapter 16: A Different Kind of Man
Chapter 17: Tragedy on Maple Street
Chapter 18: Comfort and Caring
Chapter 20: The Easy Way Out
Chapter 21: Prelude of Pain
Chapter 22: Survival
Chapter 23: Pretty in Pink
Chapter 24: No More

Chapter 19: Becoming a Monster

61 3 0
By AnneAlysse

Warm blood filled my mouth with each pull, blood tasting of sweet, sugary candy. Necromancer's blood. I released the neck my long, sharp, vampiric fangs had pierced and let the body fall forward. Black hair spilled about the girl to hide her face, and it reminded me vaguely of Kyrianna's.

I licked my lips and moaned softly at the blood I found there, still warm and fresh. I wiped a drop of it away from my chin as well, licking it away from my skin before it could lose its heat.

I stood then, looking around for another source of blood, be they human, necromancer, Were, or even vampire. I could still taste the sweet blood I'd just drunk, yet I thirsted for more. It was this hunger that urged me on in my hunt for prey.

I walked down the hall of what appeared to be my own apartment, stopping at my closed bedroom door. Is there someone inside? I wondered, my head tilting slowly to the side. I opened the door and went in to find out.

On the bed, I found someone lying face down. His clothes and shorter red hair gave the impression of a male. His scent was that of a vampire. Without a thought, I leapt onto the male, straddling his back and grabbing a handful of his hair. I yanked his head back and bit into his pale neck even as his initial cry of surprise hung in the air. The blood was cooler than the necromancer's had been, lacking the candy flavor, but I found it enjoyable nonetheless. Blood was blood, after all.

A powerful need to drain the male of every last drop urged me to tear his head off in an oddly familiar manner, with a twist and violent yank. I held his head by the hair and lifted it over me, tilting my head head back to let a few leftover droplets of blood fall onto my outstretched tongue.

I lowered the head after this and found myself gazing into the gray, dead eyes of a vampire. The male's features reminded me of Eli's other than those empty eyes, but I disregarded this. I wanted more blood. I needed more blood. Was there anyone else here?

I carelessly tossed the vampire's head aside and slid off of the bed, now making my way out the door. I crossed the hall to the bathroom, feeling the need to check inside. Perhaps someone was hiding here.

Entering the room, I found nothing. It was merely the dark bathroom I'd used day after day for quite some time, free of anyone else possessing the blood I so desperately craved.

I turned to leave, but a bright light reflected upon my face when I turned to the mirror. I stepped closer to it, cocking my head at the image the glass showed. It was some strange-looking creature, with the pale, silvery skin of a necromancer, but other features of something entirely different. The eyes glowed, much like those of a necromancer, but their coloring was off. They were a deep red color, the very same color as the blood I was lusting after. The teeth were different as well. Where a necromancer possessed a vague imitation of fangs, this creature had fangs that were almost superior to those of a vampire.

An odd thought struck me as I studied the creature in the mirror.

It had blood, right?

I climbed onto the sink to bring me closer to the thing in the mirror, looking into those crimson eyes as I laid a palm against the glass. It mimicked me. I cocked my head at our hands, puzzled, but I leaned down toward the possible source of blood nonetheless.

Pain struck me suddenly as I bit into the wrist of the creature. I leaned away from the mirror and clutched my arm with my free hand, holding my wrist to my lips so I couldn't withdraw it.

The blood I drank was the most delicious I'd ever had, possessing the sweet taste of a necromancer's as well as something I couldn't quite place. This added flavor made the blood richer, though, more irresistible even than necromancer blood.

My grip on the arm tightened as I began to tear through the skin of the wrist, trying to rip open more veins and bring more of this delicious, exotic blood to my tongue. It worked. A wave of the red substance flooded my mouth, some of it spilling from the corners of my lips as the rest slid down my throat. I sucked at the source of the blood feverishly, pulling more and more of it from this creature's veins. I fell backward, dropping from the sink to the hard tile floor, but I refused to release the arm. It was just so good...

"Elyria!" a female voice screamed out of nowhere. My eyes snapped open, pain registering in my mind a split second later. I felt blood in my mouth, warm on my tongue, and an immense pain in my left wrist. I removed my teeth from my arm and yanked the limb from between my teeth, watching in horror as blood dripped onto my chest.

Wide-eyed, I looked away from my arm, finding Eli standing to one side of the bed and Kyrianna on the other side, on the floor. Both were watching me, but the female was clearly more panicked than the male. Eli looked a bit worried, but not at all afraid.

"Elyria...?" the vampire said questioningly, looking from my face to my bleeding wrist and back again. A hint of hunger flashed in his eyes, but it faded quickly enough into the worry that had been there before.

"Is this really so terrifying?" I asked after a moment, confused. Waking up to someone gnawing on their own wrist would be creepy, I knew, but...did it really warrant that everyone leap away from me in fear?

"No, but this is," Kyrianna replied softly, holding up her right arm for me to see. There were cuts on her fingers and a clear bite mark on the back of her hand.

"I...did that?" I queried, my eyes drifting slowly from her injuries to her frightened eyes. She nodded. I let my gaze drop to the floor before her. "Oh..."

"It's all right," she assured me as she got to her feet. "It was just an accident."

I nodded, deciding against telling her about my strange dream. That would only make things worse. "Did I do anything to you, Eli?" I asked, now turning to the vampire.

He shook his head. "No."

"That's good," I said softly while swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I let my elbows rest on my knees, burying my face in my palms. Blood dripped down my arm and onto my leg, but I ignored it.

"Are you all right?" Kyrianna questioned softly, taking a step closer to me.

"Yes," I answered, "I'm fine." I got to my feet and looked at her wounded hand. "Would you like some help cleaning that up?"

"No, thank you. I think I'll just take a shower. That should do the trick, right?" I nodded, and she offered a weak attempt at a smile. She then turned to Eli. "Where did you put my clothes?"

"On the couch," he answered simply.

"Okay. Thanks." And with that, she left Eli and me alone, even closing the door behind her. I figured she'd noticed the hunger in his eyes earlier and realized what would probably happen without her in the room.

I laid back on the bed the moment the door was shut, sighing.

"I guess you were able to sleep after all," Eli commented as he sat on the bed beside me.

"Apparently," I muttered.

"Are you sure you're all right?" the vampire asked cautiously after a moment.

"No," I answered flatly. "I had a dream that I drained Kyrianna and ripped your head off so I could drain you, too."

"And that you tried to drain yourself?"

"Yes." I glanced at him. "Do you think there could be something wrong with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think I could be turning into some kind"

"No. I don't think that's even possible."

"Then why would I have a dream about killing the people I care about and start hurting them in my sleep?"

"You're stressed, you're worried, and, as usual, you're feeling a lot of things that you shouldn't be."

"Do those sorts of things always make people go insane?" I asked sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

Eli shook his head at my attitude, but remained calm. "You're not turning into a monster, Elyria. You'll be fine."

"I hope so," I said softly, looking at the ceiling.

The two of us were silent for a moment, with me staring at the ceiling and Eli staring at me. Finally, he spoke.

"Would you mind if I...?" He trailed off, his eyes now on my wrist. I understood immediately and sat up.

"Of course." He reached for my wrist, but I gently grasped his arm and shook my head. "No, Eli." He seemed rather confused until I pushed the hair away from my neck. Even when he understood, however, he made no move to bite me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"There are still wounds from where you were bitten last night," he told me softly. "I don't want to hurt you or make things worse."

"I'll be fine." He opened his mouth to argue, but I stopped him. "Are you trying to insult me? I'm not weak, you know. A few old bites aren't going to kill me."

Finally, he nodded and leaned in. I let my eyes slowly close as I felt his fangs slide into my throat. It stung the slightest bit, but the pain quickly vanished, leaving only the pleasure of the bite. At first, he pulled from my vein carefully, but as he drank more and more, he became increasingly vicious about it. Soon, he had me pinned to the bed, and he was already situating himself between my legs. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, quickly yanking them down and out of the way, along with his boxers. Even as he continued to drink from me, he moved my panties aside and thrust himself into me, taking advantage of the short skirt I was wearing.

A grunt escaped the vampire, followed by a deep growl as he began a fast rhythm. I moaned, gripping his shoulders and digging my fingers into his shirt. Just as he had done with my blood, he started the sex out carefully, then grew more and more vicious. The faster he moved, the deeper he hit and the louder I moaned. After only a minute, I was virtually screaming.

But suddenly, he stopped. He pulled out, removed his teeth from my neck, and, much to my surprise, flipped me onto my stomach and pushed my skirt up further. He moved my panties to the side just as he had before and entered me once more, lifting me the slightest bit by my hips. This position felt even better than the last, so my screams quickly resumed.

I felt him cum after barely thirty seconds, just after I uttered his name in the form of a loud shout. The sounds he made at that point gave me the impression that his climax had felt even better than usual, either thanks to the position or thanks to my voice. As he pulled out again, I found myself slightly disappointed, but that faded quickly when I felt his tongue against my clit. I shuddered the first few times, then began to groan softly. I imagined that the position he had to be in to do this was awkward, but it felt amazing...

"Oh, Eli," I murmured after a moment, already nearing my own climax. He bit my clit roughly, tugging at it once before releasing it and licking rapidly a few times. I got off only a few seconds later, letting out one last moan, this one louder than the others. He lapped at my lips a few more times, taking in the taste, before finally leaning back.

I let my body fall back to the mattress, sighing contentedly as I did so. "What possessed you to do that?"

Eli laughed softly. "I just felt like it." I listened as he pulled his pants and boxers back up, then sat down on the bed next to me. "Did you enjoy?"

"Of course I did," I answered, smiling slightly. I got to my knees and turned to him. "Are you sated?"

"Blood-wise?" he asked. I nodded, and he answered, "Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome. Are you sated in...other ways?" I questioned, cocking an eyebrow at the male.

He smirked this time. "For now." That seductive look of his sent a shiver down my spine, and I had to look away.

"Do you think Kyrianna heard us?" I asked, trying to come up with a non-sexual topic.

"Probably. She should be in the shower right now, but I doubt the sound of the water would be able to cover all of the noise you were making."

I glared lightly at the male. "Right, right." He merely smirked again, forcing me to turn to the closed door. "What are we going to do today?"

"I plan to get some more sleep," Eli answered, gradually returning to his emotionless state. "You and Kyrianna can do as you please."

"All right," I said with a nod. "Is there anything else you need before we let you rest?"

The vampire was silent for a moment, clearly thinking the question over. "No," was his eventual answer. "Everything I need can be taken care of once I leave tonight."

"Then I'll leave you to your sleep. I'll make sure Kyrianna knows not to interrupt you as well."

"Thank you," Eli said even as he began to make himself comfortable on my bed. I shook my head at his eagerness to sleep, but left the room without commenting on it. I closed the door quietly behind myself.

I listened for a moment to try to decide whether I should check on Kyrianna or not. Moving closer to the bathroom door, I heard the water running and the sounds of someone busy in the shower. From what I could tell, she was all right. No sobbing or anything, just the sounds of cleaning. I listened for a moment longer, then continued down the hall.

I found myself in the kitchen soon enough. My stomach growled loudly the moment I entered the dark room, and I realized that it had been a very, very long time since I'd last eaten. Usually, I probably wouldn't have even noticed, but after all of the night's excitement, I was starving.

I approached the counter closest to the door and reached for the cupboard above it, but I stopped when I spotted the dried blood along my arm. I stared at it for a moment, debating whether I should clean it off or not before eating, though the debate ended quickly at the sound of another growl from my stomach. I didn't have the energy to clean myself up, nor did I have the will to turn from the food now.

I opened the cupboard and found that there was very little to choose from. On these particular shelves, I saw only Cheerios and Lucky Charms, both of which had to be stale by now, and a box of instant mashed potatoes.

Why do I even bother buying food anymore? I wondered. I grabbed the box of old Cheerios with a sigh, knowing I was doomed to eat something stale, anyway.

Just as I opened the box, I heard a soft knock on the front door. My entire body tensed. Who would have any reason to show up here, especially at this time of day? My clients couldn't come until after nightfall, and I didn't associate with many humans.

I approached the door cautiously, staring at the knob for only a moment before slowly turning it. I opened the door and immediately felt a hand on my wrist, yanking me out the door. I collided with a vaguely familiar chest, a chest covered in the dusky scent of a werewolf. When I looked up, I saw a pair of deep, deep blue eyes peering down at me from between longer brown bangs streaked with blue, and I realized why I recognized him. He was one of the werewolves Kyrianna and I had run into before, when we'd gone out for coffee.

"Close the door and come with me," the werewolf ordered, his voice low and serious. "We need to talk."

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