Running From The Alpha

By SeeBritFisher

172K 4.9K 417

"You cannot run from me forever, Violet," he whispered against my neck. A small shiver racked my spine from t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Hide and Seek
Chapter Seven
Too Late
Violet's Letter
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
First Night
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty One

4.3K 137 10
By SeeBritFisher

Hey guys! I hath updated! Sorry, Shakespeare in English. On the other hand, I hate the new version of the Wattpad site. This is why I try to only use the app but you can update this easily on the app so I'm venting about how Wattpad updates to the site are both annoying and stupid! Ha ha, ha, As my eye twitches like I'm in a horror moving. Well, here it is. Next chapter I am going to have some more on Cynthia and then the chapter after will have more on Violet's parents.

Love and hugs my lovely readers.


"Peter...I love you."

I'd dreamed about Violet saying those words so many times I thought that I'd started daydreaming but then I took in the vulnerable look in her eyes, and the scared hurt look creeping in. I caressed her cheek. "You know I love you, violet. Never doubt that. Promise me."

She bit her lip before shaking her head. "Nope."

I couldn't stop the low growl that sounded in my throat even though I knew she was joking. Inside of flinching away like I'd expected from the Violet I grew up with she just giggled and grinned up at me. I'll admit I was left stunned. Violet had always shied away from growls, not that I blame after everything she's been through. She kissed my chin. "Relax Peter. I'm not going to go running again. I trust you. Mostly."


She gave me a half shrug. "What? Have you seen your school attendance record? You're kind of a bad influence."

"Oh, that's how you're playing," I said and tickled her stomach.

She squealed and squirmed beneath me trying to fend off my hands. "Stop!" she laughed just as the door opened and my dad walked in.

He raised an eyebrow as I sat up pulling Violet onto my lap. "Did I interrupt something?" he asked in an amused voice eyeing a blushing Violet.

"Old fart," she muttered.

Dad laughed and messed up her hair. She fixed it with a glare at him and then hid her face in the crook of my neck. "Peter, Alpha George is being mean."

I pressed my lips to the side of her head smiling. "What's up Dad?"

"Your mother wants you two for dinner," he said.

Violet perked her head up and before I could even open my mouth she said, "We'll be down in a minute."

Dad nodded and left and I pouted at her. "But-"

She cut me off, "Nope. I'm tired of you keeping me locked away in your room." She managed to escape off of my lap and my bed. She grabbed my hands and tugged uselessly. "Ug! Move!"

"I'm quite comfortable like this though," I said smugly.

She glared at me and pulled harder, at this point her butt was nearly on the ground. "You fat log!" she huffed to herself.

I stood and she ended up sitting on the ground. I chuckled and she crossed her arms over her chest. "Aw, don't be like that." I lifted her up by her elbows but she turned her face from me.

"Jerk," she muttered and gave me her back. "I don't think I love you anymore."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. "You don't mean that." I couldn't help the smidge of hurt her words brought on.

She turned around and pressed a hand to my cheek. I forgot that she could feel my emotions through the mate bond. "Hey, hey, hey," she murmured. I could read the guilt in her eyes. She wrapped her other arm around my neck and pulled me closer to her. "I really screwed up," she said to herself. "I took something truly good and I hurt it. I killed a bright light."

"I will never understand the pedestal you have me on in your head," I whispered. "You act like I'm an angel."

"You're pretty close," she said.

I leaned closer to her, "If you had any clue about what goes through my head whenever you're around you wouldn't be saying that."

Her cheeks flamed and she ducked her head. "We should go down."

I grinned and gestured for her to lead the way. She untucked her hair and it fell forward blocking her face, I shake my head to myself and follow her down. "It's about time," Mom said when we walked into the dining room.

"It's Peter's fault," Violet said without hesitation and I gapped at her. She's not seriously going to throw me under the bus here is she? "He was being lazy and wouldn't get out of bed." Wow. She's shoving me under the bus and breaking my legs so I can't crawl away.

Mom cleared her throat and looked at me expectantly. I shot Violet a look, I could feel her smugness through the bond. "Sorry Mom. Next time I'll be faster."

'About getting down or about pointing the finger?' Violet snickered through the bond as we sat down.

I placed my hand on her thigh underneath the table and Violet jumped slightly before her own hand gripped mine tightly trying to remove it. I smirked to myself. 'Problem?'

'Behave!' she hissed back.

I flexed my fingers and slid my hand up slightly. 'Well if I already made us late I have nothing to lose.'

She cleared her throat and picked up her fork indicating that I had to remove my hand to eat. I did so and laughed mentally as her shoulders dropped with relieved tension.

Violet didn't say anything for the rest of dinner, not that it was very unusual, Violet was always quiet. When we got to my room she closed and locked the door without a word. I swallowed. This can't be good. I'm flashing back to her taking fighting lessons every other Friday and Saturday for 6 years. She didn't say anything to me as she stole one of my shirts, gave me her back slowly started to strip off her clothes.

I could feel my wolf clawing to get out at the sight of her in nothing but her underwear. Is she trying to give me a heart attack as revenge? She stretched out her arms and back before pulling on my shirt. It fell to the top of her thighs leaving her legs bare.

Violet finally turned around and looked at me. I stalked towards her and she matched my steps with her own back. Her back hit the wall and I closed the gap between us. "You shouldn't tease people, my little Violet."

She let out a shaky breath. "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about."

I leaned forward so my mouth hovered over the pit of her neck. "Don't you?"

I blew slightly on her neck and she shuddered leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "Peter," she nearly moaned.

I smirked to myself and pressed my mouth to her skin. 'Still want to tease me, Violet?'

Her fingers dug into my shoulders pressing me closer. I could feel my self-control slipping and the urge mark her was taking over. 'Peter,' Violet moaned through the bond, 'just mark me already.'


'Peter, just mark me already.' Words that I never imagined I say, even if it wasn't actually aloud.

Peter pulled back and looked at me, surprise evident in his features. 'Are you sure?' he asked through the bond almost as if he were worried if he spoke out loud the moment would shatter.

"Yes," I whispered staring back into his eyes. I want to move on with my life, and I know now that Peter has to be part of it. He has to. My father may have scarred me and ruined the concept of mates for me but with Peter everything was different. He is not my father and I am not my mother. Peter would never, will never hurt me even if his behavior at the dinner table is inappropriate. "I trust you Peter, more than anyone. I love you."

He kissed me with enough force that my head thudded back against the wall but I was too focus on the kiss to really care or noticed the slight pain. Peter lifted me up and my legs wrapped around his waist. I flashed back to the last time we were in this position. I have to say I like this time better because this time I'm not saying goodbye to the boy I love.

Taking another step back into the reenactment I forced my tongue through his lips just as my back left the wall and a moment later I was lowered onto a soft mattress. I jumped in surprise when I felt Peter's hand that wasn't holding his weight off of my travel up my bare leg and underneath the hem of his shirt that I stole.

His hand splayed out across my stomach holding me down as his mouth left mine and trailed down kisses to the curve of my neck where it met my shoulder. His teeth scrapped against my skin sending out a fresh wave of sparks.

I gasped in pain as his teeth broke the skin of my neck. It only lasted a few seconds before my mind was overwhelmed by euphoria. "Peter," I'd managed to get out as his tongue ran over my skin. I dimly noted that his saliva would heal the wound from his teeth. I wasn't prepared for the effect the marking would have on our bond.

It felt as though the mate bond were a bridge and someone decided to knock down the bridge and just push the two lands together, only the lands were Peter and I.

So many images flashed through my mind and it took me a moment to realize they were memories. Peter's memories.

Mom soothed my hair. "We're going to find some family she can stay with."

"No!" I said. "Can't she come live with us?"

"Peter," Mom started.

"We're her family aren't we?" I asked. Violet and I have been best friends forever! She can't go away! "Mom! Please. She doesn't know any other family. Can't she stay with us?"

"I think it's a good idea Kiara," Dad said. "She's in no position to be with strangers."

I left so they could talk about it and found Violet sitting on the bed of the guess room next to my room. She was trembling and tears were rolling down her face. "Violet?" I whispered but she still jumped at my face. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "You're okay Violet. And I won't let them send you away. I'll keep you safe. I promise."

She turned her head to my chest and started sobbing violently. My arms tightened around her. I won't let them send her away. No way. I put my head on top of hers not caring about the blood and let her sob. I'll protect her no matter what.


"You okay?" I asked.

She nodded but didn't turn around. I touched her shoulder and she looked at me through red eyes. "What happened?"

She opened her mouth but instead tears started rolling down her cheeks. I pulled her to me trying not to think about how much I liked holding her.


I watched as she surveyed my new car from the door. I walked towards her, more focused on her than actually thinking. "Hey baby," I said without think and Violet's head jerked up in surprised. Crap! Think quick dumbass. "And Violet."

"Did you just call a car baby?" she asked as though I'd lost my mind.

No. "Yes," I lied. I touched the car so I didn't touch her. "She is precious."

"She?" Violet raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah... uh..." Think, think. "Rachelle," I said. Dammit.

"You named it Rachelle?"

"Her," I said. God dammit now I'm stuck calling this thing a she and Rachelle.

"Whatever," Violet laughed and I sighed. One day I'll tell her how I feel. Until then I'll call the stupid car Rachelle.


I studied her as she worked on her homework. The sun glinting off her dark curls and how they always fell in her face and she would let out her cute little huff. I smiled to myself. It's been 5 years since that night. She seems so different now. More grown up than any other 13-year-old should be. Her brown eyes flickered to me. "You don't seem to be doing homework."

I laughed, "That's why I have you. Not everyone is a genius who skips grades."

"It was only two," she muttered. "And I only did it because you made me."

"It's for your education," I lied. It's because I like having her in my classes where I can watch her.


"Peter! You're it," she laughed as she ran around the playground.

I chased after her and she ran into another kid. "Sorry Polly," she laugh and dashed off just before I reached her.

She disappeared and I looked around to find her. "You'll never be able to hunt any Rogue if you can't even find your friends," Violet's voice drifted down to me. "Or have you've given up that ridiculous fantasy?"

"I'll be the best Rogue hunter ever!" I said.

She rolled her eyes and sat down putting her legs between the bars of the platform and swung them back and forth. "You're going to become Alpha, Peter. Leave the Rogues to Fighters."

"Are you planning on being a Fighter?" Mark asked her.

"Uh, duh," Violet said. "Unlike you two I'm not born into any position. Some of us have to make our way. And I am going to be one of the best. I'm going to get to see the world while you guys are stuck here leading the pack."

"They'll have their mates to keep them company," Zinnia put in.

Violet shrugged, "Well I don't know about you guys but my mate is going to be epic."

"I bet he'll be Peter," Polly teased.

I don't say that I hope she's right. "He'll be a Fighter like me," Violet said more to herself.


"She deserves to know!" Cynthia said.

"She isn't ready," I argued. "Besides, it doesn't matter unless we're mates."

Cynthia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because it's actually a possibility that you aren't.

I opened my eyes and saw Peter above me looking just as dazed as I felt. All these years he'd been watching me and I never had any idea. "Thank god," I couldn't help but say.

"What?" he asked.

"You didn't actually name that car Rachelle," I said.

He laughed, kissed my cheek, and rolled to the side so he was lying next to me. "No. I didn't name the car." He stroked my hair with his fingers almost subconsciously.

I laid my head on his shoulder trying to keep my eyes open. I remember learning about how draining a marking is, only it was after I'd given up on the idea so I didn't really pay attention.

Peter lifted me up then pulled down the covers and set me back down pulling them back over me. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "Get some sleep baby."

I reached out to grab him as he moved away. "Peter," I murmured softly trying stop him from going.

He shook his head smiling. "I'm coming right back."

He grabbed sweatpants and went into the bathroom. I blushed thinking about how I'd changed in front of him. I don't know what came over me. My animal instincts were more in control. And he did start it with what he pulled at dinner. Peter came back with a knowing look of his face. "Your thoughts are awfully loud there babe."

My cheeks flames and he laughed. "I like you like this," he murmured. "Your head isn't as closed off to me." He ran his nose over his mark on my neck and I gasped at the effect it had on my body. His chest vibrated as his laughs became silent. "Someone didn't really pay attention in all those lessons about mates," he said.

"I never saw the point then," I said. I thought about when I'd growl in the school hallway and Cynthia came to talk to me. "I'm worried about Cynthia."

"And there goes the mood," Peter muttered.

I rolled my eyes and sat up. "She found her mate."

He sat up at that. "When?"

"A while ago, but she said that he wants to keep it a secret." I sighed to myself. "She's hurting Peter."

"There's nothing you can do about it if she doesn't want you to help," he said pulling me onto his lap. I'll never get his refusal to let me set on something other than his lap. He wasn't like that before we found out we were mates.

"But she's done so much to help me," I complained putting my head on his shoulder. "She's my friend."

"I know," he said. "I also know that you hate prying into other people's business. You know Cynthia will tell you when she's ready. You're one of the few people that she actually likes."

"I'm still working on getting you on that list," I sighed.

"I'm not on the list?" he asked.

I kissed his cheek. "Sorry, she's not fond of you after the whole 'she thinks you let me leave' thing."

He frowned. "I didn't let you leave. I just couldn't stop you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'm sorry for everything I've put you through Peter."

He looked at me in surprise. "What? I got to miss a lot of school and make out with you. I fail to see where I'm at a loss."

"Oh Peter," I cooed. "You fail at a lot of things."

He growled playfully and kissed my cheek. "Bully."

"Baby," I shot back. "At least I didn't lie about naming a car." He opened his mouth but failed to make words come out. "I mean for so long because of that I thought you were weirder and lamer than I had previously conceived."

He faked hurt and I laughed but it turned into a yawn and I was reminded of how exhausted I was. He made me lay back down and almost wielded me to his body with his arms.

Something I've noticed about Peter, he likes holding me. I closed my eyes and snuggled in closer to him. "I love you, Violet," I heard Peter whisper before I fell asleep.

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