Ocean Opera (Working Title)

By BryanMcCarthy9

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An experiment that takes the Space Opera genre and replaces the space setting with an ocean setting. Czar We... More

Prologue: The State of an Empire
Chapter One: Aengus Deirgtine
Chapter Two: A Mission
Chapter Three: Princess At
Chapter Five: Blahem

Chapter Four: Approaching the Academy

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By BryanMcCarthy9

The Deirgtine craft had moved quickly through the water. Very soon, Aengus would be arriving at the academy where the young ladies of the capital attended school. He only hoped he would reach it before Blahem did.

Putting the craft on auto-pilot, Aengus stood up and drew his laser-brand from its case. It was a foolish thing to do perhaps, after all laser-brands did need to charge and it was best not to draw them from their cases when they were not needed. No matter the colour of the blade, no matter the length, the blade would grow weaker and smaller the less power it had. Thus, the case doubled as a charger for the laser-brand.

Laser-brands came in many colours. Red laser-brands were favoured by Mages who were neither White nor Black, with those who had chosen having laser-brands whose blades matched their alignment, thus, White Mages had white blades and Black Mages had black blades. Amongst the Empire's military, blue was the favoured colour while yellow, orange and pink blades were not affiliated with any groups.

Aengus remembered when At has asked for a laser-brand for her twelfth birthday. Many had deemed it unseemly for a lady to learn to wield such a weapon, but Wessex had allowed his daughter have one, but only objected when he learned what colour At wished the blade to be. She had asked for a laser-brand with a red blade, something that Czar Wessex found unseemly as Princess At was not a Mage and so he insisted that his youngest child choose a different colour. Choose a different colour At did choosing a pink bladed laser-brand, a colour that was both seen as traditionally feminine, but at the same time was a shade of red.

To say that At's choice of colour was well-received would be untrue. While Godwin and Normandy had both chosen yellow blades, At's choosing of a blade that was a shade of red caused an immense uproar, with accusations of her favouring the Mages who were neither White nor Black. To say that the military was most unhappy was an understatement, as they threatened to mutiny rather than defend borders, resulting in Comas having to step in as their head and promise them an increase in salary, which resulted in a decrease in funding for the arts and education and Comas to become less popular with the Empire's artists and educators.

Looking over his laser-brand, Aengus tightened his grip upon the hilt. The laser-brand itself was nothing interesting. It was a fairly standard gladius style, altogether different from his paterfamilias' migration style laser-brand. Everyone—

Hearing an alarm go off, Aengus sheathed his laser-brand and went over to the pilot's seat. Hitting the correct button, he watched as the hologram of an academy security guard appear next to him.

The security guard, an unfriendly looking fellow who resembled a bipedal walrus, asked: "What is your business here?"

"I come from the capital on the order of Czar Wessex XII of Clan Alfred." Stated Aengus, politely yet at the same time stern. "I am to bring his daughter Princess At back to the capital due to the close proximity of Blahem's rebellion to the area."

Without even batting an eye, the security guard answered: "Please stand by and come no further until granted permission."

Incredulous, Aengus inquired: "Are you joking? Blahem's rebels are getting closer with every passing second! We have no time for protocol! You have to let me..." Furrowing his brow, the Young Deirgtine realized something. Protocol would not have been followed in an event such as this, he would have been granted immediate entry into the area. Something was not right here.

Hitting the button that had allowed access to the hologram, Aengus hopped into the pilot seat and sped through the water towards the academy. Almost immediately, he found the academy's protective turrets firing at him before he could even see them.

Scattered across the seafloor surrounding the academy, the turrets were designed to keep any possible threats to the academy out. They made for good security, if the threats were common reavers. They were light turrets, nothing more, nothing less, but that didn't change the fact that Aengus' ship was not suited for action. If enough laser bolts hit the craft, then it would be him wearing an air-breathing apparatus and swimming the rest of his way to the academy... If the turrets didn't manage to finish him.

Ten hits, eleven hits... He could see the academy! A small smile appearing on his ruddy countenance, Aengus continued to pilot his ship towards the building, its dome looking unharmed nor did the building itself. The academy was typical, being elevated slightly off the ground with a tiled roof and fusuma in the place of walls, but there was something off.

He had visited the academy before, accompanying his father when Wessex had gone to the academy with his entire guard accompanying him. Being the son of one the Czar's guard it was only natural that Aengus would come with them. Back then, the academy had been busy, but now it looked practically empty with only a few individuals visible in the courtyard, one of them not even being remotely humanoid.

The individual in question resembled a green octopus with three spikes upon its head and gills upon its cheeks. The being was colossal in size and remembering the height the ship's computer had given of fifteen feet, Aengus realized that this individual was Blahem.

As some of the individuals in the courtyard pointed at the approaching craft, Blahem merely raised a tentacle and made a shushing motion. The next thing Aengus knew was that one of Blahem's henchmen had exited the courtyard and soon the turrets were no longer firing at him.

The alarm going off, Aengus hit the button that allowed a hologram to appear and saw the security guard from before, who uttered: "You have permission to make port, Young... What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't." Aengus answered, narrowing his eyes at the humanoid walrus, causing them to look even smaller than usual.

"What is it then?" inquired the guard. "How shall we announce you after you make port?"

"Wherefore am I being allowed to make port?" asked Aengus. "You rebels have the academy, aren't you going to take hold all of the girls hostage? Aren't you worried I will try to rescue them all?"

"In a craft like yours?" The guard gave a chuckle. "Don't be ridiculous. Besides, everything is in our favour!"

With his eyes still narrowed, Aengus asked: "How so?"

"Haven't you heard?" The guard asked, completely surprised. "There was a battle between the forces of Godwin and Normandy just three days ago! Normandy's side was victorious, but Normandy himself was slain. Godwin himself still lives, but his army suffered heavy losses. Nothing can stop the Faith of Tulu! Soon the entire Empire will be ruled by Czar Blahem I!"

His eyes widening, Aengus stared in shock. Normandy both victorious and dead? He had thought that a possibility, but he never dreamed that would have actually happened. And worse Godwin, a somewhat honourable but unreasonable man, was left to rescue his sister.

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