ll The Uzukage ll

By IdkWhyiHaveW4ttpad

195K 5.2K 1.4K

Naruto was banished from that terrible village konoha. Naruto is mistreated in his village. Naruto was false... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 28

Part 12

6.6K 194 36
By IdkWhyiHaveW4ttpad

Ariashi is sprinting through the woods, heading off to Konoha, the light gleaming on her fur.

She speeds up her pace when she realized she was nearly there.

She eventually made it, and she leaped out of the bushes.

Ariashi breathes heavily as she glances up at the gates of Konoha.

'Sir's old village, bleh just thinking of it makes me wanna puke' Ariashi scowls.

She makes sure she's holding onto the scroll tightly before sprinting through the gates at a rapid speed, passing the guards, who were sound asleep.


Ariashi is walking down the road of Konoha scanning for a certain brunette. 'Gah! Where is this Konohamaru, sir said konohamaru is, loud, enthusiastic, and sometimes a fool, come on Ariashi, keep searching.'

Suddenly there was loud yelling, a kid with brown hair, navy blue eyes, and a scarf wrapped around his neck, was sprinting away from a pink-haired girl.

"Konohamaru!" The pink-haired female screamed at him.

The kid named "Konohamaru" proceeded to run, with a terrified look on his face.

'So that's Konohamaru hm.' Ariashi peeked at the kid.

The pink-haired woman gave up on hunting Konohamaru so she proceeded to do her work.

Konohamaru breathes heavily, with his hands on his knees, sweat drops from his forehead.

"Damn, women are scary" Konohamaru murmured.

"Hi!" Ariashi yipped cheerfully, making konohamaru jump.

Konohamaru peeked at the mysterious fox in front of him. "Hello?"

"Hi! Im Ariashi! Sir has a letter for you!" Ariashi yipped, as her tail swished.

"Sir?" Konohamaru tilted his head to the side, with confusion written all over his face.

"Just read it" Ariashi presented the scroll to the confused boy in front of her.

Konohamaru just shrugs as he grabs the scroll, and proceeded to read it.

Hello Konohamaru.

This may be surprising but bare with me.

It's been a long time huh? Did you miss your "big brother"  hell I sure miss you. I completely trust you so I'm gonna spill something. Im in uzushiogakure as the uzukage, I understand that you love Konoha so keep in mind this is just a suggestion. I'm inviting you to stay at uzushiogakure, as a shinobi. Tell Ariashi your response, I'll be looking forward to your response. Konohamaru.


Konohamaru had finished reading the letter and his eyes widened. "Big brother Naruto?" Konohamaru glanced at the fox.

Ariashi yipped cheerfully. "Yeah!"

Konohamaru's hands were trembling, after all, the person he idolized, the person he saw get banished, after all these years, Konohamaru assumed Naruto was dead, but no, he was okay! Naruto was living in Uzushiogakure, as the uzukage!

"Konohamaru?" Ariashi tilted her head to the side, glimpsing at the shocked brunette.

"Big brother Naruto... he's alright?" Konohamaru attempted to say without his voice trembling, but he failed miserably.

"Mhm!" Ariashi yipped.

"Im going, to him." Konohamaru mumbled with no hesitation.

"That's more like it! Come one!" Ariashi yipped, as she sprinted off with Konohamaru following after.

The two were now at the gates of Konoha, Kotetsu, and Izumo had noticed them, for once. "Where are you taking off to Konohamaru?" Kotetsu knitted a brow.

"I- uh, I'm just gonna deliver a message to someone, yeah!" Konohamaru scratches the back of his head.

Izumo and Kotetsu glanced at him with a skeptical look. "Okay." Izumi shrugs.

Konohamaru sighs in relief before he darted out.

Once they were in the forest Ariashi stopped in her tracks, making Konohamaru stop as well, he gave her a confused look.

"Let me send a message to sir, telling him im heading back!" Ariashi yipped.

Konohamaru nodded.

Ariashi yipped as she summoned a scroll, and she used her paw to write.

Hi sir! Im heading back, and guess who im bringing! Hehe it's a surprise! I'll see ya later sir!

Ariashi, transmitted the message before she proceeded on her journey.


Tsuki materialized a Rasengan in his hand before smashing a tree, making wood chips fly everywhere.

"Yay Tsuki!" Taiyo applauded happily.

"Woah! Tsuki makes it look easy to form a rasengan." Yuki watched in astonishment.

Naruto ruffled Tsuki's hair. "Good job Tsuki!" Naruto grinned. Tsuki smiled proudly.

Kurama tapped Naruto's shoulder making Naruto jump.

"Sorry," Kurama apologized.

"Did you actually say "sorry?" Naruto's jaw plummeted to the floor.

"Yeah, so what, here" Kurama scoffs, as he shoves a scroll in Naruto's face.

Naruto let out a small chuckle before he unrolled the scroll and began to read it.

Hi sir! Im heading back, and guess who im bringing! Hehe it's a surprise! I'll see ya later sir!

Naruto finished reading it and he almost screamed in excitement.

Naruto covered his mouth before he could.

"So, Konohamaru is coming hm?" Kurama chuckles.

"Well im not so sure, but I hope!" Naruto scratches the back of his head and chuckled nervously.

"Hn" kurama shrugs.

"Boo!" Obito surprised Naruto by appearing out of thin air.

Naruto jumped.

"GAH! WHY IS EVERYONE SCARING ME!" The blonde complained.

Obito snickered.

"Sorry, sorry, you have paperwork." Obito sighs.

"Damnit!" Naruto curses.

"Okay, good luck!" Obito grins cheerfully before shun shining away.

"Stay with them kyuu" Naruto authorized the tall male.

"Hn" kurama nodded.

Naruto shun shined away.

"I hate life" Naruto grumbled before he slapped another sheet of paperwork onto his wooden desk, making the table shake from his strength.

"Relatable" Itachi unexpectedly entered the room.

Naruto glanced up at the Uchiha. "Heyyy Itachi, whatcha need?" Naruto placed his brush down, before sitting up straight.

"Obito and Deidara burned down a house." Itachi said blankly.

Naruto sighs, as he pressed his temples. "Oh god.." he mumbles.

Itachi glanced at the amount of paperwork Naruto had, and chuckled. "I'll do some of your paperwork, deal with the two idiots" Itachi grabbed a brush and began to finish the sheet Naruto was working on.

Naruto grins happily. "Thanks tachi! I'll be back" Naruto thanked the Uchiha before he shun shined away.

Itachi sat in Naruto's seat and glanced at the paperwork. "Oh god, ima die here.." Itachi grumbles.


~a few hours later~

Obito's hair was all blundered, and he had charcoal all over him, his mask had a crack in it, his clothes were screwed up, and he was all messy.

For Deidara, his hair was all messed up, he looked like he had just woken up, his clothes were all blundered, and he was holding a small bomb, he had a delighted look plastered onto his face.

Naruto pressed his temples and let out an aggravated sigh. "Really, you two?" Naruto glanced at the two idiots.

"Art is an explosion." Deidara grins.

"I just like causing trouble." Obito admitted.

"I'm done with you guys I'm gon-" Naruto was cut off by a yelling kid.

"Big bro, Naruto!"

Yes a cliffhanger 🤞


Thank you thank you for the reads, im glad a few of you are actually enjoying this book! Please tell me if there's any mistakes I'll fix them, as soon as possible! Im sorry if my grammar isn't good as well, like I said if there's any mistake in my grammar please point it out, and I'll fix it as soon as possible! Thank you I love you <3❤️

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